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14.07.2011 | 十五十六

[#1224] 唔係, 我唔係話緊自己, 而係啲扭扭擰擰揸唔到主意做唔到決定嘅人, 尤其係當你排緊隊買嘢嘅時候, 而咁啱你前面就係呢一類人, 佢哋嘅行為除咗自私就係自私囉!!

■ 事件(一): 排隊買飛
排隊買飛睇戲嘅時候, 你前面係一對小鴛鴦, 女嘅扭扭擰擰, 男嘅千依百順.. 企喺櫃台(感覺上有)十分鐘都仲未決定要睇咩戲, 連個櫃台小姐都面黑頂唔順.. 喂, 唔該你哋行埋一邊, 決定要睇咩戲, 邊一場, 坐邊個位置先好排隊買飛啦.. 唔好喺度浪費時間, 阻頭阻勢啦~~

■ ■ 事件(二): 排隊俾錢
喺超市排緊隊俾錢嘅時候, 突然間個收銀員停下所有手頭工作.. 原來個顧客突然醒起買漏嘢, 於是未埋數自己就離隊去繼續買嘢!! 等咗五分鐘有多, 個顧客仲未現身, 怨聲四起之下個收銀員唯有自己去搵個客.. 點知個女人竟然仲喺度慢條斯理逛緊, 埋隊時我話咗佢兩句, 佢仲一副若無其事話個收銀點解唔叫其他顧客去第個counter咁喎!! 阿姐, 個超市你架?? 要冚村人等你一個!! 真係想星佢兩巴囉!!
[#1224] no, i am not talking about myself, but those who are very indecisive and cannot even know what they want, especially when you are queuing up to buy something and the one in front of you is such kind of person, their act are really just selfish but nothing else!!

■ incident (1): queuing for movie ticket
i was queuing for movie tickets and in front of me was this little sweet couple, the girl being indecisive of which movie to watch and the guy was so obedient to his girlfriend and do whatever she pleased.. and as a result, they were standing there for (felt like) 10 minutes and even the counter girl has become impatient.. hey, don't you mind get aside and decide which movie, which timing and which seats you want before you queue up to get the tickets?? don't just hog the queue and take your own sweet time while wasting everyone's time~~

■ ■ incident (2): queuing to pay for groceries
i was queuing up to pay my groceries in a supermarket when suddenly the cashier stopped her work.. it was found out that the customer recalled she missed out something in her grocery list, albeit scanning halfway she abruptly left the queue and went to search for what she wanted to get.. more than five minutes waiting and under complaints, the cashier went to look for that lady herself, and to found out she was taking her own sweet time shopping around!! when she came back, i argued with her a little yet she asked why the cashier didn't direct other customers to another queue, as if nothing happened!! hey, this place does not belong to you and what right have you to make everybody wait?? so pissed off with her and felt like giving her two slaps on her face!


  1. Ho ho ho very common thing we faced daily..

  2. When in a Q for movies would have decided which movie and always have plan B after discussing with mango and even have Plan C either tickets sold out or the seats too near.

  3. Wow the lady 'shopping' for her groceries while hanging the register on hold is too much. Guess in life we have tons of inconsiderate people. I do it for you *slap slap slap*. haha.

  4. Great thing you blog about it was thinking to post this now piggy ride on you. Was waiting in line at McD for the ice cream and they have a new promo with mango thingy. The guy right in front of me was talking to his friend obladi oblada and the line was with 5 pax in front. When comes to his turn cant decide which?? what??. Like you pissed of too.

  5. Not only buying ice cream even in line for food in anywhere McD or KFC people just refused to decide while in Q and would er, hmmmm, at the counter. Bananaz always have a proactive approach in life why waste time q-ing up with out thinking what to eat and waste even more own time and other people's time. haiz..

  6. [SK] Why*Ask*Why your Chinese title is 十五十六 15/16? Heard of 1-5-1-10.

  7. Yeah! I feel like slapping this type of people too. I hate this type of people too (like what you mentioned in 2 incidents), especially we are in a rush. This type of people are really spoiling our days.

  8. I have this nasty experience, too, especially at the supermarket cashier. Some ppl are just selfish. Don't simply abuse the phrase, "Customer is always right"!

  9. I'd like to strangle those people! XD

  10. You know there is one more kind of people I hate at the queues. People who jump queue at the cashiers' because their friend was in the queue.

    I scolded a couple of ladies who actually waited for their friends to rush and bring more items to the cashier counter. The cashier had actually finished scanning all their items already but no... instead of paying, they waited for their friend to roll in another troley loaded with more stuff! So hard to queue again meh?

  11. Like Bananaz, I've heard of 1-5-1-10, but not 15-16??

  12. ooops! I should've split that comment above into few parts! Rugi! Rugi! LOL

  13. Anyways, the cashier just kept quiet despite the other customers queuing were unhappy about it. I was the only one berating them.

    The cashier should have asked them to queue again. :(

  14. Another one I hate is adults jumping queue over children.

    I usually asked my son to go to the weighing counter to weigh fruits and veges, and there are a lot of retarded adults who think nothing of putting their stuff over my son's.

  15. ...and drivers who can't seem to make up their mind where to turn...and change lane at the last minute without signalling - maybe the car no indicator light one. Tsk! Tsk!

  16. Plus people at fast food restaurants and they can't seem to make up their minds - should decide while in the queue and order right away when reaching the counter...instead of making everybody in the line wait, fuming away!!! Grrrrrr!!!!

  17. And people at payment counters - will only look for bills and start searching for the money - the notes...and the coins (some would even as k their family members there if they have the correct change)when it is their turn...and everybody in the line would be cursing and swearing away!

  18. haha... I hate queuing for movie tickets... that's why i always ask my friends to buy me one if ever they're planning to watch movie hahaha so dependent of me

  19. OMG Harry Potter is showing now waaaaaahh gonna watch it on theater

  20. oh I'm guilty with the second one... i had that experience several times already...
    I used to forgot an item and i can just recall them once i hit the counter sigh...

  21. I remember the cashier set aside my items and entertain the customers after me... I went back and she's looking a bit angry to me hahaha

  22. for movies, I very easy. Book online. Decide way in advance.Then no need to queue behind undecided people. XD

  23. I agree with Suituapui on those who only look for cash & change last minute. Took so long to dig out monet from purse/wallet while the queue behind getting longer.

    Then, after find the moeny, just throw on the counter and let the poor cashier pick up and straighten the crumpled notes. :(

  24. her bf should make the decision ma.

  25. 呢啲人咪就係我所講嘅選擇困難症候群之一囖!

  26. Biasa la. Like times when there is long queue for payment, some people would korek their money/cards when the cashiers ask for it. Tarak perpared earlier padahal they have the time to do so while queueing up. Geram betul when this happen at the toll

  27. oooooo... i like the last sentence! haha... come i help u to give her two big slaps!

  28. The first episode is truly amazing!

    My pet peeve is when cashiers serve queue-jumpers when the latter should be sent to the end of the line.

  29. I know what you mean with the movie! Faced that many times before and I would just walk closely behind the couple and stare at them! hahaha.. and the second incident of yours is really epic! So selfish!! I wish you had given her the slaps :P

  30. HappySurfer,
    I totally agre with you! Cashiers should send queue jumpers back in line instead of serving them! Grrr...

  31. Ahhhh... this world is so full of idiots!=_=

  32. It's almost an everyday occurence! It's is as if rude selfish peeps rule the streets now.
    I take every chance possible to tell them off.

  33. ya...sometime people like that. Until reach counter just decide what movie and time. crazy. haiz..

  34. I had enough of that nonsense at my own shop.

  35. i know for sure SOMEONE is gonna scream at such people. LOL

  36. Incident 1, I hate it too! Usually we already decide which movie to watch before we queue up, right!

  37. ahhhh, some humans are like that one. Never think of others except themselves. What to do, other than arguing with them and making our blood pressure rise, let's make sure schools teach their students better from young.

  38. Just remembered if all are like you who always buy 'accidentally' then there would be no problem at all with the Q. World peace man..

  39. queueing in a fast food chain... FAST FOOD....

    Lady buying the meal for the family... can't decide what to eat asked cashier for every item on the list... (wait for it) if it is nice to eat... one by one... like wtf?!


  40. Aiyoyo! In Chennai is worst, the folks will get on your nerves!

  41. The humans are funny and act naturally slow like snails. Look at the government offices!

  42. Why Thambee so patient? I would scream my lungs out at them. Tell them hurry up or errrm your throat loudly.

  43. Thambee should use the EON credit card to save time. Now can book online using iPhone dei. Fast, no hassle and paperless dei.

  44. Now talking about queue up at supermarket counters... errr usually the youngsters are the ones forget and fickle minded dei.

  45. I normally even ask the cashier to discard my items if the price tag was missing or anay forgot to weigh. So thoughtful of me cos I don't wanna delay anyone behind.

  46. I wanna vomit at the hypermarket counters as they failed to allocate more 'less item' lanes. This caused so much congestions when I only bought 5 items and jammed my arse with so many mountain high trolleys!

  47. I just saw the YouTube of Koreans shopping at subway stations by just using their phones to SCAN & PAY the wall ads while waiting for train to arrive. When they reached home, the groceries ordered will be delivered by TESCO. Save time!

  48. Thambee you looked so harmless and cool, mana tahu you can be burning and so garang inside. LOL kekekeke

  49. 首先,小雪本身是有选择障碍的人来的,所以大部分时候都会跟随别人。

    1. 我遇到一个,问完cashier所有正在上映的电影。一部一部问,好看吗?晕....

    2. 买东西排队就比较少遇到这类问题,因为队伍都很长,如果有人敢插队,我看他是死定了。要知道去market这种地方的人多是Aunty级的(haha),不把你骂个狗血淋头才怪。



  50. I will either choose or discuss what should watch then only Q and buy . . .

    second case . . . I didnt face any of them before lol . . . unlucky . . .

  51. I can get really frustrated with people who can't decide what they want to eat or what movie they want to watch and worst thing is they leave everyone else waiting in line.

  52. Come across these type of difficult and brainless people everytime.....right, I also thought of giving them a few slaps in the face...

  53. 而且在浪费大家的时间!

  54. 尤其是看戏买票的时候,真的很想骂他们。。。后面那么多人。。。他们还在那边拿不上主意!

  55. 有些还过分的打电话问朋友的意见。。简直想骂他们!

  56. 哈哈。。。为了赢你的奖品,我连续留言几次!哈哈哈哈~

  57. oh yeah, i raise my both hands and agree with you that those people are so selfish, inconsiderate and rude!!

  58. they can just decide which one to watch before joining the queue right?? and for that supermarket incident, that lady is truly abusing the queue system, how could she just hold the line like that?? totally unacceptable!!

  59. haha, i always admire people who will take action on something not right, so you are Justice Pao?? haha, good, we want justice and fairness!! LOL

  60. @ Bananazஇ:
    oh yeah, instead before i queue up for movie ticket, i will always stand aside to watch the movie schedule display, decide which timing i want before even going into the queue.. some people just came and quickly join the queue, and not wanting to decide which movie first, until they are at the counter, and taking their own sweet time to asked to see the schedule one by one, this is too me too selfish and you should have done that beforehand, joining the queue is to get the ticket and not for you to make up your mind what to what!! yeah, i was really pissed off with that woman, she just put everything on hold, even if the cashier is directing others to another counter, that doesn't mean she has the right to hog that queue also right?? damn rude and selfish and brainless!! similarly to your stories, why can't they decide what they want really?? do they need the cashier to ask "what would you like, sir??" and then only simulate them to think?? stupid!! oh, you've not heard 十五十六?? it means cannot make up your mind, while 一五一十 means to tell everything in details.. :)

    @ Sheoh Yan:
    yes, i am always very impatient if i have to wait for too long in a queue, i will definitely get "black face".. the supermarket lady is really too much, i can accept if there's some mistake in the scanning and they need to check out the price, but then leaving all the groceries at the counter and go to get some extras she needed is too much!!

  61. @ yvonne:
    customers are not always right!! but other customers do have their own rights too!! what rights do they have to make others wait and waste time in the queue while they happily take their own sweet time?? to me this is really selfish and unacceptable!! oh 15-16 means cannot make up your mind lor, meaning you have 15 on your left and 16 on your right but cannot decide which to choose, haha!!

    @ lina:
    oh yeah, those are really selfish people!! i can accept if you are queuing for your friend but you are still in the queue when your friend comes with the stuffs, though i still think that is not right.. actually i sometimes will do that if i see a long queue, haha, but for sure i will make sure it will not affect others or else i'll just leave the queue and queue up again.. but for your case, already finished scanning but still waiting there for another load of stuffs is way too much, it's already obstructing the whole queuing system!! i would definitely argue with them!! hey, i like you lina, i like those who will voice out and argue over things that they don't feel right, for justice and fairness we want right?? haha~~ give me five!!! :D

  62. @ suituapui:
    hey, another few good examples from you!! those indecisive drivers are really dangerous people, it's either they want to change lane abruptly, or when they found out they have missed the junction they make an emergency stop!! i mean, WTF!!! and oh, those who keep digging for cash and coins at the counter, i also hate them a lot!! they could have roughly know how much they should be paying, and not until the cashier finish paying, then they dig their wallet and pocket, and one note by one note or one coin by one coin that they thrown to the cashier!! this easily takes another 2 minutes extra right??

    @ bluedreamer27:
    errr, that is why if not necessary i will not queue up for movies.. instead i will buy my ticket online, i can take my own time to match my timing and select my own seats and there's no need to hit the queue and wait there wasting time.. oh, you should not do that.. if i've forgotten something, for sure i'll leave the queue and then queue again as usual, this is to be fair with the other customers don't you think?? haha.. :)

  63. @ lina:
    yeah, now seeing the line to get tickets are longer and longer, i might as well buy the tickets online, no need to rush and i can be at the cinema just on time.. time saved and hassle waived.. oh ya, i also agree with STP.. hate those people who did last minute digging their money and coins, and then just throw them one piece by one piece to the cashier.. this is so rude!!!

    @ Naomi:
    aih, i think you know sometimes the gf cannot make decision and never allow the bf to make decision on her behalf too!! this is one of the tough point being a guy, understand?? hahahaha :D

  64. @ 海市蜃樓:
    我明白, 所以我非常之討厭呢一種人囉!! 阻頭阻勢, 睇到就嬲!!

    @ Small Kucing:
    yalor, they just stand there like a stone and keep watching the cashier scanning the items and never get prepared!! and when everything is done, they still wait for the cashier to tell them the total while they actually can see from the machine display right?? and then only they slowly dig cash and coins one piece at a time, and throw them to the cashier one at a time, i really hate that!!

  65. @ Merryn:
    hahaha, ok ok, i think it's better for a lady to slap a lady rather than a guy doing that!! come, please do that for me!! :D

    @ HappySurfer:
    queue jumper is definitely another problem to me, for this case i will sure ask them to join the queue from the back!! this is very rude and selfish, as everyone is queuing, what rights have they got to be served as priorities??

  66. @ iamthewitch:
    haha, for me i will try to speak loud something like "cannot make up mind is it, then get aside to make decision before coming in lah.." and hope that will embarrass them.. oh the second one was really something i've experienced!! oh yes, i guess lady slapping lady is better than a guy doing that, please help yourself for the slaps, haha~~ :D

    @ lina:
    oh yeah, definitely i agree with HappySurfer too.. queue jumpers must be taken seriously, and i guess cashiers have the right to brush them off and send them back to the end of the queue!!

  67. @ Alice Law:
    yes, really lots of idiots i've seen especially after the "clean" rally, haha!! :D

    @ Gratitude:
    haha, yeah, and i believe you will surely be the Justice Pao to tell them off!! they are just selfish and rude, i really hate that kind of attitude, so uncivilized!!

  68. @ Sam Wong:
    that's absolutely way too much!! can't they just make the decision before joining the queue?? the queue is for us to buy ticket, not to decide which movie to watch!!

    @ wenn:
    hmmm, but then i think since you are the boss, you could do something to educate those people right??

  69. @ Medie007:
    haha, of course we know who will definitely be the Justice Pao, haha!! good to hang around with such people yeah??

    @ Hayley:
    yeah, they are really so selfish and rude!! it's not that the cinema doesn't display the movie schedule outside the queue right?? can't they just look at that first, decide which to watch before queuing??

  70. @ Isaac Tan:
    well, that's a different story.. they are not kids but already adults, and adults are supposed to be more matured and think rationally.. they never have thought of other people but only themselves, so selfish and at the same time very rude as well.. the only way to give them lessons is to give them embarrassment, that is, everyone in the queue to boo them at the same time..

    @ Bananazஇ:
    hahaha, be it accidentally or not accidentally, we still need to keep a good "queuing ethics: within ourselves right?? haha.. :D

  71. @ ladyviral:
    yeah, sometimes i think fast food is no more fast, because despite the slow cashier, we also have indecisive customers hogging the queue, haiz!! i can be very impatient if i have to wait for long in a queue, i will want to find out what's happening in front.. and your case, is that their first time eating McD?? d*mn~~

    @ Twilight Man:
    hehe, Thambee guess it's just everywhere in this bolehland, people are just too used to taking their own sweet time without regarding themselves hogging the queue and wasting every other people's time!! Thambee very low profile and got class one mah, will not shout but rather to argue with rights.. oh of course Thambee already have the EON GSC card, so Thambee no need to queue that long to get tickets, but indeed Thambee normally get tickets online.. that really saves time and hassle and can just reach the cinema on time.. but having said that, since there are more and more EON GSC cardholder, Thambee finds that there are many time we still need to queue (but just short queue), and yet we see such kind of people who cannot make up their mind what to watch and keep on hogging at the counter!! that's really not something Thambee would like to see.. oh yeah, if it happen that i miss out some groceries item, Thambee will just forget it and ask the cashier to proceed with others, so that Thambee don't hog the queue, because Thambee know what it feels like to be waiting in the queue.. hey, Arumugam you don't judge a book by its cover, when something really steams up Thambee's anger, Thambee can be somebody difficult to deal with, Thambee is especially good in writing complaint letters, haha!! :D

  72. @ xiaoxue:
    呵呵, 那可見你其實也還好喇, 別人決定不到的, 呢就會有那個大將之風幫大家決定, 這是好事哦, 根本就是小事糊塗, 大事精明的佼佼者嘛, 呵呵!! 哎喲, 我也有遇到過你說的那些人, 每一部電影都要問時間, 還要問那個cashier好不好看, 會看到什麼時候, 我覺得那個cashier也很煩囉, 不過那時他們的工作, 又不可以不理顧客給顧客臉色看.. 所以呀, 這些三心二意的人, 真的是很浪費大家的時間囉, 真討厭!! 排隊買東西那事真的很少見, 所以上次真的給我遇到, 真的嚇了一跳, 真的有人這樣scan到一半就跑掉去繼續買其他東西!! 所以我是和她理論了兩句, 不過她沒回應只是說那個cashier為什麼沒有叫其他顧客去其他counter!! 其實如果cashier這樣做, 也不代表她有權力霸佔整個counter吧?? 真的很沒有禮貌, 就是想要蓋她兩巴掌囉..

    @ Kian Fai:
    oh, definitely i will stand aside to look at the timetable display, decide which to watch then only i'll join the queue.. hmmm, just curious if you ever experienced the second case, what would you do?? :)

  73. @ Mei Teng:
    oh yeah, i can get very impatient if i have to wait for too long in a queue.. and those who purposely taking their own sweet time hogging the queue and wasting other people's time are just idiots in my eyes.. so selfish and so rude they are!!

    @ Pete:
    haha, give me five!! they are really selfish and idiots right, am sure everyone will think they deserve our slaps on their face, haha!! :D

  74. @ 发白日梦^^:
    是真的有這一種人囉, 很討厭的人!! 不可以先決定要看那一部電影嗎?? 排隊是買票, 不是給你選擇要看什麼戲嘛.. 呵呵!! 那些還要打電話的, 根本就是讓人發火囉, 怎麼可以這樣?? 真的要人蓋他們兩巴掌嗎?? 呵呵, 這樣的留言方式對喇, 不過其他對手也不弱哦~~ :D

    @ victor:
    yes, those kind of people are definitely selfish, inconsiderate and rude!! i hate this kind of people, and if they really annoyed me, i will for sure fight back.. not only for myself, but for every other customer's rights.. haha, yes, we are for justice and fairness!! give me five~~ :D

  75. 我最怕遇到这种事件了,唯有怪自己‘早知道’不要排这排啦!

  76. Pardon me but I get to be so undecided with things too sometimes. NOw with baby there's no room for stalling with decisions but there are times I just lag...can't decide right away.

  77. 是咯!有些更死,买一点点东西,却要用credit card!而且都不超过50块!妈的!

  78. 看到都“眼火爆”!

  79. 最抵死的是那个样子好像很“应该”似的!

  80. 另外一个是去银行的!

  81. 那个deposit machine时常故障的。。。三架只剩一架!

  82. 最气的是那些machine一直不收一或两张钞票。。。整天弹钱。。。那些人就一直repeat那个transaction。。。

  83. 搞到排在后面的“民众”怨气十足!

  84. sk我很快就要赶上前五名了。。。哈哈哈哈!

  85. 事件二很让人讨厌,不过有些醒目的收银员会叫那家伙再排队的。。。反正那种人就是没有公德心!

  86. u shud just give that lady two slaps! argghhhhhhhh. x boleh tahan the haughtiness!

  87. but sometimes, when we scold these inconsiderate people (let alone slapping them!) we are seen as the bad guy instead. Right or not?

  88. @ Ashley:
    我也是的, 很多時候如果看到大排長龍, 我請願不買或者選擇去其他地方.. 但是如果是排著隊了, 太過份的話, 我真的會很生氣, 也不排除和那些自私的人理論囉..

    @ Ayie:
    hmmm, it's fine to be indecisive but not when you are already in the queue, haha!! when you are ready to queue, that means you are done and just ready to pay.. :)

  89. @ 发白日梦^^:
    呵呵, 真的很努力哦!! 哈哈, 能否擠進前五名就要看你的運氣囉, 現在才月中罷了.. 其實如果不是耽誤太久時間, 我還是可以忍耐的, 現在用credit card很普遍喇, 有時我也會用的, 所以我也不怪人.. 是那些特別要慢條斯理的, 我就會看不順眼囉.. 如果心情不好, 會很大可能去罵人的哦, 呵呵~~

    @ Casendra:
    那次是連scan也還沒scan完, 那個女人就跑掉了, cashier以為只是一下所以也沒有cancel那個transaction.. 後來我忍不住了, 對那個cashier施壓去找那女人回來罷了.. 很自私囉那個女人, 而且還一點歉意也沒有!!

  90. @ kyh:
    well, i wanted to do that very much but really cannot do that lawfully lah, haha!! so can only scold her and slap her in my heart~~ :D

    @ lina:
    errr, i don't care at all as long as we are scolding the one scolded will be more embarrassed.. and i think other people will understand which party is actually the bad one.. we all have very CLEAN mind nowadays ok?? hahahaha~~ :D

  91. hehe.. they are so selfish.

  92. they never think about other people who line up at behind.

    they are brainless.

    I support you to slaps on her face :)

  93. LOL.. Your reply was funny! Thambee this. Thambee that... Ha ha ha ha... Aiyoyo Thambee so cute nia...

  94. I know that Kamala's curries are so hot that it will keep Thambee's fire and temper flare up easily. No good la dei. Worry you might slap the cashier's face instead! Phiak!!

  95. Book online la and use your smartphone to enter. It is paperless and faster dei.

  96. Rich people don't go to hypermarkets cos they hate the crowd and long queues. So they rather spend more at Village Grocer or Cold Storage! I think I enjoy these places too cos lots of Mat Sallehs and Japanese. No fuss and hassles.

  97. SK Thambee wisely said NOTHING HAPPENS WITHOUT A REASON... It is 100 comments again!

  98. 哈哈。。。 我蠻沒有耐性。。。 也不喜歡前面排隊的人在那裡三心二意。。 所以,通常會在排隊的過程中先決定自己的選擇;以便在輪到自己的時候可以 “速戰速決” 。。。 呵呵~ ^^

  99. Oh talking about queues ....my favourite subject. I HATE QUEUES!!!!

  100. Oh yeah I cant stand people who are indecisive. But that's OK if they don't keep people waiting!

  101. Hate queuing for movie tickets! That couple should have decided what movie to watch and which seats they wanted before queuing up!

  102. But 10 minutes is like really too long! Are you sure it's 10 minutes? Got use your watch to time it? Haha!!

  103. But now, I no need to queue for too long at cinemas cos I use the EON GSC card which give me special priveleges to avoid the queue! Haha!

  104. As a EON-GSC card holder, you get a dedicated counter. But as more and more people have this card, this is going to be a problem soon! Maybe they should have 2 counters dedicated to EON-GSC card holders haha!!

  105. OK for the 2nd incident, I really think that customer way too selfish and disgusting!!

  106. How can she even leave the queue to shop for other things halfway? That's crazy!! And I am surprised the cashier allowed it!!

  107. Some more she had the nerve to argue that the cashier direct you all to another line? You should have scolded her loudly!! Haha!!

  108. But slapping her cannot lah haha although I know you are very tempted to do so. Haha! : D

  109. @ CH Voon:
    yes, totally very selfish and inconsiderate!! aiyah, though i wanted to slap her so much, but just cannot do that lawfully lor.. what to do, just can argue with such people if we are ever so unluckily to meet one..

    @ Twilight Man:
    haha, not only Thambee this Thambee that, but Thambee also always Arumugam this Arumugam that, hahahaha!! yalah, Thambee always purchase the ticket online, no need to queue then can choose Thambee's own seats, and then can arrived at the cinema on time no need to get there earlier to collect ticket somemore.. oh, have Arumugam tried the barcode scanning?? that one still need to print out the ticket, or can straight away scan the image on our phone?? oh, don't let Thambee surprise Arumugam - that incident happen in Cold Storage exactly!! but the one in Wangsa Maju lah.. that lady was bringing her maid to shop, and still she left the queue and took her own sweet time with the maid to replenish her stock!! that was already too much right?? maybe if Arumugam was there, sure will also want to slap that CCB lor!! wow, thanks Arumugam for being so supportive, always making my comment counts to more than 100~~ Thambee so touched, must treat Arumugam goat cheese fondue with curry mutton chapati already!! :D

  110. @ Jeremy O.:
    我根本就是覺得排隊已經是浪費時間了, 加上那些三心二意做不到決定的人在那邊阻礙, 真的會很生氣的囉.. 我是決定了, 才會去排隊的, 不想很多人, 一來到就要去排隊, 怕死cashier會關掉不給他們排那樣..

    @ foongpc:
    yeah, i hate having to wait at the queue for the people to make their decisions.. errr, maybe not as long as 10 minutes but it really felt like i've been waiting there for 10 minutes for them to make decision before it was my turn.. errr, i've got my EON GSC card, it was nice initially, but i guess more and more people are having this card, so some of the times the dedicated queue can be long and still gotta wait also.. anyway, normally i'd just get the tickets online, save all the hassle and most importantly can just reach the cinema on time and not earlier.. yeah, that supermarket lady was exactly selfish and inconsiderate at all.. even if other customers can go to other queues, that does not mean she has the right to hog that cashier right?? that's not even her private lane!! yeah, i think not only i felt like slapping her, you do also right?? haha~~ :D
