[Volume 8 Issue 11, #1829] |
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我知我知, 我絕對唔係個有資格去談論時尚嘅人, 不過我覺得或者我可以講下fashion sense同埋common sense呢兩樣嘢, 呵呵!! 大家都應該知道處於北緯23.5°嘅國家(簡單啲講係四季國家), 現時慢慢進入冬天, 天氣亦都開始轉涼, 所以人家當然需要著多啲厚衫嚟禦寒啦.. 不過喺我哋呢個就來位於赤道上嘅國家馬來西亞, 我都可以喺街上見到有人著住呢一身(外國品牌)嘅最新服裝.. 我第一個反應唔係覺得佢哋幾有時尚觸覺, 而係非常好奇佢哋喺熱辣辣卅幾度氣溫之下, 自以好型地一身厚衫包到密實實, 難道唔熱到飛起嗎?? 我見到佢哋都已經一身汗啦, 陰公!! 論時尚, 我當然不能夠評論啲乜嘢, 我一身短褲T恤睇落去的確低級好多, 何況人家要著成Lady Gaga或《饑餓遊戲》中嘅Effie Trinket咁樣都係人家嘅自由.. 不過講到common sense, 呢度一年到頭都係夏日天氣, 唔通真係要冒住中暑嘅危機咩?? 哈哈.. 點都好, 我個人就覺得著衫著得舒服又適合場合, 總係重要過一味要時尚前衛嘅.. 儘管叫我時尚白癡啦, 不過唔係件件衫都適合每個人嘅, 記住, 係人著衫唔係衫著人呀~~ :) |
i know, i know, i am definitely not a qualified person to talk about fashion, but i think i could probably talk about fashion sense "dotted line" common sense, haha!! well, we know that in countries above the 23.5°N latitude (or in layman terms, countries with the four seasons), weather are getting colder as they slowly get into winter, what the people wear are of course clothes that keep them warm.. however down here in Malaysia which is almost on the equator, i do see people wearing these latest fashion (from foreign brands) on the street.. my first response isn't about how fashionable they are, but i am doubtful if they do not feel warm and sweat under wearing thick jacket/sweater/pullover/scarf/etc walking around with full ego under a weather over 30°C??!! i will sweat even just looking at them.. fashion-sense wise, of course i can't say anything since i am wearing my t-shirts and bermudas that clearly look a lot low-class, it's up to them to dress up like Lady Gaga or Effie Trinket in "Hunger Games".. but common-sense wise, it's apparently summer whole year round, does it pay off to put myself at the high risks of getting a heat stroke?? haha.. anyway, i think dressing up comfortably and appropriately according to the place and occasion is way more important than loudly fashionable.. call me a fashion nerd but after all, not all clothes suit all people.. remember, wear your clothes and not let them wear you~~ :) |
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28.11.2013 | 時尚常識
27.11.2013 | 自言自語
[Volume 8 Issue 11, #1828] |
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我認為我哋每個人都有些時候會同自己講嘢, 有邊位朋友可以確定自己從來冇咁樣做過嘅呢?? 點都好, 雖然自己同自己講嘢, 我其實覺得大多數都係幾個字又或者係一句起兩句止, 純屬正常而且唔會被人當作係怪人咁睇.. 之但係如果係不停咁對住空無一人嘅空氣講嘢, 又講又笑又有晒表情動作又俾晒反應咁, 大家又會有何睇法?? 某日就喺輕快鐵內親眼見到一位中年阿姐, 不知同邊個高談闊論咁, 佢身邊明明冇任何人, 但係睇個樣又好似同緊人傾偈咁樣.. 起初我都以為佢有問題, 但係再聽佢講緊乜, 說得又係頭頭是道, 完全唔係啲咩瘋言瘋語, 真係好似一個普通人與人交談一樣.. 所以我當時有懷疑過, 佢可能係同緊其他空間(我哋普通人見唔到)嘅朋友傾偈.. 講到呢度, 對於其他空間嘅物體, 我本身就抱住中立態度, 唔否定亦唔迷信.. 任何事情發生, 只要可以解釋得合情合理, 無論科學或神學, 我都可以接受(因為我開明唔盟塞, 哈哈!!).. 我相信呢個宇宙實在太過浩大, 有好多空間和範疇, 應該係人類科學尚且未完善到能夠去解釋嘅.. 唔知各位又有何高見咁呢?? :) |
i supposed we do talk to ourselves at times, is there anyone who confirms not having done that before?? anyway, though we talk to ourselves, i think most of us won't be talking to ourselves for long, probably just a few words or the most a couple of sentences, which i find that rather common and nobody will look at us like a weirdo.. but if one is talking non-stop to the empty air, can laugh happily while taking with full expressions and giving responses to the conversation, how would you look at this then?? i saw a such a thing happening in real one day in the LRT, a middle-aged lady was talking loudly and it was clear that no one was around her, but she just seemed to be talking to someone.. at first i thought she may have mental problems, but hearing what she said, it all made sense and absolutely nothing sounded insane, indeed making no difference from a usual person.. hence i thought she was probably chatting with someone else in another dimension (that we usual people may not see).. at this point, i have to say i am very neutral towards such "another dimension", never repudiate and never being superstitious about it.. anything that has happened, as long as rationally explained, be it scientifically or supernaturally, i have no problem acknowledging it (as i am very open-minded and not stubborn, haha!!).. i believe this universe we are living is too vast, that there are many dimensions and areas which our science is not capable enough yet to explain.. i wonder what say you to this?? :) |
26.11.2013 | 慳皮之作
[Volume 8 Issue 11, #1827] |
數個星期前, 朋友俾咗個面卜鏈接我, 係某知名國際服裝品牌推出新香水嘅贈送樣本活動.. 其實唔確定其真實性, 不過見個網頁又冇要求咩過密質料, 所以就填咗基本個人資料, 睇下係唔係真嘅會寄份樣本過嚟.. 噚日返到屋企, 見有個由瑞典寄嚟好骨子嘅信封, 印晒logo靚咁靚, 仲係用光面紙.. 真係個香水樣本喎, 冇搞錯, 真係堅嘢嚟, 抵贊!! 拆開個靚信封, 我笑咗出嚟, 唔係因為我太開心, 而係因為睇到裡面個香水樣本.. 好啦, 上面張相你所見嘅, 就係全部嘢㗎喇, 見唔見個樣本喺邊呀?? 可能係我之前過份樂觀, 本以為會有嗰啲細細支大概二毫升一樽嘅香水, 點知竟然係一張貼紙後面放咗0.071毫升, 擺喺印刷精美嘅傳單正中間(圖中有閃光處)!! 我諗都足夠我個鼻索一次嘅, 幾咁慷慨呀, 哈哈!! 之不過, 我又冇怨言嘅, 話晒唔駛錢, 而且講到明係樣本唔係試用, 而且遠道由瑞典寄嚟, 重要印刷到誠意十足, 都算係咁啦.. 講開又講, 我哋平時買香水咪又係要囈要氹, 個sales先係咁意俾一個半個樣本你?? 不過諗深一層, 點解唔俾每個國家各自派發樣本呢?? 咁樣應該可以將慳落嚟嘅郵費, 轉移去做多啲份量嘅樣本, 咁咪更加顯得大方得體囉?? 都係我(消費者角度)嘅小小意見啫~~ :p |
few weeks ago, a friend gave me a link on facebook for a free sample of the new fragrance by an international renowned fashion brand.. uncertain of its authenticity, but since there was no sensitive information requested, i keyed in my basic details and waited to see if there is really something sent to me.. got home yesterday and saw an elegant envelope for me from Sweden, nicely printed with its logo on glossy paper.. it's the fragrance, no joke, they are serious and sent me a sample, nice!! i opened it and laughed, not because i was overjoyed, but because of the sample enclosed.. okay, that's all the content in the envelope in the photo, see any fragrance sample?? maybe it's just me who was overly optimistic, i thought i would be getting something like a little 2ml bottle of fragrance sample.. but end up this is what i got - some 0.071ml loaded under the adhesive flap in the center (that bling-bling spot in the photo)!! i think that's enough for ONE SNIFF, how generous, haha!! anyway, i won't complain since it's free, stated sample and not trial, sent all the way from Sweden and very sincere with the nicely printed packaging.. on second thought, we even have to "beg" for extra samples if we purchase perfumes over the counter, right?? i was thinking, why not they distribute the samples locally, so they can transfer the postage cost onto bigger samples or trials, hence more presentable?? just my humble thoughts (from the view of a consumer).. :p |
25.11.2013 | 旅遊景點
[Volume 8 Issue 11, #1826] |
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如果你有外地朋友嚟探你, 你會帶佢哋去邊度玩呢?? 呢個問題, 又或者可以話係任務, 講容易其實又一啲都唔容易.. 點解我會咁講呢?? 因為喺呢個你生活多年嘅地方, 啲所謂重要嘅旅遊景點, 你都應該去得七七八八, 甚至係每日過門而不入添啦.. 所以突然間話要去, 你第一個反應可能就係反問自己「有咩好玩?? 冇乜喎!!」, 咪就係見慣不怪囉, 哈哈!! 譬如喺吉隆坡, 你可能覺得遊客無所不用其極去影晒成棟雙峰塔係好搞笑, 不過當你去到印度泰姬陵, 當地人亦都會同樣好好奇你點解影咁多相?? 好似扯開咗好遠, 返番嚟你會帶朋友去邊度玩, 哈哈!! 以吉隆坡為例, 都係逃不過雙峰塔/茨廠街等等(嚇??!! 我竟然只係噏得出兩個!!), 啊, 仲有黑風洞都OK喎, 因為我自己都未去過!! 講開又講, 其實自己國家好多地方我都未曾去過, 反而就成日話要出國旅行.. 大家又係唔係出國玩多過本地旅遊咁呢?? 哈哈!! :p |
if you have friends from another place who come to visit you, where would you bring them around?? i guess this question, or we can see it as a task, may not be as simple as it seems.. why did i say so?? because having lived in this place for years, most of the so-called important attractions should have already been visited, or even passing by daily but never bother to go any nearer.. hence when you know you will be going there, probably your instinct will ask yourself "what's there to see?? nothing special!!", that is because you are so used to it and will never be peculiar anymore, haha!! for instance, you may find it funny that tourists tried all weird means to snap the entire KLCC towers into photos, but when you are in India, the locals may similarly find it incomprehensible that you are so impressed by the Taj Mahal.. ooopss, i think i digressed a bit, let's go back to where you would bring your friend around, haha!! in the case of KL, the places to go are no other than KLCC/Petaling Street (what??!! i could only name two!!), ah, Batu Caves would be nice too, because i myself have not been there before too!! talk about this, there are still so many places within the country that i have not been, yet i am always planning for overseas trips.. so, are you also one who travel overseas more than within the country?? haha :p |
22.11.2013 | 十處不同
[Volume 8 Issue 11, #1825] | ||||||||||
又係星期五喇, 大家係唔係特別興奮?? 星期五係我嘅互動日, 哈哈, 即係話我今日呢個post會以互動元素為主(其實係因為我冇嘢寫, 哈哈!!).. 距離上一次同大家玩呢個游戲, 都有超過三個月時間喇.. 係唔係驚覺時間過得非常之快, 尤其係年尾?? 咁簡單咁普遍嘅游戲, 我都唔多作解釋喇, 搵齊十個不同之處後(流動裝置上可能未如完善), 話俾大家知你最後得到幾分同埋咩等級?? 祝大家有個開心愉快嘅週末~~ :) | ||||||||||
it's friday again, and are you specifically excited?? friday is interactive day here in my blog, haha, meaning i am making this post for today entirely interactive (actually it's because i have nothing to blog about, hehe!!).. it's been more than three months since we last played this game, aren't you shocked of how quickly time has passed, especially during year end?? anyway, this is a very simple and common game, i am not going to further explain, just spot all the ten differences below (may not work well on mobile devices), then tell everyone what your score and grade are?? have a happy and great weekend ahead~~ :) | ||||||||||
hari jumaat sekali lagi, adakah anda berasa teruja sekali?? hari jumaat adalah hari interaktif dekat blog saya, haha, maknanya saya akan buat pos untuk hari ini dengan elemen interaktif sepenuhnya (sebenarnya adalah sebab saya tidak ada apa-apa untuk ditulis tentang, hehe!!).. ada lebih daripada tiga bulan sejak kali yang lepas kita ada permainan ini, terkejut dengan betapa cepat masa berlalu khususnya pada akhir tahun kan?? walau bagaimanapun, ini satu permainan yang amat biasa dan mudah, rasa-rasa saya tidak perlu buat jelasan lebih lanjut.. cuba cari semua sepuluh perbezaan di bawah (kemungkinan tidak berfungsi tepat dengan peralatan bimbit), kemudian beritahulah markah berapa dan gred apa yang anda dapati?? satu hujung minggu yang hebat dan bahagia untuk semua~~ :) | ||||||||||
恭喜!! 您已成功找出全部10處不同!! 您的有效得分為: 0% WELL DONE!! You have found all 10 differences!! Your effective score is: 0% 請找出10個不同之處 | Spot 10 differences | ||||||||||
21.11.2013 | 語言選擇
20.11.2013 | 有心漢堡
[Volume 8 Issue 11, #1823] |
我個人認為路邊檔賣嘅漢堡包, 應該係我食過最有心意嘅漢堡包.. 呢啲路邊漢堡絕對難登大雅(其實現時快餐店啲漢堡包又何嘗認真去整??), 不過我可以話你知, 一噠嘢咁係好鬼好食!! 上個週末驚喜見到佢哋駐進幾個特定LRT車站, 興奮之余又見冇人, 話晒又好耐冇食, 所以就不假思索去試下啦.. 有單買同套餐(配汽水及薯條), 漢堡包其實已經整好擺在加熱架上, 不過我加隻蛋係即時整俾我嘅.. 基本上係同我expect嘅味道冇乜差別, 同樣喺隻煎蛋上很豪爽地撒上白胡椒(雖然冇落喼汁或椒鹽), 同樣很豪爽地落咗好多辣椒醬(滴晒出嚟先係應有效果).. 不過又好似爭咁啲嘢, 冇咗一層層山咁高嘅蔬菜(只有路邊漢堡包先可以一次過有晒嘅生菜絲, 洋蔥, 番茄片同青瓜片), 冇咗大量牛油去將麵包烤得更加鬆脆(同埋油膩得令人喜愛), 冇咗一大羹嘅蛋黃醬去令到啲辣椒醬滴得更加快, 而且個漢堡包應該已經擺喺度好多個鐘頭.. 嗯, 應該點講呢?? 難道要升呢到好似一般快餐店咁樣好好睇睇?? 我都仍然會比較喜歡路邊嗰啲囉, 睇落亂糟糟(但係又好鬼好食), 而且食完之後隨時搞到自己個嘴, 一雙手甚至件衫污糟邋遢!! 可能係因為呢個原因所以冇人幫襯?? 話是話, 有時啲嘢食係越垃圾越好味囉, 贊成嗎?? 哈哈~~ :D |
i personally find burgers from roadside stalls probably the heartiest ones i have had, they sure aren't presentable (but how nicely are fast food chain burgers done today??) but boy, they taste good!! last weekend i found them went franchise and marched into selected LRT stations.. excited and didn't see crowd, i gave it a try, afterall it's been a while i last had such a burger.. comes in ala-carte and set meals (with drinks and fries), the burgers and fries were pre-cooked and laid on the heated rack but the extra egg i added-on were done upon ordering.. basically not far from the taste i expected, same generous amount of white pepper for the egg (though without worcestershire sauce or salted-pepper), same generous amount of chili sauce that kept on dripping.. but seemed things were lacking, there's no heaps of generous portion of veggies (lettuce, onions, tomato and cucumber all-together found only in roadside burgers), no generous spread of margarine to make the buns even crispier (and gracefully greasier), no generous splat of mayonnaise to make the sauce drip even more profusely, and the burger was likely laid there for hours.. errr, how do i put it?? trying to upscale to a chain where burgers are neater?? i would still prefer the roadside version that looks messy (but taste heavenly) and you probably end up putting a mess all over your mouth, hands and even clothes!! could be the reason i see no crowd there.. sometimes the junkier the food the better it is, agree?? haha~~ :D |
19.11.2013 | 自嘆不如
[Volume 8 Issue 11, #1822] |
朋友傳咗呢一個考題screenshot過我, 係香港某學校小一學生嘅試題.. 起初我都唔係好明題目, 詳細睇過幾次之後, 先知道要搵出紅色圈圈代表什麼關係, 再搵出最後一行嘅答案.. 由最初嘅唔明到後來嘅唔識, 我真係唔知答案係咩?? 重申多一次, 呢一個係小一學生嘅試題!! 嘩.. 可能我自己真係咁蠢啦, 或者你已經一眼睇得出個答案, 不過我真係覺得呢條問題, 對於一個六歲小朋友(香港係六歲入小學, 同我哋嘅七歲唔同)嚟講係太深喇.. 又或者家下啲小朋友係比較聰明嘅, 我哋大人自己嘅呢一套準則已經過晒時?? 我記得我以前小一都係開始由一數到十咋噃, 家下佢哋竟然需要咁邏輯地思考, 囧!! 我一定喺小朋友面前獻醜喇, 呵呵!! 話是話, 我其實都有發覺到現時啲小朋友, 有好多嘢要學, 而且仲係比較有深度嘅.. 各位, 尤其有小朋友嘅家長們, 你哋覺得如何?? 你哋啲子女是否去到呢個程度呢?? [答案] 問咗幾位朋友(我自己當然唔曉啦), 個答案係: 55.. [邏輯] 總和 - 將所給兩個數字及之間嘅整數全部加起 譬如第一行: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10 [總和公式] @_@" |
a friend sent me this screenshot of a test question, it was meant for the primary one students of a school in HK.. i don't quite understand the question at first but scrutinizing it further, it's actually requiring us to find out the answer for the last row after analyzing what the red circles represent.. from confused to totally blank, i really had no idea how to solve this, and mind you, i stress once again, it's for the primary one students!! OMG.. maybe it's just me being dumb and you already knew the answer right away, but i personally find this way too advanced for a 6 year-old kid (kids in HK go to primary school at 6 and not 7 in our case).. or perhaps kids are getting a lot smarter nowadays and our own sets of standards are already obsolete?? i remember we only started to count 1 to 10 during primary one, but now they are required to resolve question that demands for logical thinking, gasp!! i would be embarrassed in front of the kids who solved this, hehe!! talking about this, yeah, i do realize kids nowadays have more things to learn and knowledge taught tend to be more advanced.. parents with kids especially, what do you think?? are your kids being tested at this level?? [answer] after asking around amongst friends (nope, i didn't solve it), the answer is 55.. [logic] progressive summation - add all whole numbers between the two given (inclusive) first row for example: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10 [mathematical representation] @_@" |
15.11.2013 | 關於寫博
[Volume 8 Issue 11, #1821] |
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大家寫一個post通常需要用幾多時間呢?? 唔計你拗爆頭諗要寫啲乜時間, 由你有頭緒開始計, 我諗唔駛一個小時都應該搞掂啩?? |
how much time do you usually need to write a post?? exclude the time you scratched your head for what to blog about, from the time you (have an idea and) start writing, probably just within an hour?? |
14.11.2013 | 鴕鳥埋頭
[Volume 8 Issue 11, #1820] |
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呢一幅壁畫大家應該唔會感到陌生啩?? 係立陶宛街頭畫家Ernest Zacharevic, 於新山市某處(確實地點我唔清楚)嘅作品, 以新山市內嘅Legoland人物, 勾畫出呢個城市隨時都會轉彎遇著劫匪嘅一個現象, 概念源自於當地居民對佢嘅忠告.. 呢幅壁畫完成後, 果然引起社會頗大回響, 在網上流傳後大家都一致給予讚賞.. 不過新山市長Ismail Karim就似乎唔太高興, 直斥壁畫抵毀新山市嘅聲譽, 所以下令要立即清除.. 其實我個人就非常認同畫家Zacharevic嘅見解, 「抵毀聲譽嘅唔係藝術, 而係罪案本身」, 我覺得振振有詞頗有道理.. 老實講, 我會將呢一幅壁畫看作一個警惕市民嘅訊息, 而對於有關當局就更加可以係更加落力打擊罪行嘅鞭策.. 如果呢一幅筆劃講嘅係事實, 又有何不妥呢?? 而且喺吉隆坡鬧事中, 我哋不難見到呢一款官方嘅「請提防搶匪」告示牌.. 如果呢一幅壁畫係人哋對新山嘅印象, 單單清除幅壁畫, 而唔做啲嘢去打擊罪案令人改觀, 又於事何補?? 睇落似係另外一個「鴕鳥埋頭, 斬腳趾避殺蟲」嘅例子喇.. 站在市長立場可能應該咁做, 不過以上係本人小小意見, 唔知各位又有何睇法呢?? |
i guess you won't find this mural unfamiliar right?? it's the work of Lithuanian artist Ernest Zacharevic somewhere (i'm unclear of the exact location) in JB, using the character from Legoland in JB to depict a rather frequent scene in the city where one would very likely bump into a robber around the corner, inspired by advices from the locals crimes in the city.. the mural gained widespread attention and is much talked about, within the internet itself many were impressed and like what has been done.. however the city mayor Ismail Karim doesn't seem to be happy with it, he immediately ordered this mural to be erased as he claimed that it defames the city's reputation.. i personally agree with what Zacharevic responded "art does not cause the defamation but crime itself" which is very true.. frankly, i would see this mural as a warning to the people (though done artistically), and a motive for the authority to exert more effort to bring down the occurrences.. what's wrong with this mural for just portraying the truth, and if we can see many official "beware of snatch thief" signboards erecting in KL?? if that is what people think of JB, what is the use of erasing that mural but not doing something to fight crimes and hence change their perceptions?? now, it seems like it's another example of "ostrich burying its head" story here.. in the mayor's shoes he may likely have to do so, but those are purely my personal opinions, how would you view this then?? :) [latest updates] a group of four painted a police beside the robber.. while Zacharevic commented that as a vandalism act, i would see it as the youngsters trying to save the mural by making it "politically right", their have good motives.. after this post was written but before published, the city council has already sent people to totally remove the mural yesterday.. PERIOD |
12.11.2013 | 五彩繽紛
[Volume 8 Issue 11, #1819] |
見到呢張色彩繽紛嘅相片, 我好難想象我竟然將呢啲食物通通擺落我個碟度.. 點解我會咁講呢?? 因為我細個嘅時候非常揀食, 呢啲都係我掂都唔願意掂嘅嘢(當然煙肉例外), 估唔到依家竟然頗喜歡食添!! 細個嘅時候我係連一條菜都唔食㗎, 到咗中學畢業之後先慢慢接受, 可能人隨著年紀, 口味都會跟住改變.. 雖然唔可以話我非常喜歡食菜(我始終喜歡肉多啲), 不過至少啲西芹/苦瓜/洋蔥/西蘭花/燈籠椒等我都幾喜歡㗎依家.. 而且我又聽講話, 每日最好可以食不同顏色嘅食物, 因為唔同營養都係以唔同顏色形式出現嘛.. 講到尾, 其實就係飲食要均衡, 儘量多樣化囉.. 所以週末就整咗呢一碟非常之簡單, 但係睇落好健康又有營養嘅「私房碟頭飯」~~ :p [材料] 米, 超市雜錦蔬菜一包, 煙肉片(切碎), 新鮮蝦子(ebiko), 鹽少許 [做法] (1) 煲飯嘅時候落少少鹽調味 (2) 煎香煙肉碎(唔駛落油), 同時將全部蔬菜烚一烚 (3) 將烚好嘅蔬菜用少許煙肉油兜佢十秒度 (4) 將全部食材上碟, 於白飯上撒上新鮮蝦子, 趁熱享用 |
looking at this brightly colorful photo, i can't believe that i am having all these things on my dish.. why did i say so?? it's because i was very picky and those were food that i wasn't even willing to touch when i was a kid (of course excludes the bacon), surprisingly i quite like eating them now!! when i was young i didn't even want to eat any veggie, until after high school only i started to accept them, i guess maybe as we grow older, our taste buds also changed.. though i cannot say i love veggie a lot (because i still prefer meat anyway), at least i like eating things like celery/ bitter gourd/ onions/ broccoli/ capsicum etc now.. also, i heard that it will be good if we can eat food of different colors in a day, because the nutrients appear in different forms and colors.. with that i believe the bottomline is that we shall have a balanced diet as well as having a moderate variety.. hence last weekend i made this very simple yet (seems to look) healthy and nutritious "secret recipe rice dish"~~ :p [ingredients] rice, veggie combo-pack from supermarket, streak bacon (cut into bits), fresh shrimp roe (ebiko), pinch of salt to taste [instructions] (1) cook rice with pinch of salt to taste (2) pan fry bacon bits (without oil) and blanch the veggie all together (3) stir fry the blanched veggie with a little oil from bacon for about 10 seconds (4) place everything onto a dish, sprinkle shrimp roe on rice and serve while hot |
11.11.2013 | 殭屍鬼片
[Volume 8 Issue 11, #1818] |
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上個週末去睇咗部電影《殭屍》, 如果你係八十年代中文殭屍鬼片嘅擁躉, 應該都唔會想錯過啦.. 咁當然, 我今日唔係要扮晒專家去為呢部電影寫影評, 好睇與否純屬見仁見智, 有興趣就自己去睇啦, 呵呵!! 其實我都係睇呢啲中文殭屍鬼片大嘅, 殭屍片都還好(我仲記得一系列嘅《殭屍先生》), 其實都唔會太恐怖, 鬼片就越怕越要睇, 以前甚至要入房拎張被出嚟繼續睇添㗎, 哈哈.. 但係後來啲鬼片越加就越多笑料, 最終似係睇胡鬧片多過恐怖片, 我亦再冇興趣支持.. 不過最近啲鬼片又好似捲土重來, 泰國/香港/荷里活都有, 睇咗幾部都覺得唔錯.. 所以個人始終都係覺得鬼片唔好太搞笑, 係應該正正經經咁, 係要嚇餐飽先至可以話係睇得過癮㗎嘛.. 尤其驚嚇唔單單止於視覺上, 而係嗰一種氛圍可以去到思覺上, 然之後再持久不退, 咁就真係一部成功嘅恐怖片喇.. 我知星期一「鬼前鬼後」咁係大吉利事, 不過喺度祝各位有個完美嘅一週!! :) |
watched this movie "Rigor Mortis" last weekend, if you are a fans of the 80s chinese vampire and ghost movies, you would not want to miss this.. of course i am not going to pretend i'm a professional to give this movie a review, whether it's good or not is rather subjective, if you are interested then just go watch, hehe!! i actually grew up watching these chinese vampire and ghost movies, the vampire movies (i still remember the "Mr Vampire" series) were not too bad at least they were not too scary, but when it comes to the ghost movies, the more scary the more i wanted to watch, i even needed to rush into my room to grab my blanket to continue watching last time, haha.. anyway, these movies at a later stage were mostly added with too much of comedy elements, until i thought i was watching a comedy rather than a horror movie, since then i was no longer interested to watch any more of them.. however lately it seems that the trend was back, i've watched a few from Thai/HK/Hollywood productions and they were good indeed.. hence i personally think that horror movies should not be adding too much (or any) comedy elements, they have to be real serious and i think we only feel good if the movie could really scare the hell out of us right?? especially if the fright is simply beyond visual, stays in the thoughts and never easily being forgotten, then that is a successful horror movie.. a "ghostly" start on a monday, i know, but have a great week ahead everyone!! :) |
08.11.2013 | 數口精明
[Volume 8 Issue 11, #1817] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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當你在超市買嘢或在餐廳食嘢嘅時候, 你會唔會習慣約莫計下一陣應該俾幾多錢先呢?? 係靜雞雞喺度心算, 定係拎部手機出嚟(用內設嘅計數機功能)精準計下條數?? 我通常都會心算, 有個心理準備到時先唔會嚇親, 至少當價錢有差異(尤其係系統冇更新打折貨品嘅價錢), 我唔會仲係懵醒醒吖嘛.. 亦有時候當我正在格緊價, 我會拎部手機出嚟計下單位價, 雖然價錢係貴啲, 不過如果單位價係比較低, 就比較值得買喇(譬如話RM2.00一樽250毫升果汁同RM2.50一樽325毫升果汁).. 家下大家都見識到我對數目嘅敏感度啦?? 哈哈, 與其話我好似師奶仔咁過份緊張嗰一角幾毫, 倒不如話我係有啲啲咁小心錢財?? 老實講, 我辛苦賺返嚟嘅錢確實得來不易呀, 所以難怪我係如此愛惜金錢喎~~ :p [後註] 逢星期五我都會循例整啲互動元素喺個post內嘅, 所以上面個簡單計算機其實係堅嘢嚟㗎!! 大家可以試試㩒啲掣玩下㗎, 當然我知大家唔會用啦, 之不過純粹係滿足我自己獨有嘅"scripteasing"之癮啫~~ :p | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
when you are buying things in a supermarket or dining in a restaurant, do you have a habit to roughly count how much you are going to pay later?? just silently calculate in heart, or conveniently take out your phone to make a precise computation using the built-in calculator?? i will always roughly count in heart, so that with an idea of the total, i will not get a shock at the cashier, and if there is discrepancy in the price of the items (especially discounted items that are not updated in the system), i will not be ignorant.. also there are times that i will take out my phone to calculate the unit price when i am comparing between two items, the one with a lower unit price is sure more worth buying even though it's more expensive (eg: RM2.00 for a 250ml drink vs RM2.50 for a 325ml drink).. now you can see how i am quite sensitive with numbers huh?? haha, instead of saying i am so uncle to even be so "kiasu" with every single sen i have, rather say i am slightly being more careful when it comes to money?? well, the money i earned is surely not easy, that's why i treasure them a lot, wokay?? :p [PS] since it's friday which i usually build some interactive elements in my post, the simple calculator above is actually a WORKING one!! try clicking the buttons, but i bet you won't be using, it's there just to satisfy myself with my proprietary "scripteasing" fun, haha~~ :D |
07.11.2013 | 錯綜交錯
[Volume 8 Issue 11, #1816] |
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嚟到吉隆坡, 你應該可以見到處處都係縱橫交錯嘅公路同鐵路.. 由東飛去西, 由南剷上北, 感覺上好似係交通系統非常發達同先進咁樣.. 其實說到底, 我個人覺得一切都係因為欠缺妥當計劃所致, 或者更正確嚟講係欠缺完善嘅長線計劃.. 通常都係用「撲火政策」企圖解決問題, 呢都經常塞車呀?? 咁我哋就喺度起條高架公路跨過去啦 - 跟住又可以向使用者徵收過路費喇, 哇哈哈哈哈!! 又或者原本非常之有抱負嘅工程, 因為種種大家都心照不宣嘅原因, 大型地鐵最終變成微型輕鐵, 地下鐵最終變成地上高(架)鐵.. 每個項目都好似被逼降級, 但係只要有啲嘢做咗出嚟就得啦, 唔駛理佢究竟能不能夠符合未來嘅需求嘅.. 有可能係因為呢個原故, 啲嘢都好似唔駛點maintain啦, 反正到時候舊咗又或者唔啱駛, 都係棄掉或重新再起過個新嘅啦!! @_@" |
come to KL and you will see almost everywhere that elevated roads and train tracks intertwining up in the air.. spanning from east to west and flying from south to north, it seems that we have a very advanced and extensive transportation network.. come to the root afterall, i personally think it is all because of the lack of proper planning, or to put it more precisely, the lack of comprehensive long-term planning.. most of the time it's a fire-fighting attempts taken to resolve issues, high traffic congestion here?? let's build an elevated road across to solve the issue - and then we can start collecting tolls from the users, muahahaha!! or when it comes to very ambitious mega projects, because of we-all-knew-what reasons, what was supposed to be big massive-transport becomes small light-transport, underground tracks become open-air elevated tracks.. everything seemed to scale down but as long as their is something resulted, there is no need to think about how well it can cater for the future.. and probably that is why things are never well maintained, because when they get old or not fit for use anymore, just ditch away or demolish the entire thing and build a new one again!! @_@" |
06.11.2013 | 香香公子
[Volume 8 Issue 11, #1815] |
我覺得自己對香水有一種無法解釋嘅鐘情, 如果唔係一路以來嘅話, 咁至少可以話係最近.. 以前要買香水肯定係百貨公司或免稅店, 不過近呢兩年因為資訊發達, 才猶如發現新大陸般, 知道原來自己一路以來都錯過咗好多warehouse sales, 原來比市價平至少一半嘅價錢就可以買得到!! 雖然未必係新貨, 但係平過出面咁多, 我真係唔介意, 況且香水邊有過時㗎?? 最多係過期嘅啫, 但係我覺得可以收存得好嘅話, 應該唔易變質囉.. 所以一年內去幾個warehouse sales(血拼), 我都會趁平入返兩支度擺喺屋企「看門口」, 多數係鐘意個(清淡幽香而唔係花粉果香嗰種)味道, 有時都可能係喜歡個香水樽嘅設計, 呵呵!! 事關我出門都習慣搽啲香水嘅, 一來一身香噴噴咁個人都另舍醒神, 二來有位朋友話香水在玄學角度上係可以淨化一個人嘅心靈(!!), 不過信唔信就睇個人喇, 我就顧慮前者多啲.. 唔計用緊呢支, 家陣屋企一共有四支香水作後備, 雖然你會覺得好誇張, 但係我平均每三個月就用一支(我身體表面積大, 自然用多啲㗎啦, 哈哈!!), 存貨都算差不多㗎喇~~ :p |
i think i have an unexplained obsession with perfumes, if not all these while then at least recently.. when i need to buy perfumes last time, it's either departmental stores or duty free shops, but with the more informative era in the recent couple of years, only i realized i have actually missed out a lot of warehouse sales, from which i could have bought the perfumes at least half the price cheaper!! though may not be brand new stock, i really don't mind at all if they are so much cheaper than retail price, moreover perfumes won't get outdated right?? the most they can expired but i guess if we keep them in good condition the quality won't easily deteriorate.. hence i would go to a few warehouse sales in a year, stock-in a couple of perfumes and bring home as "back-ups", usually because i like the (refreshing and crisp but not powdery or fruity sweet) scent, but sometimes could be the design of the bottles too, hehe!! i am used to put on some perfume whenever i leave home, i feel good if i smell good, also a friend told me from the perspective of the metaphysics perfume can actually purify our souls (!!), believe it or not but i guess i'm for the former reason.. excluding the one i am currently using, now that i have four at home and you may think that is too much, but i can use up one bottle within an average of three months (my body surface area is huge, so i naturally need to use more, haha!!), so the stock seems to be just right~~ :p |
04.11.2013 | 十月金榜
[Volume 8 Issue 11, #1814] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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嘩!! 話咁快又再一個月過去喇, 係唔係因為年尾嘅關係, 所以感覺日子過得特別快?? 哈哈!! 好喇, 睇一睇十月份嘅留言走勢.. 我哋仍然有穩如泰山, 堅守冠亞軍位置嘅兩位朋友, 繼續上演佢哋嘅龍爭虎斗.. 一個月來位置升落參半, 值得鼓勵嘅係由跌出榜外再次殺入三甲嘅季軍人馬, 同埋強勢入榜嘅新面孔(佢一嚟就霸佔咗第八位!!).. 不過發覺越來越少讀者留言喇, 點都好啦, 我們仍然舞照跳馬照跑, 唔知剩下兩個月會唔會又戰爭激烈呢?? 拭目以待呀.. 多謝晒各位鼎力支持, 恭喜晒各位榜上題名嘅朋友!! 祝大家有個充實嘅一週.. :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wow!! another month has passed, i wonder if it's because of year end that i feel time is passing more quickly?? haha! anyway, let's take a look at the comment chart for october.. we still have our two familiar (and invincible) chart toppers holding on to their #1 and #2 position firmly while creating an intense competition between them.. over the past month we have a mixture of rise and fall, most encouraging would have to be the 2nd-runnerup who came back after she fell out of the chart, and especially the newcomer who came onboard like a typhonn (first time and she took the #8 position!!).. however i realized the number of readers who commented has greatly reduced, anyway the show has to go on, i wonder if there will be more intense competition for the remaining two months?? we shall wait and see.. thank you all for your support and congratulations to everyone in the chart!! wishing everyone a wonderful week ahead.. :) |
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