[Volume 8 Issue 9, #1795] |
慢 | Slow [-] [+] Fast | 快 |
上個星期將部手機update去最新嘅操作平台, 個人非常喜歡呢一次簡潔嘅全新界面.. 又因為係全新界面, 之前我自己整嘅牆紙都走晒位, 全部唔再適合再用喇.. 所以最近好多時候都係對住部手機, 一得閑就落手落腳整多批新牆紙.. 如果你有留意到上面一系列嘅牆紙(按上面個「啟動」就會自動現實喇), 唔難發現每張都有我個大名同埋小小嘅一張照片, 係唔係好特別呢?? 其實通街啲人都係用同我同樣一部手機, 我想特別啲, 同埋最緊要係personalized啲.. 與眾不同先至有性格, 咁樣先襯得起我不愛隨波逐流嘅性格㗎嘛, 呵呵!! 如果你喜歡嘅話, 我其實可以免費幫你整一張嘅, 都係手板眼見工夫啫, 不過只限於蘋果四代電話(因為我用緊呢款嘛, 所以當然只係識得幫呢款手機整牆紙啦).. 有興趣嘅朋友, 請將你要嘅牆紙同埋你張相片一齊e-mail俾我, 唔駛怕醜噃.. 能夠同人分享自己嘅作品, 其實係好開心嘅一件事嚟嘅, 所謂施比受更有福嘛, 我係為自己積福呀, 呵呵~~ :p |
got my phone updated to the latest operating platform last week, i personally love the very sleek new interface a lot.. and because of the new interface, those wallpaper i customized last time are no longer aligning and not suitable for use anymore.. hence i spent quite some time playing with my phone lately, and if i have time i will just make a new batch of wallpapers.. if you are observant enough, you will notice from the images above (press "Start" button above and they will scroll automatically), that on every piece of wallpaper, i will have my name as well as a little photo, special huh?? actually so many people around are using the same phone as i do, hence i want mine to be a little different and more importantly personalized, only such uniqueness can go well with my attitude that doesn't like to flock with the flow, hahaha!! if you like this idea, i can actually make you one for free, for it's just simple job, but limited to iPhone 4 (because this is what i am using, make sense that i only know how to customize wallpapers for this model right??).. interested, please e-mail me your wallpaper and your photo, don't need to be shy okay?? being able to share my artwork with others is actually a very happy thing, as we always say "to give is more blessed than to receive", i actually collect good credits for myself, hehe~~ :p |
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26.09.2013 | 手機牆紙
25.09.2013 | 積分優惠
[Volume 8 Issue 9, #1794] |
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打開你嘅銀包或手袋, 你可能發現裡面嘅會員卡呀優惠卡呀, 加上嚟比起你其他啲證件仲要多.. 今時今日感覺上去親邊度買嘢, 都好似(有需)要遞張會員卡, 可以儲積分或得到額外優惠, 就連街邊大牌檔都可能有呢一種玩意呀.. 我就忽然之間突發其想, 想話知道各位對呢啲所謂嘅會員積分或會員優惠, 究竟有何睇法?? 假設你正在排緊隊俾錢買嘢..
open your wallet or handbag, you will most likely find out that all your membership cards and discount cards add up to be so many more than your ID and financial cards.. it seems like everywhere we go buy things nowadays, we will probably (need to) use some kind of loyalty card for some extra perks, and even roadside stalls may have that mind you.. i suddenly have a thought about all these cards and points thingy, and a little curious about how different people view them.. imagine yourself queuing at the cashier ready to pay for your goods..
24.09.2013 | 棋逢愚手
[Volume 8 Issue 9, #1793] |
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兩個侄子最近興起玩中國象棋, 應該係三分鐘熱度啦我覺得.. 佢哋叫我同佢哋捉棋, 但係我愛莫能助, 只可以叫佢哋搵爺爺, 因為我真係唔識捉棋呀, 呵呵!! 有朋友知道我唔識捉棋就非常驚訝, 中文學校出身竟然唔識玩中國象棋??!! 好出奇咩?? 學校雖然規定我哋要睇文言文古籍, 要我哋讀中國文學歷史, 但係絕對冇強逼我哋要識得捉棋喎.. 我其實對捉棋真係興趣麻麻, 除咗黑白棋/蛇棋/動物棋呢啲比較低層次嘅棋之外, 其他嘅我一概一竅不通.. 再加上以前屋企有部電動游戲機, 我當然選擇後者啦.. 你話喇, 捉棋咁傷腦筋, 不如完電動游戲仲刺激?? 而且我當時仲係同我媽媽一齊完添㗎, 你唔好以為伯母好蝦, 我返緊學嘅時候佢就喺屋企「練功」㗎喇, 哈哈.. 所以唔好話今時今日啲小朋友離唔開部手機或者板腦, 我哋大人(以及以前仲細嘅時候)都一樣啦, 喺街或食肆度, 十個有九個都係玩緊自己部手機或版腦㗎啦.. 等陣, 我唔係講緊捉棋咩, 又會扯到手機同板腦嘅?? 嗯, 是但啦, 哈哈~~ :D |
my two nephews have been playing chinese chess quite often recently, won't last long though i would guess.. and they asked me to play with them, but i really can't give much help but can only ask them to look for their grandpa, because i really do not know how to play that, haha!! a friend knew i do not know chinese chess and was shocked, because i graduated from a chinese school and am expected to know this game.. though my school required us to study chinese history and literature in very ancient language, we were never required to know how to play chinese chess.. i actually do not have much interest in chess, besides lower level ones like othello/ animal chess/ snake & ladders (do you consider this a chess??), i really have no idea how all the others work.. furthermore we had a video game set at home, of course i would choose the latter right?? compare to the mind-cracking chess, why not the more exciting and thrilling video games right?? oh, i actually played with my mom together, don't ever think you could bully this auntie, she was damn good in video games i tell you, probably because she practiced a lot while i was in school, haha!! hence, don't blame kids nowadays for keeping their phones or tablets with them all the time, we adults (as well as the younger us) are quite the same too.. just look around, in the street and in eateries, nine out of ten are actually playing with the gadget on their hands right?? wait, i am supposed to talk about chinese chess today but why i ended up with phones and tablets?? well, whatever, haha~~ :D |
23.09.2013 | 施受之福
[Volume 8 Issue 9, #1792] |
我哋周不時都聽到人家話「施比受更有福」, 噚日就俾我見到城中某舊樓油咗大大個呢一句說話, 仲要係中英並列.. 本來都不足為奇, 但係再睇真啲左邊個招牌, 竟然係某博彩公司外牆, 就似乎好有趣噃.. 而令人津津樂道嘅, (個人覺得)應該係佢言下的諷刺.. 究竟誰施誰受?? 博彩公司就當然希望用呢句說話, 慫恿我哋多啲施贈於佢啦.. 而作為普羅大眾嘅一份子, 就當然博彩公司多啲派獎金啦.. 不過大家又有幾何聽聞國內有人中積寶大獎呢?? 有朋友話, 鄰國博彩如果奬金累積到一個數目都冇人中嘅話, 就歸政府所有.. 而好多國家開彩時都作電視直播, 十足透明度.. 反觀我哋呢度, 係完全冇呢啲事發生, 感覺上似樂善布施, 將血汗錢塞入嗰一小撮人嘅袋多啲.. 唉!! 大家是否有同感?? |
we often hear people say "it's more blessed to give than to receive", and this was what i saw painted on an old building in town yesterday, somemore in both english and chinese.. supposedly there isn't anything special, but take a closer look again at the signboard on the left, it's instead interesting to see this on the outer wall of a lottery company.. or shall i rather say, (I personally think) this saying painted on that wall indeed shows suggests irony.. who's to give and who's to receive then?? from the lottery company's point of view, of course they hope this encourage the public to give more.. on the other hand, being one of the public, i surely wish the company pay out prizes more often.. however, how many times have you ever heard of people manage to strike the big jackpot huh?? a friend once told me, in our neighboring country, once the jackpot hits an upper limit and if no one gets it, that would be paid to the government.. also many countries practice broadcasting the draw live through nationwide TV, which shows total transparency.. but just look at where we are, have you seen any?? instead it feels like just putting money into the pockets of that small group of people.. haiz!! but do you share the same view as me?? |
20.09.2013 | 短暫學院
[Volume 8 Issue 9, #1791] |
都有成三個月冇用我嘅成長系列posts嚟悶親大家喇, 今日就由上一回講到嘅中學生涯繼續落去啦, 哈哈!! 其實去到中六嘅時候, 都仲未想清楚自己將來想做乜, [下刪詳情五百字], 陰差陽錯之下, 跟咗大隊去咗城中某學院讀咗個1+2嘅電器及電子工程.. 1+2課程即係話, 第一年喺呢間學院讀Diploma兼大學一年, 跟住兩年就喺英國讀埋個Degree, 係相當快速嘅一個途徑.. 所以學院生涯其實得短短九個月, 印象唔係太深刻, 唯一唔同嘅係終於唔駛著校服返學, 而且遲到走堂冇人理, 同校風嚴厲嘅中學比較簡直係天淵之別, 哈哈!! 當時中六考完試等成績, 仲有兩個月先算係畢業, 我就得到校方同意去學院上堂, 兩個月之後再返去參加中學畢業典禮, 係好有趣嘅一個經歷.. 呢張相係我少數學院照嘅其中一張, 攝於1996年喺日航酒店舉行嘅畢業典禮上, 當時因為只係Diploma畢業, 所以未戴得四方帽住(都唔明做乜硬係要搞個畢業禮??).. 後面個女人係院長, 化咗灰都仲記得佢一口高八度嘅英文同埋講嘢時候翹起嘅厚脣, 而頒發證書嘅就係當時嘅副教育部長, 大家仲認得嘛?? 之後就係庸庸碌碌準備過英國嘅事喇, 下回再同大家分享大學生涯啦~~ :) |
it's been three months i have not bored you with my growing-up series of posts, let's continue today from where we left at my high school life, haha!! when i was in form 6 i still haven't really thought of what i wanted to do in the future, [deleted 500 words on details], in the end and by chances i just followed the flock and got into a local college to do a 1+2 electrical and electronics engineering program.. this 1+2 program means, the first year doing a diploma cum year one syllabus, and the subsequent two years to complete the degree course in UK.. hence my college life was just a short nine months, don't really remember much but what i found different was that i didn't need to wear school uniform anymore, and nobody will care about me being late or skipping lectures, compared to my strict high school it's just so upside-down different, haha!! it was after we sat for our form 6 exams waiting for results and two months before we were officially a high school graduate, we got the consent from the principal to start our studies in the college first, and two months later back to school for the high school graduation, a rather unique experience i would say.. this photo was one of the few photos i took during college life, taken on the graduation at nikko hotel in 1996, since it was just diploma hence we didn't wear a mortar board (but i don't understand why the college still insisted to do that??).. the woman behind was the dean, i shall never forget her high-pitch english and her thick lips pushing out when she talked.. and the man who was giving away the certificate, still remember our former deputy education minister?? after this, it was busy time preparing to fly to UK, and those i shall share with you again some days later.. :) |
19.09.2013 | 八月十五
[Volume 8 Issue 9, #1790] |
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今日係農曆八月十五呀, 即係大家所熟悉嘅中秋節, 喺度先祝大家中秋節快樂!! 中秋節, 大家食咗月餅未?? 寫呢一篇post嘅時候, 就啱啱食咗四分之一個上海月餅, 人家分俾我食嘅.. 老實講, 每一年啲商家推出新口味月餅, 而且包裝有精美到不能, 我都覺得很有趣.. 但係我都好耐冇自己買月餅喇, 因為我覺得月餅一年貴過一年.. 十幾蚊買一個月餅我開始覺得肉赤, 而且我又唔係好恨食月餅囉, 所以都係等人請我食好, 呵呵!! 其實整一個月餅, 成本好低啫(有朋友話兩蚊內做得到), 出面賣十幾蚊一個, 簡直就係一頸血啦.. 梗係啦, 一年流流長得呢一個月可以做到你生意, 啲商家仲唔乘勝追擊咩?? 所以話, 係時候學下自己做月餅喇, 除咗可以同自己慳返一筆之外, 仲有可能趁機賺返一筆添喎!! :p |
today is the 15th day of the eighth month in the chinese calendar, which is the mid-autumn festival (or mooncake festival which may be more widely known), let me first wish everyone a happy mid-autumn festival!! so it's the mooncake festival and have you eaten any already?? while i was writing this post, i just had a piece which is a quarter of a shanghainese mooncake, shared out by a somebody.. actually i find it exciting to see mooncakes of different new (and creative) flavors being marketed, as well as the ever stunning packaging.. however i have not bought mooncake myself for quite some time, as i realized they are getting more expensive each year.. i started to be so unwilling to fork out 10-over ringgit just to get one, plus i don't really fancy eating mooncake, so nothing's better than to wait to be treated huh?? hehe.. actually the cost to make a mooncake is cheap (a friend said it can be done under RM2), compared to those selling over RM10 a piece in the market, they really are rewarding with high profit right?? of course, there will only be businesses in this month for a one whole year, definitely merchants will never miss this opportunity.. hence, it's really time to learn to make your own mooncake, other than saving a lot for yourself, probably you can also earn a lot of extra income too!! :p |
18.09.2013 | 賞味期限
[Volume 8 Issue 9, #1789] |
當你買嘢嘅時候, 尤其係飲食產品, 你會唔會每次都檢查咗個保存期限先呢?? 我記得應該係廿五年前先實施標明保存期限嘅法例, 自此我買親嘢之前都會好習慣睇個保存期.. 我每次都係會揀限期最遠嘅(常理啦係嘛??), 不過當然, 我都甚歡迎差不多要過期因而減價嘅貨品嘅, 哈哈!! 其實喺未有保存期限呢樣嘢之前, 我哋斷定某食品是否仲食得, 都不過係基於味道, 色澤或質地.. 有咗呢個更為科學嘅方式之後, 我其實頗好奇個限期有幾準確?? 有可能未過期之前就已經壞咗, 又有可能過咗期之後都仲係食得喎.. 咁你係唔係(盲目)跟足保存限期嘅指示呢?? 即係話只要尚未過期就照食無誤, 一旦過咗期就棄之不屑?? 我可以承認我係, 雖然偶爾有所猜疑.. 講真吖, 就好似我哋好多時候都選擇相信科學證據多過自己嘅本能判斷一樣.. 平常生活中嘅一件小事, 都可以帶出一個值得深思嘅課題吓?? :) |
before you buy something especially food and beverage, do you always check on the expiry date first?? i remember labeling the expiry date was only regulated somewhere 25 years ago, and since then i do have a habit to look at the expiry date before buying anything.. i always choose products with the furthest expiry date, though at times i don't mind at all those near-expiry but with price reduced, haha!! anyway, before we have this expiry thing, we judged the condition of the food or beverage by their tastes, colors or textures.. but with this more "scientific" way of stating the expiry, i am curious about its accuracy (though i still use it as a guideline), because things could already be unconsumable before the expiry, or still good to consume after the expiry.. so, do you always follow strictly, or rather blindly?? that is, eat while still before and dump away after thing is expired?? i would say yes for my case despite sometimes my doubt, and come to think about it, it rather seems like most of the time we tend to choose to trust the scientific proofs rather than our own instinct judgements.. interesting food for thought from just a tiny little thing in our daily lives huh?? :) |
17.09.2013 | 回水竅門
[Volume 8 Issue 9, #1788] |
相信呢一款水機大家都見慣不怪啦, 今日就想同大家分享自己最近嘅一個小小經歷.. 話說某日我入咗RM2準備買樽汽水, 明明眼見有貨喺度, 不過部機就猛咁話sold out.. 錯厄之余, 後面有位男士行前話我知, 我要嗰款汽水支樽卡住個感應器, 所以部機以為售罄.. 於是我就想話退錢啦, 點知㩒個退錢制㩒極都冇反應!! 正當我@#$%^&*之時, 嗰位男士又行前嚟話我知, 要退錢其實有另外一個竅門, 點樣呢究竟?? 就係揀真正售罄(即係空liao liao)嗰一排, 當部機發現真係俾唔到我任何嘢之後, 佢真係乖乖回水, 自動吐返RM2俾我!! 本來我都認定自己黑仔, 打算要白白放棄呢RM2, 誰知遇著呢個「高人」, 真係感激呀!! 我懷疑嗰位仁兄, 係唔係呢一款機背後嘅設計者呢?? 不過見佢著住件電訊公司制服, 應該唔係啦, 可能佢俾部機昆得多之後, 終於搵到回水竅門打救世人, 我都要沾佢個光, 喺度同大家分享至得, 希望幫到忙啦~~ :p |
i guess you don't find this type of vending machine unfamiliar, in fact what i wanted to share today is related to this particular type of machine.. one day i wanted to buy some drinks and inserted RM2 into the machine, what i wanted was really in stock yet the machine kept telling me it's sold out.. feeling puzzled, a man from behind told me that he saw the bottle stuck the sensor flap and hence the machine thought that drinks has sold out.. hence i decided that i want my money back, but no matter how i pressed the refund button, nothing seemed to happen!! while i was pretty @#$%^&*, the man once again told me there is actually a trick to get my money back, but how?? just choose any one empty row (which drinks has really run out of stock), when the machine sensed that it grabbed nothing for me, it really returned me my RM2 automatically!! how lucky i was to bump into this "genius" when i was almost giving up!! i suspected he might be the brain behind the design of this machine, but looking at his telco uniform he doesn't look like one.. or perhaps he has been cheated a lot of times and finally he found the trick and wanted to help others.. let me also do the same and take this opportunity to share the trick, hope it's helpful~ :p |
13.09.2013 | 老友靚粥
[Volume 8 Issue 9, #1787] |
講到食靚粥, 好多人都會諗到H記, 不過我自己就肯定會揀隔幾條街嘅老友記.. 近幾年服務態度大大好轉, 夥計有禮貌而且隨叫隨到, 所以都經常會幫襯呢個路邊攤㗎.. 以下係我嘅最愛, 十次有九次都係會叫嘅雞(胸)粥.. when it comes to nice congee, many would have thought of H-Kee (HK), but for me i definitely prefer Loa Yau Kee (LYK) which is a few streets away.. the service has greatly improved in recent years, waiters are more polite and responsive, hence i have been patronizing this roadside stall quite often.. this is my favorite, nine out of ten times i would be ordering this plain congee with chicken (breast).. |
我鍾意食老友記嘅粥, 因為覺得粥係我喜歡嘅粘度, 唔會太杰又唔會太稀.. 相較起H記我就覺得後者有啲太杰, 唔係太鍾意.. 而且老友記嘅粥食得出係用雞湯去滾嘅, 粥本身就已經係非常之入味.. i like LYK's congee because i find the congee itself is of the consistency i like, not too thick and not too watery, as compared to the one from HK that i found too gluey for my liking.. besides, the congee was boiled in chicken stock hence the plain congee itself is already flavorful enough.. |
而我每次都例牌要一份切雞(胸), 淋上醬油再配上特制辣椒醬, 唔駛多講啦, 齋睇張相就知道佢好好味啦, 呵呵!! 當然除咗雞粥, 佢都仲有其他選擇, 例如都好受歡迎嘅豬雜粥同魚生粥等.. 每碗粥一律RM5, 切雞每份RM4.50, 炸腸每份RM3, 相較十年前嘅每碗RM4, 我覺得價錢都好合理.. most of the time i will order a portion of chicken (breast) to go with my porridge, drizzled with special soy sauce and dip with homemade chili sauce, needless to elaborate more but by just looking at the photo you know how delicious it is, hehe!! of course besides chicken porridge, they also have other choices, for instance the popular pork congee and fish sashimi congee.. each bowl of porridge is sold at RM5, additional chicken at RM4.50 per portion and cripsy pork intestines at RM3 per portion, compared to a bowl at RM4 ten years ago, i find the price very reasonable.. |
好喇, 大家可能會問呢檔老友記究竟喺邊呀?? 下晝五點開始營業, 如果遇上客人多嘅話, 近八點鐘佢哋就開始收檔㗎喇, 所以要趁早哦!! 仲有, 記住星期日及公共假期休檔, 以免向隅.. :) okay, you may want to ask where is this LYK?? they start business at 5pm and if the business is good, you will see them preparing to close near 8pm, so it's better to be early!! and oh, remember they are close on sundays and public holidays, just avoid thinking of them on those days.. :) 地址 86 Jalan Tun H.S. Lee, 50050 Kuala Lumpur (Jalan Tun Tan Siew Sin 與 Jalan Tun H.S. Lee 交界處, 頌記牛肉粉前) Address 86 Jalan Tun H.S. Lee, 50050 Kuala Lumpur (in front of Soong Kee Beef Noodles at the intersection of Jalan Tun Tan Siew Sin and Jalan Tun H.S. Lee) |
睇慣我個blog嘅朋友, 有冇發覺今日呢個post有啲唔同, 唔係我一貫嘅style?? 其實係一時心血來潮, 用呢個大眾方式學人寫美食評述, 同埋扮晒食家咁啫!! 哈哈.. 點呀, 合格唔合格呀?? :D if you are my regular reader, did you notice this post today is a little different, not actually my usual style?? it was just a sudden thought for to use this common style to blog about food, and to write as if i am a gastronome!! haha.. so how do you think i pass or fail?? :D |
12.09.2013 | 認字識字
[Volume 8 Issue 9, #1786] |
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上個星期我貼咗個(限量版)手寫post.. 因為長年依賴電腦打字嘅緣故, 手寫過程中先發覺寫字好似一件好陌生嘅事情, 哈哈.. 所以手字睇落總係怪怪地, 而最困擾嘅就係有好多字都已經唔記得點寫!! 之前聽過某電台DJ話, 我哋依家大部份人都係「認字」而非真正「識字」, 我好認同噃!! 尤其依家科越係先進, 唔識寫可以用intelligent suggestion, 寫錯咗可以用auto correction, 就係於一堆字中揀個啱嘅咁簡單.. 所以話喺有得揀嘅大前提之下, 認得佢就可以啦, 仲駛乜識佢吖?? 咁即係點呢?? 簡單啲嚟講, 咪就係話我哋現代人太過依賴科技囉.. 好多基本嘢都漸漸被淘汰被遺忘, 其實又唔可以話係一面倒嘅壞事, 睇下當中嘅方便快捷, 同埋以前曾被認為係天馬行空嘅事情, 都變成有可能發生嘅事情.. 我個人認為有好亦有壞囉, 我係歡迎新科技去輔助而唔係去顛倒原有嘅核心價值, 不過都係在於個人嘅睇法啫.. :) |
last week i posted a (limited edition) handwritten post.. because all these years i have been relying on the keyboard to type, in the process of writing i realized that writing was quite an alien thing to me, haha.. hence the handwriting somehow looked weird, and more sadly was that there were a lot of words that i have problems spelling them out!! i once heard a radio DJ saying, that most of us nowadays tend to only "recognize" words but not actually "know" the word, i surely agree with what he said!! especially with the ever advancing technology, if we do not know the word we can always rely on intelligent suggestion, if we got the word spelt wrongly we can always rely on auto correction, all we need to do is merely choosing the right one to use from the list of suggested words.. thus under such a circumstance, it's sufficient that we just recognize the words but really knowing them isn't necessary.. so, what does that mean?? put it simple, it shows that we are now too dependent on technology.. many basics have been eliminated and forgotten, but that doesn't mean it is an absolute bad thing, look at what we enjoy from the timeliness and convenience, and those that were thought impossible become possible now.. i personally think it is a mixture of pros and cons, and i surely welcome new technology to assist but not to mess up with the original core values, anyway it's up to the views of individuals to say.. :) |
10.09.2013 | 貪小便宜
[Volume 8 Issue 9, #1785] |
係, 你眼前的確係一系列不同顏色嘅同款水樽, 不過唔好意思事先聲明, 唔係你諗嘅大贈送噃!! 所以若果你將個視窗閂咗唔再睇埋落去, 我完全明白而且仲唔會怪大家嘅, 哈哈!! 其實今日係想講我竟然為咗呢四個水樽淪落到.. 淪落到咩地步呢?? 故事由上個星期城中個傢具展開始.. 話說每日首1000名入場登記嘅人士, 每人都會免費獲得以上限量精美水樽乙個.. 本來我對咁樣嘅市場促銷方式都冇乜興趣, 不過第一日咁啱經過又有時間, why not?? 結果拎到個紅色嘅, 一睇之後非常喜歡喎.. 結果接住落去嘅三日, 我就天天報到, 我-竟-然-天-天-報-到!! 每日唔同嘅顏色, 結果我連續四日都晨早去排隊輪水樽.. 其實我係諗住既然有咗一個, 就索性收集一套啦.. 講得好聽嘅, 係我有恆心, 有一股鍥而不捨, 為求完美嘅精神!! 講得難聽嘅, 咪就係我師奶仔性格作祟, 貪小便宜囉!! 真係難以相信我竟然如此, 都唔係平時嘅我嚟㗎嘛~~ :D |
yes, you see one set of water bottles in different colors, but sorry to say that this is not a giveaway post if you thought so!! hence if you stop reading and close the window, i totally understand and will not frown upon that, haha!! actually i wanted to talk about how uncle i was for these four water bottles.. how uncle was i?? it all started with that home and living exhibition in town last week.. so, everyday the first 1000 visitors who registered at the entrance will each get a limited edition water bottle as seen above for free.. initially i wasn't keen at all on this kind of marketing promotion, but on the very first day i coincidentally passed by, furthermore since i've also got time so why not?? and so it ended up i got the red one, and i liked it very much!! since then for the next three days, i went there everyday, I UNEXPECTEDLY WENT THERE EVERYDAY!! it's a different color on each day, hence i went there early in the morning for a total of four consecutive days just to queue up for the bottles.. i actually thought since i've already have one, might as well collect one whole set right?? to put it in a nice way, it's because i am a determined person who seek for perfection.. to put it as it is, i guess the auntie-ness in me kind of made me go all the way for the freebies as if they were gold!! so unbelievable i did that, because that was not the usual me either~~ :D |
09.09.2013 | 皚皚白髮
[Volume 8 Issue 9, #1784] |
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一直以嚟, 平時照鏡都不外乎梳頭同埋搽護膚品, 又或者間唔中喞下暗瘡(係呀, 我好鍾意啲膿爆晒出嚟嗰種感覺㗎, 哈哈!!).. 不過最近企喺塊鏡面就前多咗個新動作, 係咩呢?? 之唔係掹白頭髮囉!! 初時嚟嚟去去都只不過係嗰區區三條白髮, 但係噚日將頭髮剪短咗之後(係喇, 我唔再係蛋撻頭好耐啦), 驚嚇之下, 原來之前見唔到嘅白髮全部都現晒出嚟!! 又因為頭髮太短, 所以要將啲白髮連根拔起都幾係有難度.. 歲月摧人老嘅跡象呀, 我諗我到50歲嘅時候, 應該係頂住一頭皚皚白髮喇.. 話時話, 聽聞如果有白髮, 第時甩頭髮至稀薄嘅機率就會相對低啲.. 老實講, 我寧願白頭髮好過冇頭髮囉, 呵呵, 而且男人一頭白髮睇落比較似個智者喎~~ :p |
all these while when i look into the mirror, it's none other than styling my hair, applying skincare on my face or maybe sometimes squeezing acne (yes, i love seeing the pus erupting, muahaha!!).. but lately there's a new activity that i will do in front of the mirror.. guess what?? picking grey hair that is!! initially it all started with just those three strands of grey hair i could find, but when i got my hair cut shorter yesterday (yeah, i am no more karipap since long ago, hehe), OMG to my horrendous shock, those that i did not find all came afloat so obviously!! and because of the short hair it makes picking the grey hair rather difficult.. signs of aging and i guess probably when i'm 50 year-old later i may be wearing a "snow cap".. anyway i heard that if you got grey hair, chances of your hair thinning and subsequently become bald later is rather low.. with that i frankly prefer grey hair than no hair, haha, plus men do look wiser with grey hair yeah?? :p |
06.09.2013 | 手寫一貼
[Volume 8 Issue 9, #1783] |
今日呢個post算係同其他post有少少嘅唔同, 不過又未至於話好特別.. 本來都冇咩特別嘢要寫, 就唔好長篇大論喇, 就請大家按下面個button繼續啦.. 因為今日張相係比較大張, 所以可能會用多少少時間先可以load出嚟, 大家俾多少少耐心等下啦~~ :) |
today's post is a little different from all the other posts, but can't really say it is of any special.. don't really have much to blog about actually, hence i shall not say much, but please click on the button below to continue.. because the photo today is slightly larger in size, hence it may need a tad little more time to load, but just be a little more patient okay?? :) |
05.09.2013 | 面部護理
[Volume 8 Issue 9, #1782] |
雖然我天生係白底人, 不過我就冇咁幸運有可以令人羨慕嘅肌膚.. 加上青春期嘅時候疏于照顧, 所以皮膚一路以來都唔係咁好, 依家更加當然係「年老色衰」啦唔駛講.. 如無記錯, 大概三十歲嘅時候先開始認認真真注意面部護理, 我覺得係有啲遲, 不過總好過冇啦.. 其實就冇俾過錢去做啲咩面部護理療程嘅, 咁多年嚟都係去買護膚產品, 自己喺屋企用咁囉.. 心得就唔夠膽講話有喇, 不過基本嘅護理知識都略知一二嘅.. 至少我覺得以上一字排開(部份)嘅護膚產品, 雖然比不上靠個樣搵食嘅朋友, 不過應該足夠嚇親好多男士(甚至女士)啩?? 哈哈!! 順便一提, 因為唔係賣廣告, 所以上面張相就特意除去牌子, 如果你八卦想知, 可以私底下問我喎, 呵呵.. 其實塊面光彩啲, 人都覺得醒神啲㗎, 所以照顧皮膚已經唔係女人嘅特權喇~~ :p |
although i was born with fair skin, i wasn't gifted with good skin and complexion that people would envy.. moreover i didn't really care about my skin during pubescence years, hence my skin has never been good, not to mention now that i am slowly going over the hill.. if i'm not mistaken, i only started to seriously look into facial care, i think it was late but at least better than none.. anyway i have not paid for any facial treatment sessions, all these years i just buy the products off-shelves for use at home.. can't say i am experienced but i think i have some basic knowledge.. at least lining up (some of) my skincare stuffs in the photo above, though incomparable to those who earn a living with their faces, i guess enough to impressed many other guys (or even ladies) right?? haha!! just to clarify that since i am not advertising for the products, i have removed the brand in the photo above, if you would like to gossip about what brand i am using, you are welcome to private message me, hehe.. actually i think having clean and refreshed skin makes one looks smarter too, hence skincare is really not the prerogatives of ladies anymore~~ :p |
04.09.2013 | 開心樂園
[Volume 8 Issue 9, #1781] |
可能我真係越老就越天真, 哈哈!! 以前都唔會話去收集玩具嘅, 不過最近就好似特別鍾情於呢啲開心樂園玩具, 當然我未至於瘋狂到乜都一定會買啦.. 其實見到呢啲玩具, 除咗覺得佢哋(色彩繽紛)好靚之外, 望住佢哋, 甚至得閑嘅時候拎嚟玩一玩, 我就會覺得開心.. 既然自己可以開心, 咁又何樂而不為呢, 係唔係?? 呵呵.. 其實都有讀者問過我, 係唔係用個好大嘅櫃嚟展示我啲玩具?? 如果我話唔係, 會唔會好失望?? 老實講, 我都係展示其中幾個我比較喜歡同埋比較近期嘅玩具, 其他嘅都係收起嚟咗, 因為實在冇咁多地方可以擺晒全部出嚟嘛.. 我咪就係咁樣展示囉, 整整齊齊咁唔會太多又唔會太少, 因為我自己都唔鍾意太雜亂而又太誇張囉(或者你覺得係已經十分誇張呢?? 呵呵!!).. |
maybe i really get more childish as i aged, haha!! i don't remember i ever collected any toys, but recently it seemed that i am quite fancy of these Happy Meal toys, of course i am still rational and will not grab whatever available.. actually when i see these toys, besides thinking that they are very (colorful and) adorable, looking at them or even sometimes playing them when free, i indeed feel a lot happier.. since i am happy, why not then, agree?? hehe.. in fact some readers actually wondered if i have a huge cabinet to display my toys.. will i disappoint you if i say no?? i actually just display some of my favorites and also the more recent ones but keeping the rest in my drawer, as i don't have space for all.. so this is how i showcase my toys , just nice and neat since i don't like it to be overdone too (or you think it's already over the top?? haha!!).. |
02.09.2013 | 八月金榜
[Volume 8 Issue 9, #1780] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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九月喇, 你知唔知已經係九月喇?? 又係每個月循例要揭曉留言排行榜嘅日子喇.. 呢個月我哋有連續第四個月都穩守榜首位置嘅冠軍級人馬, 仲有個強勢入榜嘅新面孔, 非常強勁呀!! 我相信咁多位只要抱住「有志者事竟成」嘅態度, 肯定某日都會登上冠軍寶座嘅.. 最後又係同樣嘅一句, 多謝各位讀者嘅留言支持, 恭喜晒上所有榜上題名嘅留言者!! 九月大家記得要為本年度第三季嘅季榜而作最後努力噃, 祝大家有個開心又充實嘅一週.. :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
it's august, and did you realize it's already august?? anyway it's day of the month again to publish the comment chart for the previous month.. this month, we have a champion who has been staying at the top of the chart for the consecutive fourth months, as well as a new face with the biggest leap into the chart, incredible aren't they?? but i always believe that if one keeps up with that "wherever there's a will, there's a way" attitude, one shall definitely rise to the championship one day.. finally the same old thing i am going to say, millions of thanks to all who read and comment on this blog, and congratulations to everyone who has made it to the chart!! it's september and don't forget to work harder for this concluding month of the 3rd quarter chart of the year alright?? wishing everyone a great week ahead.. :) |
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