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08.12.2011 | 兩下散手

[#1272] 發覺畢中學業之後嘅生涯, 一路以嚟都好多變數.. 曾經有諗過去讀建築, 不過後來跟大隊去咗讀電子工程, 畢業後唔係去做電子工程師反而去做IT人, 到依家輾轉又喺度讀緊工商管理, 哈哈!! 究竟係我適應能力強吖, 定還是我憂柔善變呢?? :D

喺IT界打滾十幾年, 由當時對programming一竅不通到而家都算有番兩下散手, 其實我好慶幸自己有呢一伎旁身.. 雖然我識嘅program算係咸豐年代不能同而家啲高尖科技比較, 不過呢點皮毛已經足夠為平時好多瑣碎事帶嚟方便.. 好似有時我鐘意喺個blog度同大家玩下新意思, 呢啲都係拜我有限公司嘅伎倆所賜咋.. 仲有個個月嘅留言統計, 都係自己寫個程式仔幫手計算架, 慳時慳力又準確.. 所以話, 有何樂而不為呢?? 我好知足嘅~~ :)
[#1272] i realised there are lots of changes in my life since high school.. at first it was a plan for me to pursue architecture, but ended up following the gang to do electronics engineering, later i joined an IT company instead of becoming an electronic engineer, and finally now i am doing my masters in business administration, hahaha!! is it because i'm flexible and adaptive, or is it just me that is so unstable?? :D

having myself immersed in the IT line for more than 10 years, from a perfect programming dumb to now being able to code something, i really appreciate this set of skills i gained over time.. though what i know is already old-fashioned and not comparable to the sophisticated technology nowadays, at least they are sufficient for some convenience in day-to-day life.. for instance, i always like to introduce new catchy features in my blog, and those are the results of scripting.. and for the monthly commenters chart, i wrote a little script myself to do all the calculation and statistics, save time and effort and accuracy guaranteed, so can't see why i'm not happy about it right?? :)


  1. It shows that you are not onl adaptive but so GENIUS!

  2. If you are not happy, come come... can always do blog makeover and tinker with your readers' blogs - for free. xD

  3. But you so good ah... join the gang do electronics engineering.

    The thing I'd join the gang to do would be something like; going to the mall or skip class! LOL

  4. SK, you are all rounded now. You are now an electronic engineer who is expert in IT and well-versed in business too.

  5. You have a very marketable talent that most companies want to recruit/retain.

  6. Wah, SK so flexible in study + career path, just like my yoga teacher can adapt and blend into any posture. Haha~

  7. Programming is very easy to learn, especially SQL one. Dynamic programming is more tricky but with a few practice I bet SK could master it well.

  8. it's so convenient when u know-how..

  9. SK old-fashioned? I'm worst..... I see VB Script (or Java?) in the photo, but I don't do scripting. Only SQL programming works for me :p

  10. And I'm lazy to use the scripting in Microsoft... actually lazy to learn and too old to learn, kekekeke!

  11. Em, out of topic, I count-count - SK works for more than 10 years + studied degree, that's mean SK more older than me XD

  12. This is one thing I salute you: Still got the passion to go back to school!!

  13. IT programming, good money man! Most important you are doing something you are incline to, all the best to your courier!

  14. It's a fact that not everyone does a job (s)he went to college or uni for. Some people (like you, for instance) are lucky in a way to have learned some skills that can be put to good use.

  15. The best part about knowledge or learning a skill is that it stays with you and no one can take it away. I believe the skills and knowledge you have acquired will stand you well in whatever career you have in mind. I wish you the best, SK.

    Btw, do you still find buildings and such fascinating since you were once interested in architecture?

  16. IT啲嘢,年輕人上手快啲...

  17. 老人家讀工商管理系為咗要提高競爭力掛...

  18. wow..so now I must call you Master SK.. so bila taking doctorate? :)

  19. You're on the right path, from what you wrote I can sense your contented feeling. Your IT prowess is an admirable skill to have...:-)

  20. I am so noob! Script, coding, later mess up and all the blog layout mess up lol

    my blog layout my friend help me settle 1 . . . . XD

  21. you dam pro wei . . . . anyways I think it is your everyday work isn't it? Everymonth different thing and eye catchy layout + header lol

    why la wanna act cool on your header :P wanna attract char boh is it? :P

  22. maybe I shall try google "how to create nice lay out for blogger" it would help by learning basic skill . . .

    bless me pls XD

  23. you got bunch of friend which is exchange idea? haha or they keep the idea and skill just for themselves? tsk tsk tsk (for coding script website etc.)

  24. I complained I had no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet! No worries, you're definitely a whole lot better off than me! LOL!!!

  25. Well this is good, at least you got knowledges of different things ;)

    Programming is challenging, yet, sometimes very frustrating...

  26. Ya like your blog. Always have new things and some pretty funny posts

  27. If i can turn back time I oso wanna learn programming so that I can write a little programme on my own. But knowing me I'll just drop out half way. I'm as unstable as you, always goyang goyang :P

  28. Ello scripteaser of the year..you are quite rounded which will add value to your future endeavour.

  29. Awesome bro. Pro blogger now, I'm still trying to get a better template until now

  30. If study until sian liao have a go go for the challenge do some cyber cracking only 2 days left to crack this cyber code

  31. Pat pat on my Thambee's head!

  32. I am sooooo proud of your brains and smart alec ideas! You are creative too and that brings out the humour & fun in your blogs! Kamala is proud of you dei....!

  33. Wah you're really flexible! Didn't know you studied EE! Same like me :D So when are you going to post tutorial on simple HTML coding? hehe

  34. These days the IT era has been too competitive, as you know. My Swedish BIL who is specialised in doing the security codings and programming for different banks felt that he would be unwanted and useless soon, so he is into fixing and repairing computers as well. He lives in London and foresee the changes that may hit our shores too.

  35. Wow, i reel in wonder at the number of comments by Twilight.

  36. Sk, keep up the good work, no harm taking extra courses.

    No easy to do programming... tough work. My daughter is in web development programming and freelance web design in S'pore...sometimes see her work until want to kick the table when the customer last minute want to make changes when everything is finalize. LOL Now same time taking Japanese language.

    Have a nice day

  37. i am looking for job now... wondering what i am going do >< sigh

  38. Oh many of your commentators make more than one comment at one time... whoa that is so cool!

    you should reply, SK! :D

  39. 能学这么多不同的东西真的很犀利咯

  40. 晒命啊。。。哈哈哈。。

  41. I wanted to be a police when I was young...then I don't like the bribing part so now I am a part-time blogger. :p

  42. Wow...you wrote your own script for most comments? Damn geng o! :D

  43. I wish I know HTML bro. It is a blessing to have programming knowledge. :D

  44. wow you're talented, in short :)


  45. 可能你天生喺食IT呢行饭,所以打个白鸽转都係返番嚟呢行!整定!呵呵呵~~~

  46. Wow electronic engineer also can do IT job? So geng!

  47. oh u wanna do architecture initially? thank god you din. cos it's really archi-torture! no sleep at all when rushing for submission! arggghhhhs!

    and u're a genius alright. all these scripting on your blog are nifty... u've put your knowledge to good use. ;)

  48. ic! you write some script to calculate all comments belong to who...

    like this is more efficiency that calculate one bye one... nightmare!

  49. 唔錯喔,都呃到吓食啊!
