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15.05.2011 | 說謊小孩

前日行去輕鐵站途中, 遇見個大約10歲著住校服嘅小朋友, 以下係我哋嘅對話:
童: 叔叔, 你可唔可以俾70仙我呀??
我: 小朋友, 你要70仙做咩啊??
童: 我要70仙搭輕鐵返屋企, 我啲錢用晒..
我: 70仙夠喇?? 叔叔都係搭輕鐵, 一陣我幫你買飛好唔好??
童: 夠架, 不如你就俾我錢啦, 我想買嘢飲..
我: 唔好, 我一陣幫你俾車錢..
童: 你俾住我先啦, 我等埋朋友一起返..

各位有何意見呢?? 我就認為呢為小朋友好明顯講緊大話囉, 前後口供都唔夾嘅.. 而且普通一個小朋友, 常理上都唔會開口同陌生人要錢啩?? 嘩!! 而家啲細路都真係狼死.. 我懶理佢咁多, 到輕鐵站之後, 我堅持要幫佢買飛, 親眼睇住佢上車返屋企, 就係唔好俾佢得逞..
was walking to the LRT station the other day when i bumped into a schoolboy around 10 in his uniform, below was our conversation:
boy: uncle, do you have 70-sen to spare for me??
me: errr, why are you asking for 70-sen?
boy: 70-sen for me to take the train home, i've finished using my money..
me: is that enough? uncle is taking train too, i'll pay the fares for you later..
boy: yes, that's enough.. but can you give me the money, i want to buy drinks..
me: nope, i will pay your fares later..
boy: give me the money please, i want to wait for my friends together..

so what do you think?? i think the boy is lying very obviously, because he's trying to give different reasons to cover his lies but they don't synch at all.. furthermore, i don't think a normal kid will just ask a stranger for money right?? gosh, kids nowadays are really unpredictable yeah?? but i don't care, i insisted to get him the ticket, watched him board the train going back, rather than allowing him to get what he's planning to get..


  1. haiz...one lies after another...small already like that...dont know what will happen when he grows up.

  2. Hmmmm... sure suspicious to me.

  3. same like u la..
    either pay for his ticket or nothing at all :)

  4. Luckily you didn;t give to them... if this happen in Africa you better just ignore and ciao! if you give one, all of them will come and they are plenty more to say Uncle you have 70 cent to spare.

    Hmmm... btw, he called you uncle :p

  5. 好彩大佬你唔系金鱼佬.. :p

  6. Can't blame it all on the kid when we don't know the stories behind the picture.

    It could be that the kid is a force to work with a syndicate, like the one you saw in Slumdog Millionaire.

    On a smaller scale, maybe they were told by the parents to do that or that kid is just trying his luck on you, haha.

    Anyway... It something for us to ponder, not to judge.

  7. What is the world coming to... So young, must be some Ah Long people behind it...or worse still, the parents!

  8. kids could be innocently lying..

  9. What's with the kids nowadays? Simply ask money from strangers? And make up lies that don't synch? I believe the root cause is due to parents and peers influences.

  10. The kid might be working in a syndicate exploiting them to beg on the streets. Very sad really.. using these innocent kids for their personal monetary gains.

  11. Geez... this kind of scam wasn't new for me, I hv bumped into them umpteen times liao! You are such a kind hearted guy, proud of you!

  12. 通常这种事不会发生在华人小孩的,

  13. 我也遇过很多次这样的事情了。不过都是大人来的!第一次我有给,接下来就没给了!感觉很不对路!!!

  14. so at the end, did u pay for his ticket or he ran away?

    Only RM0.70 he asked for. What is happening ? Either he is playful or problem child. Sometimes, created by adults (the parents).

  15. for me I wont give la, haiz sometimes dun give also feel so bad for myself but still . . . . dun give LOL

  16. So, did you part with that 70sen or not? You know, sometimes knowing full well that it's a scam, we still do consciously and voluntarily fall for it with eyes wide open and sensibility intact. Sigh. A good example is giving money to beggars at coffeeshops/restaurants. Most of them are working with syndicates. The compassion in us rules over our reasoning, I guess. We are human afterall.

    Psst.. I've dished out more than 70sen (not to beggars) but to someone by the roadside. Twice! Years apart.. And to the same man somemore! Wait, there is more. And to think that he used the same reason on both occasions! Aiyohhhhh! *smacks head*

  17. 是童真吗?或是大人没教好呢?小时欺骗少少;

  18. Blame it on the parents......

  19. That's the problem, parents don't have time for their kids nowadays!

  20. so clever to have not used the round-up to RM1 sumore.

    I betcha he clooects many 70cents everyday. Malaysian are generally very giving, even when they know they are being conned.

  21. 小孩原本就需要教导,问题出在他的长辈/幕后黑手。小小年纪就被灌输/自愿走上这一道,唉 ... 我自己有个外甥,所以心疼这岁数的孩子走上不归路

  22. 這麼小就會這樣

  23. 觉得很心酸咯,

  24. 那么小就被大人训练走这样的路,就被现实带领走在这样的未来...可悲的现实...

  25. A* Boy can pleaze spare me RM10 very thirsty lah need a tall icy cool drink can ah? muahaha

  26. aiyo... i think he is lying.

    haiya... society is damn sick.

  27. When he grows up, then i guess he will go to airport to ask for more like what happen to me :(

  28. 昏~现在的世界变了,就连这么小的小孩都来这一招!

  29. There could be syndicate where they make use of the boys..

  30. 还好你没掉头就跑,最低限度做了我们的本分eh? 就不知道这小孩的家庭背景如何。。。

  31. of course not taking the train ticket.. must be compiling the coins and then,..maybe feed his siblings?

  32. Something worth pondering here. When I read this type of story, I kind of feeling sad too.

  33. what u did is correct. to insist in paying for the fare rather than just blindly giving him that 70 cents... poor boy, where are his parents? how can his parents let him wander around like that.. sigh..

  34. It's better to give anything other than money. If he hungry, buy a food for him. If he thirsty, buy a mineral water for him. It's do more harm than good if you give him money. When it's become a habit, till old also asking people money....

  35. What unforgivable that this boy call you uncle :P

  36. I agree with you that paying for his fare is a good idea than just giving him money that he might use for goodness knows what.

    Why is the kid wandering around on his own? Parents should keep a watchful eye. The world is a bad one these days.

  37. i thought i left my comments here already.. huhu

  38. ahahaha... i think that's their modus operandi...
    sad to say, these street kids are being so wise nowadays and the worst, some of them are part of syndicate groups... sobs
    poor little kids, their victims of some people's greediness

  39. since they are wise now, you have to be wise as well... i guess what you did is just right... he's asking for money to buy tickets then you buy it for him instead of lending him the money....
    same thing goes when they're asking money to buy foods... you better give them foods instead of the money

  40. but if this kid is saying the truth... if he's waiting for his friends.. are you gonna shoulder all the tickets SK? hahaha

  41. Yep, some kids are very unpredictable.. Don't know which is truth, which is a lie... =_=

  42. i think what you have done was the right thing.. instead of just giving the money, you pay for what they ask for.. :)

  43. having to say, regardless whether he's just merely lying or there's some syndicate controlling at the background, this is really a sad thing to be realised..

  44. anyway, sometimes we just need to choose to believe the good side in order to let ourselves feel better right?? :)

  45. @ Small Kucing:
    yeah, i think he's just trying to get some extra money to buy junk food?? anyway, it's just 70 sen and i am ok to get him a ticket to go home..

    @ lina:
    yeah, if he hasn't explained too much and trying to give more reason, i may have believed him..

  46. @ 天王之子:
    其實也沒有希望什麼回報喇, 70仙罷了嘛..

    @ Danny:
    yeah if he ask the money for him to go back at first, then i'll just pay for him the fares or nothing else at all..

  47. @ TZ:
    yeah, i won't give him the money just like that.. actually there's only between two of us and nobody else around.. of course i know i can't do that in poor countries lah.. BTW, i don't find it strange the little boy called me uncle woh, i am really an uncle to him mah~~ :D

    @ Chris:
    我肯定唔會帶佢去睇金魚啦, 佢咁跩跩講大話喎..

  48. @ Daniel Chiam:
    well, i don't know the story behind but then i think i've done the right thing to insist of getting him the ticket and not giving him the money straight away.. sometimes we just cannot think too much, but have to make ourselves believe their stories and to make ourselves feel better, right?? anyway, this world is getting more and more con~~

    @ suituapui:
    hmmm, not surprise also but then i rather believe that he is trying to ask for more money to get some junk food that the parents prohibited..

  49. @ 追梦者:
    其實我也不知道背後的故事, 除了家長我覺得校方也有責任..

    @ wenn:
    well, that is the case i want to make myself believe in, rather than complicated stories like syndicates~~

  50. @ Yvonne:
    yeah, actually it's really a surprise for me that a kid will simply ask money from a stranger.. i do not know the stories behind, but i do not want to believe he is trapped under some syndicates.. i'd rather want to know he's purely lying..

    @ Isaac Tan:
    not surprising too but then i choose to believe he was just merely lying for extra money for junk food.. at least i did the right thing for insisting to buy the ticket instead of giving him money..

  51. @ Alice Law:
    oh really?? you've met this many times?? well, actually to me 70 sen is not much and i pity such a little boy.. but then i insisted to get him the ticket home rather than giving him the money..

    @ Ashley:
    我其實也不清楚背後的故事, 可能真的有人主駛, 可能他真的是撒謊為了要買零食.. 但是無論如何還是不對囉.. 不過我覺得自己也做得蠻對喇, 堅持要給他買票而沒有把錢交到他手上..

  52. @ 穷光蛋市长:
    大人的話我肯定不會幫忙囉, 尤其是那些一開口就是中國腔的中國大陸人.. 有時寧願自己做壞人也不要給人騙囉..

    @ mNhL:
    yes, i get him the ticket and make sure he get on the train.. well, i have no idea why he only asked for 70 sen, and the fares is really 70 sen exactly.. maybe he didn't lie at all, but just want to try to ask for more money to get more junk food?? :p

  53. @ Kian Fai:
    yeah, sometimes we rather be the bad guy than to feel sorry later for being cheated right?? :)

    @ HappySurfer:
    yes, i get the ticket for him and then make sure he gets into the train before i board my train on the opposite direction, but what happened later i'm not interested to know.. to me, i didn't give him the money straight away, so my part was done.. it's because it's only 70 sen and seeing him a little kid that i offered to help.. if it's the situation in coffee shops or beggars on the street, i will never intent to offer any help actually.. sometimes rather be the bad guy than to be sorry later when you found out the truth that you were being cheated right?? :)

  54. @ Wai Kitt:
    其實也不知到背後的故事喇, 但是我覺得我也做得蠻妥當, 堅持買票給他而沒有把錢直接給他..

    @ eugene:
    well, not only the parents but the school must also be blamed, and the society and the country~~ :D

  55. @ Pete:
    you might be right, it's just very uncommon for me to see a school kid asking strangers for money.. i would expect borrowing from schoolmates actually..

    @ Gratitude:
    haha, yeah, and the money asked is exactly the fares he need to back home.. so i choose to believe that he is really in need of the money to go home.. i will feel better this way.. :)

  56. @ Kai and Baobei:
    我不清楚背後的故事, 很可能真的是小朋友他頑皮, 也有可能是背後有幕後黑手操縱他.. 但是我選擇相信他真的缺錢回家, 至少沒有受騙的感覺會好過些吧..

    @ 十六:
    對囉, 如果是我, 也真的不會有膽量隨便向陌生人要錢囉..

  57. @ 小雪:
    對, 其實先是很突然為什麼有這種事發生, 後來真的覺得很心酸為什麼連小朋友也這樣了..

    @ bluecloud:
    是不是被幕後黑手訓練就不得而知, 但是肯定是說謊的小朋友, 真的可悲..

  58. @ Bananazஇ:
    hahaha, if you are going to ask me like that, i won't even want to bother you at all.. but you may be right that there could be somebody controlling them behind, so sad.. :D

    @ CH Voon:
    yeah, very obvious he was telling lies and trying to cover lies with more explanation.. well, what a sad incident right??

  59. @ Chris Chia:
    真的覺得很愕然, 怎麼一個小朋友有那個膽量隨便和陌生人要錢?? 世界變了..

    @ Casendra:
    哈哈, 我是見他小朋友才堅持要買票給他.. 如果是大人, 我真的會是掉頭走了..

  60. @ reanaclaire:
    errr, whatever the reason behind, at least i think it's right not to give him the money just like that, he wants to go home so i just get him the ticket..

    @ Sheoh Yan:
    this is surely something worth ponder, and it really depends what you want to believe the motive behind him asking for 70 sen..

  61. @ Merryn:
    yeah, i think insisting to get the ticket for him instead of just giving the money is the most appropriate response.. well, i don't want to know the background, just want to believe that he is just asking money to go home.. :)

    @ Monk:
    yeah, that is what i think most appropriate to respond.. money is the root of evil, if he really wants to go home then i will insist to buy him the ticket.. i have the same thinking like you.. hahaha!!! i don't mind at all a little kid calling me uncle, i admit i'm not young anymroe also lah, haha.. :)

  62. @ Mei Teng:
    i actually have no idea how he appeared beside me, but i choose to believe he is mainly lacking money to go home rather than believing there's some stories behind.. and i think since he wants to go home, getting him the train ticket is the most appropriate action i can do..

    @ bluedreamer27:
    haha, i don't think you've left any comments in this post any earlier since this is just posted on sunday night when blogger was OK.. well, i have no idea what was the motive behind him asking for money, but the money he asked for was exactly the amount of the train fares, and he actually jumped into the train to go home.. i guess things are not really complicated in the background, or at least that is what i choose to believe.. yeah, since he is asking money to go home, i'll just get him the ticket instead of handing over the money to him just like that.. haha, if he has other friends coming together, sorry but i won't offer any more help because it is impossible that everyone is lacking money right?? if everyone does, then that must be a scam and there is no reason i will extend my help, agree?? :)

  63. @ Hayley:
    haha, yes, that is really something so unpredictable and surprising to me.. a kid asking a stranger for money?? such a rare thing i've ever encounter..

    @ victor:
    yeah, i also thought what i did was quite appropriate given the situation, instead of just giving him the 70 sen i insisted to get him the ticket to go home, and make sure he really boarded the train.. you are right, and sometimes we even want to choose to be the bad guy rather than to be sorry later right?? :)

  64. Damn! I am going to slap him on the spot if I can! :(

  65. Who the heck taught this kid to beg? He is not alone... :(

  66. I think it all boils down family! :(

  67. Haha!! Good thing you were not conned by the little boy! : )

  68. I've been conned many years ago, not by a little boy but by a man in the street in Pudu Raya. After that incident, I never ever give any money to any strangers or beggars!

  69. I don't give money whether you are blind, handicapped, old, poor, sick. Sorry!! Because I cannot be sure if you are genuine!

  70. And I definitely won't give any money to a child asking for it! Cos I have heard that there are syndicates using children to beg for money and the money ends up with the adults! So no way I am going to give them even a cent!

  71. As for beggars, I never ever donate my money to them. From what I can see, most beggars can work for a living. I don't see why they must sit there and beg. Pure laziness!!!

  72. Of course don't be surprised if the beggar turns out to be filthy rich, owning a bungalow, and a Benz! You just never know!

  73. 一年前,有个中年拖着一个像有智障的男生,在Setapak的McD门口跟我讨钱,说是儿子想要吃汉堡。后来我索性把我买下来的value meal给他们,自己再去买一份。

  74. @ Tekkaus:
    haha, your reaction is a bit over don't you think?? well, i don't think he was begging but just asking the money from me.. anyway, i do not know what's the motive behind, but i guess not giving him the money is right thing to do..

    @ 海市蜃樓:
    又唔係咁講架, 如果個個都俾佢就會累積好多架喇..

  75. @ foongpc:
    yeah, i didn't give him a single penny but instead insisted of getting him the ticket going home.. well, i'm not sure what's his motive behind or whether there's any syndicate controlling him, at least i choose to believe he is genuine because i've given him the money he wanted indirectly.. well, i understand what you were trying to say, sometimes we rather be a bad guy
    than being conned right?? yeah, i don't give money to beggars or even donate any to those who approaches.. if we really want to do some charity, there are really a lot of channels for us to do that right?? this world has made us more vigilent to all those scams..

    @ Chloe:
    對囉, 我覺得就是不要給錢他們.. 既然他們有理由要這個要那個, 那就索性給你要的.. 萬惡錢為首呀~~ :p
