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05.12.2011 | 觀點不同

[#1271] 最近讀者啲留言我都冇辦法逐一回覆, 其實唔係我一貫嘅作風.. 不過騰得出嚟嘅時間確係有限, 所以我選擇發新post比較實際.. 所以有啲讀者就話:「睇你經常有新post, 個blog個個月又有新look又統計讀者留言, 咁得閑嘅你??」.. 雖然我明白係無心之失, 不過對於呢句嘢, 我係頗有微言㗎..

大家係唔係唔應該以自己狹窄嘅觀點去評理別人呢?? 每個人都有自己管理自己時間嘅方式, 尤其對於某些自己認為有價值嘅嘢, 相信大家都會儘其量去處理, 更何況每人做事都有唔同效率.. 你眼中所謂芝麻綠荳嘅事, 喺別人心目中可能係非同小可.. 相反你心目中生死存亡嘅事, 對別人嚟講只不過係雞毛蒜皮.. 所以只要唔係咩滔天大錯傷天害理嘅事, 我哋都唔應該質疑別人處事嘅方式, 大家讚同唔讚同?? :)

後記 ■ 如果本人之前有咩說話冒犯到大家嘅話, 都係純屬無心玩笑之意, 本人僅此說聲對唔住.. :)
[#1271] have not been replying to comments from readers recently, but that actually is not my style.. can only afford to spare limited time, so i chose to publish new posts to be more practical.. thus some readers said "i can see regular updates from you, the look of your blog changes every month and you even count the readers comment, so free ah you??".. i know they didn't mean to offend but i do have something to comment about this..

don't you think we should not judge others by our myopic perceptions?? i mean everyone have their own style to manage their personal time, especially for things thought as worth doing, i am sure we all would try our best to accomplish, furthermore the efficiency differs from people to people.. things you regard as unimportant might just be something huge to others, and similarly, things you perceive as larger than life might just be nothing to others.. what i wanted to say is, unless it's something harmful and disastrous, i think we should not doubt the way others deal with it, agree?? :)

note ■ if i have previously said anything offensive to you, i'll like to ensure those are merely unintentional, do accept my apologies if that happened.. :)


  1. I still look forward to reading your posts which are regular :) keep the blogging spirit flying high bro :)

  2. Yes no harm to have own style, be yourself and be natural.

  3. Haha I've learned through out the years that it's impossible to make people understand and accept the way we do certain things. I gave up explaining and start showing result to them xD

  4. Hey SK! Pay no heed to those who try to put you down. You're the one who knows best and you have the final say. Those who like your blog will still love you even though you're too busy to reply comments. ;) Keep it up!

  5. very true..everyone has his/her own point of view.

  6. I always look forward to your reply, but recently you mentioned you are kinda busy, hence the lack of it. Totally understand about it.

  7. I bloghop religiously and maybe my readers would say, I don't reply them in my comment box.

    It's not that I'm getting lazy, my time is quite limited nowadays. Work assignment has been doubling up and kids at home need more attention.

  8. Making assumption is a norm among homo sapiens. Let them be.

    Well, I enjoy 'writing scripts' sometimes when I see something *guilty*

  9. Hmm, no offensive thingy to me.. dont worry, hehehe..

  10. You know what, SK? Those comments could come as joking only so best to not get offended. I believe generally bloggers are friendly though sometimes they/we may say things in a tone or with the wrong choice of words that could be misconstrued causing some hurt. Your points are valid, of course.

  11. One of the best parts of blogging is that one can do anything with/on one's space (blog) so long as it doesn't hurt anyone or anything.

    There is no one-size-fits-all and every blogger is different from the other. We do what we think best suits everyone in general though individuality of blog/blogger is maintained. That's the beauty of blogging with everyone bringing something interesting to the table. Hope to be reading yours endlessly. Blog on, SK!

  12. Share the same thoughts as HappySurfer. It is quite 'dangerous' sometimes when we talk over the phone or comment in blogs when we are kidding as the opposite person do not see our expression. He/she may be joking but if added in 'haha or lolz or STP's fav muahahaha' then we know its a joke.

  13. Reminds me of one Chinese saying which goes like this "the listener take it to heart but the sayer *oops got such word 'sayer' kah* doesn't mean it". Sorry in a rush can't take time to check dictionary copy and paste in Chinese. (excuse my pinyin ~ ting zhe you yi chiang zhe wu yi) something like that. haha

  14. Better burn your midnite oil don't bother to reply comment as you've got 3 weeks to beat the deadline. We can understand, got shadow one. Gambate!

  15. Oh, not only you.. me too! sometimes i reply in the comments and sometimes not.. esp when too tied up with other things and the day is over, i will be too lazy to reply one by one.. but I will try to do them during my lunch hour :)
    Another thing, yeah, must either put these expressions, :) :p :)) or hahahaha...or heheheehe.. to show that we are LOL...

  16. Picked up 'got shadow' one from HappySurfer's 'oo iyah boh?' lolz.

  17. Agreed. We do what we deem suitable and appropriate for us. :D

  18. That is why I don't visit on your blog for such a long time bro. :p

  19. sometimes need to follow what people say but plenty of times, our thinking and perception is the best!

  20. as long as we don't inconvenience or disturb people, why people care whether we are so free or not, right? xD

  21. If have to follow what people say, sure cannot be happy one.

  22. 吊頸都要透返啖氣...

  23. i'm always impressed that you blog in both languages! for me, i'm too lazy to translate from one to the other. even photoshopping the pics is a tedious task for me LOL!

  24. no matter how, you still win my support here :) keep blogging!


  25. Wah! So busy?! Thanks for still dropping by my blog and continue to spam comments there! haha!! : D

  26. I hope I can reply to every single comments in my blog, but I just find it quite impossible - I do my best to reply whenever possible : )

  27. Well said, but how come you keep complaining about my blog posts being long and also many posts on the same subject? Anyway, apologies accepted! LOL!

  28. Yes, do what makes you happy, not what makes others happy : )

  29. 其实很多博客也是大忙人来的
    做自己喜欢的事 再忙也是愉快的

  30. Agree....agree with you..., no problem Bro....

  31. SK, I agree that different people may have different perception. It is not good to judge people with our own judgement.

  32. No worry, I only laughed at your comment and didn't feel any offensive word in my blog.

  33. Haha agree with ur post but unfortunately there are many immature people who likes to judge without trying to understand the whole picture or maybe they don't even bother.

  34. I do my thing and you do your thing.
    I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
    And you are not in this world to live up to mine.
    You are you, and I am I,
    and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful.
    If not, it can't be helped.
    (Fritz Perls, "Gestalt Therapy Verbatim", 1969)

  35. There are so many types of characters out there, and especially in the blogworld. In the end, we stick to those who jive with us and avoid those who don't feel good about us and likewise.

    Keep it up bro. You've been consistent and blogging on relevant topics! ;) .... So unlike the malas "moi" lolz

  36. good point on perceptions! :D

  37. Straight to the point and well written! Why can't everyone else be like this?

  38. 算啦,写的出来都余了会碰上这种人,除非这个人对你重要,否则可以ignore他了。。。部落格可是我们的私人重地,岂能给人乱踩场。。。

  39. Suituapui who is you? kakakaka...my greatest blunder when Bananaz said this at age 9-10. What Enggrish????

  40. 睇到你亲自表态交代自己近来很忙,相信冇人会怪责你架!我会继续支持你!

  41. I am a LION! :D hahaha *syok Sendiri kao kao*

  42. I think the sentences of "i can see regular updates from you, the look of your blog changes every month and you even count the readers comment, so free ah you??" is not a offent, they might think why you wanted to do this or what . . .

    It is your effort, you use your heart and you got the Fire in your spirit hahaha! continue it man XD :P

  43. you are being kind to me, nothing offend me actually hahaha *SS* no worries bro, just post it by your heart, which ever think it is right in your mind, do it! :)

  44. Hmm.. now am pondering if I'm one of those who gave that comment out.. did i? did i?

    i love reading ur blog as it is not just some cut n paste stuffs so yes, please keep it going. looking forward to your next post already :)

  45. Yes Thambee why bother what others say? Anay nag at you, just ignore him ok.

  46. You have been so popular in posting and replying for so long. Suddenly no replies, the readers will feel the change lo.

  47. We should blog and read other blogs with open heart. Everything is just an illusion, no need to meddle with other blogger's problems and personal issues like some bloggers who love to stir up dramas!

  48. Sk, just be yourself, blog your own style and thoughts. In blogging world.... how you want to write, what style, what pattern it's up to individual. I find yours ok, so far no offensive.
    I'm not perfect, you're not perfect, no one is perfect. Human nature, people mouth we cannot zip.

    Have a nice day.

  49. Did you scold me for not replying your comment too? hehehehe. Sometimes after I read comments, and I was in rush. Then not reply comments. Hope we all have wide 'gas' and not angry for no reply.

  50. 唔好勞氣,何必咁認真呢?...
