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25.07.2011 | 戲院狂人
22.07.2011 | 大急之下
20.07.2011 | 一籮古董
18.07.2011 | 大吃一醬
14.07.2011 | 十五十六
11.07.2011 | 七九紀事
[#1223] 七月九日我留喺屋企冇出街, 但係不停跟進709遊行嘅最新消息, 關心市中心緊張嘅情況.. 事件已經告一段落, 所發生嘅已經發生, 我覺得已經唔需要再評論啲乜嘢, 事實勝于雄辯, 真的假不了, 假的真不了.. 反而最值得讚揚嘅係嗰一份堅持嘅精神, 所以我想喺度同大家分享一啲網上搵到當時情況嘅寫實照片, 我稍為合成一下, 紀念呢一個歷史性日子.. [#1223] i did not go anywhere but stayed at home on 9th July, and have been following with all lastest updates of the rally and taking concerns of situation out there.. the incident ended one of its chapter, whatever happened has happened and i think it's not appropriate to comment on the issue anymore.. the truth can't be denied and lies can't be the truth, instead what comes more valuable was that noble spirit we have clearly seen.. hence i'd like to share some of the photos taken from websites that truthfully show situations during the rally, i collaged them a little to commemorate this historic day.. | ||||||||||
點擊號碼或箭嘴查看照片 Click numbers or arrows to view photos | ||||||||||
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凡事皆有因(果) nothing happens without a reason | ||||||||||
[聲明] [DISCLAIMER][聲明] 以上相片純粹以博客立場作攝影藝術分享用途, 本人絕無刻意煽動與宣揚任何政治訊息與意識 [disclaimer] all photos above are intended for photographic art sharing only on a blogger's perspective, there is no communication and propagation of any form of political message and consciousness |
08.07.2011 | 博客大賞
[#1222] 從來都冇事先張揚, 一切低調行事, [SK/0617]第一個博客大賞今日誓要嚟個出其不意!! 其實大家睇返上個月個留言排行榜, 都有跡可尋啦, 不過應該估唔到事後竟然有獎派哩?? 哈哈.. 再次恭喜今年第二季兩位得獎者, 留言最多嘅 foongpc 同埋留言最頻密嘅 lina!! 以下相片內嘅獎座(唔好意思, 我負擔唔起貴重禮物)稍後會送到府上.. :) [#1222] nothing has been mentioned beforehand and everything low profile, but the very first [SK/0617] Blogger Awards is going to stun everyone by surprise today!! if you have noticed the charts for last month, you could have seen a little clue but never will you thought there are prizes given away yeah?? haha.. congratulations again to the winners for the second quarter of the year, Top Commenter foongpc and Most Frequent Commenter lina!! your prizes in the photo below (sorry for this simple one i can afford) will reach your doorstep soon.. :) | ||
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應該好多讀者覺得唔憤氣喇, 唔緊要, 呢一季三個月內記得努力啲噃, 下次可能就係你得獎喇!! 有興趣或決心者, 請按 查閱詳情啦.. :) | ||
[留言最多] 組別
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i guess many readers will be unhappy for missing this, but don't be upset, in the next three months for this quarter, work harder and you shall be the next one!! interested or determined readers, please click to read the details.. :) | ||
[Top Commenter] category
06.07.2011 | 清理門戶
04.07.2011 | 半滿半空
[#1220] 一轉眼六月話咁快就過咗喇, 唔知大家覺得呢一年係過咗一半呢, 定係還有一半呢?? 點都好, 希望大家呢半年來都過得好充實, 至少都有實現少少嘅夢想啦.. 如果未有嘅話, 仲有剩下半年可以努力架, 大家加油!! 總括上個月嘅留言, 恭喜各位榜上有名, 大家一份"耕耘"實在係值得我珍惜同敬佩架, 多謝支持!! 大家未來半年繼續努力加油啦~~ :) [#1220] the month of june just ended quietly, wonder if you will see this as half a year has gone, or you see this as still another half a year to go?? no matter what, i hope everyone has lived meaningfully and achieved at least a little mission, or else there is still another six months left to strive for it!! summarising the comments for last month, congratulations to all those who make it to the chart, the effort is really something i appreciate a lot, thank you very much!! let's all strive for better achievements in the coming second half~~ :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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** 以上統計基於2011年六月份十篇貼, 七月三日晚上11:59截止 ** statistics based on the 10 posts in June 2011 till 11:59pm 3rd July |
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