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09.05.2011 | 循環再用

相信大家屋企應該都有好多舊雜誌, 傳單, 公司財政彙報之類嘅印刷品.. 正打算要清理呢啲廢紙之時, 又受內心啲咁多嘅環保意識責備, 但係又得鬼閑攞去環保站, 結果依然係堆滿成間屋積灰塵--俾我噏中晒係唔係呢?? :p

其實呢啲紙好有用, 隨手一摺就摺成一個紙兜仔, 用處就多喇.. 生活小貼士: 餐檯上可以用嚟luer骨頭, 平時食餅兜住可以避免一身餅乾碎(中意嘅話筆啲碎嚟食唔好嘥), 辦公室內可以裝啲小型文具, 油漆是可以當帽戴住避免啲漆滴落頭, 等等等等.. 雖然未算百份百環保, 但係起碼都叫做實際循環再用吖.. :)
i bet we all have printer materials like magazines, brochures, annual reports etc lying around the house.. thought of disposing just like that but being a little environmental conscious we refrain ourselves from doing so, but again too busy to bring them to recycle stations, resulting them collecting dust in the house.. sounds familiar?? :p

actually these papers are very useful, simple fold them into paper "pot" and you can use them in many occassion.. simple tips: on your dining table use them for food waste, while eating biscuits use them for crumbs (and you can scoop the crumbs to eat without wasting), in office use them for small stationery or parts, while painting wear them as hat to avoid paint on your hair etc etc etc.. though not perfectly recycling but at least we are practically reusing right?? :)


  1. Great idea! I just need to learn how to fold them. Any lesson to share?

  2. I think today is a great day to buy lottery. Don't think I've ever made it to first commenter. Yeah?

  3. Back from classes? Sound so strange asking this as if you are a student. But then again, you are now, eh?

  4. yup love that art....recycling papers is my favorite crafts of all

  5. Milzon and I used to do such crafts out of old newspapers and scratches

  6. when i was working in an office, i used to fold papers into boxes too... that's where i place my pins and clips and other small office supplies hehe

  7. i remember my teacher in high school made such a wonderful Swan craft from folded papers... very creative of her...

  8. Oh I diligently pile all used paper stuffs and wait for the "old newspaper" man, coz they pay good price for it ;)

  9. Yup..my MIL use it on dining table for food waste

  10. good for eating kuaci. hehehe

  11. yes, i have seen these papers folded to put bones during meals.. :) good idea...

  12. I fold them into paper bags for our shop's usage.

  13. I don't know how to fold them.When in primary school, my friends fold them for me. XD

  14. You are so innovative, I usually just throw all these waste paper into the recycle bin we set at home!^^

  15. 好概念!但是。。。有时没有想到,或是懒。。。

  16. 哈~这是我常做的事。有时我会折好一盒盒的给家人,同事们用呢。我最喜欢用在剪指甲时。

  17. Oh YES! I'm all into recycling.. hence my recycle arts n crafts concept in my studio :D

  18. haha. so lazy lor to lipat lipat like that...

  19. 上次有一个auntie也是用这个来装骨头!还不错啦!

  20. 哈哈,我家也是有折.
    不过我的note paper都是再循环纸拿来自己剪的咯.

  21. Yea. I'm a big supporter for recycling. I usually collect those old newspaper or paper stuff, and give to the old newspaper van/collector.

  22. ahh... I have this paper boxes at home to let my hubb use it for his kuaci session. Learn it on the Internet and find it very useful :) My MIL places them on the dining table.

    Good to have environmental awareness.

  23. orogamis are fun and any means of recycling can help save our resources.

  24. Recycled to be an artistic origami to be showcased at home.. so very practical!!

  25. Learn to fold this before, but now I forget how to do this anymore. I guess I have to pick this up again.

  26. 我都有看到很多人有着一个举动。很不错哦!我家就没有了!哈哈~XD

  27. Great idea! Seen these in a few places before while having dinner. We dont know how to orang-gami leh put it up on YouTube?

  28. Usually those with addresses, names and office stuff would shred them manusia-ly at home *love doing the tearing* exercise the fingers and hands mah. The rest if back page is blank would keep them.

  29. haha...we are using this at home to throw bones or anything small into it before dumping into the rubbish bin.

  30. Hey,this is what i practise all the while in my house.I have a lot of these folded paper on my dining table for food waste too!

  31. Collect and send to recycling centre better. Usually after use, these would be thrown away with the rest of the rubbish...and gone to waste.

  32. Only if i know how to make an origami like that

  33. 但係我唔識摺喔!...

  34. Yup, unwanted papers can be recycled by turning them into little paper boxes for food waste. But I don't know how to fold paper boxes..haha.

  35. Recyle and take care of earth....these few days really hot! Global warming liao!

  36. Hellooooo SK Thambeee! Long time no see! How arrr youuu? Arumugam went back to Chennai to see your Kamala chee..

  37. I like this paper pot! I always wondered who invented this idea as I saw it on many dining tables in my friends' houses.

  38. I thought Thambee always used banana leaves or spat the bones into the river... No?

  39. Every month the recycling "Paper Lama" man will come in his loud blaring lorry to collect my old newspapers. You know what? I give him all FREE and he never forgets to come. Just small charity while my neighbour will haggle the price with the poor old man...

  40. I wanna try to use old newspapers to replace toilet papers. That will work isn't it? I worry my anus will bleed. LOL...!

  41. I also use all these unwanted papers to wrap things like fish bones, rubbish etc.

  42. But how to fold into paper pot nicely? Any videos to show step by step? : D

  43. But then of course, I will be too lazy to make those paper pots, just wrap up the rubbish and throw! Haha!!

  44. But of course, a lot of these unwanted papers are piled up for the newspaper man to collect! Can get $$$, why not? Haha

  45. 单面的废纸就留来写字条什么的...

  46. i found that a lot of things can be recycle... and can earn a lot money.

    like tin, old newspaper and so on....

    it can return more than few hundred to thousand... especially the copper...

  47. We do that too! :) Gambade!

  48. yeah, i like this!! so creative and also helping us to at least reuse the paper before throwing them just like that.. :)

  49. but then will it be a lot of effort to fold that?? it looks complicated, haha!! :D

  50. thanks for this brilliant idea!! so are you going to post a video on youtube to teach us how to fold this?? hehe~~ :)

  51. actually i do sometimes just use the magazine pages for food waste, just that i do not fold them into the pot shape but a mat shape, haha, if you know what i mean~~ :p

  52. @ 追梦者:
    對啊, 我其實很喜歡這個概念的.. 很實用是吧??

    @ Ghosty Nana:
    yayaya, that is true also!! kuaci, peanuts, almonds, pistachios, haha!! come to think of it, useful during CNY for the guests right??

  53. @ Merryn:
    yeah, but i think you know more than just this simple folded paper pot right?? hey, you should actually post a recycle crafts post in your blog every week so that we can learn mah..

    @ Medie007:
    of course fold it when you are too free and have nothing better to do lor..

  54. @ reanaclaire:
    yeah, it's practical though not 100% recycling but at least we make use of it before disposing mah right?? :)

    @ wenn:
    hey wenn, i am very interested to see how to fold them into bags.. i did that before but totally forgotten, can post how to do this in your blog later??

  55. @ HappySurfer:
    haha, so did you buy the lottery and win any prize?? errr, when was it?? it was Monday when i posted this?? err, no class but i did that after back from lunch, haha!! oh, you wanna learn how to do this, it's actually very simple, watch this.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1AzrqyzMOQ.. Note:
    1) 10"-30": because newspaper is long, so they fold 3 times first.. but for normal A4 mags, 2 times will do
    2) 1'18": you may want to only fold one time if you want the pot to be wider, folding twice makes the pot narrower..

    @ bluedreamer27:
    yeah, i think this is one of the paper crafts that i can do well, haha!! because it's easy and actually fairly practical to store small pieces, and kind of reusing right?? wow, looks like you really know lots of the craft, you can do a swan out of it?? that's very cool, you should record a video on youtube teaching us how to do that.. :)

  56. @ Gratitude:
    yeah, that is actually a good place to dispose of your old stuffs and get paid for them, haha!! i hardly hear the "old newspaper" van coming, and even he came, i just cannot manage to get hold of him..

    @ Small Kucing:
    yeah, and this one is especially useful when eating "heong peang" or egg roll, so that the crumbs will not drop all over you.. plus, you can scoop the crumbs to eat also~~ :D

  57. @ lina:
    hahaha, so nice got classmates folded them for you and you just use.. hmmm, i wonder if Raimie will be taught how to fold this in school??

    @ Alice Law:
    err, actually not innovative lah, i just learnt that from my sisters, haha!! BTW, it can be very useful everywhere, can even comes in handy when you are baking too!! give it a try..

  58. @ cindy:
    也對囉, 真的是要想到才會去摺囉.. 因為平時看到那麼多就只有一次把它們全部丟掉的衝動, 哈哈!!

    @ Chris Chia:
    嘿!!! 不錯哦, 你還要摺來送給別人, 實在是太好心腸了!! 哈哈, 其實說來真的有1001種用法哦~~

  59. @ bluecloud:
    哦, 單面廢紙當然是拿來再用囉.. 這些雙面的就只好拿來靈活運用了, 這個概念不知道誰發明, 很管用!! :)

    @ CH Voon:
    yeah, actually instead of folding them for food waste, it makes more sense to send them to the recycle station or just sell them to the "suratkhabar lama" man.. oh, but magazines or newspaper is only 20sen per kg, can't be earning thousands right??

  60. @ Hayley:
    i guess selling them to the newspaper collector will be better, as they really bring them on to be recycled.. somemore, you get paid, haha!!

    @ Yvonne:
    haha, great stuffs yeah, and you learnt that from internet, cool!! actually most useful when eating biscuits, because the crumbs will drop inside.. firstly won't dirty yourself, secondly after finish eating still can use spoon to scoop the crumbs and eat, hahaha!! :D

  61. @ Sheoh Yan:
    actually i've not been folding and almost forgotten.. but the other day just pick up a pieace of paper and figure that out already, it's actually very easy, sure you can do it.. :)

    @ 穷光蛋市长:
    其實很不錯的一個概念哦, 不過如果你懶惰去摺就沒有得用囉.. 還是賣給舊報紙佬比較實際吧?? :D

  62. @ Mei Teng:
    haha, seems like a lot of people have no idea how to do this, i found this from youtube, it's actually pretty simple.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1AzrqyzMOQ.. Note:
    1) 10"-30": because newspaper is long, so they fold 3 times first.. but for normal A4 mags, 2 times will do
    2) 1'18": you may want to only fold one time if you want the pot to be wider, folding twice makes the pot narrower..

    @ Pete:
    yeah, so warm that i have to go to McD to enjoy their aircond while doing my assignments, can't bother to stay at home, haha!! :D

  63. @ 发白日梦^^:
    哈哈, 其實真的是很好用的, 用來裝什麼都可以喇, 只要你喜歡, 哈哈!! :D

    @ 小雪:
    我就看姐姐摺的, 然後自己研究怎樣摺, 哈哈!! 很好玩哦其實, 那時摺了整本的雜誌呢!!

  64. @ Twilight:
    why Arumugam went back to Chennai to see Kamala but not Letchumi?? OMG, you don't like Letchumi at all already?? going back motherland to see Thambee's wife but not Arumugam's wife?? sigh.. hehehe, i have no idea who invented that but as long as it's so useful and practical, who cares right?? just spread this skills over the world!! actually they use them in gardening but we smart malaysians use them on dining table for food waste, hahahaha!! you got "paper lama" man then it's better, at least they really bring them on to recycle and you got paid too!! oh, have you tried newspaper in the toilet, or else use magazine lah, wakakkakakakaka!!! LOL :D

    @ foongpc:
    haha, at least you use those paper for food waste huh, but not as "artistic" as the pot lah.. very simple lah, just watch the video on youtube lor.. but if you really lazy to fold, just sell them to the "old newspaper" man and get paid for your papers.. haha!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1AzrqyzMOQ.. Note:
    1) 10"-30": because newspaper is long, so they fold 3 times first.. but for normal A4 mags, 2 times will do
    2) 1'18": you may want to only fold one time if you want the pot to be wider, folding twice makes the pot narrower..

  65. @ Monk:
    haha, it's actually quite simple, you can just follow this clip in youtube.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1AzrqyzMOQ.. Note:
    1) 10"-30": because newspaper is long, so they fold 3 times first.. but for normal A4 mags, 2 times will do
    2) 1'18": you may want to only fold one time if you want the pot to be wider, folding twice makes the pot narrower..

    @ 海市蜃樓:
    好簡單啦, 絕對難唔到海公公你.. 去片!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1AzrqyzMOQ.. Note:
    1) 10"-30": 因為報紙長, 所以佢哋摺三次, 你如果用普通A4紙張, 兩次就夠喇..
    2) 1'18": 如果你要闊啲咁摺一次就夠, 摺兩次就窄啲咁解..

  66. @ Bananazஇ:
    hmmm, i thot Bananazஇ's Mango will know how to do this?? haha.. it's very simple, you can watch it in youtube, don't just shred them lah, rather let the grease from the bones stain them and smudge the confidential text on the paper before you dispose them lor, hahahahahaha!! :D
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1AzrqyzMOQ.. Note:
    1) 10"-30": because newspaper is long, so they fold 3 times first.. but for normal A4 mags, 2 times will do
    2) 1'18": you may want to only fold one time if you want the pot to be wider, folding twice makes the pot narrower..

    @ mNhL:
    hey, these folded pots are really useful right?? actually not only for food waste lah, can also use that to eat peanuts and kuaci, similarly useful!! :D

  67. @ Ayie:
    yeah, this is actually fun and practical because this paper "pot" can virtually be used in any occassion..

    @ Isaac Tan:
    errr, actually not artistic when you see the real one, unless we are doing some other things like cranes or swan, haha!! this is just to collect wastes lah~~ :D

  68. @ Wai Kitt:
    yeah, i guess many household really folded this for the purpose of food waste on the dining table right?? so useful, haha~~

    @ suituapui:
    of course collecting them and sell them to the "old newspaper" man would be better, cos they really bring them on the be recycled, somemore you get paid as well.. :)

  69. @ Casendra:
    yeah, i like the idea of using the waste paper for food waste, it's a brilliant one don't you think??

    @ victor:
    haha, i like how you describe the pot shape and the mat shape!! haha, that's very funny.. but i will say it depends whether you take the effort to do that as this is just some bonus to make things look nicer.. haha, won't be recording and post how to do this in youtube, as i just found out there's already people showing how to do this there.. just watch this video.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1AzrqyzMOQ.. Note:
    1) 10"-30": because newspaper is long, so they fold 3 times first.. but for normal A4 mags, 2 times will do
    2) 1'18": you may want to only fold one time if you want the pot to be wider, folding twice makes the pot narrower..

  70. er... few weeks ago, i help my father in law sell the paper n copper... and obtain few thousand oh...

  71. 我妈妈有拿去卖的,所以我会收给她。

  72. @ CH Voon:
    i think only the copper is making money, but the newspaper not really lah.. those copper and metals i think can sell for more than RM10 per kg lor..

    @ Ashley:
    如果有人拿去賣那當然拿去賣比較好, 因為有錢賺嘛.. 我這個那來摺垃圾桶的方法也不算環保, 只是廢物利用罷了.. 所以我也非常贊成你把它們收好拿去賣.. :)
