[Volume 10 Issue 11, #2078] |
Hello, My Name Is Tim |
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各位朋友, 如果你(1)跟咗我呢個blog有一段日子, (2)有睇咗我上一篇講最近曼谷之旅嘅貼, 及(3)驚訝於俾我帶過去嘅呢隻啡色毛茸茸小東西嘅話.. 好喇, 唔駛專登放大啲相, 唔駛夾埋對眼, 因為佢當然唔係Fing-Fing啦, 佢確實係其他玩意嚟, 哈哈.. 其實我覺得嗰篇貼係對佢嘅一個聰明帯入, 似係試探民聲咁, 如果冇人察覺就可以不了了之, 如果有人察覺到就可以正式同大家介紹喇.. 好啦, 各位auntie和uncle, 請以你哋最熱烈嘅掌聲, 歡迎阿添!! :) |
hello folks, if you (1) have been following my blog, (2) have read my previous post about my recent Bangkok trip and (3) were surprised by this furry little brown thing that i brought along.. okay, don't have to zoom-in the photos and squint, he is of course not Fing-Fing but something else lah, haha.. i guess that post was a pretty witty way of introducing him huh?? like testing water to see if anyone noticed, if no then I'll just keep quiet, if yes then I'll formally introduce him to everyone.. so, aunties and uncles, please give your biggest applause to welcome TIM!! :) |
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2015.11.30 | 我係阿添
2015.11.26 | 又再曼谷
2015.11.23 | 今時往日
2015.11.19 | 班戟一日
2015.11.16 | 時間倒流
2015.11.12 | 物流追蹤
2015.11.09 | 麥記納塊
[Volume 10 Issue 11, #2072] |
The Nanoblock That Made Many Had McDonald's Every Thursday.. |
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如果唔係新加坡一位朋友告之, 我其實都唔會知道麥當勞翌日開始發售呢啲Nanoblock嘅.. 好啦, 見自己已經有咗兩個(左邊嘅漢堡包同薯條), 係幾個月前一位香港朋友送嘅生日禮物, 唔爭在買埋其餘嘅湊夠一套啦.. 好喇, 於是就踏上征途, 每個星期四早上就去大排長龍嘅麥當勞考驗自己嘅耐性.. 以為自己好早啦, 誰不知自己面前永遠都有條長龍!! 點都好, 最後都可以喺「重重壓力」嘅情況之下, 買齊一全套, 哈哈!! 真係難明突然由邊度嚟嘅咁多人, 為呢啲Nanoblock掀起熱潮.. 所以今日拎出呢條可能你自己都不停咁問嘅問題: 點解啲人會咁瘋狂於買麥當勞玩具?? 我呢, 其實好簡單地視佢哋為「私人珍藏品」囉, 每個人都有自己十分喜歡嘅嘢㗎啦, 就好似河馬媽媽永遠唔會覺得自己夠晒鑽戒同名牌手袋.. 唔係錯㗎, 因為我認為每個人都會為自己喜歡嘅嘢而咁做, 最重要嘅底線係, 應該量其能力去得到自己應得嘅, 而唔係佔他人便宜去滿足自己嘅慾望.. 大家又點睇呢?? :) |
i wasn't aware about this Nanoblock thing until a friend in Singapore messaged me just one day before its launching day.. okay, i actually already have two (the Big Mac and Fries on the left) which my friend in HK sent to me as birthday gift months ago, i thought since i already have two then might as well get the rest to make a complete collection.. as such i hopped on the journey, exercising my patience at McD outlets which were packed with people every Thursday morning.. i thought i was early, yet there were always a long line before me!! anyway, i still managed to get mine and have a complete set of collection, after a couple of weeks of "peer pressure" from the other collectors, hahaha!! where did all these people come from and why a sudden flux of fever about this Nanoblock?? so here's the topic for discussion today, which i supposed you have always been asking: why are people so crazy about McD's toys?? i simply see them as purely "collector's items", everyone has got what they most fancy about, just like Hippomama can never have enough of diamond rings and Airmess handbags.. it's not wrong because i guess everyone does this for what they fancy, if and only if we do what we can afford and deserve but never take advantage of others for the sake of our own pleasure.. what would you say?? :) |
2015.11.05 | 油醬麵包
[Volume 10 Issue 11, #2071] |
How You Spread Jam and Eat Your Bread |
仲記唔記得一個月前, 我哋傾過啲十分微不足道嘅話題, 例如你點去食塊麵包?? 對半折, 一片食, 打孖上甚至三塊一齊嚟, 我知道你知我又要再講更加微不足道嘅嘢, 哈哈.. 我從來都冇去留意自己一向嚟會搽幾多牛油果醬喺我塊麵包上, 直至最近嘅曼谷之旅, 喺酒店食早餐嗰一日.. 其中一位友人將兩塊牛油同一塊果醬(酒店俾開嗰啲一塊塊嘅方便裝呢), 一滴不漏全部拍喺佢塊麵包上, 面不改容就咁食落肚!! 天呀, 我即刻呆咗喺度無話可說, 因為之後發覺原來自已只係用咗半塊牛油同四份一塊果醬.. 其實呢, 我自己就覺得薄薄一層有啲味道就夠喇, 厚厚一層油同糖喺塊麵包上面查实有點恐怖囉.. 就好似我平時食薯條咁, 只會點一丁點醬(甚至唔點都冇問題).. 唔似好多人咁, 幾碟幾碟(任拎唔嬲嘅)辣椒醬灌落肚, 似係飲醬配薯條多過食薯條點醬.. 可能人老咗, 我已經食得比以前清淡, 而且開始減少食重口味嘅嘢.. 之不過我又始終覺得, 喜歡食乜就食乜唔係咩大問題, 健康嘢又好垃圾嘢又好, 最重要係食得中庸及理智.. 過於乾淨或會造成不堪一擊, 盡情享受但不能過咗火, 講到底就係一個中肯加平衡, 就好似我哋生活上好多事情一樣.. :) |
still remember a month ago we talked about some trivial topics like how you eat your bread?? fold, flat, one on top another or even a triple-decker.. okay now you know i am going to talk about something even more trivial, hehehe.. i never pay attention to how much butter and jam and whatnot i spread on my bread, until what i witnessed the day we had breakfast in our hotel during my recent Bangkok trip.. one of my friends splatted two blocks of butter and one block of jam (those small convenient packet of butter and jam, you know??) onto one slice of toast and then just eat it as it was!! OMG, i was speechless i was shocked as i was watching him, because i realised i actually only used half butter and quarter jam for my toast.. i personally think a thin spread would do to bring taste to the toast, a thick layer of fats and sugars on top looks rather scary to me.. just like i would only use little to no sauce for my fries, unlike many who would eat plates of (free and bottomless) chili sauce for a packet of fries, like they are eating the sauce with fries (and not the other way round).. maybe as i get older, i started to appreciate lightly flavored food more, for instance i cut down oily and spicy food now.. but i still think it is perfectly fine to happily eat whatEVER we like healthy or junk, but always hold on to the principle that modesty is the key.. too clean and we end up vulnerable, enjoy but don't go over the board, it's all about a modest balance, just like many other things we would do in life.. :) |
2015.11.03 | 唔係咁大
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