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20.12.2011 | 現實理想

[#1276A] 早晨呀各位, 大家有沒有食早餐嘅習慣?? 又或者唔喜歡空肚子食早餐(引用黎先生金句)?? 早餐對我嚟講就越豐富越開心, 尤其是有腸有煙肉嘅一份西式早餐就正合我心意, 哈哈.. 下邊係09年我去倫敦探望友人時, 佢為我整嘅愛心早餐, 至今仍然懷念~~

[#1276A] do you have a habit of eating breakfast?? or you do not like to have breakfast with an empty stomach (quote from Mr Lai)?? to me, breakfast is the more luxury the merrier, especially those with sausages and bacon is definitely my plate of breakfast, haha.. the photo below is the breakfast a friend cooked for me when i visited her at London in 2009, i still miss this a lot~~
[#1276B] 不過現實歸現實, 有幾何我哋真係日日都可以食到咁樣一份早餐吖?? 平時大家趕死趕命趕返工趕返學, 稍為豐富啲都係一碗粉麵一包"辣死你媽"啦.. 不過發覺最近食太多呢啲早餐真係不多健康, 所以上個星期決意改變, 我要開始食返呢一個早餐!! 之前食開muesli加yoghurt, 不過實在太重皮喇, 所以唯有降而求其次啦.. 淡而無味, 不過又精彩萬分嘅麥皮早餐!! 加咗好多嘢(香蕉+杏仁+蔓越莓)囉你睇, 呵呵~~ :p

[#1276B] but back to reality, we don't really have the chance to savor such breakfast everyday right?? in normal days most of us are rushing to work and rushing to school, a breakfast little more luxury means nothing than a bowl of noodles or a packet of nasi lemak.. but i found out having too much of these recently is actually not very healthy, hence last week i decided to make a change, i want to go back to have my healthy breakfast i have not had for a long time!! used to have muesli and yoghurt but they are darn expensive now.. so now i'm downgraded to something bland but equally interesting, oat that is!! look, i've added lots of things (banana, almonds, cranberries) to go with it, hehe~~ :p


  1. hey! thats very healthy of you! .... i love the first pic, but if i had the chance of course I want to have the 2nd breakfast set daily. You're such a healthy person bro.

    ps: Taiwanese desserts, i'm really not a big fan, but since invited, go lo.. drink up! :)

  2. I must have a hearty breakfast. Your friend's look good. Yours? No, thank you. LOL!!!

  3. instead of oats, use yogurt! yums

  4. Everyday sausage and bacon can be very boring, I prefer mee kolok sarawak, mee pok sarawak, kueh tiaw kering sarawak, lasak sarawak, porridge. Typical Sarawakian!

  5. Once I ate oat for a week, I lost weight. did you lost weight?

  6. Sausage... Once I went to a hypermarket selling beef steak. when we complain the steak is not fresh, the steward throw the steak into grinding machine. Grinded meat is turn into sausage and burger meat~~~

  7. I need to eat breakfast, or I will have shaky hands and dizzy head.

  8. 哇,你份加料早餐好丰富吖,睇你皮光肉滑,一定喺饮食方面落咗成吨心机囉!呵呵呵~~~

  9. Cannot miss my breakfast. Stomach will protest and I'll probably ended up getting gastric if I miss breakfast.

  10. Haven't started my muesli breakfast yet, after coming back from vacation. Still indulging in Malaysian "unhealthy" breakfasts these past few days. xD

  11. Breakfast is a must for me. The more "unhealthier", the better, lol!

  12. I simply love nasi lemak, roti canai and "yau char kwai". Those high cholesterol and oily stuffs make my day.

  13. But.... (there's a BUT evertime) due to health purposes, I try to limit them to once or twice a week.

    No, not like every alternate day - Mon for nasi lemak, tue for roti canai, wed for "yew tiao", thur for nasi lemak again....

  14. "do not like to have breakfast with an empty stomach" LOL! Epic!

    I breakfast like a KING!

  15. Salute you guys who can have oats! I ... I... ok I have nothing to say to oats..

  16. One day in a week, I allow myself to indulge in those sinful food. The rest of the day I take more healthier food - bread, homecook, oat, milk....

  17. Sorry, I can't take oat every morning in a row.... Make me sick in my stomach. Will try to swap with something else in between.

  18. Your oat look great, almond, banana and raisin are well combination. This is so healhty.

  19. Ahh, breakfast.. the meal that gets the stomach juices instantly working after a night of 'hibernation'!

    Your friend's breakfast set will definitely wake up any sleepy-head. That could be why I enjoy buffet breakfasts at a hotel. Yum! The thought of it even now makes me smile..

  20. I take my breakfast everyday, it's the most important meal of a day and we shouldnt skip it ;)

  21. And your healthful breakfast looks just as yummy with the added fruit and nuts. But this is a cold breakfast, is it not? Sigh.. can't have best of both worlds.

  22. Me seldom have breakfast.My beeakfast usually is a cup of Kopi O or a nescafe.

  23. wow your breakfast is so healthy, but i love eating the almonds and bananas as snack :)

  24. yes breakfast is the most important meal of the day. but then most of the time i'm too lazy to make breakfast or i sleep late into noon! HAHAHAHA LOL!

  25. Oh man... i always have a breakfast problem xD

    my breakfast in reality is just gardenia bread with kaya :D

    as long as we get to eat healthy right xD

  26. True, people say you should eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a pauper and dinner like a slave! XD

  27. VISIT HER at London! And you miss it alot :P OF course la LOL! XD jk jk

  28. god dammit now I feel like hunting for awesome western breakfast like yours! make me so hungry now hehe

  29. Sausages, Ham, Mushroom, egg, tomato beans and more! beyond god like! More better than delifrance! XD

  30. wah so geli your reality breakfast . . . for me Banana and chestnut . . . wait what is that? Oatmeal? wahhh . .. if it is porridge then it is geli lol

  31. I think you can take out the chest-nut, for me because me 消化不良 lo

    you know what I mean la, no need me to explain it so detail right? :P

    anyways happy breakfasting! :D

  32. Sorry *wah kan tou* 'scratching head' with this [or you do not like to have breakfast with an empty stomach (quote from Mr Lai)??]

  33. Now have changed strategy lots of 'tragedy' with time and money haha. Only two meals per day. No more breakfast, straight go for brunch the usual RM4.50, 3 dishes buffet economical rice. Save time and save one meal on breakfast. Tea at 3pm with cream crackers or buns and dinner at 7pm.

  34. Sometimes will eat like your breakfast but as my dinner when lazy or when its raining. Occasionally oaks and cut bananas plus one half boiled egg for brunch.

  35. There is a saying that breakfast is King, lunch is Prince and dinner is beggar. Boleh jadi kah?

  36. Yup, many of our local breakkies are BAD! It'd definitely good to have cereals with yogurt and fruits sometimes. Bananas are a good source of energy to start our biological systems in the morn. Yogurt is not too expensive. I get my nestle yogurt at only RM1.60.

  37. Oh goodie you have changed template, was struggling to read coz of my CVD in your last template. Now so so so much better haha.

  38. Haha that first breakfast looked like the breakfast I had recently! I know what u mean, I also seldom have breakfast on working days coz I'd rather have that extra 15mins sleep than to eat :p that's why must eat more during weekend :p oats are very healthy... I just finished my packet few months ago so I think this is a reminder to buy a refill! :p

  39. muesli is my favourite :)

  40. Hmmm my breakfast is milk, muesli mixed with peanut butter and honey. Other days would be fried half raw eggs and tea. Try it! :)

  41. I'm in need of more good sausages.. the edible one of course.. lol!!

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  42. i prefer the breakfast in reality... errrrr... i'm hungry now.

  43. I eat cereal every working day, and eat numerous types of breakfast on weekends.

  44. Hope you have 'kow thim' your assignment soon soon li li, glad to hear you say 'no sweat, wet wet the water'. Merry Xmas.

  45. 吃麦片都那么的丰富啊!我的早餐麦片还真的只有麦片再加少少muesli...你的理想与现实的早餐,看了都很丰富很好吃....^^

  46. That would be my ideal breakfast as well. :p

  47. OMG!The bacon...huge, thick sausage...I wish I can have this like every single day. :D

  48. Oat nice meh?I don't like it at all. :(

  49. But of course it is healthy lar. I bought oat already...but then I put it in my shelf as I don't want to eat it. :p

  50. 麥皮幾乎係我每朝嘅早餐,不過我唔加任何陪襯,冇色冇味。

  51. I love to eat good breakfasts like your photos!

  52. Having the perfect breakfast will start my day right and it will end on good note.

  53. I believe that eating breakfast is a must and we can skip lunch & dinner, no harm done.

  54. Next year I might visit London, so hope someone will cook me this lovely breakfast like yours!
