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31.10.2013 | 曼谷符碌

[Volume 8 Issue 10, #1813]
最近兩位博客朋友不約而同寫咗佢哋去曼谷嘅post, 讓我記返起我自己於2007年嘅曼谷之旅, 爭啲就忘記咗我嘅游記重溫系列添!! 好啦, 去馬喇.. 到目前為止, 我一共(只係)去過曼谷兩次, 兩次都係同一年嘅同一個月去, 而且兩次都係舊公司贊助嘅.. 第一次係去training五日, 跟住就與同行嘅兩位新加坡同事延長三日, 自己喺呢個城市週圍逛.. 第二次係company trip, 除咗去曼谷, 我哋一大班人(包括來自馬來西亞, 新加坡, 香港, 北京及上海嘅同事, 仲有泰國生意夥伴嘅幾位代表), 齊齊坐火車去曼谷以西一個叫Kanchanaburi嘅小鎮.. 唔講咁多喇, 大家睇相說故事啦~~ :)
[後註] 其實當時都有寫過呢兩次嘅曼谷之旅, 啲相比蚊滋仲要細, 視覺享受絕對係零分, 呵呵!! 不過確實係記載住當時每日嘅心情同事跡嘅.. 有興趣可以去呢度重溫噃.. :)
a couple of blogger friends blogged about their trips to Bangkok recently, and that reminds me of my trips back in 2007, i have almost forgotten about my travelogue revisit series!! so here we go.. till date i have been to Bangkok (only) twice, both trips happened on the same month of the same year and both trips were sponsored by my previous company.. the first trip was a training for 5 days, together with two colleagues from Singapore we extended for three days and explored the city over the weekend.. the second trip was our company trip, besides Bangkok we (including colleagues from Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai together with a few representatives from our Thai partner) took a train to a small town west of Bangkok which is called Kanchanaburi.. i better not write so much, better let the photos tell the story~~ :)
[PS] i did blog about these two trips to Bangkok back then, all in chinese and photos were so tiny even ants couldn't see.. but they recorded my views and incidents that happened at those particular moments.. click here if you are interested to read on..
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  1. Wah, first time I see no comments yet, I faster comment first.. hahaha...
    Good morning SK..

    1. I have been to Bangkok thrice. Shopped like mad. The very last time I went to Bangkok was during CNY in year 2010. Then, I was pregnant with Kenzie boy in July 2010, no more trips ever since...

    2. Usually every year, during the CNY period, me and the hubs will go travel. Coz that's the only time he is free and can take long leaves.. But we stopped travelling since 2010 after having kids.. until now.. Passport sudah expired, I also can't be bothered to renew, because I know I will not use it for at least another few years..

    3. today my post is early and by the time you came in it was still early mah, anyway, no prize for the first commenter hor.. hehe!!

      yeah, with kids everything is different already, want to go travel also gotta at least wait till they are in primary school.. errr, now passport increase price already i think.. okaylah, if not using then no rush to renew also~~

    4. Where's STP? he is always the very early one... oh maybe he overslept...

    5. maybe he ate too much kampua and piansip for breakfast so he dozed off for the whole morning :D

  2. I had been to bangkok only once and that's about 17 years ago! I must make a new trip some day!

    1. wow, and that was before you were pregnant for your boy?? i think there are lots of changes for 17 years~~ :)

    2. yes, I must put it in my travel's list!

    3. Wenn needs to finish all her far far away travels first before she starts looking at nearer places. :P

    4. yeah, all these while i've only heard Wenn going to far far European countries only.. maybe next year she's back to Asia?? hehe~~ :p

  3. Replies
    1. Oh your company have branch in Singapore?

    2. opps, your previous company...

    3. yeah, my previous company has offices in KL, SG, HK, Beijing, Shanghai, Sydney and Melbourne..

    4. My office also got branches elsewhere. Hotels sprouting up in few cities outside Malaysia.

      But I'm not top level enough to even get to jalan-jalan for company tto KK. *sob sob*

    5. haiyah, you work for big big conglomerate mah sure got "branches" everywhere.. errr, that's the problem with big companies lah, hard to get nice company trip huh?? :p

    6. Yalor.

      If do company trip, must take few thousands staff. Otherwise, sure there will be rumblings.

      End up, management only la can get away. Operation staff all tak merasa. Not fair wor.

      Last time when smaller, everyone can be fit into one plane and go together.

      Now no more already. :(

  4. Postcards! I love.. Great shot there, SK.

    Sponsored trips are the best, eh? Good that you were able to extend your business trip into leisure time. Some companies don't allow that.

    Good morning! Happy Halloween!

    1. yeah, i love that shot too.. i think i should do the same for every place i go huh?? that would be nice if made into a collage of photos.. well, i think it doesn't hurt the company to allow extension of stay on our own expenses right??

    2. Unless there's urgent business that staff must return immediately after the trip, I don't see why not also.

  5. I dont mind going to Bangkok again.. food, shopping and the massage all suit me reaaaaaal Fine! hahaha...

    1. Claire, You really know how to enjoy life!! Each day is a blessing for us to appreciate.

    2. i also don't mind going, actually going anywhere also can lah, as long as for holiday.. i enjoy every place i go.. :)

    3. Thambee wanna follow Anay next time?? We can eat and drink & be merry Aroy Mak Mak! My wife's aunties have been bugging me for 10 years to bring them to Chatujak Market but I just shrugged them off.

    4. Yerrr.... Ajak Thambee only ah?

      How about the rest of us?

      We want to follow also, Anay. Hehehe

  6. I went a long lkong long time ago. Should I take out my photos and bvog about it too?

    1. Yes please! Show us how you cuddled the Ah Kuas!!!

    2. yes!! please SHOW SHOW SHOW SHOW SHOW your old photos!! we just love to see the young and handsome STP~~ :D

    3. Yeah please STP, just like you shown us your Japan trip...

    4. Bananaz got show some of his old trips last time.

      Enjoyted looking at it A LOT. :)

    5. STP once in a while will surprise us with his old travel photos and those really make us love his post more than merely his kampua and piansip.. SHOW SHOW SHOW!! we want to see the fashion during the 70s and 80s~~ :p

    6. Yeah we love to see STP's old photos where his bell bottom pants could make nice lamp shades! Muahahahaha!

  7. Replies
    1. I like the airport!!! So 型 lo!!! Must go there one day...(because of the airport??? Maybe, hahaha!!!)

    2. #2 Haven't been to the market, but saw lots of people who travel in Bangkok always go this place!!!

    3. #3 When you mentioned about they selling repetition things which reminds my mom said the morning market at Jinjang even though has lots of different stalls, but they almost sell similar things!!!

    4. #D Yes, I'm one of those don't know who the current Agong is!!! =]

    5. =.=!!! The last picture!!! =[

    6. yalor, the first time landed in that airport and saw that futuristic exterior, i was like WOW!! very 有型 lor, but i think now AA doesn't stop there already but another more lower grade airport..

      oh yeah, actually a lot of stalls and the market is so huge, but then mostly selling about the same thing lah.. eih, you don't know who our Agong is?? errr, actually i am not too sure also, wakakakaka~~ :D

    7. Shame on you guys!

    8. more lower grade airport? Aiyo, this AA only know the way how to cut down the budget!!! =[

    9. New look of your blog!
      look nice, more cheerful color!!! =]

      Have a great weekend btw!!! =]

    10. lina commented as if she knows our Agong so well.. haha!!

      errr, i think AA too good business till the other airlines also envy, so force them to go to low grade airport, haha!! errr, i change my blog layout every month ma~~ :p

    11. No lah... of course not well.

      But as Malaysian... we should at least know who our current rulers is/are.


      What's the point of learning high-brow literature if we dunno what's in our backyard?

      Like, seriously.

      That's why some of us don't feel any connection to the place we are born and grow up.

      An Agong isn't just somebody who gives you one day holiday on the first Saturday in June, you know.

  8. Good afternoon ah boy and all

    Tdy about BKK ah. At least you have been there. I belum been there yet. Heard so many positive story about the place especially the shopping. It's a shopping paradise I heard.

    Ok check in jor. Will come back later on pc to spam. Hard to spam using phone with so many photos. Have to create grandmother stories first. MuhahHaha

    1. Good Afternoon Nenek Kebayan Meow!! Gosh! You have never been to Bengkok??? Apa dei what this kaldip do with so much money he earned?????

      Please don't come back and spam later ok. Your house needs some METHOD cleaning to do. Charity begins at home.

      After you have visited Bengkok, baru spam here ok. Wakakaka

    2. i think Bangkok is a nice place to go, got lots of things to see, to shop and to eat.. but i think i didn't explore the city much for both my trips were short ones.. Meow and Angeline must ask your husbands to bring you to Bangkok lah, just so near and i think not very expensive to travel there also..

      hahaha, this Twilight Man has been to Bangkok too many times until he Bang his Cock and becomes Bengkok already?? :D

    3. If shopping paradise, then count me out la.

      Cannot afford shopping spree.

      Actually, not interested also. HAHAHA

    4. errr, if it's also a shopping paradise for sports shoes, sports apparels, marathon gears, running supplements etc?? :p

    5. Then OK!

      But what I gather from friends... got cheap cheap stuff. But not original one la.

      Errr... I sombong.

      I don't wear fakes. LOL

  9. I enjoyed looking at all your photos! You looked happy during your early virgin years! How come you didn't go and watch the Tiger Shows or Tiffany Shows? That one cannot be missed la!

    1. I heard it's not Tiger show.. It's actually "Thai Girl" show.. But everyone was saying Tiger Tiger... So it remains as "Tiger" lor...

    2. I wonder how they called it Tiger Show

    3. err, that time still young of course look more vibrant and energetic lah, now old already, you will probably see a zombie!! haha.. errr, Tiger Show i watch before in Haatyai but i was totally bored and almost dozed off.. the performers were really like going to work, doing the same old routine without any expression on their face.. so i think Tiffany Show is a lot better, at least the performers are more happy type and interacts with the audience.. but i've not watched one before, heard Pattaya is more famous for this??

      oh really?? it's actually Thai Girl show and not Tiger show?? haha~~ now only i know~~ :D

    4. Hey the Thai Girl Show had to change its name to Tiger Shows for the husbands to fool their wives who didn't go with them. Moreover the gals crawled onto the stage like wild hamsap tigers! LOL
      So many young men had boners when they first watched - Same goes with SK lah. Don't bluff!!!

  10. I noticed most people rarely visited Bangkok or yet to visit too. I am baffled the reasons they kept all the money in the banks or went somewhere else instead. It is quite cheap to visit Bangkok these days with the airlines price-wars and promotions. We only live once and it would be nice to take short breaks sometimes to rejuvenate like this smart Claire who knows how to eat, shop and massage!!

    1. errr, i have not visited Bangkok until i was 30 years old, and that was the year i went there twice, and the only twice.. i think i should plan to go to the city once again since many things has changed.. next time i must go to the famous temple to pray.. i was there at the shopping mall opposite and i didn't knew i was actually so near!! haiz..

    2. Yeah agree with TM. Should make a visit to BKK. Saya pun belum pergi lagi. So die die must go there...

    3. It's up to each own preference la...

      If people has no interest in a place, even when it is so near, we shouldn't judge them, right Anay.

    4. Angeline, if you find Bangkok interesting for you, then you should plan to go lah.. but also true with what Lina said, some actually prefer to go further places because they are too rich!! haha.. :p

    5. Woi! Not because of too rich la.

      Jahat SK ni!

      Because we usually take things near us for granted la dei. Phiak SK's head. :P

  11. Honestly, I am shy to admit that I have never visited many places in Bangkok or even Pattaya! I saw you went to Siam Paragon and my celebrity niece actually opens the COACH boutique as well as Jimmy Choo's yet I have not stepped inside there! Gila Anay!

    1. i guess being a "fraction" of Thai, you probably go to Thailand not for hardcore sightseeing but to visit your relatives, right?? next time, plan a trip to Bangkok and bring Letchumi there - both of you must be real tourists to see all the places and attractions.. :)

    2. I've not been to Siam Paragon, but one of my friend visited and said the place is not bad wor. Nice to shop for luxury items hehehe....

    3. A variety of food to choose from...

    4. actually Siam Paragon is quite a nice place to shop lah, not really all luxury items but then shop only doesn't mean you must buy right?? hehe.. it's for the experience lah~~ :)

  12. When I saw Hayley's Bangkok postings, I was even more shy to admit that she went to so many interesting places where I missed. What was my problem? No time and I only visited once as a "vacation" when I brought my newly married wife to meet friends and relatives. We did dine at the cut-throat cruise by the Chao Phraya River at night with Thai classical dances. I took her to Central World, Grand Palace and Chatujak for 2 days!!! The following trips were only for weddings, funerals and Chatujak only! Adoi, I missed so much! I have promised her for years to visit Kanchanaburi but we ended up in skiing in South Korea and hopping over to China and Japan pula. LOL

    1. yeah, Hayley's post kind of reminded me about my almost-forgotten travelogue-revisit series!! huh, on the very last day of October on this Halloween Day, let's do it.. and i thought Anay would have many things to say about Bangkok too.. anyway, Central World, Grand Palace and Chatujak are almost all the places we should go?? haha.. Letchumi wants to go to Kanchanaburi?? oh, i think we just stay at one hidden corner of the town and did not actually see Kanchanaburi (though i claimed i have been there).. i think Letchumi would be glad to see the Death Railway and the River Kwai Bridge.. eih, go Bangkok lah, probably half of the expenses you need to go Japan or Korea~ :p

    2. TM don't be shy lar... BKK only not else where. You've been to other interesting places which I think is more worth it. BKK is only for shopping ler...

    3. Bangkok is like kampung to Anay, that's why he never really bothered to scour the place. Hahaha

      Like we all also take our hometown for granted. :-P

    4. yes, that's what i wanted to say.. Thailand is like TM's "home town" so he rather go there to visit relatives but not really as a tourist like us..

  13. I just recalled that I made my first visit to Thailand when I was 2 months old and stepped foot in Bangkok in 1977. Were you born yet Thambee???

    1. oh, 1977!! i was born that year, so which month did you first step foot in Bangkok??

    2. Eh hem, 1981-1977=4y, so 4yrs before I was born.

    3. aiyoh Angeline so young lah, so you are a chicken!! hehehe~~ :p

    4. Aiyoh! I thought Angeline is only 24. Not 24 kah??? Aiyoh... then we are not that much different in age lah!

  14. Good day SK ah boy, and to the rest of you too!

    Wow, time flies, it's Thursday! Another day to go before we welcome the weekend! And it's a long weekend for certain working people I guess?

    1. Oh, I guess I am one of the blogger friend you mentioned who given you the idea to re-blog about your BKK trip huh? Kekeke ^^
      Bangkok is such a heaven right? Though most clothing sold are for the ladies, guys would love it too! Can eat, drink, massage, sight seeing and so much more!

    2. Though it was a business trip, I think all of you enjoyed yourselves very much la! Can meet new friends some more! Look at picture G, there were so many of you! And everyone was smiling happily!
      Of course can spot you la!! In the middle ma, right? ;)

    3. This round I went, I touched down at DMK airport, not the Suvarnabhumi airport. But I've been to the latter one in August this year, transit there to Norway.
      The DMK airport is so much smaller than SUV airport! Nothing much to see and walk, I prefer SUV airport, at least there're restaurants and shops to kill time while waiting to board the flight.

    4. Chatuchak market!! One of me favorite place in Bangkok! Though it is so HUGE (walk til legs almost patah), so stuffy and so hot, still a must-go in Bangkok.
      Of course most things are redundant but at least more choices to see, and who knows can bargain a better price right?
      And there's a food area in the market, so HUGE and crowded!

    5. Shopping is quite easy there la right? Their BTS also very convenient, something like our LRT.
      Siam Paragon, not to my taste, but, I did exactly what you did, took a photo at the outside to prove that I've been there, wakakkaa xD

    6. Grand Palace, I took a photo at almost the same angle like yours in picture I =) And it looks so beautiful at night! I din't know that! Else I'd planned to go there at night, hehe~ But can we go inside at night?

      Death Railway, heard of it but not planning to go since it was a rush trip. May be next time la! Sounds quite interesting.

    7. LOL why you borrowed your friend's shopping bags?? Haha so funny la! xD
      You din't shop a lot meh? Quite a lot of guys fashion there also ma! And food and souvenirs, sure something tourists will buy right?

      Oh ya, Happy Halloween to you too!

    8. hehe, yalah, i read your Bangkok post and remember to revisit my own too!! yes, i would say it's a very nice place to go.. good food, good shopping and most importantly very nice and friendly Thai people!! i love the way they talk, but too bad i really don't know any Thai language besides those simple terms~~ :D

      actually we didn't stay too long in Chatuchak, just look see look see, bought some snacks to eat and didn't even shop there because that's the first day mah - thought still got time but apparently no lor, haha!!

      hehehe, i think many people take photo from that angle and that spot inside the Grand Palace lah.. when i was there, i see many people taking photo, so i also kiasu though don't really know what that building is until i googled later on.. Kanchanaburi is just a small town, guess most people will not go there lah, really nothing much to see.. the Death Railway is just a railway lor, though the story behind is such a great one.. :)

      of course borrowed the bags mah, since taking photo might as well pretend lor, hehe~~~ but that time quite rush, just one morning to shop before we flew back to KL..

    9. even make me wanna plan a trip there too.

    10. I guess shopping activity in BKK is the main priority!

    11. Aha!

      So the photo was taken as in the case of "monkey see, monkey do"?

      I admit I do that too.

      Then later, after got home baru start googling about it.

      But hey! Better learn later than not at all, right? ^^

    12. actually not only shopping lah, there are lots of nice attractions as well as good food to savour.. but to shopaholic sure Bangkok will be a nice place to be.. :)

      hahaha!! take photo as if you will never return to the same place again.. furthermore nowadays with digital camera, worry not like those film camera.. don't care lah, take photo first lah.. i usually will research about the place first before i go, so most of the time i knew what i wanna take photo with.. but of course many times there are things i have to "back date" to google a bit for more info~~ :D

    13. Sometimes, we stumbled upon places that are not on tourists list.

      And yet, it's interesting.

      I am always like that. I usually kinda stumble upon some sites that doesn't seem to feature in any English sites but it's interesting enough for me to learn more about it.

      And I learn a lot by doing it. :)

  15. 1. SUV airport looks so yeng.
    2. Chatucak weekend market compared with Hayley's photo: A big different.
    3. I would love to try their street snack if I have chance to visit there.
    4. Yeah, they all very sayang their King. This is their nature of culture. We? we can't simply wear yellow on any royalty occassion. Or else, hey you "curi" my colour....
    5. BTS Skytrain are so convenient there.
    6. Woo Hoo, someone looking so happy over there...
    7. Nice view
    8. Many temples to visit over there too.
    9. So is Wat Pra Kaew, the golden Temple of Emerald is the famous one in BKK
    10. Eh someone behind is taking your photo ler... Nice view at night.
    11. Wow really a big group of you guys going to Bangkok. Surely it's fun trip!
    12. The world famous Death Railway and the Bridge of River Kwai? It possible it can be one of my BKK itenarary later. Dunno when...
    13. River side camping - sounds interesting.
    14. Usually will use the name "Team Building" as a reason only. Kekeke...
    15. Oh is alright you "pinjam" your friends shopping bags. Only gals will do loads of shopping spree there.
    16. Definitely a big family - group photo! Nice shot.
    17. Happy Halloween to you too. Nah, it doesn't scare me off... Muahaha

    1. wah, one shot cramp all comments for the photos into a single one!! aiyah, wrong tactic lah, should split into like 4 only can get more points, haha~~

      #2. how different is my photo of Chatucak compared with Hayley's??
      #4. yalah, not only yellow.. if many people wearing the same color also got problem lor~~
      #6. go travelling for leisure sure very happy one mah..
      #10. that guy taking photo behind was my colleague lah, haha!!
      #11. though big group but then won't be able to interact with everyone lah.. only the MY,SG,HK offices are closer
      #13. we didn't camp but we stay in those houses on the river
      #15. i got one bag lah, others pinjam from colleagues to pretend :p
      #17. hahaha, didn't scare you meh?? haiyah~~ :D

  16. Are we supposed to comment each photos?

    Sorry. Dunno how la.

    But I am so gayat looking at your photos standing on the death railway. huhuhu

    Happy Halloween SK!

    1. errr, i know you sure are not going to comment on each and every photo lah.. probably Anay and Meow will be doing that, haha!! easier to spam right if comment each photo.. :D

      aiyoh, i gotta go google the meaning of "gayat"... errr, you dizzy because afraid of height??

    2. Gayat is vertigo. Yup. :)

      Much easier to wait for either Anay and Meow to come with their nenek kebayan stories and spam them after each of their comments. Definitely! LOL

  17. Same like Wenn, I only been to Bangkok once and that was 17 years ago in 1996 (same as her). I would love to revisit it one day!

    1. wow, that is indeed very very long time ago and you must be just a very young girl that time huh?? surely there have been lots of changes to the city..

  18. Love the new look on your blog, nice colour and header image! How does it feel to redecorate your "home"?

    1. errr, no special feeling lah, because i "redecorate" my home every month.. a new look for every month, so that it won't look boring~~ :D

  19. I love Bangkok ,been there 3 times but never get enough! *Shopping Shopping Shopping*

    1. wah, 3 times but never get enough?? and how many days you went shopping each time you were there?? :p

  20. A. Their airport was delayed for so unbelievably long! It was passed by the authorities to build since the 1970s and it took many corrupted and donkey years to build if not for Thaksin's clenched fist! Later it was reported in the news that it was also haunted with much tragedies so that exiled PM got monks to cleanse! I have blogged it once.

    1. B. It is commonly spelled as Chatujak or Jatuchak as pronounced. You should go again as it has been expanded to the size of 30-40 football fields. The type and variety of shops have diversified until I saw them selling cars, condos and funeral stuffs. That is the reason I never stepped into their posh shopping areas except Central World which was the venue for me to meet a Thai blogger. My sister used to fly to Bangkok on weekends just to shop for 2 whole days before catching the last flight home during the days when the old Don Muang airport was operating nearby.

    2. C. Their street snacks and desserts are the best in the world to me. At least you can eat them all unlike in Beijing where you had to make sure you were not eating bugs, snakes, scorpions and seahorse! The Thais have high diabetic rates due to their overly sweet stuffs.

    3. D. If your King donated his lands and wealth to the poor every year, I am sure we would be wearing yellow too! Their King has similar kindness like the Sultan of Brunei who is so well respected by their countrymen.

    4. E. Even their BTS sky trains were completed later than our LRT yet their lines seem to connect well to all the districts around Greater Bangkok city where tourists could just skip the taxis. I love to watch the Thai people on board as they have all sorts of ah Kuas and cross dressers who take pains to attract foreigner's attention. Silom area is most popular for pretty and well dressed office ladies!

    5. F. I have sworn that I must visit Siam Paragon on my next coming trip which is also next year. I must try to follow all Hayley's trails including the buffet rendezvous at the tallest Baiyoke Hotel. They seem to have more shopping malls in Bangkok than KL which makes them a shoppers haven, right?

    6. G. I loved the sweet honeymoon cruise I had with Letchumy along the Chao Phraya River which we paid 3000 baths! It was crazy and I was nuts to pay for the food and dance performance on the river trip when I should be looking outside. I was conned to board that boat from Oriental Hotel which was ranked the best hotel in the world for few decades!

    7. H. I also passed Wat Arun many times from small kid until married man but never stepped inside yet. Arun means Dawn and hence it's name is Temple of Dawn which meant you should admire its beauty basking at the 6 am's golden sunlight. I never woke up at 6am in Thailand. Muahahahaha

    8. I. This Grand Palace certainly attracted me to visit few times. The Emerald Buddha is powerful inside as the Buddha's statue was made from one huge piece of emerald and the folks believed that it just appeared by itself somewhere. When the Japanese bombed Bangkok during WW2 it was intact and safe.

    9. Wah soooo long... u sure win again ler this month. Kekeke..

    10. yalor, so long lah this Anay's "nenek opah" story, but i LOVE it, haha!! :D

      A. oh i didn't know the airport needed to be cleansed before it can be used.. oh, where is the link to that post??

      B. hmm, Chatucak or Jatujak or whatever, i guess more importantly everyone knows what we are referring to.. wow, your sisters are surely crazy shopaholic huh?? but it would be fun and exciting shopping this way right?? :D

      C. oh yes, i gotta agree with you.. i was so tempted with their street snacks.. we actually were fortunate to find a stall selling deep fried insects, all were so intrigued but nobody dared to try~~ :D

      D. wearing yellow is actually a taboo in Malaysia dei~~ :D

      E. i guess the BTS in Bangkok is a lot better because it links to many places and is so well integrated.. unlike our LRT, only now that the three systems are managed by a single company that they are starting to work on the integration..

      F. ah yes, Hayley's itinerary is kind of enjoying and pampering huh?? unlike mine, quite messy huh?? :p

      G. wow!! 3000 baht cruise along chao praya?? haha, but i guess it's better than the water taxi that i took, can't remember how much i paid, probably 20 baht per trip~~ :p

      H. yeah, i googled and read about the first ray of sunlight of the day shining down on the temple.. but when i was there it was almost dusk!! hahaha, the other way round~~ :D

      I. i actually cannot remember much about the Grand Palace, i just remember i kept walking and took photos.. did i even go into the Emerald Temple?? hmmm~~

    11. J. I had never seen the Grand Palace at night so close by except from far distance. It looked like a magnificent jewel when lighted up at night and seen faraway. You were lucky Thambee.

    12. K. Wow! You took a snail train to Kanchanaburi and sat inside for 7 hours journey! Goodness! You would have gotten piles in your ass! Muahahahaha... I heard that taking a private car would be some 2 hours journey only. I better be smart and never take a train like you.

    13. L. OMG! You wore a singlet and looked so sexy like Kanchanaburi's Manhunt finalist contestant!! Look at your beef cake muscles and any Thai Ah Kuas would have sank her teeth into you. So yummy to be eaten with some Tom Yum seasoning to make it perfect.

    14. M. What camps you stayed??? Your team building activities should have planned for you to sleep in real canvas tents on the ground!! Many people do that as it is cheaper and get the real feel how the POW had to endure the sufferings living in tents for months and years!!! So suffering yeah!! So you slept in air cond chalets which was sheer luxury!

    15. N. Eeeeeeeee! You actually walked on the spooky railway track which many dead bodies had been laid on. The whole area is still jinx until today. I am so reluctant to go but wife wanna see pula! See what you know la. I hope that they have all gone to heavens.

    16. O. You are really a shopping Queen Thambee! You didn't dare to display all your loots that you bought?? Panties, bras, cashew nuts and Naraya bags for your aunties! I must start planning my trip to Bangkok next year although I just visited in June for my uncle's funeral. It was just a one night's stay!

    17. P. I am impressed with your ex colleagues who came from so many countries! I bet you all had so much fun and good fellowship in a foreign country where you all made new discoveries there together!!! I hope you still keep in touch with them in Facebooks!

    18. Q. Now that Halloween Day is over, I should wish my Thambee a HAPPY DIWALI and hope you ate enough curry mutton cheese and one dozen putumayam!!
      I also wish you Happy Holidays for the coming Awal Muharam.

    19. Anay put his comments like this, replying to his comments in succession... how am I going to spam under your comments Anay!

      Give chance to those with less ability to spin nenek kebayan story to tumpang on your stories la! Hahaha

  21. Happy holiday to everyone.

    1. oh, did you have a great Deepavali celebration?? hehe~~ :p

  22. wohooooo!! So true.. many of us don't even know who our .... LOLOLSsss reality!

    1. yeah, that's the difference we can obviously see right?? and perhaps the contribution explains why theirs are so loved while we are so indifferent towards our own..

  23. Refer Twilight's D.
    I would do the same hahahahhahahahaa

    1. i absolutely agree with what he mentioned there also.. respect is what you earn, not given.. :)

  24. You ate the deep fried insects..??? OMG OMG @_@

    1. nope, we found one stall but none dared to try~~ :p

  25. I love the Suvarnabhumi Airport! :)

  26. Don't fancy the Chatuchak Market. Too hot and crowded for me!

    1. okaylah not too bad but i have to agree with you that it's too hot and crowded there..

  27. Yeah the Thai people love their King very much. Why Malaysians don't love our Agong as much?

    1. well, we all know why and it need no explanation here right?? the Thai King has EARNED the people's respect with his contribution :)

  28. Love the BTS Skytrain - very convenient!

  29. Siam Paragon? I did not buy a single thing there LOL!

    1. errrmmm, i think i bought something, just about average price..

  30. Wow! Travel in the train for 7 hours? Maybe I can take it last time, but now, I think I prefer more comfortable rides. Maybe getting older LOL!

    1. i guess they have better and more comfortable rides but perhaps it was on the company and we were such a huge group, tried to save up the cost then~~ :p

  31. Haven't been to Bridge of River Kwai. Always wanted to go there, but never did LOL!

    1. can go and see lah, but it is really just a Bridge.. i think people just dropped by as they travel to other places and not purposely going there.. :)

  32. Oh company team building trip? No fun lah, I want real travel LOL!

    1. okay lah, not too bad lah.. at least can go to Bangkok and not just teambuilding in some local hotel or resorts for one day~~ :D

  33. Feel like going Bangkok again! Wonder what's wrong with me! Maybe because it's cheap, food is yummy, people are friendly, getting around is easy. And no need to take long flights. LOL

    1. yeah, it's indeed a nice place with nice food, good shopping and also very friendly people.. ah, so you are planning to go there once more in the near future?? oooooh, then we have another 30 posts on Bangkok again!!! @_@"

  34. What is Happy Halloween doing there suddenly? Haha!! Suddenly woke me up from my Bangkok dream LOL!

    1. it was Halloween day when this post was published lah.. :p

  35. I will go Bangkok soon after i back from UK~ XD

  36. 我冇去過曼谷,睇完你啲相之後,亦唔想去曼谷!哈哈
