仲有啊, 以前我哋去嘛嘛檔飲杯茶都要諗過度過, 但係而家啲學生哩, 拎住杯星巴克完全係若無其事架.. 唔好話以前喇, 其實今時今日, 我都覺得十幾蚊一杯咖啡真係攞我命囉.. 仲有快餐店啊, 以前儲夠錢一個月都係去得一次咁大把, 但係而家, 啲學生去快餐店係唔係仲頻過去書店吖?? 話是話, 以前啲漢堡包好似大成倍咁多囉~~

i can remember back in the old days, i still need to think hard and calculate carefully before i can even go for a drink at the mamak, but now, holding a starbucks in their hand is just nothing but common.. not to mention back in the good old days, but even now that i still think a cup of coffee at almost RM15 is actually very expensive!!
and what else, fast food chains maybe.. remember i'd have to save up for the entire month before i could have just enough money for a basic burger, but now don't you think the students actually frequent McD more than they ever go to the bookstores?? and not to mention, burgers were almost double the size of the ones we can get now..
ReplyDeletehuwahahahaha i am the FC for today!!
ReplyDeleteoh my i couldn't agree more.. i wonder how much their allowance are... poor me, i can't even buy a cup of frap in starbucks during my highschool days LOL
ReplyDeletespeaking about Mcdo, i have worked with Mcdo before... it's a part time job hahah and our meal is always burger... we're lucky enough to taste their super meals for our lunch haha
ReplyDeletehave a great day SK and congrats for the FC hehe
ReplyDeleteNowadays the parents rich mah..not like the old days where pocket money is RM1 for a week. Now some student have credit cards leh.
ReplyDeleteinflation lor...
ReplyDeletehmm, 时代变迁,以前我也常常去麦当劳,星巴克就没有,最近才有去下……现在年轻人比较了无牵挂吧……
ReplyDeleteWanton mee and chicken rice is only SG 30 cents when my dad is young ~
ReplyDeletehmm.. last time and now is different ma. :) to be honest, when i was studying in college last time, we often have study group with lecturer at starbucks. well actually its not they frequent go to McD or whatever place more than go to bookstore, cz now actually we can get almost all the books from school or college. :)
ReplyDeleteDuring my time, we can just direct order the books we want from college and dey will order for us, and its all from UK one. :)
ya lor ya lor....even now i dont go to starbuck, not so often lar...i think i have been there for like 4 times only....so damned expensive...i still need to count leh hahahahah....wonder how they can afford it huh? rich family ar? eh..
ReplyDelete我觉得给 starbucks 十多元的人有点那个。我是不去的啦。咖啡又不好喝。
ReplyDelete在加拿大的starbucks, 有一种所谓的drip coffee, 才加币$1.50 左右,我要去starbucks, 只喝这个!那里最贵的咖啡,才3、4加币,还算是符合生活水准。马来西亚的卖得那么贵,那里人的生活又不见赚得很多。我觉得是大公司“欺压”人民,人民(学生)又傻呼呼这样去送钱给人家。
agree with " 雪芬四海为家 " loh...
ReplyDeleteonly in Malaysia the living expenses doesn't run parrallel with your pay check.
I don't know about california, but just look at our neighbour, Singapore, standard price for a meal "chap fan" is only SGD 2+.
Can you find RM 2 chap fan in Malaysia?
i really don't know what went wrong with this country la.. haih.. dont let me even start this. i can write 100 comments about this.. =.=
ReplyDeletebut if talking about student now.. haih, that is another issue would cause me write another 100 comments.. wtf
ReplyDeletewhen I was a student (b4 Uni), I never been to Pizza hut, Sushi King, Kinsashi, and etc..
ReplyDeleteI don't even have pocket money, because mummy would prepare "bekal" for me
ReplyDeleteif my mum was busy, and couldn't make one, I will have RM 0.50 a day, wtf..
ReplyDeletethat time mee kosong only cost RM 0.30 loh.. (primary school), I can buy some sweet with the RM 0.20 extra or save the RM 0.20 wtf.
What a staggering difference isn't? 60sen and RM15 for coffee. Frankly, I would not pay that kind of money for a cuppa.
ReplyDeleteDuring my secondary school zaman, haih, my pocket money increase 100%, from RM 0.50 jump up to RM 1
ReplyDelete=_______=", but my mum still prepare bekal for me.
I was one of the lucky because I could has bekal.. T_____T
but I did not get pocket money everyday though....
ReplyDeleteu see la, how can I afford anything more expensive than RM 3 back then?
RM 3 is most probably my 1 week saving already!!
ReplyDeletethen I will put into my piggy bank, when year end give mum to save in bank
sigh.. i was such a good kids.. =..=
ReplyDeleteand never look down for those few ringgit I save for 18 years leh!
ReplyDeletecoz piggy bank + duit ang pow+ money i got from my result and bla bla bla etc la...
ReplyDeleteI got RM 6000 - RM 7000 when I was going to University leh..
but 17 years then can save RM 6000 - RM 7000 la.. wtf.. =.="
that's why when I was in Uni, butt itchy already loh...
ReplyDeletetried pizza hut for the first time wtf,
sushi king, star bucks, coffee bean pelbagai bagai la
then after study, all money gone, and owes government RM 21k..
but until now, i only been to star bucks NOT more than 3 times, because I just couldn't spend that kind of money to buy a drink, after 15 minutes pee it out loh..
the RM 1600 I spent is another totally different story wtf.. =.="
ReplyDeletethen 2 out from the 3 times star bucks experience, is ppl treat one, FOC one.. =.="
nyehehehehe... I spam a lot of comment edi..
ReplyDeletebye~ =.=
为了节省, 我都不去那些地方花费,钱不够用啊!
ReplyDelete现代的孩子都不知父母找钱艰难, 只会要求享受。
i hardly go to these kind of places..maybe just once in a blue moon..:)
ReplyDeleteaiya .. dun compare us with the la...
ReplyDelete越compare越傷心。越compare越顯老了啦 ;p
ReplyDeleteMost of the students who have parents to sponsor their studies. That is why they don't know it is hard to earn those money they enjoy spending. I know some parents even get bank loan to send their children to study. When I asked, why not ask their children apply for study loan. Their reply is that they don't want to burden their children in paying the study loan.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in uni, I have to restrict myself in spending only RM5 a day. And that was around 6 years ago. My only source of money was study loan from PTPTN. I was saving money to travel. :P
ReplyDelete係咁架啦。學生仔老豆有錢都冇問題。至斃係家境不好,為咗參朋友都kak ngam o黎。。。
ReplyDeletei remember few sen kopi during my time...now for a ice blended coffee also above rm 10 liow....wonder will hit rm 20
ReplyDeleteme lagi kerlian ok *background sad sad music playing* me nvr stepped into any fastfood restaurant during my primary n secondary school days hor... so poor only got to eat normal mamak or chinese hawker food le... and even now, i also dun go to starbie that often lah, only once in a bluemoon. *sad music continue to play*...
ReplyDeletesame apply with McD lor, i think i havent go for like a year liao?...
ps: my kampung dun hv fastfood restaurant till few years back :P & i dont really like McD
haih, rehat sekejap.. T-T
ReplyDeletetired leh, see the data until eyes @.@
eh, my dad said hor, when he was young, mee goreng kosong is RM0.02 only!!! O.O
unbelievable!! now u gimme RM 0.02, i also dunno can do what.. =.="
u see lah, i am being so supportive, when free free then come spam your blog. =.="
ReplyDeleteand my dad used to be very very very poor one,
ReplyDeletei mean VERY, so at his 12, he had to be "kuli" to bear his own school fees one.
hmmm, around 50 years ago la
I don't like starbuck...only for those who are vain and too rich. LOL :D
ReplyDeleteerm well probably you didnt know long long time ago there's teenagers went to starbucks for coffee or fine restaurant for meal... as far as i know, few of my childhood friends lived the luxurious lives since they were born... just blame we have different background...
ReplyDeleteTimes have change and we could only watch as students/kids these days have better lifestyle. I guess it also depends on where you stay - in KL, if you don't agree to having these expensive coffees, you might just not blend in and be an outcast among your friends.
ReplyDeletehmmm, i guess they must have as much pocket money as day as we adults have now.. not to mention high school days, i don't even willing to spend the money on a cup of starbucks now!! hahaha, so you were eating the burges everyday?? won't you feel a little sicked about them now?? hehehe.. :p you have a nice and enjoyable weekend too.. :)
hmmm?? students carrying credit cards?? i think this is not right at all.. i can understand them carrying mobile phones, but i totally disagree with credit cards!! i thot credit card holders must be 18 years old and above??
ReplyDeletei don't think it's the inflation.. it's how they are spoilt now..
呵呵, 原來你也是這一群有錢的學生之一!! 不要說以前啦, 就算是現在, 我也覺得星巴克很貴, 根本不捨得在那裡消費囉.. 當然啦, 他們用父母的前當然了無牽掛, 我是用自己辛苦賺來的錢哦..
ReplyDeletehaha, when your dad is young seem to be too far away lah.. let's just talk about maybe the wanton mee and chicken rice 5 years ago, i think it has more than 20% increase of price..
Caroline Ng May Ling:
wah, study group at starbucks!! wow, then you must be one of those rich students lor.. i remember even if we have study group, the most we go to McD and ordered a cup of soft drinks for like RM2 only.. don't say last time, even now i also don't go to starbucks often, to me RM15 a cup of coffee is too expensive and is a burden leh..
ReplyDeleteya lor ya lor, see?? even now we also cannot afford to go to starbucks right?? unless sometimes when meeting friends only i go there.. i mean, one cup of coffee is enough for 3 chicken rice already!! haiz, i have no idea, but partly is because they are using money that is so easily given by parents.. :)
對囉, 十幾塊一杯的咖啡, 真的很貴囉, 要不是有時和朋友去, 我都不會要去的囉.. 哎呀, 那裡的三四加幣, 換過來不是十幾塊馬幣囉.. 其實是一樣, 只是我們的工錢低生活水準低囉.. 所以說外國便宜東西來到這裡, 就只有變成很貴的東西..
ReplyDeleteyalor, our pay is really very low but things are always shooting up with higher prices that our pay can cope!! RM2 chap fan, i think maybe 20 years back lah.. hehe, you so pity one ah, never been to those places before uni?? i'm slightly better lah, because i have pocket money so can save up a bit and then go to those places when have enough money lor.. RM0.50 a day during primary school?? hehe, i think i have RM3 leh, but my primary school is whole day study one, so breakfast/lunch/tea time gotta eat in school one..
Mei Teng:
yeah, but 60sen coffee is somehow like 10 years back already, now i think it will cost you RM1.20?? but still a lot cheaper than a cup of ice blended coffee at RM15 right?? frankly, till now i still think that's quite unaffordable..
ReplyDeleteyalor, last time got few riggit in the pocket already consider very rich already hor?? but you have lunchbox to bring to school, so of course no need to give you too much pocket money lah.. my secondary school is RM3 a day, include eat, transport and misc expenses one, so really one day save like 50 sen only lor.. eih, can save RM7000 woh, very good already, i don't think i have any savings while i am still a student lor.. the savings only start to see some significant figures maybe after few years of work only..
hmmm, but i think many people also don't care to pay back the government study loan right?? haha.. yalor, starbucks is too expensive for me, infact now i rarely willing to pay for the coffee, unless sometimes going out with friends lor.. haha, so what did you feel like when you spent RM1600 in just a single day?? feel very rich and fabulous right?? haha, i tell you lah, RM1600 is more than enough for my one month expenses already lor.. you are working on saturday meh?? but looks like you are very free like that, can blog and spam comments!! hahaha, anyway, thank you for spamming my blog, i like it~~~ :p
ReplyDelete對囉, 他們用父母的錢, 而且是開口就有的那種.. 我們是自己賺錢自己開, 知道有多辛苦的, 所以當然是比較珍惜啦.. 老實說, 雖然自己有經濟能力了, 但是還是覺得一杯咖啡要RM15真的很重的負擔囉..
yeah, of course once in a bluemoon.. if you can go to these places everyday, then you won't have any financial burden at all, correct?? :p
ReplyDeletenot really comparing lah, just that i think the youngsters nowadays are a little.. too spoilt and too taking things for granted already.. don't you think so??
呵呵, 你還有一個月一次, 我其實真的不捨得花那一筆錢囉.. 外面咖啡店有RM1.50一杯我其實覺得蠻不錯的了, 不用花RM15喇, 哈哈!!
ReplyDelete哈哈, 當然我說的都有例外喇.. 你會為父母省錢是好孩子一個哦.. :)
Ghostly Nana:
yeah, that's why i said the youngsters now are spoilt and taking things for granted.. they can never understand how hard it is to earn the money that they have been given to spend.. well, i guess it's actually good to educate them on all these concept, so that they are prepared for the future.. wow, you are very disciplined huh, limiting yourself to spend only RM5 a day.. i can't do that, but i was given like RM200 a month during college time, and that's how i gotta plan how to spend my pocket money so that i can survive till end of the month..
ReplyDelete係囉, 真係攤大手板拎錢洗, 眼都唔眨下囉.. 係啊, 其實好同情為咗要埋堆而要格硬上嗰啲囉, 心酸啊~~
我們出來靠自己的, 當然知道賺錢難啦.. 不過那些學生嘛, 開口要就有錢了, 那裡知道賺錢辛苦呢??
ReplyDeletehmmm, few sen only meh?? i think at least 50 sen right?? don't be surprise, maybe couple of years later, you will need to pay RM20 for just a cup of ice blended coffee!! anyway, i don't always buy that, so it's ok for me..
the happy go lucky one:
hehehe, were you given pocket money during your schooldays?? or your caring mum always prepares lunchboxes for you to go to school?? hmmm, i guess must be the latter one lor.. for me, i was given pocket money, so i try to save up, and maybe after a month when have enough money, will go to McD or KFC with classmates lor.. at least i was better luck right?? as for starbucks, i really don't go there, not even once in a bluemoon lah.. i just think i really cannot afford paying close to RM15 for a cup of coffee..
ReplyDelete物價上漲, 不過人工還是永遠的低~~ :(
haha, it's you again huh!! so free one?? but not fair to compare the time when your dad is still young lah, that's so long ago.. maybe just see like 5 years ago, things have been increasing like more than 20% in price right??
ReplyDeletehaha, i don't like and don't hate it, just that i think the coffee is very expensive and i can't afford to pay for that.. yes, and maybe once in a bluemoon only..
Chris Chia:
哈哈, 真的嗎?? 那些小朋友的LV和Gucci可能是茨廠街貨哩?? 哈哈.. 對囉, 現在的孩子太過被寵壞了, 而且還會持寵生驕目中無人, 唉, 真的是一代不如一代了.. 你說得也是, 以前有個比較像樣的書包, 已經很開心了呵?? :p
ReplyDeleteof course i'm not talking about those exceptionally rich students.. i was talking about generally, the students now are richer than who we were back then.. yeah, it's just different background we came from, and it's the different generation that we were born..
yeah, it's really not comparable already, time has changed and we have to move forward right?? and i agree with you, sometimes we just have to blend in or else we will be an outcast, and this seem to be something quite pity don't you think so??
Sad Case.. Inflation! and many children now a days are damn rich! I went to KLCC last 2 weeks, I saw a group of primary school student using Nokia N-series phone!! OMG!!! haha
ReplyDeletehi SK.. just visiting you here
ReplyDeletehave a happy sunday!
job done b4 start new job, then can spam loh.. wahahahaha...
ReplyDeleteall job done edi, left Monday job mah blog loh.. wahahahaha..
who ask my company die die ask us come back to work by announce that day as normal working day la..
eh, i don't know about others, but i paid RM 6000 back to gov already loh... T.T
it felt like "oh.. shit, just kill me because I spend like water fall speed again"
ReplyDelete=___=", but luckily is 0% installment for 1 year,each month only RM 133.. not so heartache loh.. fiuh~~
not free la, but gantung diri also need nafas la..
ReplyDeletewho can work straight for 9 hours a day la.. sure will eat some snake one ma.. ahahahaha...
as long as you finish all the assigned task then ok loh
Wah! Donna is top commenter here?! She's learning the ropes!! Gosh! Another competitor! Hahaha!
ReplyDeleteI just went to Starbucks the other day cos no Screamyx! So frustrated with lousy Screamyx!
ReplyDeleteAnd of course I ordered a tall glass/cup of coffee and yes, it was freaking expensive!!! But never mind lo cos I stayed there for half a day. RM15 is worth it lo, so comfy! : )
ReplyDeleteThen when I was hungry went out next door to kopitiam to eat! Much cheaper!
ReplyDeleteBut if u want cheaper coffee in nice air con environment and free wifi, go OldTown! But of course their cup of coffee is much much smaller than Starbucks'! But price also less : )
ReplyDeleteYou might end up ordering a few cups of coffee so it'll end up the same in the end. haha! But for environment, Starbucks still best!
ReplyDeleteTZ, are you reading this?? : D
Wow! 60 sen last time compared to RM15 now? But can't compare like this cos now inflation and besides, last time it's kopitiam - hot and not as comfy as Starbucks. No wifi some more! LOL!
ReplyDeleteAgree students nowadays are bloody rich and spoilt! Spent a meal at Starbucks! OMG! I have to think twice (even now) before spending my hard earned money at Starbucks!!
ReplyDeleteEven fast food chains are bloody expensive nowadays! And students always go there for their meals! So unhealthy!
ReplyDeleteI guess times have changed. Parents are more willing to spend and they don't mind their children spending in places like Starbucks. Anything to keep their children happy!
ReplyDeleteAs for the children, they just spend cos it's not their hard earned money. Wait till they start working and not depending on their parents! It will be like a jolt to them. Then they wake up and face reality!
ReplyDeleteSo SK, you dun go Starbucks? I thought you even frequent SkyBar, which is much much more expensive than Starbucks! LOL!
ReplyDeleteeverything increase but our salary look like the same.
ReplyDeleteif cont. like this, we need to eat plain rice only to survive. Correct ke?
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Nowadays, children are all so lucky. Time has changed and so is the environment.
ReplyDeleteBananaz no likely those coffee chains too expen$ive..well during my school days pocket money only 10sen then increased to 30sen and got stuck there haha..all can remember our coffee 'o' sessions are always at home and served in the typical Chinese rice *blue color with fish design* bowls coz firstly easy for biscuits dunking and secondly easy to carry all in one stack. ~;) tQ.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I agree that RM15 for a coffee is too much but unfortunately, there is still demand so they supply lor.
ReplyDeleteFastfood is also not cheap. Economy rice is three times cheaper but kids don't fancy rice these days.
ReplyDeletei guess it's inflation and also better lifestyle.. haha, i don't even have my own mobile phone until i am working, and now all the kids are using phones better than i have.. see??
haha, thanks!! have been busy with training lately, and by the time i see this comment from you, it's near another Sunday again!! :p
ReplyDeletewah, now i know you are very efficient in work woh.. so fast finish the work assigned and have free time to spam.. then why not just go home leh?? or want to pretend very hardworking in office so that your boss give you higher appraisal?? oh, compulsory working day, no wonder.. then ok lah, get a breather from work is good also lah.. hehehe!! although can go for 12 month 0% installment, but then one time spent RM1600 is still quite heartache right?? then somemore every month gotta pay RM133 leh??
hehehe, yes, Donna has been the top commenter for the past couple of week, already beat you down!! so you must also work hard to claim back your throne!! hehehehe.. hahaha, Screamyx?? you purposely call it Screamyx because they makes your scream out of frustration?? well, actually it has always been good service for me, no idea why you always have service interruptions.. hehe!!
ReplyDeletewell, i think if you stay there for half a day using their facilities, then that RM15 is worth the spend lah.. once in a while is OK i think, but not everyday like TZ, hahaha!! i wonder how much he has contributed to Starbucks, they should have given him a loyalty award no?? err, that 60 sen is the coffee shop price few years back, now i think it's RM1.20 for a cup of coffee if not mistaken.. that's why i say, students now are super rich, richer than the working class.. i don't even have my meals in Starbucks but they do.. maybe their pocket money is too easy to obtained from parents.. we are earning our own cash, maybe that's why we are more prudent in spending, agree??
CH Voon:
yalor, salary always is the thing that increase the least!! i wonder later if you still afford to eat plain rice, maybe only can afford to drink porridge water.. hahahaha!! :D
ReplyDelete對囉, 現在RM1真的可以買到甚麼?? 所以說, 他們現在的零用錢, 一天應該至少有RM20吧?? 嘩, RM20也蠻多的, 有時我一天都用不上RM10..
哈哈, 在懷念以前的同時, 也驚訝現在的改變!! :p
haha, so can i conclude that, under this context we are taking about, YOUR kids are very lucky, but maybe not YOURSELF?? hehehe~~ :p
ReplyDeleteyalor, i think those coffee are just too expensive!! RM15 a cup, i might as well go eat 3 plates of chicken rice?? hehe.. what?? you use rice bowl for your coffee?? that's very interesting, hehe, and also quite gross lah i think.. hmmm, you have only 30sen pocket money a day?? then how do you spend your 30sen?? that's way too little right?? i remember i have RM3 lor, did you remember wrongly??
不過你哋新加坡都算平啦啲食物, S$2.50都可以食到一餐.. compare dollar-to-dollar, 你要喺KL搵餐RM2.50嘅飯食?? 慢慢等啦, 買舊麵包都可能唔夠錢添啊..
yeah, inflation and also the better lifestyle nowadays.. RM15 for a cup of coffee, i think that's enough for 3-4 plates of chicken rice no?? well, i think it's not surprising that the price will keep growing, next time it would be RM20 a cup!! actually i love economy rice, why don't the kids now?? haiz~~ :p
coz cannot go home, said liao is compulsary working days - stay until 5.30pm.. heard May also got 2 saturday is newly announced working day... ZzzzzZzz..
ReplyDeletemuahaha, not really high efficiency la, but master in typing skill already, so would faster a little bit than the rest who still type with 2 fingers loh..
thanks to msn, makes me speeding in typing.. =.="
haih, so now cut down expenses loh.. T.T
ReplyDeleteto jimat RM 133 per month, dont want to touch saving, but see i tahan or not.. very toture need to remind myself got RM 1600 more, this cannot buy, that cannot buy.. Zzz
yeah nowadays kids have everything
ReplyDeleteaiyoh, how come always need to declare mandatory working day for saturday one?? so productive meh?? but then coming labour day you all have shutdown and off for long weekend?? hehehe, then you fast fast finish your work, then can fast fast type comments in my blog, so typing is your most valuable skillset huh?? :p yalor, sometimes i'd rather pay off in one shot, because when thinking about having to pay every month, like got a commitment there like that loh..
true, another way of saying this is, nowadays parents GIVE everything.. are you?? :p