[Volume 8 Issue 10, #1813] |
最近兩位博客朋友不約而同寫咗佢哋去曼谷嘅post, 讓我記返起我自己於2007年嘅曼谷之旅, 爭啲就忘記咗我嘅游記重溫系列添!! 好啦, 去馬喇.. 到目前為止, 我一共(只係)去過曼谷兩次, 兩次都係同一年嘅同一個月去, 而且兩次都係舊公司贊助嘅.. 第一次係去training五日, 跟住就與同行嘅兩位新加坡同事延長三日, 自己喺呢個城市週圍逛.. 第二次係company trip, 除咗去曼谷, 我哋一大班人(包括來自馬來西亞, 新加坡, 香港, 北京及上海嘅同事, 仲有泰國生意夥伴嘅幾位代表), 齊齊坐火車去曼谷以西一個叫Kanchanaburi嘅小鎮.. 唔講咁多喇, 大家睇相說故事啦~~ :) [後註] 其實當時都有寫過呢兩次嘅曼谷之旅, 啲相比蚊滋仲要細, 視覺享受絕對係零分, 呵呵!! 不過確實係記載住當時每日嘅心情同事跡嘅.. 有興趣可以去呢度重溫噃.. :) |
a couple of blogger friends blogged about their trips to Bangkok recently, and that reminds me of my trips back in 2007, i have almost forgotten about my travelogue revisit series!! so here we go.. till date i have been to Bangkok (only) twice, both trips happened on the same month of the same year and both trips were sponsored by my previous company.. the first trip was a training for 5 days, together with two colleagues from Singapore we extended for three days and explored the city over the weekend.. the second trip was our company trip, besides Bangkok we (including colleagues from Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai together with a few representatives from our Thai partner) took a train to a small town west of Bangkok which is called Kanchanaburi.. i better not write so much, better let the photos tell the story~~ :) [PS] i did blog about these two trips to Bangkok back then, all in chinese and photos were so tiny even ants couldn't see.. but they recorded my views and incidents that happened at those particular moments.. click here if you are interested to read on.. |
點擊圖片觀賞全套相片 | Click image for full set of photos |
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31.10.2013 | 曼谷符碌
29.10.2013 | 白糖聯想
[Volume 8 Issue 10, #1812] |
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最近首相公佈嘅 2014年度財政預算方案當 中, 除咗一直引起廣泛討論嘅消費稅(GST)之外, 相信另 一個令人津津樂道嘅項目, 非即日起取消白糖津貼莫屬.. 喺明白咗消費稅係咩一 回事之後, 我其實冇咩意見, 反而呢個白糖津貼我就有啲聯想.. |
in the recent government budgetary report for the year 2014 announced by our PM, besides the much talked about GST, i guess the other hot topic must be no other than the immediate withdrawal of the subsidy for sugar.. after a basic understanding of the GST i actually do not have any comment about it, rather the sugar subsidy kind of left me with some thoughts.. |
28.10.2013 | 豈有如此
[Volume 8 Issue 10, #1811] |
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我其實唔鍾意呢間銀行H, 之前已經cut晒佢啲戶口與信用卡, 以為從此互不相關啦.. 誰知年前佢收購咗我另外一張信用卡嘅銀行E, 但係銀行乙呢張卡又好多優惠我唔想cut住先, 所以兜兜轉轉又做返銀行H嘅顧客.. 好喇, 銀行H嘅作業系統確實係令人摸不著頭腦, 上個星期發現信用卡賬單有問題, 一連數日嘗試多次都login唔到入佢嘅網上理財, 我確定密碼冇錯, 不過佢就一直鬧我話俾錯密碼!! 終於忍唔住打去客戶服務中心..
i really don't like this Bank-H and i have actually closed my accounts as well as cancelled all cards with them.. when i thought i have no relationship with Bank-H anymore, they acquired another Bank-E which i hold a credit card with last year, but this card has lots of perks that i don't wish to cancel, hence i fell back being a customer of Bank-H again.. okay, their system is kind of weird, last week i realized a dispute in my credit card statement, but logging in to the online banking for days and yet i got the "invalid password" message though i am very certain that i have keyed it in right!! hence i could not take it anymore and called up the customer service..
25.10.2013 | 雜錦之貼
[Volume 8 Issue 10, #1810] | |
部冷氣一直都較喺24°C嘅最佳溫度, 不過我又覺得自己坐喺個大雪櫃內.. 好奇之下擺支溫度計喺我個位, 原來只係得13°C!! 冏~~ the air-conditioner is set to an optimal 24°C but i always feel like sitting in a refrigerator.. curious and i placed a thermometer at the place i am sitting, it reads a bare 13°C!! duh~~ | |
究竟係我著鞋嘅問題, 定係佢哋生產鞋嘅問題?? 家下啲鞋認真唔襟著呀呵?? 話是話, 呢支"contact grip"確實係又平又有效㗎!! wonder if it's the problem with how i wear my shoes or how they were manufactured?? shoes nowadays don't seem to last long huh?? BTW, this "contact grip" is dirt cheap and effective!!! | |
![]() | #fuyoh, 大家埋嚟睇真啲!! 係 #lenglui 嘜可樂飲品噃!! 飲咗可以即刻變靚女(??)呀.. 各位女士, 你試咗未?? 哈哈哈哈!! :D #fuyoh, take a closer look everyone!! it's the #lenglui brand carbonated cola!! drink it and become a lenglui instantly(??).. ladies, have you tried it?? hahahaha!! :D |
本來呢個clip-pad係買俾朋友, 但係返到屋企又愛不釋手, 唔抵得自己冇.. 於是第二日去返同一間店, 再買俾自己!! 得㗎喇我~~ :p bought this minions clip-pad for a friend, but it's so cute that i got home and felt a little envy.. went to the same shop again the next day to get another one for myself indeed!! fanatic~~ :p |
24.10.2013 | 折墮浪費
[Volume 8 Issue 10, #1809] |
唔知閣下可否有同感, 我哋馬來西亞人, 真係俾快餐店啲免費又任拎唔嬲嘅茄汁辣椒醬所縱壞.. 儘管去任何快餐店行一轉, 肯定見到啲人(以無所不用其極嘅方法)猛咁喺度泵啲茄汁辣椒醬.. 我如果要拎嘅話, 最多都係一碟囉, 依家甚至都已經唔再點醬食啦.. 雖然人家任你點拎都唔嬲, 不過都唔駛同人死過, 一個人要幾碟咁多係嘛?? 都唔明究竟係點辣椒醬食嘢, 定係用啲嘢食送辣椒醬??!! 好喇, 就當你真係咁喜歡啲茄汁辣椒醬到可以當水飲喇, 不過可以食得幾多唔該都有個譜啦, 喪癲咁拎咗一大堆但係又淨係點嗰啲咁多, 幾碟辣椒醬郁都未郁過就要丟, 好折墮呀我覺得.. 其實要杜絕呢種浪費嘅慣性行為, 我個人認為最好就係傚法其他國家咁收錢, 等啲人唔好以為係必然, 自然就會鍚住自己個銀包啦~~ 可能(我係話可能)快餐店已經醬呢啲茄汁辣椒醬計埋入價錢內, 不過咁樣唔多公平, 一於就係要食就要俾錢買先對大家公平.. 閣下又有何睇法呢?? :) |
i wonder if you have the same thought, we malaysians are really spoilt by fast food chains for the complimentary free flow of ketchup and chili sauce.. just get into any fast food chain and you will almost for sure see people use all kinds of ways to pump the maximum amount of sauce from the dispenser.. if i were to take any, i would take just one sauce plate, but recently i don't even bother to have any to go with my food.. though the sauces are free flow, i don't think it's sane to take a "vengeance" to recover what you have paid for the meal right?? i wonder if they dip the sauce or drink the sauce with food??!! okay, just assume they love the sauce till they could drink them alone, but still need to set a limit on how much they can consume right?? took one whole lot but just consume a little, end up throwing away plates of sauces untouched, i find this such a miserable and retarded wastage!! i personally think the best way to stop such wastage is to charge them like what other countries are doing, let them not take things for granted and hence they will sure save up a little~~ maybe (i say maybe) the fast food chain has already factorized the cost of sauce into the price, but this is so unfair to many other customers, let it be "cash for sauce" in order to be fair.. what do you think?? :) |
22.10.2013 | 你有奶嗎
[Volume 8 Issue 10, #1808] |
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某日正在收聽某電台一個調查節目, 當日係要調查大眾對於人奶哺乳嘅睇法.. 其中一位女士受訪時話「我是喝我母親的 【牛奶】 長大的!!」, 聽後我即刻笑到碌地, 難道佢阿媽會出牛奶??!! 哇哈哈哈哈, 勁搞笑呀!! 其實有奶飲係值得慶幸嘅事, 我有好多朋友都唔飲(得)奶, 一係就腸胃抗拒乳糖(lactose intolerant), 飲親奶就百發百中肯定肚屙, 一係就戒奶之後唔再掂乳製品.. 查實我都有段時期係屬於後者㗎, 雖然我嘅腸胃對乳糖不抗拒, 不過聞到陣味就想作嘔.. 但係當年發育時期, 家中長輩聽聞牛奶有營養, 個個都監逼我每日都要飲一杯奶, 之後先慢慢習慣咋.. 依家嘅我每日都會食乳酪, 你俾乜叉乳製品(甚至發芼芝士)我食, 我都冇問題, 甚至會好鍾意!! 不過大家又唔好以為多飲奶就可發育健全, 有版你見我生成咁款啦, 哈哈!! 其實要健全唔係單靠一樣嘢嘅, 均衡飲食/適量運動/充足睡眠/心境開朗, 缺一皆不宜呀~~ :) |
one day i was listening to a survey program on a local radio station, the topic that day was to find out how the public perceive breastfeeding.. one of the interviewed lady said "i grown up being breastfed with my mom's 【COW】 milk!!", heard that and i almost laughed rolling on the floor, her mum can produce cow's milk??!! muahahahaha, tell me it's not hilarious!! actually being able to drink milk is a lucky thing, i have a lot of friends who are either lactose intolerant (sure suffer from diarrhea of they drank milk), or they no longer touch dairy products since they stop feeding on milk.. i actually was once one of the latter cases, though i am not lactose intolerant, smelling them makes me feel like to puke instead.. but it was the growing up years that my family members heard of the goodness of milk, so the elder ones forced and monitored me to drink a glass of milk everyday, only then I slowly get used to milk.. now i eat yoghurt on a daily basis, give me any dairy products (even molded cheese) and i have no problem consuming them or likely that i would love them too!! but don't over-rely on milk to grow up well, i am one good example for you to see how it ended up, hahaha!! in order to grow healthily, balanced diet/sufficient exercise/enough of sleep/stay happy are none you could lack of~~ :) |
21.10.2013 | 聊天程式
[Volume 8 Issue 10, #1807] |
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相信我哋大多數都係用緊部智能手機啦, 而智能手機裡肯定裝咗幾個chat apps啦.. 因為呢啲chat apps冇好似短訊SMS咁限制字數, 而且有係用(免費)網絡聯線, 所以我就發現有好多人都好喜歡打幾隻字之後, 就好順手咁send條message出去, 完全唔駛顧慮到要湊夠160個字母.. 對發送者嚟講當然好玩啦, 不過作為接受者, 我其實覺得幾討厭, 因為每收一個訊息電話就會有一個alert同notification.. 試下想像你部電話不停咁響, 到頭來原來只不過係一個一句可以講晒嘅message, 更令人發癲嘅係當你熟睡嘅時候, 喺另一個時區嘅朋友不斷發訊息俾你.. 所以呀, 我已經將電話內所有chat apps都靜晒音囉, 呵呵!! 講開又講, 如果有人突然間send張相嚟但係跟住又唔講嘢, 我覺得有點唔妥囉.. 可能係我自己嘅問題啦, 始終覺得咁樣做好似有啲唔禮貌咁(雖然我知道人哋嘅原意唔係咁樣), 究竟想我點唧??!! 就好似你想請朋友食嘢, 之但係將食物擺到人哋面前就即刻彈開咁, 大家明唔明我要講咩呀?? 所以個結論係, 大家同緊我chat嘅時候, 唔該唔好將一個message過份分解, 同埋send相就最好有個message啦, 就好似我喜歡大家喺呢個blog度以相同做法留言咁, 呵呵!! :D |
i guess most of us are using a smartphone by now, and i am sure in your smartphone there are a few chat apps installed.. since these chat apps don't limit the number of characters like SMS and use (free) internet connection, this is where i see some people who will just type one-liner phrase or sentence and then hit the send button so conveniently, not at all need to worry about cramping the message into that 160-characters.. fun for the sender but as the receiver i kind of find this irritating, because for every message received i get one alert and notification.. imagine your phone keeps beeping but all you get is supposedly just a simple message one sentence can conclude, worse if your friend is messaging you from a different time zone while you are soundly asleep.. that is why i have muted all the chat apps so that i am not bothered with the alert, hehe!! talking about chats, i also find it not quite right for people to just send photo out of a sudden without a message to follow up.. maybe it's just me but i think that is a little impolite (though i know it's not the intention), what are you expecting from me??!! it's like you wanted to treat a friend nice food, but you just place it in front of him/her and then walk away, get what i mean?? the conclusion is, please do not overly break your message and do send photo followed by description when chatting with me, just like how i like it with your comments here in my blog, haha!! :D |
18.10.2013 | 卅幾年來
[Volume 8 Issue 10, #1806] |
喺呢個繁鬧都市中某一個被人遺忘嘅巷口嘅一個簡陋角落, 你都可能會經過呢一個小小車仔檔而不察覺佢嘅存在.. [地點: 吉隆坡葉亞來路馬來亞銀行對面] in a rundown corner of a forgotten lane within this bustling city, you will most probably pass by this little cart-stall yet do not realize its existence.. [location: opposite Maybank Jalan Yap Ah Loy branch in Kuala Lumpur] |
檔主係一位年邁嘅大嬸, 呢個小小嘅車仔檔就係得一個大概三尺高兩尺闊嘅玻璃櫃(同埋大嬸坐嘅一張膠凳), 確實係毫不起眼.. manned by an old lady, this stall has got only a glass cabinet which is about three-foot tall and two-foot wide (and a plastic stool for her to sit), which i say quite unnoticeable.. |
年邁大嬸其實冇好多嘢賣, 數落都係嗰兩盤嘅咖央角同咖央蛋糕卷, 或者有時都會有一盤蛋撻嘅.. 靠搵食嘅, 佢係得咁多.. the old lady doesn't have a lot to sell, but just a couple of trays of kaya puffs and kaya roll, maybe sometimes a tray of egg custard tart.. that are all she does to earn her living.. |
大嬸自己一手一腳整嘅咖央角, 外皮穌脆爽口, 內裡嘅咖央餡香濃鬆軟.. 好多時候, 我都會唔覺意咁一次過幹掉好幾件㗎~~ :) homemade by the lady herself, the kaya puff is crispy and puff on the outside, and the kaya filling inside is soft and rich in flavor.. many times i can wallop a few pieces at one go without realizing that~~ :) |
除咗咖央角之外, 咖央蛋糕卷亦係大嬸嘅名物.. 雖然同現代西餅店嘅蛋糕相比之下, 佢係冇咗份貴氣, 但係食得出係用心做出嚟嘅味道.. besides kaya puffs, this kaya roll is also the lady's signature item.. though it may seem to lack of the "wow" as compared to modern bakeries, what you can tell by eating this kaya roll is that she made it with heart.. |
三十幾年, 大嬸仍然係度擺檔.. 同三十年前RM0.30一件大大件相比, 今日嘅RM1.20一件雖然係明顯縮咗水, 不過味道仲係三十年前嗰個味道.. 食大嬸嘅咖央角同咖央蛋糕卷, 好多時候都會不經意想起我媽媽, 想起她以前去市區都會買一打半打返嚟, 而我就最喜歡第二日每樣帶一件去返學.. :) for over thirty years, the old lady is still manning her stall at the same spot.. compared to a big piece selling at only RM0.30 thirty years ago, though the current RM1.20 a piece seems to have shrunk in size, the taste did not change from what it was thirty years ago.. while having these kaya puffs and kaya roll, at times i will incidentally think of my mum, think of her who used to buy half or a dozen back home whenever she went downtown, and i would always pack one piece of each to school the next day.. :) |
17.10.2013 | 中毒太深
[Volume 8 Issue 10, #1805] |
唔知大家是否覺得近呢幾個月, 無論去到邊都會見到啲Minions?? (謝天謝地)呢個Minions熱潮似乎已經過咗去, 再也不見人群爭先恐後搶購, 而啲商家似乎開始將Minions產品減價出售, 甚至已經撤退離當眼位置.. 「簡直係來勢凶凶, 去也匆匆呀」, 某禮物精品店老闆話我聽.. 點都好, 今日我係要坦誠招認自己的確曾經係, 依家都仍然係個Minions粉絲.. 睇下, 我有幾個某某快餐店人人爭蹦頭嘅公仔(我仲有兩隻喺美國朋友度等緊歸隊), 我有佢哋一套嘅電話套+牆紙+鈴聲, 我經常會玩手機內嘅Minions游戲, 我有佢哋嘅文具同埋飾物, 我甚至將佢哋貼上塊板度(給自己隨時仰慕, 呵呵)!! 癲㗎, 真係成個Minions狂迷咁, 哈哈!! 老實講啦, 我唔係因為佢哋最近紅先鍾意佢哋㗎, 其實多年前第一集我就開始鍾意佢哋㗎喇.. 我覺得Minions係一班好開心樂天嘅小朋友, 耳染目濡之下見到佢哋我都會好開心!! 之不過我又想話呢, 當你喜歡某樣嘢在先, 然之後個個都跟風同你喜歡埋同樣一樣嘢, 其實都頗討厭, 贊唔贊成?? 哈哈!! 現時我可以話係中Minions毒太深喇, 即管睇下將來有邊一樣嘢可以取替佢哋?? 但係我始終都會係喜歡佢哋嘅, 就好似父母表面上係比較痛鍚其中一個子女, 但係實質上佢哋係同樣愛鍚自己每一個骨肉㗎噃.. :) |
have you felt that we see the Minions almost everywhere we go for the past couple of months?? (thank god) the Minions craze seemed to have faded, nobody is queuing for them now but shops have perhaps slowly selling off the merchandise at discounted prize and slowly phasing them out.. "they surely came fast like a typhoon and left fast too", the owner of a gift shop told me.. anyway, i confess i was a fans of the Minions, and still am.. see, i've got those toys from that fast food chain everyone seemed to fight for (i still have two with my friend in US), i've got them on my phone cover and wallpapers as well as ringtones, i've been playing games of the Minions, i've got stationery and accessories of them, and i've even got them pinned up (for worship, LOL) !! muahahaha, what a minion-fanatic!! frankly, i didn't just like them because they were popular, i actually already liked them since the first movie years ago.. the Minions are just a bunch of happy kids, which make me also feel happy when i see them!! but i have to say, it's quite annoying when there's a flock (who follow) to like what you are liking and create a messy trend out of it, agree?? haha.. i am minionicated at the moment that's all i can say, let's wait and see what's next that comes to replace them?? but i will still like them anyhow, just like parents may seem to pamper one particular child yet in real they actually love every single one of their children.. :) |
16.10.2013 | 隔空傳音
[Volume 8 Issue 10, #1804] |
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我差不多每曰都會搭LRT, 而且不經不覺就咁一搭就搭咗十幾年, 所以呢十幾年來可以話係見盡喺LRT內各種不同嘅人.. 由每曰差不多時間都會見到嘅熟悉面孔, 到一啲我本人覺得佢哋非常之騎呢嘅乘客, 其實搭車嘅時候無所事事, 偷偷地observe車廂內其他乘客都不失為一種消磨時間嘅好方法.. 之前提及過乞人憎乘客, 不過今日要講嘅呢一啲人唔就知道應該點形容.. 幾個乘客一齊上車, 明明係認識嘅, 但係偏偏又唔坐埋一齊, 跟住又要隔住條巷高聲交談喎!! 車廂內(除咗車廂因年久失修而發出嘅吱吱聲)一向都係幾安靜㗎啦, 突然有人高聲交談, 我覺得係幾騷擾囉.. 尤其係一啲你聽唔懂嘅語言, 聽得懂都暫且可以八卦一下交談內容, 聽唔懂就真係覺得似噪音多啲喎.. 其實又唔係街市, 唔駛咁大聲嘅, 況且俾全車人聽到晒交談內容, 會開心啲咩?? 我如果喺車廂內講電話, 都會避忌下啦~~ @_@" |
i commute by LRT almost everyday, and unknowingly have already been commuting in this way for more than a decade, hence i can say that i have seen all kinds of people inside the LRT over these years.. from those familiar faces i meet about the same time everyday to some passengers that i personally think they are weird, actually when there's really nothing much to do in the train, secretly observing other passengers in the coach can be a very good activity to kill time.. i've mentioned about some irritating passengers, but i do not know how to describe these people i shall talk about today.. a few passengers board the train, they know each other actually yet do not want to sit next to each other, and once seated they start to talk to each other loudly across the aisle!! the coach (other than the squeaking sound due to the under-maintained old train) is usually quiet, when people suddenly talk loud, i would think it's quite disturbing.. especially when they are talking in a language alien to you, if they are talking in a language you understand, at least you can gossip a bit what they are talking, else it actually sounds more like irritating noise.. it's not in the market and i don't think we need to talk so loudly, furthermore allowing every other passenger hear what you are talking about, isn't any nice right?? even if i'm to talk in the phone inside the train, i would try to avoid being heard~~ @_@" |
14.10.2013 | 久別重逢
[Volume 8 Issue 10, #1803] |
講到雪糕, 其實我唔駛話係要食貴價雪糕(不過如果有免費嘅我當然唔拘啦), 簡單又實惠(可能依家已經唔是太經濟)嘅雪糕, 譬如話快餐店嗰啲, 就已經足夠令到我開心㗎喇.. 日前見到某某快餐店推出呢個甜品優惠卡, 以RM10購買優惠卡, 隨即贈送三張免費新地固本, 至12月31日為止以優惠卡購買甜品可得高達25%折扣, 計下條數其實都幾抵嘅.. 平時我孤孤寒寒咁, 最多都係買RM1雪糕筒就算喇, 有咗呢張優惠卡之後, 我豪起嚟買咗杯朱古力新地.. 可能因為好耐好耐都冇食朱古力新地, 第一啖食落去, 居然有種恍如隔世+久旱逢甘露嘅感覺, 做咩事呢個朱古力新地咁X好食呀??!! 我諗唔駛三分鐘時間, 我就已經將呢杯朱古力新地幹掉得一乾二淨, 兼且有種意猶未盡嘅感覺!! 所以, 最近嘅我, 好似愛上了呢間快餐店嘅新地哦.. 食雪糕可以令人開心, 同時令人肥胖, 是禍是福??!! @_@" |
when it comes to ice-cream, i actually do not need to go for expensive ones (but of course i don't mind them at all if they come free), simple and economical (maybe not so economical now) ice-cream like those from fast food chains can already make me happy.. saw this desserts discount card from a fast food chain the other day, bought one at RM10 and right away given three coupons for free sundae, and till 31st December enjoy up to 25% discounts on their desserts by presenting this card.. even without serious calculation, it's actually quite a good deal right?? being a thrifty person at times, i usually just settle with that RM1 sundae cone, but with this desserts card i "upscaled myself" and went for a chocolate sundae.. probably because it's been a very long time since i last had one, when i had my very first scoop of this chocolate sundae, surprisingly i felt as if we were in deep love in our previous lives, why does it have to be so f**king delicious??!! i guess within just three minutes i walloped the whole cup squeaky clean, and even felt i have not had enough!! hence, the recent me seemed to have fell in love with the sundae from this fast food chain.. having ice-cream can make one happy, at the same time make one fat, good or bad??!! @_@" |
11.10.2013 | 國旗游戲
[Volume 8 Issue 10, #1802] | ||||||||||||||||||||
話咁快又係星期五喇!! 今日就嚟個輕輕鬆鬆嘅post啦, 週末前夕就唔好咁多顧慮, 啱唔啱先?? 就同大家玩個(久違嘅)認國旗游戲, 玩法非常簡單, 於標誌下空格填上你嘅英文答案, 然後國旗誌檢查, 綠色表示正確, 紅色表示錯誤.. 慢慢玩, 又可以叫你啲仔仔囡囡一家人齊齊玩, 希望各位有個開心愉快嘅週末!! :) | ||||||||||||||||||||
it's oh-so-fast friday again!! let's just have a very simple post today, we don't want to create worries before the weekend right?? we shall have this (long-time-no-see) flag quiz then, it's a very simple game, type your answer in the box under each flag, then click on the flag to verify your answer, green for a correct answer and red for a wrong answer.. have fun, or you may also get your kids to play together as well, wishing everyone a happy and wonderful weekend ahead!! :) | ||||||||||||||||||||
10.10.2013 | 豬仔錢罌
[Volume 8 Issue 10, #1801] |
你係唔係一個會帶散銀出街, 然後買嘢就會摷晒啲散銀出嚟嘅人?? 又或者你買嘢嘅時候會找一大堆散銀返嚟, 因為怕麻煩, 就全數擺喺屋企完全唔會再帶出街?? 我係屬於前者, 散銀都係錢, 點解要擺喺度唔用?? 擺喺度啲錢又唔會自己再生錢係唔係先?? 不過最近又好玩嘢喎, 開始將啲五角錢收起嚟擺入呢個玻璃罌.. 就好似以前細個嘅時候, 大家總係有一個豬仔錢罌, 每日都入幾個散銀入去咁.. 見到個錢罌慢慢咁滿, 其實都好有成就感嘅.. 尤其當你開始嘅時候就已經定下一個目標, 啲錢你要用嚟買呢樣買嗰樣, 我覺得可能會更加motivate自己儲錢囉.. 眼見呢個玻璃罌已經大概有五分之一滿, 我又有個衝動要儘快裝滿佢喎, 哈哈.. 大家不如估下裝滿晒五角錢之後, 呢一罌錢總共會有幾多呢?? $.$ |
are you someone who brings coins with you, and when you are buying something you dig them out to give exact change?? or are you someone who brings back all the coins home, because you think they are troublesome, you just keep them at home forever?? i am of the former type, coins are still money, why just leave them aside unused?? they won't grow extra money if you just leave them in the drawer right?? but lately i kind of play around, i started to collect my 50-sen coins and put them all into this glass container.. just like when we were kids, we used to have one piggy bank where we slot in a few coins everyday.. when we see the piggy bank is slowly getting full, we feel very contented.. especially if we have already set a goal for ourselves when we started saving the coins, we'll use the money to buy this and that, i guess this way were are even more motivated to save money.. looking at this container of mine which is about one-fifth full, i am now more determined to fill it up as soon as possible, haha.. guess when this glass container is filled up with 50-sen coins, how much money will i have then?? $.$ |
08.10.2013 | 婚宴盛會
[Volume 8 Issue 10, #1800] |
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唔係~~ 大家唔好誤會我結婚呀, 哈哈!! 其實係因為最近頻頻出席咗幾個婚宴, 所以有啲嘢講啫, 再準確啲, 應該話係馬來西亞傳統華人婚宴.. 大家放心, 我唔係要分享婚宴食咗啲咩, 相信大家都出席過婚宴, 來來去去都係嗰九道菜, 實在唔明有咩好寫?? 我想話嘅呢, 其實係婚宴儀式嘅鋪排.. 一對新人全場注目下浪漫溫馨入場, 屬全晚高潮, 絕對理所當然.. 不過一輪高漲情緒之後, 緊接囉落嚟係每一間酒家都堅持要搞嘅「出菜儀式」, 我覺得好無聊, 現場氣氛當堂連跌幾watt, 印象中非要用呢一首《The Final Countdown》前奏作背景音樂不可.. 而星期日一個婚宴嘅「出菜儀式」, 竟然出動到點心車, 我爭啲笑到碌地!! 不過慶幸嘅係, 近年嘅婚宴都好似免去講嘢永遠高八度嘅大妗姐做司儀, 取而代之係酒家經理適而可止嘅主持, 至少耳根可以比較清靜.. 而個人感到最欣慰嘅係, 罷 - 免 - 卡 - 拉 - OK - 歌 - 唱 - 環 - 節!! 我仍然好記得嗰一次, 大妗姐成個樂壇天后咁由場外一路唱到上台, 唱嘅竟然係呢一首歌!! 而好多賓客又越唱越勇, 竟然可以唱出令人汗顏嘅慘情歌, 噢埋葛, 好恐怖!! 所以冇咗卡拉OK係明智之舉呀.. 而我個人最喜歡嘅環節, 當然係飲勝啦, 我同家人嗰台通常都係嗌得最中氣十足, 飲到最長最大聲嘅, 我覺得好好玩, 哈哈!! :D |
nope~~ please don't misunderstand it's my wedding, haha!! it's just because i've attended a few wedding dinner lately and i have something to say, to be more precise, i should say malaysian chinese traditional wedding dinner.. no worries, i am not going to share what i ate, i believe everyone has attended one before, and we all know it's none other than that nine standard dishes, really don't understand what's so special to blog about the food?? anyway, what i wanted to say is actually about the agenda of the wedding dinner.. the newly-wed couple march into the hall in the most romantic arrangement watched by every eye of the guests, which i think it's the highlight of the night, never tired of that.. but right after the march-in, it's the compulsory "dish serving ceremony" insisted by the restaurants, i think it's rather redundant and turns the sweet ambiance into a boring scene, in my impression it seems all restaurants must use the score of "The Final Countdown" as the background music and none other songs else.. that "dish serving ceremony" on sunday even had the dimsum cart, which made me almost laughed rolling on the floor!! anyway, what i feel happy with in recent years is that most have their restaurant managers as the emcee rather than the usual ever-high-pitch dai kum jeh (DKJ, traditional wedding ceremony coordinator), at least our ears don't need to suffer anymore.. to add on, comes the most exciting part, i would say it must be that KARAOKE SESSION IS BANNED!! there was once the DKJ walked into the hall and sang all the way onto the stage like a diva, scaringly what she sang was this song!! furthermore there would be some guests who can't stop once they sing, entertaining no one but only themselves by singing utterly sad love songs!! OMG, can you imagine how shockingly dreadful that could be?? hence, banning karaoke session is really a wise move.. to me, the best moment is always the yum sing (toast) session, the table of my family is often shouting the longest and loudest of all, it's sure fun, haha!! :D |
07.10.2013 | 草莓芝士
[Volume 8 Issue 10, #1799] |
對於食物而言, 我可以幾嘴刁, 不過有時候又可以幾將就, 兼且可以幾隨心隨意㗎.. 噚日喺超市買咗士多啤梨同芝士(因為做緊特價先買嘅), 晏晝天氣熱死辣辣, 所以lunch都唔知道要食啲乜嘢好, 於是好即興(定係求其??)地將啱啱買返嚟嘅士多啤梨同芝士拼埋一齊.. 士多啤梨配鮮忌廉, 又或者芝士配餅乾/仁/乾果, 呢啲平時都食得多, 不過新鮮士多啤梨配芝士我又真係未試過.. 人家都有士多啤梨芝士蛋糕啦, 我冇咗個「蛋糕」啫, 呢個配搭應該都得嘅.. 食咗之後, 果然很唔錯噃, 芝士油脂豐富而且味道帶濃, 士多啤梨咁啱係甜中帶酸嗰隻.. 兩者配搭起嚟, 係清新醒胃嘅一頓輕便午餐, 令本來因為一個炎熱晏晝而食慾不振嘅我, 不消片刻就將呢成兜嘢幹掉得一乾二淨!! 大家冇咩胃口嘅時候, 不妨一試呀, 呵呵.. :) |
when it comes to food, i can be quite fussy but at times i can also be quite flexible, as well as being quite improvised.. bought some strawberries and cheese from supermarket (because they are on discounts) yesterday, the weather was so hot and i was so undecided on what to have for lunch, hence just simply (or lazy to be exact) had the strawberries and cheese bought earlier.. i guess it's rather common to have strawberries with fresh cream, or cheese with crackers/ dried fruits/ nuts, but strawberries with cheese is really my first try.. well, when people have strawberry cheesecake, i supposed it's perfectly fine if i don't have that "cake".. eaten and it was quite good, the cheese was rich and creamy while the strawberries were sourish sweet, both meet to give an appetizing and refreshing taste.. i didn't really have good appetite due to the hot weather, but didn't spend much time to clear this bowl of light lunch of mine.. if you do not have appetite also, maybe you can give this a try, hehe.. :) |
04.10.2013 | 久坐請起
[Volume 8 Issue 10, #1798] |
大家有冇好掛住我fing-fing呀?? 今日就等我帶佢出嚟同大家見個面, 咁你有冇發現佢同平時有少少唔同?? 係喇, fing-fing今次係企到直一直呀.. 就好似佢爸爸經常整蠱佢啲朋友話, 成日坐喺寫字樓做嘢, 坐到個肚腩越圓, 個屁股越大!! 講開又講, 當打完呢一句之後, 其實佢已經即刻企咗喺度繼續打字, 哈哈!! 其實唔淨止係肚腩同屁股, 如果一個人坐到個姿勢唔正確, 尤其長時間對著電腦嘅朋友, 血液循環唔好, 而且有好大機會搞到背部/頸部/膊頭酸痛㗎.. 所以fing-fing今次就做咗個很好的示範, 如果你覺得自己已經坐低咗好耐, 真係不妨企起身, 行一行甚至鬆一鬆身體, 五分鐘都夠好㗎喇.. 如此推論得到一個結論, 就係話我哋大家辛苦工作咗一整個星期, 週末其實係好應該俾自己輕鬆一下嘅.. 今日係星期五而明天就係週末啦, 我哋大家都喜愛週末係唔係?? 哈哈, 祝大家有個開心愉快嘅週末啦~~ :) |
have you been missing my fing-fing a lot?? i'm bringing him to meet everyone today, and did you realise something different from the usual him?? ah yes, fing-fing is standing all right up this time.. like his daddy always teases his friends who mostly work in offices, don't sit too much else your tummy gets rounder and your butt gets wider!! ooopsss, after he finished typing that sentence, he was actually standing up to continue, haha!! actually besides tummy and butt, if one is not sitting with a correct posture (especially when too focused on looking at the computer), it's not good for blood circulation and chances of getting shoulder, neck and back pain are actually high.. that is why fing-fing is doing a good example, if you realize that you've been sitting too much, it's good to stand up, walk around or do some stretching for perhaps a short 5 minutes.. which put through a conclusion that, after a long week of hard work, we all deserve a break during the weekend.. it's friday today and tomorrow is weekend, don't we all just love it?? hehehe, have a great weekend ahead everyone~~ :) |
02.10.2013 | 三季戰績
[Volume 8 Issue 10, #1797] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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請準備好迎接五強人馬.. please get ready to meet the top five.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
時間實在是過得太快喇, 今日係大日子, 我爭啲唔記得要買禮物送俾第三季留言榜嘅五強人馬!! 所以前日漏夜趕制本blog例牌嘅 個人賀卡給每一位贏家, 而噚日晨早就即刻去買(cheap)禮物.. 買完就即刻寄晒出 去俾得獎者, 所以呢一次身在郵政局, 就冇辦法將啲(cheap)禮物排到靚一靚兼影 埋靚相喇.. 各位見到一堆不知名物品, 請將就下呢張有點唔開胃嘅相片, 其實他 們都是非常可愛的小禮物哦!! 呵呵.. 好喇, 我都廢話少說喇, 今日大家都係心急 想知道究竟自己咩排名, 同買邊五位讀者可以得獎㗎啦.. 唔阻大家, 請按上面個 button揭曉本年度第三季留言排行榜啦!! :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
time surely passed very quickly, it's THE big day today and i have almost forgotten to buy some gifts for the top five commenters for quarter three!! hence, i burned mid-night oil the day before yesterday to make a personalized card for each of the winners, and yesterday i went to get the (cheapo) gifts first thing in the morning.. after getting the (cheapo) gifts i sent them out immediately to the winners, hence i was in the post office and there was no way i could arrange the gifts nicely and take beautiful photos.. please bear with me for this not-so-appealing photo this time, you see things piling up and wonder what they are?? they are actually very nice and adorable little gifts okay?? haha.. well, better not talk so much nonsense since i guess everyone is very anxious to know your ranking and who are the top five who are receiving the gifts.. waste no time, just click the button above to see the comments chart for quarter three of the year!! :) |
01.10.2013 | 九月金榜
[Volume 8 Issue 10, #1796] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
如果你尚未為意, 2013年剛剛過咗四分之三(又或者可以話係仲有四分之一), 今日就係年度最後一季嘅開始.. 第四季第一日, 為大家揭曉九月份嘅留言榜成績, 我哋嘅冠亞軍持續激烈爭奪龍頭位置, 果然係巨樹盤根毫不動搖!! 所謂有競爭先由進步, 其余嘅讀者嘅排名都有很有趣嘅上落, 好犀利呀!! 既然金榜在此, 就無謂再多作詳述喇, 因為明天將會陸續為大家揭曉本年度第三季嘅成績呀, 呢個當然需要隆而重之啦.. 首先恭喜晒九月份各位榜上題名嘅讀者, 亦都要多謝各位嘅留言支持!! 究竟邊位會係第三季嘅贏家呢?? 就請大家拭目以待喇~~ :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
if you have not realized, three quarters of the year 2013 has just gone (or we can also say there is still a quarter left), it will be the final quarter of the year starting today.. on this first day of the fourth quarter, i am presenting you the comment chart for september.. we still have our top two fighting intensely for the top position, i'd say they strong roots holding the earth, even typhoons could not move them a single inch!! when there is competition there is improvements, we also see interesting rise and fall in the positions for the other readers.. anyway, now that we have the chart right in front of us, it isn't necessary for me to go into details, as i will be revealing the comment chart for quarter three tomorrow, and that no doubt needs more highlights.. congratulations to all who made it to the chart of september, as well as thank you all for your comments!! who are the winners for the third quarter?? do stay tuned~~ :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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