今日算係放完新年假期後第一日正式返工.. 真係忙到呀, 都唔記得原來自己喺返工前一刻係幾咁唔願意再要面對工作.. 霎時間幾樣嘢一齊嚟夾攻, 都唔知道可以顧得掂邊樣先好.. 依家仲突然醒起原來頭先都冇食到晏添, 放工返到嚟食咗晚飯, 又繼續努力搏殺.. 唉, 天啊, 點解啊??
唉, 算啦.. 第一日開工費事再提喇, 應該講返啲好意頭嘅嘢.. 今日開工就收到同事派嘅嚟利是數封, 唔錯喎, 加起嚟都可以食返三四餐晏仔.. 就當係開工利是, 預祝我一切順順利利, 大吉大利, 盆滿缽滿啦.. 哈哈哈哈!!
same problem here :) well, i have to start a new project with new subject. in other words, i have to learn from scratch... at my age, this is not an easy task... hmm...
ReplyDeletewell, that is the nature of your job.. i supposed R&D is all about learning new things?? haha.. anyway, you can make it laa.. finger cross, all the best!!