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02.10.2013 | 三季戰績

[Volume 8 Issue 10, #1797]

時間實在是過得太快喇, 今日係大日子, 我爭啲唔記得要買禮物送俾第三季留言榜嘅五強人馬!! 所以前日漏夜趕制本blog例牌嘅 個人賀卡給每一位贏家, 而噚日晨早就即刻去買(cheap)禮物.. 買完就即刻寄晒出 去俾得獎者, 所以呢一次身在郵政局, 就冇辦法將啲(cheap)禮物排到靚一靚兼影 埋靚相喇.. 各位見到一堆不知名物品, 請將就下呢張有點唔開胃嘅相片, 其實他 們都是非常可愛的小禮物哦!! 呵呵.. 好喇, 我都廢話少說喇, 今日大家都係心急 想知道究竟自己咩排名, 同買邊五位讀者可以得獎㗎啦.. 唔阻大家, 請按上面個 button揭曉本年度第三季留言排行榜啦!! :)
time surely passed very quickly, it's THE big day today and i have almost forgotten to buy some gifts for the top five commenters for quarter three!! hence, i burned mid-night oil the day before yesterday to make a personalized card for each of the winners, and yesterday i went to get the (cheapo) gifts first thing in the morning.. after getting the (cheapo) gifts i sent them out immediately to the winners, hence i was in the post office and there was no way i could arrange the gifts nicely and take beautiful photos.. please bear with me for this not-so-appealing photo this time, you see things piling up and wonder what they are?? they are actually very nice and adorable little gifts okay?? haha.. well, better not talk so much nonsense since i guess everyone is very anxious to know your ranking and who are the top five who are receiving the gifts.. waste no time, just click the button above to see the comments chart for quarter three of the year!! :)


  1. Replies
    1. Gifts galore! Congrats to the winners!

    2. hehe, yeah, it's the quarterly cheapo gifts galore.. :p

  2. Ewekkkkkkk!!!! Man of my dream! Sorry, I puked! Muahahahahaha!!!! Very nice slide show though, love it!

    1. Phiak your mouth! Let help you to puke!! Gag! Gag! Gag your throat!

    2. hehehe, come to think about it, both TM and STP should be man of her dream.. the former one is sweet dream, but the latter one is nightmare~~ :D

    3. hoi hoi hoi......apa pasal puke pulak...pregnant ka? oppss...men cannot be pregnant leh.....next time dont eat too much till puke la...

      Hensem la Anay photo

    4. LOL at TM's comment!

    5. hehehe, the huge tummy too big already, though not pregnant but because the surface area is too big, makes the probability of terkena everywhere he goes higher too.. so terkena his big tummy sure easier to puke right?? make sense?? :D

  3. Humphhhh!!!! Nothing for me, tsk...tsk!!!! :(

    1. STP, work harder this month...

      Next month, u get something from SK, keke....

    2. aiyoh this grumpy old man, i thought he said he doesn't bother at all and now he is complaining here.. tsk tsk tsk~~

    3. you dont know meh....some will say opposite one leh....Ah Boy must give STP a prize year end la...after all he say will come for your graduation leh

    4. Give him a box of Handiplast will be good. Muahahahaha

    5. TM Why of all things 'Handiplast"? Cannot think of a reason..hmmmmm oh is it to seal his lips too grumpy kah? hahaha

    6. Me to puzzle about handiplast. .

    7. i thought only girls will say the opposite thing.. but why ah?? like Bananaz also puzzled, why Handiplast?? Anay please explain the meaning disebalik batu~~

  4. Replies
    1. Nice gifts u got for the 5 winners, hehe...

    2. Sharon you should comment with more substance instead of just greet and go, then you will surely be in Top 5 and receive gifts from me!! hehehe~~ :p

    3. Yeah please tell her exactly how to win points. She will win soon!

    4. i told her before but she just wouldn't listen.. she must be very proud and happy with her touch-n-go style~~

  5. Replies
    1. hmmm, again, why isn't anyone responding to this greeting?? :D

    2. coz not morning la...when i come see this post already afternoon....

    3. Mau masuk evening already. :-)

      So nice and sejuk out there due to rain.

      Hope no flood to make road more jam. :-D

    4. it's already past midnight! Goodnight!

    5. hahaha, it's noon after two days now!! :D

  6. Congratz, keong hee, gongxi to the Toppers

    1. i think when our Bananaz is keong-hee-ing the toppers the next time, he will be congratulating himself too~~ :)

    2. kamsia kamsia.......Bananaz tree when going to shoot up ah....

    3. I hope this Banana Tree will shock everyone in the next round. Show everyone his split banana skills and size!!!

    4. tQ all for got look me got up hahaha

    5. yes, he can do it!

    6. TM is really a joker, everytime laugh at his comment!

    7. yes, Bananaz will sure shoot high up and shock everyone with his hot boiling banana oil, let's all hope he didn't give you too many banana skins to keep you skidding all the way~~ :D

    8. Sure we kena hempap by big bunch of bananaz...penyet till top 10 also cant go in

    9. haha, sure can be in Top 10 lah, one banana how to take 10 positions?? the most he can get is #1 only mah right?? :D

  7. Ooohhh leaping Bananaz eh, like putting into hot boiling oil jumping up & down like mad? haha

    1. Waaaah! What kinda pisang tree is this? I am amazed this banana tree could grow up so fast like Jack & The Bean Stalk! Well done Bananaz. What fertilizer did you feed on?

    2. yeah, probably he uses the most natural fertilizer to help him grow and spring up into Top 10.. and with his hot boiling banana oil, sure he can make it into Top 5 the next round.. readers, be aware of bananas, the skin can make you slip~~ :D

    3. must put more fertilizer....next month shoot up to number 1... LOL....then can makan goreng pisang liao

    4. Hope he will step on his own banana skin and oopps!!!... Bye Bye!

    5. TM Don't lah be so bad, but Bananaz knows deep down in your heart you are an angel ;),

    6. wah, TM now very stressed because somebody is trying very hard with banana fertilizer to break his winning streak!! sweat~~

    7. Come come SK..we taruk minyak n api....kasi yhese two fight. See who wins top plc in Oct .

    8. actually a good little competition can make both parties improve and then the whole gang of people at large, so we are actually doing this on a kind intention right Meow?? hehe~~ :p

    9. betul betul tu...*evil grinz*

  8. wow, congrats to the top 5! I have guessed it right.

    1. Very nice descriptive word for each of them.

    2. haha, i wonder what each of them think about their own descriptive word?? no one seemed to notice?? :p

    3. posh...hhmmmmmm...not so posh la...pat got la ..auntie jor la...

    4. Me not elegant wor...

      But Ah Boy sure pandai mulut manis one. ;-)

    5. Yeah, this Ah Boy damn mulut manis not like Anay so blunt one. I wanted to laugh at that word SEXY and POSH. They seemed odd a bit. Did you mean Posh Pussy?

    6. It's something very creative. It's also something very different. That makes it interesting!

    7. hehehehe, when i see the photos again i knew i have used the incorrect terms lah.. was rushing to get the cards done, so it was late night and my mind cannot think of any more good description, so my UPSR level English just gave me those 5 words~~ meow should be ELEGANT whereas lina should be GLAMOROUS huh??

    8. maybe they can come out with their own descriptive words?

  9. Likey your presentation for the Top 5...;),

    1. please send me a nice photo of yourself soon, with your hot boiling banana oil, you may probably shoot up to Top 5 next round~~ :D

    2. Sure or not nanti terpijak own pisang skin and fall flat on the face..hehe

    3. hahaha, sure you won't terpijak your own banana skin, because usually we throw the skin backwards while we walk forward right?? :p

  10. Love the way you present, SK! Very well done... you are really good in this!

    1. yes, SK is really good in IT presentation and etc. Bravo!

    2. hehehe, just "hand palm eye see kungfu" only lah.. are you excited about that presentation and wanna see yourself in there?? spam more then~~ :p

  11. 留言榜上都咁有心思,抵你咁受大家愛戴,咁受歡迎!哈哈~~

    1. 大家辛苦咗三個月咁耐, 我點都要做啲嘢嘅~~ :p

  12. Good Morning Winners! I am so shy...shy.......shy.........to look at myself.

    It was nice lah. Well done, Ah boy and thanks heaps for all your effort to create the photos of individual TOP 5 - Hall Of Fame! I could see that you spent so many hours to create every blogger's special ads. They really look like PRICELESS masterpieces which no other blogger is doing in this wide world. I must alert CNN to come and report this blog news after they have blabbed enough of US Shutdown...

    1. I need to drink more Brand's Essence Chicken to replenish my energy to spam ahead. How many months more to go???

    2. No wonder why cannot beat you aiyoyo need to drink so much *kai cheng* one kah. Fertilizer for Bananaz not good enough? haha.

    3. that shows how much i appreciate the comments, it's whole three months long and what i did was just not comparable to all the efforts you have put in!! wow, CNN reporting about my blog?? hahaha, thought quite impossible but then i am happy to hear that~~ :D

      TM has been consuming a lot of nutrients from all his olive oils, coconut oils, lemon juice and chicken essence!! he is as fit as a fiddle and that explains why even bananas with hot boiling banana oil also cannot beat him~~ :D

    4. Three more months only leh.....spam more anay....Huat ah...8 mths top the chart as number 1...good omen...

      ah boy....you cannot la like this....anay 5 mths top number one consecutively...must give him a bit extra mah.. a box of kai cheng for him or tongkat ali leh

    5. Muahahahaha... This meow is cracking me up! You can have the crown lah pussy. Anay wanna retire soon and close the HHBC watsap too. Tongkat Ali can give kaldip lah.

    6. I really envy both TM and Small Kucing. Both of you can really spam and that's good. I love to read your comments in my blog too.

    7. Kns lu la Anay...don't retire like stp ah...what mumbo jimbo retire gracefully bla bla bla. Without you witty comments sure here become the morgue....might as well close this blog ler

    8. of course i will give extra to my beloved Anay, and everytime he got that little something special didn't you notice?? hmmm, three more months to go for Anay to get a winning streak of 8 months, wow, that's record breaking man!! please don't retire, there are still tons of glamor in front of you.. there is no fun without Anay around like Meow said :)

    9. yes, TM is such a fun-loving man! He's always full of interesting humor and wits. Makes it a fun day to read his comments.

  13. So nice of you to put in so much effort with the gifts. The price doesn't matter, the thought does! Congrats to the winners and good job! :)

    1. hehe, i just bought those gifts so no effort there but just some money.. yeah, i think at least i have to do something to show my appreciation to all the readers :)

    2. yeah, my spiritual appreciation to ALL readers, but my financial ability can only support materialistic appreciation to FEW readers~~ :D

    3. well, it's good enough to get written appreciation on your post. :) Here, I like to thank you for being one of my most loyal readers.

  14. Your so-called cheapo gifts are actually priceless, SK. :-)

    We all love it, treasure and appreciate the gifts so much.


    1. yeah, because i removed the price tag that's why they are priceless!! muahahaha, i know i know, this joke is not funny at all~~ ooopsss, Mak Glam muakked me, so shy lah~~ :D

    2. Cheapo but useful la...love the smurf note boo. Gona keep it . wait j go to school then maybe let him use ...can write whatever his schedule or home work or maybe love letter leh LOL

    3. I will use everything Ah Boy gives me including the dolls. I will make my dolls into voodoo dolls and prick needles into them! Muahahahaha

    4. hehehe, the smurfs note book just to jot down things and ideas lah.. love letter better write on the other letter pad.. and i don't mind you use that letter pad to write me love letter also, haha!! BTW, those dolls are made of hard plastic, can prick needles into them?? :D

  15. Sorry for being MIA.... will come back to my spam routine and update my blog ASAP!

    Thank you SK and I'm totally surprise to receive all those gifts. Those are not cheapo but they are worth as much as our blogger-friendship! Thanks once again.

    Not forget to congrats all the winners, yes we see new faces turning up. Well well well, it is something good for everyone. Keep it up the good work and those who fail please don't give up! Good Luck!

    1. Miss you all here... see you guys soon!

    2. oh yeah, our Taiping Baking Queen was missing for so long and we almost wanted to lodge a police report!! great to know that you have received the gifts on time.. faster come back to the blogsphere, i wonder why are all the Taiping aunties from the same company slowing missing in action one after another?? muahahahaha~~ :D

    3. Whoaaa! This Taiping Baking Queen is back! What happened to all her Mango Roses, Baking Flour and Eggs blogging??? She was a terror spammer at one time and gave me stress & sweats. Then she lenyap & hilang into thin air for no reasons, making me think that she merajuk at us. Now she is back! I hope she will drag that Yee Haw & Star Fish bloggers back too.

    4. They must be really busy as they are young working mothers.

    5. wenn, you are young working mother too!! hehe.. BTW, those young working mothers from Taiping seem to be slowly disappearing from the blogsphere huh?? gone full time baking and not blogging already?? :p

    6. I'm different. My kids are independent. Their kids are still so young. Time is more precious for them.

    7. Wenn, thanks for your understanding... Kita tak merajuk, we really try our best to read but less in comment... We hardly have time to comment nowadays.....Guess after we officially have 5 days work, we concentrate more on our works during working hours and have much quality time with our families during the weekends. Guess baking and cooking for them is the best gift right?

      Even myself hardly blog at my site, and I have one nice post to break the ice...Phew! Check it out.

      Guess is the Big Cheese idea - they have remove the blogspot.com too. So I can retrieve any of your blogs and we only able to browse and read it at home and through our phones!

    8. In short I miss everyone of you here....

    9. SK, I received your gift in time. I feel I won't be in the list anymore. Well, I still make it through this time. Kam siah!

      TM you should slow down, let other people to win ler... hehehe. You stay strong up there and handsome ok! Stay tall tall until end of the year for the big award from SK!

  16. Thank you ah boy. Received the gift jor. Not pos layu this time. Sharp sharp arrived.

    1. Finally it's become Pos Laju.

      Must be scared kena cursed by Kaldip and Mama Kucing already lah! LOL

      Or is it because postman at new housing area can be trusted more? :P

    2. yeah, so happy everyone received the gifts by mid-afternoon this time.. Thambee need not keep on monitoring the website to track the status and had his heart almost popped out from his mouth!! errr, overall better leh, even Anay and the Taiping girls also received on time, not just the new housing area i guess.. :)

    3. today stilll waiting for one more poslaju...looks like pos layu today lor.....now gng to be 4pm still havent arrive....

    4. Hip! Hip! Hooray! I am happy that I received mine yesterday! Pos Layu becomes Pos Laju Express! I think you must avoid festive seasons when you mail out to the winners.

      Thank you Ah Boy for all the kind and sweet words in the prize. Anay melted lah! All your hardwork to bring bloggers together in this unique blogging platform has created a new community. You should register it as the first Bloggers Club of WP. They already have one in Borneo.

    5. Pos Laju only takes a day but registered post takes ages.

    6. No leh Wenn. Occasionally poslaju can turn into pos layu de.

      I too prefer poslaju coz at least if nobody home can ask them for second delivery. If pos daftar hv to go pos office to collect. I don't know where the heck is the pos office in this ulu jungle

    7. yeah, my pos laju was good this round, everyone received by 3pm the next day.. i think i don't mind pay a little bit more to send by pos laju, so that i don't have to keep worrying where my things are with pos daftar.. oh, Bloggers Club of Klang Valley?? i thought we have our own small circle HHBC already?? haha~~

      usually i don't ask for second delivery lah, just straight away go pick up from the post office.. unless the postman can come to deliver at the specific time mentioned and both agreed lah.. else, gotta wait and wait, might as well go take myself..

    8. I used to do pos laju but recently I have changed to normal registered post. Do you know a normal parcel to Sg already cost RM12? Pos laju definitely cost more.

    9. for you okay la to pick up from post office...my side here post ofice and poslaju office also tarak tau where is the location.

      in the old house lagi funny...nearby Kota Damansara got one poslaju center but they will assign my stuffs to glenmarie which is twoce the distance away. That's why i prefer to ask them for second delivery attempt lor

  17. Please change your anay nay background to something else, please!!! I can't see a thing.

    1. ooopss, why is it only you that have this problem, headache lah!! what browser and version are you using actually??

    2. Hey what is wrong with the background? I think SK will change them often compared to any other bloggers like me. I think this one is nice and Indian a bit. Would be good to have a peacock too.

    3. I like this background as it has beautiful design. I used to draw this kind of design when I was still in school.

    4. you called that anay nay?? so not artistic, should appreciate fine art like wenn does, haha!! i like this kind of motif prints lah, nice also mah.. anyway, i change my template every new month, no worries if you don't like it this month (but still have to bear with it until next month)~~ :D

    5. it's interesting to try all kinds of motif. I like the way you do it, SK!

  18. conrgrats to the winner, still long way for me to reach top 5~ Regard, touch and go blogger~ XD

    1. if you are not touch and go, then i am sure you stand a very good chance in winning, young man~~ :)

    2. Mr Lonely is damn lazy to comment one. Haiks! I hope he will change his name to Mr Spammer and throw away his Touch&GO card. Muahahahaha

    3. yeah, he will spend hours writing novel for his long posts but only touch-n-go when he blog hops wishing to gain attention from others.. blehh~~ :p

  19. Whoaaaaa congrats winners!!!
    Next time will be my turn. hahaha

    1. wow, good good good!! i like to hear that.. i want to see new faces for the winners, haha~~

  20. If you want to know when I'll be the winner, that would be 2.55666 years from now.

    1. wah, still 2.55666 years to go?? i also cannot guarantee that i am still blogging by then, or at least unsure if this commenting competition is still popular and on-going, haha!!

    2. Walau eh!!! This Fay calculated this like astronomy charts. Just come and spam to grab my crown!!!!

    3. yeah, she is sure a very good accountant huh?? :D

  21. Correction: 2 year or less, the above calculation is way too long muaaahhahhahhaa

    1. errr, don't say when lah.. JUST DO IT, RIGHT NOW!! haha, so we shall be seeing your name in the chart in the months to come?? :p

  22. Hi SK, good morning. My first comment here. Been stalking your blog for some time. Time to reveal. Haha.

    1. thank you for being a silent reader, and now you shall reveal your identity!! haha.. come join in the fun of commenting here.. :)

    2. Fuiyo, Ah Boy's stalker ;-)

    3. Eh! Ah Boy open your eyes wider...!!!! She cute lah.

      We hope all silent readers will become spammers!

    4. yes, silent readers should at least leave a comment.

    5. TM, Louiz has been stalking on you also lah!! she's cute you think?? wow, good, then you should be friend with her~~ :p

  23. I can see the text now, did you do something to it? Thanks anyway, no need to change the anay nay background anymore, muahaha!

    1. i like this background, regardless you think it's anay nay, and will not change it.. just apply another template and make it look similar to my previous one..

  24. Nice presentation of the winners, really appreciate your efforts to always come up with something new for us readers to see! Thanks!

    1. hehe, must have something interactive so that my blog won't be stale and dull mah.. right?? :p

  25. I love reading the comments in your blog post, make my day!

    1. yeah, you have mentioned a lot of times here today, you love reading TM's funny comments hor?? muahahaha :D

  26. Keep up the good work SK and don't go missing like SP, which leaves us feeling :(

    1. not only SP is missing, i guess a lot of people are slowly starting to play the MIA game now, how sad huh?? :(

  27. I laughing ahh when I read the comments here.. Yeah, your friends' comments all very cute ahh..

    1. yeah, they are really a bunch of crazy people!! so crazy that i love them so much~~ :p

    2. I like the background. So soothing to the eyes..

  28. Twillight Man, you saying me cute ahh? Thank you sin wor.. By the way, I stalk your blog too. Coz it's all from the same blog rolls..

    1. hehehe, you must say this in TM's blog personally lah.. i am sure TM will be thrilled and excited that a cute girl is stalking on him all these while~~ :p

    2. SK, yes, I stalk TM's blog too. Coz the way he talks very funny ahh.. and very straight fwd too..I loike !! So it kinda attracted me to click on his blog la...

    3. Louiz, you should leave comments in TM's blog too, and see how he will reply you, i am sure you will laugh rolling on the floor.. go give him support, he will love you!! :D

    4. Sure mou sin? If sure, then I comment on his blog afterwards.. Eh if he no layan me then I ma very malu?

    5. Done. Left a comment liao. I wana see he got reply mou.. Hehe

    6. TM is a very nice person, surely he will not ignore his readers and will reply every single comment with his sense of humour.. :)

    7. What about my blog? Do you read too? I hope you do.

    8. Wenn yes I read your blog too, really.. Just that I never left any comments.. hehe

    9. Especially on your food and cooking posts.. Yummehh..

  29. Believe I'm not on the list this time too lo!!! Cause I was away too long in mid of September!!! Hahaha!!! =]

  30. BTW, forgot to congrats to the TOP 5, you guys are so awesome!!! =]

    1. I like TM poster!!! What a greatest one!!! =]

  31. Long time I didn't get SK's gift already. The one I love the most is SK's DIY card. I put all of them on my fridge door now. Surprise to see that I have improved a little bit from previous quarter. Anyway, I will never give up supporting SK. Though I am not the winner of the gifts. I will still come and drop my comment to SK.

    1. Congrats to Hayley, Angeline, Lina, Meow, and Anay for being the top 5 winners again in this Quarter.

      Wow! Sexy, Pretty, Elegant, Posh and Handsome.

      If Yannie is the winner, I wonder how will SK label me. Curious!

  32. Finally the quarter chart post!! Haha xD
    You know I actually missed reading this post, cause I was away, and I surely din't know I am in the top 5! Then when I came back from Bangkok, I saw this PosLaju thingy for me, from you! Then only I recalled I have made it to the top 5!!
    Really a pleasant surprise!

    1. I can't believe I am in top 5 leh!! Haha xD
      Cause I think I have missed one or two of your posts so far, and my comments aren't too long to earn points, but still.......... Hehe~
      Really must keep up the good works!

    2. And your gifts are not cheapo at all ok? It really surprise me to see all those lovely gifts, can feel your sincerity, plus you burnt midnight oil to wrap those gifts to us, really a thumbs up to you la!!

    3. Here I wanna congratulate the rest too! For those who din't make it don't feel sad, just pay a little more hardworks and you'll sure make it too!
      By the way, it's very nice of you to pick my photo with the Viking hats huh? Haha xD
