[Volume 10 Issue 10, #2066] |
The Antique Scientific Calculator (you may not know how to use) |
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無意中搵到幛中學時期所用過嘅對數表册子後, 我又發現有呢部成廿歲老嘅科學計數機.. 好, 我知啦, 你肯定又要話我做乜又收埋咁多往日「垃圾」?? 慘得過我大把位, 而且部機都仲新淨又用得, 做乜要掟咗去?? 最重要係當我諗唔到要寫咩嘅時候, 可以去我呢個「藏寶箱」摷一摷, 又可以有啲嘢俾我作估仔咯.. 我哋身為博客嘅, 好應該時時有後備題材嘛, 係唔係先?? 你睇, 今日又有(無聊)估仔講喇, 哇哈哈.. 其實幾日前已貼上面卜喇, 綜合朋友留言所得, 原來呢部並非我第一部科學計數機.. 第一部係Casio FX-570W, 因為呢一個型號係唯一可在學校及各考試中使用(有冇印象??), 可惜已不知去向.. 呢部係當年家樂富做緊特價時買落嘅, 不過買咗之後又冇乜用到, 唔記得咩情況之下就收長期收入個「藏寶箱」內喇嘛.. 抹走機上的灰塵, 㩒咗隻開機鍵, 嘩, 原來仲用得噃!! 以前啲嘢, 點都係襟用兼耐固啲嘅.. 當然今時今日嘅我, 只識得用下半部較大嘅灰色鍵, 上半部較細嘅黑色鍵及印落機身嘅彩色功能, 全部是什麼?? 好混淆, 我嘗試去玩一玩, 但係好多都出晒error.. 以前學校學過啲嘢, 依家好多都高深得似PhD課題咁, 哈哈!! 搞到我喺度諗, 點解以前學識咁多, 但係依家全無用武之地呢?? 嗯.. :p |
after finding the log table booklet that i used in high school, i further found this scientific calculator which is now almost two decades old.. okay okay, i know i know, you are going to say why i still keep so many rubbish from the past?? why not if i still have room for them, while this calculator was still functioning, and most importantly when i cannot think of anything to blog about, i can just go dig out stuffs from that "treasure" box and write up a story!! we bloggers must always have back-up topics, don't you agree?? see, here's the (nonsense) story for today, muahahaha.. this was actually posted on my Facelook several days ago, and after reading comments from friends, i recall this was my second scientific calculator.. the first being Casio FX-570W, which i guess all of us were using since that was the only model allowed in schools and exams (ring a bell??), but sadly i have no idea where it has gone now.. i remember i bought this calculator from Carrefour back then during promotion, but didn't really use it that much and under some forgotten circumstances it ended up in my "treasure" box.. i wiped off the dust and pressed the ON button, viola, it is still functioning!! talk about stuffs made in the past, definitely more durable and long-lasting huh?? of course now that i only know how to use those bigger grey buttons at the bottom half, what are those smaller black buttons at the top half as well as those color printed functions all over the device?? confused, i tried to figure them out, but got errors for most of the attempts, haha!! talk about things we learned in school, many already looked very "chim" like PhD syllabus to us now huh?? haha.. now makes me wonder why learned so much but never need to use them now?? ooopsss.. :p |
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2015.10.20 | 老計數機
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Yes, I really don't know how to u it already. I had one at home, lots of dust on it and I really given all the knowledge back !!
ReplyDelete*typo - USE instead of U
DeleteI remember this was a welcome alternative to the buku sifar we used in lower secondary. It's so convenient and high tech, just key in the numbers and voila, we got what we want. No need to depends on the ruler and look for the metrics table in the book. If I am not wrong, it's only use for Add Maths only right?
DeleteI also use the electronic calc in my varsity days and it's the same calc I used in upper secondary. And that piece of loyal device or gadget still sitting in my room now, though the cover has to be disposed. I brought it with me to SG...hahahha... I don't why I do that, maybe too sentimental.
And the brand is Casio.
yeah, now i remember the buku sifir was used in junior high school, and when we went to senior high school then it was this scientific calculator.. and only one and specific model was allowed.. can't remember much about uni actually, haha!!
Deleteyou distinctly remember only one specific model was allowed ah? I felt like got 2 models wor.
Deleteor could be due to change of "ministers" the cronies allow another model kot? Yes...the brand was Casio.
Think back then beginning of the year, watches shop will have good business selling these scientific calculator lor.
Funny on how many of us still keeps the calculator till today. padahal if it is text book or maybe geometry set, it would have been sold off once we have completed Form 5 or Form 6 coz no longer using them.
Yes, i recall during school days, we would source second hand book and science/maths asparatus from our seniors who are leaving school.
First time heard you run out of topics to write...muahahahahaha... There's a lot of topics still, like the haze, your workout, your home-made meals, your shopping, your girlfriends, whacking nuffnang Ads and etc
ReplyDeleteeh....all these you blogged already huh ? hehehe
haha, i always run out of topics one woh.. and all those i've blogged before already, don't always like to repeat leh, so boring~~
DeleteEh SK....last time you say when you run out of topic you will blog about makan punya. Now change modus of operation ah? Talking about treasure from bygone era ka?
DeleteYeah, what we learned in school most of it given back though some are retained for when we go out into the world - as background knowledge so that we don't appear to be so blur. LOL. Education is a lifelong process, we learn new things everyday. I know I do.
ReplyDeleteGood that you still have 'momentos' of the past. Sometimes I wish I had kept them, the textbooks mainly, though I still managed to salvage an atlas but then again with our Earth and boundaries ever changing, countries (some of them) may be entirely different now. Oh well, the only constant in life is change - and death, if I may add. Morbid, I know. Still... life goes on.
Happy day to you, SK, though it's still hazy out there.. *cough*
haha, i do keep a lot of stuffs of the past, i just think it's a waste to throw them all away.. at least i keep part of those that i think are more "important" and that can help me more in recalling those days :p
DeleteI used to have two scientific calculators during college time.. Kept them until I had my first job.. Then after that, dunno go where already.. I think one is not cheap.. During my time, I think RM60++ hor, from Tesco (upstairs) or stationery shop..
ReplyDeleteNow working world, use normal calculator lor.. But newbies who just come in, they use scientific calculators, haha.. Sekali pandang, know they are freshies jor, or only worked for a while in the working world, coz they still bring their own scientific calculators, haha.. If me, I just request everything from HR lor.. No need to sendiri bring own stationeries lor, kan..
DeleteLike you said, given back to the teachers/lecturers jor lor.. Forgotten how to use already lor.. I paling remember got sin cos tan la.. Then can use to find square root (????).. hahahaha, hai mai?
DeleteTalking about the haze, eh, menyusahkan orang la.. Especially when they sudden;y announce the school will close.. Then parents have to take leave to care for the kids.. Lucky daycare still open, if not, how?
DeleteIf own parents local, then at least can send the kids to grandparent's place.. If own parents at hometown, far faraway like Penang or Ipoh, then how? Parents gotta take turns and take leave? Honestly, I prefer the kids go school (if it's indoor like kindy and daycare).. But if I post this issue out, later got other mummies sure bombard me one, say so hazy somemore still wana send kids to school bla bla bla.. Not everyone got luxury to take leave everyday you know..
Deletecannot remember exactly how much was the calculator lor, but i don't think it was as expensive as RM60++ woh, i guess the most was like RM30 only at my time.. hahahaha!! your new colleagues are using scientific calculators ah?? errr, i have never brought mine to work, company provide them as stationery also mah..
DeleteWah two scientific calculator tim.
DeletePrincess ribbon is from a much younger generation from us la, SK. Hence the price she bought at RM60 kira okay liao lo. Our time is around RM30 to RM40 mah. After allowing inflation rate...RM60 is normal la.
Ya...freshies out of college or University will bring own calculator to work. My time also i bring own scientific calculator to work. First , because still under trainee....HR tarak provide new calculator punya. Only if want the have to share with colleague punya calculator. So might as well bring own punya lor. Show a bit of initiative. At least get some mark kesian for the appraisal lor.
Secondly, if pinjam too much , colleague also tarak likey la.
You sure keep a lot of stuff nicely lah...
ReplyDeleteIni berapa tahun punya stok?
Thambee's house sure a mansion to keep all his stuff, right Anay? hihihi
that one sure older than your son lah, hahaha~~
DeleteI cannot even recall what I learn during school let alone my calculator. Hahaha
ReplyDeletebecause you never belajar at all at school!! :p
Deleteaiyer....SK you so bad la tease Lina like that...hahahaha
DeleteLOL..betul jugak what Lina said...Most of the things we learn in school have already given back to Cikgu. For math mostly we need to use is plus, minus, times and divide. No need all the cos...sin and square root...unless you work in a specialised industry la.
All the science formula also given back to cikgu already lo. Those things i really read just to pass exam punya...after exam "delete delete delete ' from the Memory.
Only still use is the language skill and the home science skill.
Walau Eh! Walau Eh! This Thambee has got many big elephant trunks of rubbish and collectibles. You can open a museum along Jonker Street in Melaka for the public to see all your figurines, toys, Minons, Doraemons and now treasures from your childhood days. That would be interesting and Anay will be your manager ok.
ReplyDeleteI am surprised that you still have so much attachment with all your old stuffs and your scientific calculator still works!!! Voila! I am very surprised and would agree that many old things are more durable & lasting sometimes.
The only scientific calculator I ever owned was given by the professor in University Malaya when he just graduated from Japan with Doctorate in Physiology. I was so honoured to receive from him and did not even know how to use it then. He told me it was already common in Japan during the 80s but I was not allowed to use in school. Kaneeneh.
yeah, i have the space to keep things and the things are still in good condition, so why dump them all?? you may not regret for throwing all your stuffs of the past, but if you ever keep any, you will actually feel lucky that you didn't throw them away..
DeleteIf house got space then can keep la. House tarak space then have to throw or donate out...no choice leh. Give up whatever that is not going to be used.
Deletesome of the stuff we wanna donate out also not necessary people will want. Some are very selective. Want new things only. Old scientific calculator ah? tarak cukup stylo milo leh. Guess only the owners will appreciate these stuffs.
Sometimes keeping too many things also no good. Brings back memory of 5354.
I still have this device at home (same model) but out of battery already. Those days I used it quite frequent in Form 6...So funny thinking about all those things that we mastered 'once upon a time' now has become so difficult to even recall.
ReplyDeletei think the battery for mine also kaput already, it is still functioning most probably because of the solar cell only..
Deleteimpossible la if the battery tarat kaput after nearly two decade, SK. Sure kaput already. Lucky the battery tarak leak and make rosak the calculator. Best you faster go and change the battery now coz now activated it already..battery might start to buat hal liao
DeleteThis calculator is so epic man, I remember last time we only get to use calculator 350, forgot what's that stand for, almost same like this but only do the simple math, that's for Form 3. Then later on only switch to this 570 from form 4 on onwards!
ReplyDeleteI still remember my uni one was using one very big calculator that has alphabet on it, like a small computer and it's like A5 size like that, very big. And so unfortunately I placed it at home, and my roommate forgot to lock the door, then when I came back, the calculator was gone. So later on I got to get a new one, no choice and I put lots of sticker on it! Thinking that make it very girlish so next time no one want to steal it anymore!
I also wondered last time study so much, serious it hardly apply to our works nowadays maybe mine got related a bit, but to be honest most of it has already given back to the teacher alrady la!
during junior high we all use the buku sifir leh, only when we got up to senior high then only using the 570 calculator.. have no idea of the 350 woh, i think more basic one than 570 is it?? hahaha, you are working in aeronautical line, maybe you are still using sin, cos, tan etc?? for me, no need at all, just simple + - × ÷ only are enough..
DeleteYea, yea! That one only can do simple math, I remember the 570 can do such thing like key in x inside, so from that can find x can be equal to what answer, like a = 78 then b = 12, like that
DeleteMine don't know put where. If I am not mistaken, I used it at work until such time that it broke down. Nowadays I use a simple calculator, you know the ones with big-big buttons which is easier for auntie's fat fingers.
ReplyDeleteBack in those days I remember using the scientific calculator during exams, even during my professional exam. I don't think I know how to use it now hah..hah...
DeleteI agree that stuff made in the past have very long life. In fact my Max stapler has been with me since I was in Form 1. I still have it and it works just fine!
DeleteYou are right lah, why we learn all those "chim" stuff and end up not applying it in our work or daily life. Unless if we became engineers or astronauts hah..hah...
Deletethe first one fx570 really no idea where it was, but this fx991 i am still keeping it and it is still functioning!! of course now, i have no idea how to use all those complex functions keys already, haha~~
DeleteI remember this calculator, but do not know where i had place it and also forgot how to use it liao, lol... Old liao...
ReplyDeleteyou dropped it somewhere when you were dancing zumba one day, haha!!
Deletenaughty la you SK. Now am imagining SHaron zumba-ing with calculator on her hand ..counting how many steps and calories done liao
DeleteI also don't know how to use already. We were taught all these complex things in order to enable more synapses and neurons to develop in our brains during our teens so even when we do not use these information, those neurons in our brains have already been developed so we are smarter in other areas of our lives. That's why you are smarter now than those who have never attended these classes. See how you know how to write codes to block those is-not-ads from nng - so smart!
ReplyDeletehahaha, that is indeed a very brilliant perspective about stimulating our neurons to think more complexly.. but those codes to block this and that here, i learned during my first job leh, i was very bad in programming in school only when i got hands-on on job, i got better :p
DeleteIf your brains have not been stimulated enough during your younger days in schools, during your first job, you will have difficulty learning those codes. Your brain reached its optimum after so many years of stimulation during your first job. Just like babies who were left in their cribs all day with no stimulation, they don't know how to respond to people.
Deletehaha, i didn't study much but do you think those times spent on video games actually helped?? hehehehe~~ :p
DeleteMine is already spoilt, wish I had kept it though
ReplyDeletelucky mine is still in perfect condition :)
ReplyDelete仲記得嘅係神仙!!! 哈哈~~
DeleteI don't know where i kept mine ;-)
ReplyDeleteShould be in one of the box
go and dig them out, probably your doctor friend would actually need that, haha!!
Deletehmm....scrolling down looking at the comments....think around 10 commenters here still keeps their scientific calculator(myself included) till now or at least till it rosak. I wonder how many silent readers doing the same thing
Deletecan it be said calculator is one of the relic that almost everyone of us had from our school days?
I remember myself having almost the same type of scientific calculator.. it's Casio too and I still have it with me... gosh mine has so many memories..
ReplyDeleteI remember using it to hide my cheat notes LOL.. I think almost all of my classmates cheat on that day but when our teacher became suspicious of the test results... we were all busted and she almost didn't sign up our clearance too haha
I also remember those tricky modes here
yeah, seems like we all used Casio brand of scientific calculators huh?? hmm, i wonder how you actually hide the cheat notes in the calculator?? you entered or programmed the notes into the calculator memory??
Deletemine has a sliding/removable cover and i hid the cheat there LOL
Deletei was going to ask how you hid your cheat note... I thought got "programme" something into the calculator memory.
DeleteMine was a flip cover type. Not sliding /removable cover. So no place to hide cheat note.
looks like you are the exceptional one, Bluedreamer. Almost most of us here can't recall how to use the scientific function of the calculator already leh.
Me mostly use the common plus , minus, divide and times. The rest, never use nowadays
even though we already got calculators on phones, I still prefer using the actual one for some reason
ReplyDeleteyeah, you are right.. calculators on phone and on PC, still not as nice as a real thing huh?? i like pressing the buttons, it feels more substance :D
Deletefor me , the calculator on the phone is good enough. Yes, it cannot beat the feel of the buttons ones but i don't have to do heavy calculations so it is acceptable la.
DeleteIf in the office then have to use the canon heavy calculator with big buttons . Can key in very fast.
We didn't use any calculators when I was in school. But my kids used that kind of scientific calculators. It's still lying around at home. But I just used the basics.
ReplyDeleteyeah, i guess most of us now only need the very basic numbers and simple + - × ÷ only.. but i suppose you use calculators and cash registers a lot now huh?? :)
Deletemaybe this just shows that our education system is getting more and more complicated by the days30 years ago no need use calculator....20 years ago we need to use scientific calculater in school. Maybe before J standard 6 they might have to use scientific calculator in school liao. kids nowadays really had it tough
DeleteI didn't know you guys use this in school too. I remember when I was studying, we only used this scientific calculator for add maths. And it was supposed to be latest cutting edge technology and super expensive back then. I don't even remember the brand, but I remember mine had solar cells AND battery AND sliding cover, and it was awesome for show off! :D
ReplyDeletei remember we only got to use this when we got up to senior high, and only that specific Casio fx-570 model allowed, all using the same calculator across the school.. solar cell and sliding cover, should be the enhanced models than this..
Deleteerrr....sound like the one that SK is holding geh.
Deletenow you made me wanna go korek out my old calculator and see what model liao....but the proble is i dunno where the here is the calculator liao. Must as my son. He is like tikus one . store up things and ask him, sometimes he will know where it is. LOL
Deletehaha... I like your statement that stuffs made in the past are more durable. Somehow, this generalisation seeems true to me. Maybe I should try to on the calculator tonight but then the battery might be flatten. But then , most of my own devices from watches to gadgets surprisingly still working after giving it a charge. hahahaa...
ReplyDeleteAnd, compare to my later devices like phone, it seems it get spoilt easily after the warranty period is just over or when the 2-year contract is going to expired. It's like telling you to get a new phone and renew your contract.
Could it be the stuffs in the past is not made in China compared those to now? hahaha ... Some stuffs actually directly made in Japan or Korea. Even imported cars nowadays , some models are made locally and some in Thailand.
indeed, i think the stuffs made in the past are actually more long lasting leh.. just for example electronics and shoes, if you keep them nicely, they are most probably still operational and functioning.. whereas those we buy now, if can last for one year then already consider lucky lah, haha!!
DeleteThis scientific calculator should still be in used now right, for the current generation of students ? And, I am sure it's an updated model now, or there may be an app to be downloaded onto the smart-phones as an alternative, especially if you forgotten to bring your calculator.
ReplyDeleteI am sure most of us hold one but it could be broken or lost somwhere. Luckily, I still got my calculator around and I think it's still working, though the rubbery buttons are not so rubbery already. There's a previous mode lprior to yours and mine ( I think we use the same model) which used plastic-hard buttons. I like that better where my bro has it.
this calculator i found in my "treasure box" is almost 20 years back, i am sure it is already obsolete and new models are being used now by the students.. the first scientific calculator i had was with rubber buttons, but this one i found is plastic, so it last longer leh..
DeleteFrom what I observed of you, you seems to keep a lot of your school-days stuffs. Well, that's not a bad thing these are precious stuffs which reminds you of your past. However, I find that keeping too many of the oldies (unless it's very precious) can be a nuisance due to lack of space as well as inviting cockroaches.
ReplyDeleteI usually threw away my old stuffs so that I have more free spaces as well as for cleanliness purpose. Thus, I don't really have much nostalgic stuffs as a remembrance..hahahaha.. I am more like Singapore, old buildings make way for new buildings... and the landscape keep changing from time to time.
Oh well, SK Thambee has bragged before that he lives in the Bollywood styled mansion on the sprawling slopes of Bukit Wangsa and Ukay Heights. His 3.5 storey (plus bumbung) lavish mansion has a large store room as big as the cold storage supermarket to keep and display all his barang-barang antik purba.
DeleteYou and I live inside Japanese styled capsules! Sure kena buang all the old rubbish, right? Wakakaka
yalah.. why throw away the stuffs if i have the space to store them up and they are still in good conditions right?? haha.. i actually like to look back at those things from schooling days i keep till now, it's nice to actually recall back all those happy days during school.. we can never turn back time but the best thing we could do is to reminisce them sometimes.. :)
DeleteLike everybody else, I have totally forgotten on how to use this calculator. Perhaps it's refreshing to re-learn again which I don't think it will takes a lot of effort but helps us with some calculations, if needed at work.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely I won't be doing those sint, cosain and tangent functions but maybe easier stuffs like ratio, % and etc. Some of these functions also available in most general calculators.
My wife carried the latest scientific calculator when she was lecturing at the private university for wealthy kids. She had to be kiasu and bought the best to above the rest. I took a good look at it and waved my white flags. It looks broader, longer, slimmer and came with so many new buttons!! I was speechless and watched her demo all the press buttons like eating pistachio nuts. ***SWEATS***
DeleteOf course she already expert in using it since she's a lecturer! Can blindly click on the buttons and get the answer!
Deletehahaha, you are right.. i think most of us cannot remember how to use those complex and sophisticated function keys already.. because probably we all now only use those simple + - × ÷ which are more than enough for our daily job huh??
DeleteOh yeah, I remember we are damn proud of our scientific calculators during then and take very good care of it. It's like our mobile phones like that where we always try to use whenever possible, even not for class work.
ReplyDeleteAnd, some of us stick our names onto the calculator using those portable labeling machine while some ladies like to stick hello kitty or cute stickers onto the cover. hahhaahaha...
It was our precious then , where Internet was not available then!
You sounded like kids flashing toys at school and took pride on them. My school guys were showing off their bikes and girlfriends instead with Marlboro in their pockets. So Grease-like movie setting was the trend in my school. When the guys started driving cars, all eyes and attention diverted naturally.
DeleteI wanna laugh louder at this ...."And, some of us stick our names onto the calculator using those portable labeling machine while some ladies like to stick hello kitty or cute stickers onto the cover.".............
That was DYMO machines that etched out names in strips of PVC tapes!! I totally forgot these cool stuffs. Muahahaha
aiya... where got so much $$$ to buy fancy cars and bikes? We were lucky to ride on 'kap-chai' then to school! At sweet 16 and during those times, we were innocent la, especially the girls...muahahahaha. Unlike now, most of the teens seems mature very early!!
Deleteerrr, i think everyone in school need to have one, and everyone used the same model which is the one and only model allowed, so nobody actually will feel proud of that.. the only difference amongst all the same calculators would be how you actually mark your name to claim your possession and different stickers to differentiate owners.. come to think of it, actually all the same, mixed up also never mind lah hor??
DeleteI think I still have one or two of these in my house...
ReplyDeletei guess those belong to your kids and not you lah for sure, haha~~
DeleteBut not sure how to use them cos I was in the arts and wonder whether during my schooling days, the scuence students use them? For add maths, right?
ReplyDeletei was from science stream, used to be so good with those complex functions, but now all forgotten because using the simple + - × ÷ only.. :p
Deletenope...not for add maths leh, Claire. Me from Art stream also use this for normal Maths Maybe during my time they pushed some of the back then Add Maths subject to Art Stream also kot.
DeleteWhen I was working in the media industry, we like to use calculator with big big buttons to calculate our media costs and money, shiok man, especially when you punch the buttons very fast like a professional
ReplyDeletei actually love calculators with big buttons, and i also love hearing the keypad sound~~ :p
DeleteMy scientific calculators already reincarnated
ReplyDeletemine still alive :)
DeleteI had this Scientific calculator too. I am a double mathematics student when I was at my form 6. So, this Scientific calculator is very the useful for me. I guess I started to use it when i was form 5. I lost one or two Scientific calculators before. Then, I would a classmate of mine to help me to buy again. He always could get a cheaper price for me. I got it around RM45 that time. I was like more than 25 years ago. Fulamak! You really test my memory with this Scientific calculator. You make me need to recall those days when I was struggling with my mathematics questions in the examination hall with this Scientific calculator.
ReplyDeletei really have no idea how much that calculator cost me already, that was really too long ago, haha!! i remember we were very good in using those scientific calculators, press here and there and within seconds we got the answer we wanted..
DeleteOh, another ‘怀旧’ post! I still remember that post where you blogged about your buku sifir~
ReplyDeleteThis calculator, I am still using! Mainly for my online business ;P Though a bit more 'scientific' la cause I just need basic plus minus functions... But why waste money go buy another calculator right? Since this one is still functioning. I forgot how much already when I first bought it, but I do remember I bought it together with friends, like a group buy, cheaper.
Mine is a generation newer than what you shown in the photo. Still got another newer generation than mine, erm with very shiny surface one...
That bukur sifir and this calculator is really a must have during our study days, very very important one, especially during exams. Now, like I mentioned, I just need basic functions. Anyway I also forgot how to use those advanced functions liao, haha! But the conversion one I still remember, it's written on the cover, haha!
I think if I take good care of it, I can pass it down to Aden and Toby when they go to school later, but by that time it would become an antique already, LOL!
Good morning SK.
ReplyDeleteThe log table booklet is old...guess the calculator is a tad "younger" than the log table booklet kot. Wei...are you sure it's "almost" two decades old? I thought the timing would be two decades odd leh.
You sure have a lot of treasure la. hoarding everything. You are sure lucky coz you no need to move house. Otherwise will have a headache on how to pumbat the things in.. But the based on you "OCD", maybe you have everything arrange nicely in boxes with proper label lo. Not like me simply chuck here and there . when wanna find, tarak tau mana satu box.
You have so many harta karun in there. Sure some had become antique leh. You could be sitting in a gold mine leh. No need to wait for 2.6billion donation to fly to Cayman Island.
I cakap aje pandai...LOL
Actually I also "had' a similar calculator ...had it till just 2-3 years ago. Bought it during form 4 i think. I still remember the place leh. Bought at Kotaraya ground floor watch shop near the escalator. That time i think still "cheap" la...RM30-RM40 only. The brand was Casio.
Need it for the Math that we were doing. Actually the maths teacher also got sell the calculator. The monitor took order last time leh. But i was slow or something la so had to sendiri go out buy lo.
Forgotten the model liao lo ...entah SF or Fx something something jor.
I had it..it was still working that is till J found it from the drawer or wherever i chucked it and he took out to play...then it went to heaven jor. I think i still have the Manual for the calculator some where in the house leh. All these manual I would keep punya so that i can refer(eh leh cakap only la) when i need though most likely it will rot somewhere in the box la.
Treasure box as back up blog topic ah...hmmm...i dare not korek mine. Too many spider webs and all that. once korek out will not know where to put it leh. sumbat back to the box? might as well leave it be.
ReplyDeleteIf take out...sure habis kena Destroyer make kaput my things.,...like my calculator...more than 2 decades finally kaput under his hand.sobs sobs
Back then calculators are more lasting than now.
yes,i saw your facebook posting. someone mentioned 2 decades calculator still have battery very good wor. I think it is not the battery la. It is the solar panels there. Battery would have long time die.
eh you got check the battery ka? The battery after so long in the box tarak melted? Some will leak and make the calculator rosak wor.
oppss. ..my mistake. I salah baca i thought the calculator that you are holding is the one that you used in the exam.
ReplyDeleteIf that's the case then this calculater is less than 2 decades old la.
Now that you mentioned it...ya lor...i think i recalled something like that. That time they only approved 1 or two model of scientific calculator for the school exam. I think 2 model la. .
Mone was silver and black
as for the functions....oh my kucing....i totally lupa liao how to use the function.
when go to work, i was still using that calculator leh . That is till the company provided us with the bigger Canon calculator which I can simply punch in the number without looking at the keypad there. Easier to use than my scientific calculator. It remained in my office drawer till i quit the job.
For me too la I have forgotten how to use all the function .
ReplyDeleteanyway, true what you have said. We learn so much back then...all because wanna pass examination. After finished schooling...all the information sudah tarak guna anymore. Of all the maths that we have learnt...how many percent are we actually using in actual life? Maybe architect. scientist or engineers are using them la.
Something is wrong with our education system here la. From kindergarten till University...all exam orientated. all studying and cramming for exam ...just to pass the exam. Then after that in university they expect these same group of people to learn about life at the same time. How lah.
In USA is different. Kindergarten they teach kids about self responsibility, then primary school is to learn socialise, high school they open up the opportunity for the student to choose they career path, then college and university prepare them to handle the life as an adult. At least they had a plan on how to develope a kid in to an effective adult. Here...exam exam exam....sampai university baru expect them to find what they wanna do in life...how to socialise and how to take responsibility etc.
Too "chim" la everything.