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28.11.2006 | 出神入化

一向來至討厭D突如其來既telemarketing來電.. 通常一接聽, 個sales就實行殺你一個措手不及, 一輪咀咁介紹完佢要sell你既產品.. 當然好多時候你會好客氣咁話佢知冇興趣啦, 咁佢跟住就一定會好似冤鬼纏身咁打爛沙盤問到篤.. 直至你忍耐性爆燈為止, 兇兇狠狠咁一野回絕, 佢先至肯言謝罷休..

講真啊, 究竟一日打幾百個call會有幾多既成功率咧?? 就算有成果, 咁又係唔係cover到所用既人力物力咧?? 今日下晝就接到一個telemarketing call.. 但係呢個call確係與眾不同前所未有, 係用預錄音訊架啵!! 冇興趣既大可以即刻收線唔怕hurt到人, 有興趣既可以按個掣後有個專人繼續特別接待.. 幾好啵呢一招.. 所以話咧, 做marketing呢行, 除左要無孔不入之外, 更應該要出神入化得唔乞人憎丫嘛..


  1. i had the same experience here. MORE ANNOYING!!! she called, and then she talked dutch (of course), then when i asked her to talk english, she freakin' hang up on me! Then several missed calls, from the same Witheld-ID number, which i know from that stupid company. so, finally she called again, and this time is different person, and didnt hang up. so she talked talked talked in english, then i said, sorry i already have a mobile phone, cause this is the mobile phone you called :D

  2. i think it is the party who hold and sell my information that i hate most!! i supposed it's from the bank credit card center.. how could they do that?? any legal advice on this information trading??
