was facebooking last night when i saw a series of old photos posted by our primary school english teacher Ms Kong, and that immediately attracted responses from all the fellow ex-classmates.. wow, i guess it was 24 years ago when we were in our primary grade 3, it's either children's day or year end i supposed.. absolutely precious photo that i don't have, hence i immediately downloaded them without hesitation, and i'm gonna share my memory here..
知唔知我喺邊呢?? click入張相就自有分曉架喇.. :)
can you spot me?? click on each of the photos to find out.. :)
can you spot me?? click on each of the photos to find out.. :)
![]() [larger] 5 boys and 5 girls performed singing, but i really have no idea what we were singing already~~ :p |
![]() [larger] all the boys in the class posed together with the teacher, look, didn't everyone just look so cute?? :D |
![]() [larger] finally the group photo of course, but i have actually been trying to recognise myself in this photo, i guess should be that one.. :p |
相入邊嘅每一位, 你哋大家都好吖嘛?? hello everyone in the photo, how are you doing?? |
yay! I am the first one? :D
ReplyDeleteYour primary school teacher posted this? Wow...already 24 years? I am sure your teacher missed all of you so much. :p
ReplyDeleteHaha :D Already forgotten what you have sang? Hmm....bah~bah~black sheep? :p
ReplyDeleteYou look so damn cute bro. :D Hahaha
ReplyDeletewait... where are you here?? haha so unfair..
ReplyDeleteso cute SK..... i have lost all my class pictures after we migrate on our new house from the province,,,
ReplyDeletegood thing you still have those photos..
ReplyDeleteoh you're wearing neck ties?? so cute... i never had a chance to wear neck ties (except the prom night) in my school...we just wear polo and khaki pants... and thats it.. haha
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing these photos SK... haha so hard to figure out who are you in these photos
ReplyDeleteU meant the one with the pony tail ka? lolz
ReplyDeleteYou reminded me of my 1st singing experience on-stage in school. It was "you light up my life" by The Carpenters.
well... this is some memory... miss those years that have no worries... hahahaha....
ReplyDeleteI have almost forgotten everyone in my primary school classes~
ReplyDeletehahahh very small leh i tot can like zoom in to see u one
话说,我小学的照片不知道还在不在 我只剩下小刘的毕业刊 =)
ReplyDeletewah~ ur english teacher should be quite old now, still play face book?
ReplyDelete细个SK好鬼CUTE, 大的SK好鬼SMART。
ReplyDeleteGood old photos....nice memories!
ReplyDeletewow.. ur hairstyle oledi so trendy then huh?
ReplyDeleteso the european supermodel look ;p
( btw, i was BOTAK for the whole primary school... typical budak cina ..lol ;p )
wow...so fun. you still have contact with your primary teacher? I don't even remember who my teacher is. haha...
ReplyDeleteOf course I can't spot you.. Haven't even seen your face before :P Which one is you? Faster tell!
ReplyDeletethats so nostalgic! and u were good at posing even at young hor (refering to 2nd pic) :P
ReplyDeleteThose old photos are priceless eh? :)
ReplyDeletevery blur leh.. =.="
粒粒人头好似鼻屎咁大only wor。。
but wahhhhh... still keep in touch with your primary school class mate...
ReplyDeletemine already 100% lost contact...
ReplyDeleteunless they are following me together to secondary until form 5 one.. which is only ONE person.. =.=
aiseh mah.. top commenter leh..
ReplyDeletemuaahahahahah... foongpc also kalah..
lol! so darn cute! yea in my fb too, appreciate those my fellow classmates who posted out the pictures of us wehn we're still just a small kids. :p
ReplyDeletewhoaa so long dy worr... 24years ago.. so means now u r.... hahahaha
ReplyDeleteso, when u're small, u are really VERY LITTLE, and now when u're big dy, u are really BIG size! hhhahaha ;D
ReplyDeletestill keep in touch with primary school teacher. wow
ReplyDeleteYou seem short, because your face always covered by the the person in front or covered by your own hand.
ReplyDeletetempurung haircut, modern for that time?
No way can spot you [SK] but its precious to have these pixs for old times sake. tQ
ReplyDeleteyou really love the 'old' times... ha ha
ReplyDeleteer... when u are kid, u look little only. now like a giant!
ReplyDeletewhat food u eat?
so who you still contact with???
ReplyDelete还真怀念~~ 我还收了几张小六的呢!
ReplyDeleteWhat else I can say? SEXY LEGS!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteWhoa! Down memory lane. So nice.. So, which one of the cutie-pies are you ah?
Hey you were fat too when you were small! Hahaha!!
ReplyDeleteVery cute! LOL! Now still cute lah. Hehe
ReplyDeleteI don't keep photos of my schooldays cos I hated my schooldays and I rather forget about them!
ReplyDeleteI no longer keep in touch with any primary school friends ...ok maybe one or two. Haha!
ReplyDeleteAnd I prefer not to find my old friends from primary school using FaceBook. That's why no real picture of me in FB - I prefer they don't find me too! LOL!
ReplyDeletewow wow wow...
ReplyDeletei gotta dig out all my old pictures!! but they are all well kept in a small box in malaysia... anyway still can recall those sweet memories
sk, which one is u?? i dont have primary pics, i guess my time no color yet also and no money to buy camera.. :(
ReplyDelete用廣東話寫blog, 很不簡單!
ReplyDeleteyah, the photos were posted by our primary school english teacher in FB!! yeah, can't believe it's already 24 years, OMG.. haha, i guess it's not as simple as bah~bah~black~sheep though, maybe some other song that she taught us to sing.. hehehe, i was cute back then, but not now :(
對囉, 真的沒有想到這些照片會重見天日哦!! 我還差一點連自己也認不出來了, 呵呵!! :)
ReplyDelete話是話, 都幾似架(相入邊), 哈哈!! 不過如果睇清楚, 我其實覺得《歲月神偷》個細佬仲似我自己囉, 哈哈!! 嘩, 中佬?? 我暫時仲未接受自己係中佬, 雖然事實上已經係一個中佬~~ 冇話特等三分面嘅, 當時郁身郁勢, 個鏡頭捉到咁啫.. 你要記得, 當時冇digital camera可以影完再影喎, 當時用飛林影咗就算架啦..
unfair?? why unfair?? i don't get you.. those photos are posted by our teacher in FB, i just downloaded them from her album.. i really do not have a lot of the photos taken during primary school.. ah, yes, we all wear ties at school, hahaha!! i guess that was a special request by the headmaster to make us more outstanding maybe?? hahaha.. if you can't find me, you can just click on the photo itself, and you'll be shown.. :)
ReplyDeletethere's no pony tails allowed in our school, everyone must have short hair.. your school allowed you to have pony tail back then?? wow, cool, so when was the singing contest?? carpenters, never heard of it, hahahaha~~ :p
hmmm, sure there's no worries at all back then.. or maybe just some worries that we don't consider them worries now?? haha..
ReplyDelete哈哈, 當然嘛, 開始當然給你們容易找, 然後就要越來越難的嘛.. :p
hmmm, that's bad.. i still can remember most of them in the photo.. and still keeping in touch with some of them till now.. :)
ReplyDeletehahaha, why need to zoom leh.. that's like 24 years ago, you won't be able to see me looking like that in the street now lah.. :D
哈哈, 如果你找到我要佩服你, 因為我自己都差點認不出自己囉, 哈哈!! 這些照片都是我從FB下載的, 想不到竟然可以重見天日, 很開心, 很珍貴哦.. :)
ReplyDelete係啊, 因為係冷氣科室, 所以唔可以用黑板粉筆嘛..
aiyah, of course lah, already past 24 years woh.. but then age is not a problem for FB mah..
哈哈, 細個係幾cute架, 不過而家就一啲都唔smart喇, 小時了了咋..
ReplyDeleteyeah absolutely!! that was why i download them from FB without hesitation, and immediately keep them safe in my harddisk..
err, trendy meh?? now hing this type of hairstyle ah?? i dunno ah, my mum cut that for me gah woh, hahahaha!! aiyoh, so geek one ah, botak for your entire primary school life, hahahaha!!
ReplyDeleteerrr, nope, didn't contact her because i was just an average student, not outstanding and also not naughty, that she won't remember.. just got tagged by other friends and link back to see these photos.. :p
hahaha, that's right, if you can spot me then you are goddess already, hahahaha!! just click on the photo itself, and the answer will be revealed, have you tried that??
the happy go lucky one:
ReplyDeletehahaha, actually that was not posing.. we were trying to make fun of the guy in front of us.. well, you know, the two fingers act like the horns on their head.. those are kids play.. hahhaha!! :D
其實我們都有保持聯絡的, 而且也有時常出來聚一聚.. 現在有了FB, 更加把那些失去聯絡的都找回來了.. 一個找一個, 很容易就有完全部的了.. :)
Mei Teng:
ReplyDeleteyeah, absolutely!! i didn't have those photos until i downloaded them from the teacher's FB.. :)
aiyah, those are old photos, scanned one leh, of course cannot expect good quality lah.. but they do give endless memories back to me.. yes ah, we still keep in touch with each other one, and we just had our 20th anniversary gathering last year tim.. how can 100% lost contact?? you never keep in touch with any of your best friend then meh?? can't even find back any from FB?? actually, i find back a lot of long lost friends from FB one woh.. hehe!! yalor, you win kao kao now already.. how come your blog don't have top commenters one?? i also want to be the top in your blog leh..
Caroline Ng May Ling:
ReplyDeletehaha, i guess everyone looked cute when they are kids.. yeah, really appreciate our teacher to post those photos!! am actually surprised that she still keeps them and remember us so well.. hahahaha, you also say it's 24 years ago lah, that time you still haven't been born yet leh?? let say 1 year i gain 2kg, see?? of course i am very BIG SIZE now lor, hahahahaha~~
Ghostly Nana:
no lah, i didn't.. some other friends did, they tagged me in the photo so i follow the link and saw these photos lor.. errr, average height that time lor, yalor kena covered by the one in front, so bad!! that's why i almost can't find myself in that photo.. haha, tempurung hairstyle, trendy leh?? my mum cut for me one~~ :p
ReplyDelete哈哈, 你找到我講你厲害囉, 怎麼我差點也認不出自己, 你能找得到我?? 你click照片, 自然會有答案的喇.. :)
對囉, 以前每次兒童節和年尾最後一天, 我們都會在教室開party的, 真的很想念那些日子, 很好玩的.. :)
ReplyDeletehaha, of course you can't spot me lah, you don't even have seen me in real person, and not to mention myself in 24 years ago!! haha, click on the photo itself and you'll know where i am in the photo.. :)
haha, because i am an OLD man, so of course i love the OLD times mah.. hehehehe!! :p
CH Voon:
ReplyDeletehaha, hey, everyone also look little when they were a kid mah.. just that i grow a lot more huge now only.. hehehehe!! i eat rice one ah.. i still keep contact with a few of the closer friends.. two of my best friends, still in contact now, first photo 5th from left and 2nd from right..
哈哈, 你還收著你自己的小學照片嗎?? 哈哈, 小學都是穿短褲的啦, 很奇怪咩?? 我都是要到高中一才穿長褲囉.. :D
Chris Chia:
ReplyDelete小六的我有, 不過這幾張小三的, 真的要感謝這老師把它們post上FB了, 我看到後立刻去下載收藏起來, 很珍貴哦.. :)
hahaha, that's all you can comment?? how sexy are my legs?? i thot you've seen them in real already?? hahahaha~~
Rebecca Kheng:
ReplyDelete嘩, 乜你咁講嘢架, 我係世紀絕種誠實好男人, 點會求取搵張相出嚟呃人呢?? 人在做天在看啊.. 我冇話自己最靚仔喎, 乜你覺得我係全班最靚仔咩?? 哈哈~~ :p
yeah, absolutely sweet memories back then.. you can just click on each of the photos, and you will know where i am in the photo.. :)
ReplyDelete係啊, 我都好surprise佢仲咁記得我哋.. 聽佢話過, 我哋呢班係佢嘅favourite, 所以佢申請連續教我哋兩年啊..
Sam Wong:
是啊, 已經是24年前的照片了, 很珍貴的古董!! 還有啊, 還有和幾個比較要好的聯絡啊..
ReplyDeleteok ok, then i guess being fat is my genetical gift lor, hahaha!! no lah, where got cute now woh?? not already a fat old man, no more cute leh.. hmmm, why don't you want to keep in touch with your old schoolmates?? you don't like them?? or you were always being bullied in school that you don't like them at all?? hehehe..
hmmm, you better keep them well, i guess you need some protection for the photos.. even inside a box, they can get rotten also.. so better check them out before you regret.. :)
ReplyDeletei don't have much primary school photos too, those are downloaded from our teacher's facebook, she posted them one.. you wanna know where i was?? just click on the photo themselves and you'll know..
呵呵, 小意思喇, 習慣了就好啊.. :)
Oh, thanks! I see you, the one with the Paul McCartney hairdo. Cute leh. Give your mom the compliments, tell her that because I bet she was the one responsible for that decision. No?
ReplyDeleteyup, primary one really lost contact 100% now.. =.="
ReplyDeletebecause most of my classmate went to private school or overseas, only me went to government school, SMK loh. then that time only 12, so never thought of left a contact or whatever.
and dont have top commentor because i am lazy to find the widget. ho ho ho... but since u asked, ok lah.. go find later.. =.="
ReplyDeletefb ar, most also secondary school mate, but no primary school one as if they never existed in my life b4 like that, 100% disappeared or I didn't go search them la.. ahahaha..
ReplyDeletedang dang dang dang~~ make it to 80 comments + 1
ReplyDeletehaha, Paul McCartney?? i can only think of tempurung hairstyle only!! well, i guess it's not her decision, but just because that is the only hairstyle that she could do~~ :p
haha, maybe you just blur blur like that during primary school.. graduated already only know from your mum "daughter ah, need to change school already lor", hahaha!! but i thot last time go those autograph or some sort like that to leave contacts one?? or you only have your classmates writing things like "萬里長城長又長, 但願友誼比他長"?? muaahahahaha, FYL!!! but i guess even got the contact, also long long only keep in touch one time lah.. most of the time u also with tobby lah, right?? hehehe, this post enough comments already woh, the one about me going to the course not enough leh, you fast fast go there and spam~~ geez :D
Yeee....looks so so different geh :P
ReplyDeleteremembering precious moments? hehehe sk so small then
ReplyDelete看那天得空 我也要想找些旧照片出来
ReplyDeleteaiyoh, 24 years ago leh, what do you expect huh?? still the same biscuit mould meh?? hahaha..
yeah, it was 24 years ago!! can you believe that?? those are really precious moments and sweet memories to me~~ :)
真的, 當你看到那些舊照片的時候, 你真的會停下一切手頭上的東西, 慢慢回憶過去的.. :)