最近發覺自己對呢一隻兔子有一種不能自拔嘅喜愛.. 肥短身材又凸眼又冇牙再加埋一個血盆大口, 實在稱得上係奇丑無比, 不過我反而覺得佢係丑樣得極之可愛囉, 解釋唔到個原因, 哈哈!! 搞到我哩, 呢幾日不停上網搜索佢啲玉照, 下載後整咗好多張手機牆紙.. 平時見到手機上佢嗰一副超抵死又賤又衰嘅尊容, 整色整水七情上面咁, 我就忍唔住會心一笑, 心情都自然好啲囉.. 各位朋友, 介紹我最近嘅心頭好Raving Rabbids!! 夠晒可愛啦係嘛?? 呵呵~~ :p |
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i realised i've been so obsessed with this rabbit recently.. with a fat figure, popping eyes, only two big teeth and a huge mouth, i am sure everyone will say that's ugly, but to me he is just so f**king scarily and uglily cute.. that's something unexplainable, haha!! see what he did?? he just made me spend time searching for his photos online, and then download them as wallpapers on my handphone.. many times when i see him appearing on the screen, with that exeggerated drama face and a look you feel like throwing eggs on him, i'll just laugh inside my heart and become happier.. ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce my most recent favourite, Raving Rabbids!! isn't him very adorable?? hehe~~ :p |
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30.05.2011 | 不能自拔
26.05.2011 | 麥記奇遇
最近好頻密地幫襯麥當當.. 第一, 因為我要收集全部六寬可口可樂玻璃杯.. 第二, 搵個正地方做功課, 因為貪佢有冷氣有免費上網有無限量添飲汽水, 呵呵.. 正因為咁所以見到好多人生百態, 其中比較有趣嘅有:
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i've been patronising McD quite frequently recently.. first, because i am collecting the coca-cola glass.. secondly, i find it a nice place for me to do my assignments, because there is air-cond, free internet and free unlimited refill of drinks, haha.. being in McD i have observed many faces of the people, and here are some interesting ones:
23.05.2011 | 豈有此理
20.05.2011 | 努力加油
18.05.2011 | 有何貴幹
15.05.2011 | 說謊小孩
12.05.2011 | 我係肉獸
09.05.2011 | 循環再用
05.05.2011 | 簡單幸福
02.05.2011 | 手下留言
有讀者問我點解有幾位讀者係特別鐘意一次留好多個comments, 其實冇咩特別意思嘅, 都唔記得係邊位發起喇, 純粹係我哋之間交流嘅小玩意啫.. 講到留言, 我要衷心感謝各位讀者嘅鼎力支持, 有你哋嘅留言係我繼續努力嘅推動力!! 喺度總括四月份留言數據, 多謝大家賞面, 請繼續加油~~ :) some readers asked why there are specific bloggers who like to leave multiple comments in a row on my blog.. well, there is actually nothing special, and i can't even remember who started this but this is purely the unique way we interact.. talking on comments, i sincerely thank everyone for the support, your comments are really motivation for me to keep going!! i've just summarise the statistics for the month of April, thanks for those who have made things happened, keep it up~~ :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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** 以上統計基於2011年四月份十篇貼, 五月二日晚上11:59截止 ** statistics based on the 10 posts in April 2011 till 11:59pm on 2nd May |
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