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09.04.2010 | 數學游戲

又係星期五喇, 大家係唔係心情靚啲, 期待緊週末嘅來臨呢?? 同大家玩吓數學IQ題, 輕鬆吓啦, 不過答中冇獎架喎.. :p
it's FRIDAY everyone!! guess you're having a great mood looking forward to the weekends right?? well, in that case, why not try out this quiz to free your soul?? no prize if you get them correct, haha :p

1.噚日嘅噚日嘅噚日, 係星期六之後嘅第三日, 咁今日係星期幾呢??
The day before the day before yesterday is three days after Saturday. What day is it today?
二 Tuesday三 Wednesday四 Thursday五 Friday

2.15位同學之中, 有7位識英語, 8位識法語, 3位兩樣都唔識, 咁有幾位係兩樣都識呢??
In a group of 15 students, 7 have studied English, 8 have studied French, and 3 have not studied either. How many of them have studied both languages?

3.喺30與50之間, 究竟有幾多個可以被3整除嘅質數呢??
How many prime numbers that are divisible by 3 are there between the numbers 30 to 50 inclusive?

4.如果你係班上第50位最佳學生, 同時亦係倒數第50位最差學生, 咁你班上一共有幾個人呢??
Susan is both the 50th best and the 50th worst student at her school. How many students attend her school?

5.巴士上有4個女仔, 每個女仔有4個袋, 每個袋入邊有4隻貓, 每隻貓肚內有4隻貓仔, 請問巴士上一共有幾多隻腳呢??
There are 4 girls in a bus, each of them carries 4 bags. Each bag keeps 4 cats, and each cat has 4 kittens in her stomach. Assuming all kittens have fully developed, how many legs are there in total?

你答啱幾題啊?? what is your score??


  1. Too early for me to attempt the quiz right now...haha. Happy Weekend to you! :)

  2. 哈哈。。。七早八早来个脑筋体操啊?
    我答对了4/5. 第5题错。。。。crying, spoil my friday mood.... :p

  3. lazy to figure those questions... give me the answer :p
    It's Friday... mind already half shut for weekend.

  4. 3 out of 5, and then 5 over 5

  5. omg! brainstorming in this early morning? dnt wan la, maybe later then take the quiz! TGIF! HAHA

  6. 哈哈,我差差地都答中四题,最难嘅第五题都俾我答中,反而係第二题衰咗!嗱,呢啲都算係心理测验嘅一部分嚟架,证明我心思紧密如丝都有一疏!!:-p

  7. Sad. Tomorrow still need to work FULL day. I only got 1 SUNDAY off. Btw...done your quiz and LAGI SAD. Because I score 0/5. Sad sad :(

  8. yeeee.... cannot get answer one? i mean, cannot submit or get any answers from ur quiz...

  9. Aiya, my brain lembap la...only scored 1 :P

  10. only 1st 2 correct :P

  11. 錯曬,完全腦閉塞。

  12. Hahahaha, i got all wrong~

  13. 五题对三题 XD
    hmmm... 我的脑筋急转的弯还不赖 呵呵

  14. 错2题。 SK 几时当老师?

  15. soli .. not a fan of IQ test... very pekchek thinking of the answers ;p

  16. 最討厭做數學題的

  17. waaaaaaaaaaaaa try again later..now pening and eye lid twitching...not the best time to do maths hahhaha

  18. Wah I got all correct!! :)))

  19. Head aches.. LOL! Btw, I got #5 correct the last time but now don't remember the answer.

    Now you can come over and check out this making thousands doing nothing at all..

  20. chehhh... i only got 3 answers correct, gosh so complicated, only suitable for those with good brains

  21. Genius me. Pakai tembak also got 4/5. Now I know why I had a good results last time.

    all correct leh...
    now my brain is not gum anymore, damn sleepy just now leh, then math and IQ wakes me up.. muahahaha...
    manglish ask me go read his post also i ask him wait.. wtf...

  23. eh.. give more la... =.=
    i super love math and IQ one leh...

  24. and hor.. tak cheat one..
    wtf.. must explain... =.=

  25. so faster said i am smart la... =.=

  26. and no holiday la...
    coz just received an email..

    "due to tight production, so management has decided tomorrow as normal working day, and we will replace 1 AL for those who attend."

  27. ok, go read manglish post now.. haih.. so long.. i am so lazy.. wtf..

  28. okay, i give up!!!
    this is the reason why i hate word problems in math

  29. ... the reason why i hate Math in general...

  30. ... the reason why i took Major in Science than Major in Mathematics in my course in college

  31. and last but not the least... the reason why i hate going to school LOL

  32. 我一直以来的数学都不好

  33. Twist my brain!!! Arrhh.... tired! haha

  34. 原来很久没玩了~ 脑不灵活!!

  35. Wow! I got four let me see how many % I scored.. aiya let's forget about the % so hard to calculate the % if so clever to calculate got 20% would not have 4 wrong. :p tQ

  36. Aiya, weekend, too sleepy to think leh.....now become zzzzzzzzz, ha ha ha!

  37. ai yo yo, i just had a few drinks of beer, mind cannot work lah,, sorry/// you have a great weekend,ya

  38. wow... i am lazy for the quiz ><

  39. That's a cute little baby. What animal is that? Baby panda?

  40. Mei Teng:
    haha, that true for an early friday morning huh?? hope you had a happy weekend too.. :)

    哈哈, 七早八早腦袋比較清醒嘛, 嘩, 你可以答對4題算是很好了, 難道你是個對自己要求完美的人??

  41. TZ:
    haha, if you're too lazy to figure you, then just press the "Answer" button for the answers.. but that would be so much less fun.. hehehe :p

    Ghostly Nana:
    wow, great huh, got all right after the 2nd attempt!! cool~~

  42. Caroline Ng May Ling:
    haha, brainstorm while your mind is fresher in the morning mah, haha!! yeah, it was friday.. but it's now sunday night!! haiz.. :(

    嘩, 答中四題都話自己差?? 你要求都好高喎.. 第五題都真係就難, 好confusing下架.. 第二題係數學題喎, 讀書時候一定會有呢一個題目架喎, 唔記得晒喇?? 呵呵~~ :p

  43. mNhL:
    oh, you are working 6 days week?? wow, that's tiring.. no wonder you always say you want to sleep whole day on sunday, hahaha!! well, just a game, don't take it seriously :)

    oh, really?? what browser are you using?? i tested ok with IE and FF, maybe you try with those??

  44. uLi.佑莉:
    haha, no sweat, even if you score all correct answers also no prize what, hahaha :D

    aiyoh, only first 2 correct ah?? kekekeke~~

  45. 海市蜃樓:
    你梗係就嚟要離宮, 所以開心到咩都唔識啦~~ 哈哈!! :)

    haha, at least you tried right?? btw, no prize even if you got all correct :p

  46. 安东尼:
    五題對三題, 還真的不賴嘛, 算是及格的了.. 呵呵~~ :D

    不錯哦, 就是說你答對三題, 及格了!! 老師?? 我從來沒有想過囉~~ :p

  47. smallkucing:
    haha, wake up wake up, do you need some minyak angin?? :D

    haha, actually no need to think one woh, just need to calculate.. more of maths solving problem than IQ lah..

  48. 十六夜真人:
    我其實還蠻enjoy做這些數學題的, 不過不要太難, 難到要怎樣開始都不會那種.. 這種簡單的, 比較容易答對, 比較容易有滿足感嘛.. :)

    haha, getting drowsy just after a heavy lunch?? hehehe.. or reading books till didn't have enough sleep?? :D

  49. iamthewitch:
    wow, you are the 1st one the get all correct answers.. in one attempt?? cool~~ :)

    haha, #5 is actually not that difficult, might be confusing, but if you can draw some pictures to elaborate, it turns easy already..

  50. the happy go lucky one:
    3 correct answers is already pass, haha, well i think those who like maths will like to do all these.. :)

    if you pakai tembak then it's not genius, but being lucky only lor, hahaha!! so all your good results are all from your luck to tembak lah?? so unfair lor~~

  51. Donna:
    wah, you like to do all these things one ah?? hmmmm, me too lor, quite challenging right, and somehow can make you think so that you brain will not get rusty mah.. and you very pandai lor, can get all the answers correct!! actually i got more, but those are more with pictures so i lazy to upload so many of them lor.. ok ok, you are the SMARTEST of all.. but smart also no use, still need to work on saturday!! hahaha, ok lah, at least they will replace another AL for you mah, then can use it to go travelling lor.. right??

    hahaha, why did you hate maths so much?? i actually find it quite an interesting subject, haha!! but science also get you to do some mathematical problem solving right?? anyway, what are you majoring in??

  52. 天王之子:
    數學不好但是對了兩題, 就是說你很滿意自己的表現哦?? 呵呵~~ :p

    hahahaha, maybe you can try early in the morning while your mind is still fresh?? :)

  53. Chris Chia:
    哈哈, 我也是有這樣的同感.. 本來不是難, 就是因為太久沒有玩, 一時適應不到吧?? 呵呵..

    hmmm, so how many have you answered correctly?? don't tell me you fail means you can score 100%.. @_@

  54. 小雪:
    哈哈, 全錯也不用緊, 反正全對也不會有獎的~~ :D

    you mean you got 4 correct?? then that means you score 80%, if you can answer 4 correct, how could you not be able to calculate the score % huh?? hahaha.. errr, so you got 4 correct or 4 wrong actually?? confusing~~

  55. Pete:
    hahaha, yeah, i think this is not your cup of tea huh?? better go do some cooking and show us your recipe :D

    hmmm, who knows maybe after few drinks and beer, your mind can actually work better with the figures?? haha.. hope you had a great weekend too :)

  56. fufu:
    well, this one you can be lazy, but not for your uni quiz ok?? hehehe.. :)

    errr, i have no idea what it was.. i just grab this picture somewhere from google search :p

  57. nope im just kidding, i actrually love math and math is my major subject....though right now i am taking masteral for science subject...
    I'm a teacher.. well not yet but soon to be hehe

  58. just visiting you here again
    have a great day and happy blogging

  59. 看到你这一篇,已经是星期日晚上了!

  60. yea loh.. save for travelling.. ahahaha... going to HK soon!!
    eh, sometimes i purposely online go find IQ, math questions to do one.. i love math~~!!!!

  61. bluedreamer27:
    wow, cool, so you are a Master in Science huh?? what kind of science are you pursuing then, our future Science teacher?? hehe..

    唉, 星期天晚上就是這樣囉, 為了明天要上班而多愁善感, 不過今天早上還好喇, 還是可以把自己弄上班去, 呵呵~~ :p

    haha, didn't know you love those maths and IQ test so much one lah.. sometimes when i go to bookshop, when i see some MENSA books, i'll flip through and pick a few to solve also one.. the feeling of able to get the correct answer is just superb lor, agree??

  62. AGREE!!
    ahahaha, and feels so smart also.. ahahaha..

  63. I got them all correct, but the last one I can't actually get the answer. It is 4x4x4x4x4 + 64. no? How come the answer would be 1288?

  64. ok, I got it now, I forgot to multiple the mother's legs LOL.

  65. Donna:
    yalor yalor, you are the SMARTEST and MOST CLEVER of all lor.. haha!! so, you very happy on Friday after answered all questions correctly leh??

    C'est la vie:
    aiks, of course not as simple as 4x4x4x4x4 + 64 lah.. you need to group them together, count the total and then multiply together.. draw then on a piece of paper is easier to visualise..

  66. aiya i only get 1 and 2 correct. mmm so bad!

  67. I'm poor in maths! Besides it's 4.15am now and I'm yawning! And panda don't count! LOL!

  68. Want to ask - how do you post this quiz with multiple choice answers? Another HTML script? Pls teach me!!! : )

  69. CH Voon:
    well, only got 1st and 2nd correct ah?? hahahaha, no comments but maybe need to add more oil lor.. kekekeke~~

    don't try to give excuses ok?? didn't dare to challenge yourself because you are afraid of loosing yeah?? hahaha.. yeah, just a little HTML scripting, and you can have this quiz like post.. cool?? :p

  70. all correct!!! always knew i was genious.. =p

  71. hehehe maybe later i'll try, i better make full use of my sneak time to blog hop while baby's sleeping

  72. kidz:
    wow, cool huh, so you get all correct in the 1st attempt?? :)

    hahaha, maybe after you have finish blog hopping, baby's already woke up crying for mama.. :p

  73. Wow.. i tried ur quiz.. only 1 correct..haha.. but i managed to figure out all the answer in the end.. guess i'm really too free.. ^.^

    btw, first time here!


  74. ya lah.. coz friday is another compulsary OT night ma, and due to job redundancy, wasting most of the time WAITING nia, so while waiting nothing do so read blogs loh.. ahahaha, then most blog also i dunno what to comment.

    then when scrumble upon your blog, WAHHHHH, got math, then happy loh..
    u see me la, so free write so long comment, because WAITING in the office again ma.. Zzz... damn sleepy already. T______T, but still cannot go back..
    11pm edi leh.. T_______T

    wasting my sleeping time WAITING pula.. T_____T

  75. Cassie the Missy:
    hahaha, not bad at all, at least you try to figure out why you did wrong.. good try!! and thanks for dropping by yeah~~ :)

    huh?? compulsory OT every Friday night ah?? so boring lor, so OT meaning your business is doing very good?? got a lot of people buying cars ah?? yearrr, but working not nice lor, Friday night people all looking forward to weekend, still force people to OT.. and then now, 11pm already still waiting for things to do ah?? if nothing to do, might as well ask people to go home sleep lah, wasting time and wasting money.. you should tell your boss mah!! haha, but come to think of it, the company is paying you to read blogs woh, hehehehehe~~ :p

  76. really many ppl buy car leh.. =.="
    so geng.. demand very high now, then my company got proton business recently. Zzzzzzz.. share also naik liao 60 cents.. and butt itchy go buy another hard disc factory some more..

    no OT $$ one la.. payment is until 7.40pm nia, 7.40pm onwrds is FOC one. Zz

    and cannot skip breakfast, lunch coz sat and sun also got training.. =.=
    "san fu meng".. WUAAAAA~

  77. Donna:
    wah, how come so many people buy car?? economy become better already ah?? haha, then you should be earning a lot from the company shares lah, still say no money, no wonder one day can swipe RM1600 lah, hahaha!! aiyoh, after 7:40pm no OT paid ah, then why are you still staying there?? somemore server problem got nothing to do, better go home and sleep lah.. then training for two days, so meaning you working everyday this week without rest lor?? really "san fu meng" lor.. but like this can slim down?? :p

  78. me x ada share la.. Zzzz..
    coz still newbie, those old employee got la.. T.T
    last time free them 20 lot. T____T

    eh, economy dah pulih edi leh... itu loan interest dah naik is 1 of the symptom of "eco is improving" loh.. Zzzzz

    stay here coz responsibility loh.. haih.. wtf.. =.="

  79. SK, faster faster teach me this HTML script so I can create a quiz on my blog too! Can or not? Email me!! Or FB me!

  80. As I said, panda don't count how to do this quiz? That's not an excuse! It's a fact! Hehe

  81. Donna:
    aiyoh, how come didn't give you share?? you work so hard for the company and so responsible woh, so all those old people sure very "fatt" lor?? yalor, i think so, i go to money changer and see the rates for other foreign currency drop so much already.. good sign eih??

    hehe, ok ok, since i've promised you.. i will extract the HTML of this post and email you lah.. will try to put as much comments and instructions for you.. hope you won't find that complicated, hehehehe!! so you are going to put a quiz in your blog?? hmmm, cool, i am so looking forward to it!!
