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2015.09.14 | 是日金句

[Volume 10 Issue 9, #2056]
Quote of The Day
Quote Of The Day
一個躹躬盡粹嘅領導人, 會為任何發生嘅事情而責怪自己; 一個真正嘅領導人, 會因為證實做錯事而衷心道歉, 然後立即采取補救行動; 一個無賴領導人, 就算做咗千古罪人, 都依然要否認所有罪狀, 兼且含血噴人周圍誣蔑他人..
a responsible leader blames himself for anything that happened, a true leader apologises and takes corrective actions immediately after proven wrong, a bangsat leader denies everything and accuses all other people even if he knows he has done everything wrong..
任何尚有一絲尊嚴嘅人, 都會愧對自己嘅無知短視, 大話不慚嘅謊言, 囂張嘅否認同人身攻擊嘅批評.. 只有似隻雞嘅領導人唔會, 仲反而話人唔尊重佢..
anyone with even a tad little self-esteem would feel ashamed of his own embarrassing myopia, conspicuous lies, arrogant denials and insulting criticisms.. but seekor leader would not, yet asked why he is not being respected..
如果一個冇「春袋」嘅領導人只係夠膽喺自己個場高聲以粗俗語言否認自己嘅過錯, 咁佢就一定係冇膽面對全世界講返同樣一套說話..
if a tarak-telor leader dares to yell shamelessly using vulgar language denying all his wrongdoings only in his closed-door assemblies, he definitely chickens out if asked to stand out to the world and openly tells the same stories..
如果有一個扑街領導人, 咁佢下面就係一班廢材嘅追隨下屬.. (摘錄於某些互聯網出處)
when there is an ASSHOLE leader, then there are ASS-LICKING people under him.. (adapted from some internet sources)


  1. Wah! I see quotes written by someone who has been suffering inside and needed to express out the feelings so badly. The 4 sentences cover from the top to the grass roots who have all been politically blinded until they lost their paths not knowing between right and wrong anymore. I am also a victim like millions of others who could only protest in silence.

    1. #1 - I just wished that our leaders could learn a thing or two from the politicians in South Korea or Japan, as the nearest example neighbours. They would never hesitate to bow their way out even at the slightest no confidence votes or public outcry.

      Our is so similar to Sawadee-Kub neighbour who would cling on to the walls of the monsoon drains that they swim daily. What is seriously wrong with these morons and bigots!! They spread like diseased rats in the drains. Puihh!!!!

    2. #2 - What self esteem?? How could he have them when he doesn't even have human veins and nerves in his body? The structure inside would shock you that they have rusty wires and cords connected to their brains.

      You know what?? I was just checking his education background to see which prestigious university had made the error to graduate him. I was kinda shocked to see the most updated wikipedias being written with a long list of his tainted scandals. Goodness! That would be in the cyberspace for many centuries to come with all his bad karma floating. I shudder with goosebumps to think about his numbered days.

    3. #3 - He definitely tarak telor cos he only roosts and sits inside his reban ayam to speak to his chicks who listen with open mouths for cacings to be dropped as feedings. Whoever that carried the tales outside would be sent to the wok for frying. Simple, enough said.

      He is making history as the first untouchable tyrant ever to be the head of a country. Hope nothing serious happens on the 16th.

    4. #4 - I wanna laugh at this statement of ass licking! I am dead curious to meet a crony who could tell us how tasty it must be to continue licking asses. Why are we not doing this? It must be sweet like candies that we never knew about. Should we join them if we cannot stay away from them??

    5. #1.. i remember they always say "look east" but they just talk without action at all..

      #2.. that's the whole meaning of the quote, they do not have any self-esteem at all dei..

      #3.. because his telor were already swallowed by the badak sumbu who always walks ahead of him!!!

      #4.. well, it depends if the asshole leader leaves any shit behind, if he does, they the ass-lickers are surely just licking shit.. :D

  2. I like to voice out, but only if my “voice” is being heard and action is being taken la.. Like in office for example, I realize gwailo boss usually very open and ready for complaints.. You go inside, close doors, and they will take you seriously.. Actions will be taken soonest as possible.. But for my cina punyer boss now, I realize err, NATO, no action talk only.. Of course he says “My door is always open, anything, come and talk to me”, but once you really voice out jor ahh, if trying to tunjuk pandai or give suggestions, maybe boss doesn’t like.. If other stuffs, maybe he will layan-layan do something, but won’t be aggressive ikut protocol macam gwailo punyer boss la..
    Sekali pandang your post today, I takut la nothing to write, coz I’m not very political person.. I know what is happening in the country currently, but dunno how to express in words, nanti bikin malu.. So I can only divert and try to relate to other stuff like working, etc, hehe..
    I agree with point #4 very much.. If you have a pokai leader, automatically there will be some pokai lickers under him, even though these lickers secretly in their heart hate their leader too.. Just like boss, if your immediate superior/boss is a shithole, you still have to lick her/his shoes and “carry big leg” to “survive” ma.. This is the working world, you wana survive, then must “carry big leg”.. Not too extreme, but no need face black black facing your superior.. Mou jeok sou ger wor like that, kan?

    1. Agree with Phong Hong, we cant do anything.. I know what's happening and what's going to happen soon.. Other ppl do something, wah hoo haa make it a big deal, now sendiri ask own ppl do, sien hor.. And big boss useless one here, cannot interfere, can only sit & watch.. Hou geram ahh...

    2. Last time I have an Indian boss, he also talk only no action, and he only knows how to score points in front of management, they say Indians are more poisonous than snakes

    3. True leaders shouldn't be biased. They should respect people to earn respect.

    4. that's very true, although i am so not happy and not satisfy, i can't do anything but just express my anger and dissatisfaction over here.. we have many kinds of leaders all the while, whom I believe all have been actually doing some fishy things, but at least if you have done something fishy, do something that contributes to the nation to at least cover up, not doing more and more harmful things to the people, exposing your wrongdoings and still denying the facts.. and please, if he wants to talk, talk like a leader, not a gangster..

  3. I think this sweet-potato-shaped country of ours is breaking all sorts of records in the whole wide world - and for the wrong and most ridiculous reasons too. Sigh! Malaysia Boleh! It's a cliché, I know, but it fits! Like h*ll it does!

    Hi SK, happy hazy Monday morning! *cough*

    1. oooh, long time no see HappySurfer.. so these quotes today attracted you to drop by and also voice out your dissatisfaction?? cool, we have the same view.. :)

    2. Huh? I have left comments prior to this, wor. Go check back. Your mailbox must be so overwhelmed by your fanmail that you missed mine. *Sob*

      Psst... may I now be reinstated into your blogroll? Who said I was going away for good leh. Quick, put me back! :D

  4. This is a lepas geram post, sentiments echoed by millions at this point in time. And yet we cannot do anything.

    1. There are many things you can do to help heighten his bad karma. When you next fry hot chiilies into your wok, just mumble his name repeatedly tarak telor tarak telor tarak telor and smash the ladle onto his face many times. I think his soul might jump from the wok into the fire!

      We all should pray to the above to give us some light at the end of the dark corrupted tunnel.

    2. yeah, lepas geram and of course there is nothing we can do because of the leader who always denies.. but at least there is just some little thing i can do in my own territory.. let's pray, yes, let's all pray we will see bright light soon..

  5. wah first time see you so ahem ahem wor..... chill man chill....though in my heart i do agree with you. What the heck leadership by example.

    1. I agree that the whole political circus has bothered Ah Boy to freak out and speak up! I have been feeling sad everyday and worried about our future. So many people have been retrenched.

    2. Guess we have got the wrong leader all these years. Hope to get a new responsible true leader for a change.

    3. hahaha, i am pretty cool lah, everyone can have their voice heard right?? and even without being direct, i know we all know deep in our heart whom we are discussing about here..

    4. Really don't know what to say. The world had turn upside down. Pencuri di-hero-kan while the good guys who what a fair election get harassed and jailed.

      Was it some where I read...dunno true or not...the two fellas who caught the thief were fined

      I wanted to belief what he claim. That he doesn't support corruptions and doesn't support rallys and that nobody in his party will be involved in the rallys...but but but...why when there are claims that show differently, he did not bother to deny it? Is it he believe in that chinese saying"Ching j si ching" which means an innocent man no need to explain himself? what can't he see that his silence only make the situation worse? Our Ringgit Malaysia is at an all time Low.

      He was rumoured to have said he will never let Malaysia down...but all these...wouldn't it be better that he step aside and let other take the rein so that maybe we can recover?

  6. You forgot #5 leader leh....if anything goes wrong...cabut lari first kinda leadr. wash hand and say not aware of whatever happening in the company as he was on annual leave.

    1. hehehe, that one will be a good one to put, but then if got #5 sure got #6 #7 #8 and so on.. maybe i shall have a part 2 for this?? :D

    2. Yes, maybe you should since more and more issues have cropped up after this post. Really...haiz....

      but the talking all about these feeling stressed pulak.Tarak talk about this also will fell stressed. Like an egg between the hard rocks pulak

  7. Nearest neighbour is Singapore.. no need to look far far... :)

    1. Their island is such a remarkable republic that could bring their dollars up by 3 times!!! We have a bunch of unspeakable gomen who always barked at the wrong trees and spits nothing but venom & vulgarities. Tsk!! Tsk!!

    2. If our neighboring leaders can be such a great leader, why not ours? Something is wrong somewhere.

    3. and the fact is, the neighbour who was forced to be a neighbour instead of one of the family members!!! i feel lucky for this neighbour..

  8. Is there a course under Country Management? I think our friends need to go for this course and pass out first before undertaking their duties...

    1. There is no suitable course for these bigots and morons who are beyond help! They should take up Funeral Courses for their own well being and preparations since their days are all numbered.

    2. that cannot be a guideline to judge how good one can be.. one can score 3.91 CGPA and pass the courses with flying colors, but that does not mean he can manage his job well..

  9. Your quote of the day, something came into my mind, but so convenient to comment, if not wait i kenna 'sue' for the comment...

    1. it depends how you put that into words.. you better go zumba to enjoy yourself.. haha!!

  10. hmmm... this is kinda sensitive topic and have to comment with care.

    1. Aiyor.... you also came from the tarak telor camp? Nothing sensitive la. These are mild facts mentioned here while the world's stage have been blasting direct and clear messages over media tabloids and international televisions. BTW who is Ah Boy talking about???? No names and we are only assuming.

    2. We have the rights to speak out our mind. No harm as we are not the irresponsible ones.

    3. what is so sensitive here?? i am just sharing my view on good leaders and bad leaders.. are you thinking too much?? hehehehe~~ :D

    4. hahahha...maybe I stayed too long in SG, in fact I'm half SG and half MY. Always try to be careful in certain topics.

  11. Well, in everyday life, there's always a leader and followers. Not just in work, but even in a group discussion or projects, which may be of leisure nature. Let's say a ukulele group was assigned to perform two songs. The members will start to braimstorm on which are the suitable songs and lots of discussions going on and there. Finalluy and naturally, someone just sort of stand up and took the lead. This is a leader!

    1. What Ukulele!!! Muahahahaha Why not a guitar?

      Like that also you can comment how to select a leader to play suitable songs for a Ukulele debut. Thanks for a good lesson today. Kikikikiki

    2. someone who just thinks he is the leader chosen by the team may be too ambitious and overestimated himself.. the team may just want a good team but never intended him to be the leader..

    3. I guess they chose based on support and some support are via networking or worst still , bribery. True leaders are chosen democratically without resorting to any of these but maybe I am just dreaming and naive.

  12. Thus, during the performance, when it turns awry :-
    The responsible leader will apologise for his poor leadership or poor choice of songs or even issues happened in the team. He/She will take the ownership of the problems and learn from the mistakes. If he/she found himself/herself not suitable, then the person will offer to resign. That's what I called responsibility, though not all faults lies on the leader.

    If a task has been entrusted to his/her member, like playing the drum and th member play awfully, then that drummer is ought to be blame or change or give him/her more lessons. And this is the decision of the leader.

    1. yes, that's my quote #1.. a good leader will take responsibility and ownership of the problem, a bad leader will just push that to other people and then have his hands clean..

    2. I like the Korean PM who quit during the ferry incident. That was so responsible though she is not directly responsible for it.

  13. Even in football management, there tends to have responsible manager, a true manager and a lousy manager. When a game is play badly, some managers will take responsibility but then when the manager does so, he/she will face the prospect of being sack.
    The true manager will try to find solutions like buying new players, change formations and analyse all the possible tactics to employ in the next few matches.
    Then there are those football managers who are hated by the fans for failures aftr failures but doesn't want to quit and hang on till the manager got it right. Usually , they will be sacked by the board.

    1. the good thing is that most of the football manager listens and step down, replaced with another.. but in some cases, the leader is so thick-face that he denies everything and still insist on hanging on without the intention to even step down.. furthermore, he has all the power to control and just remove anyone who is hindering his way..

    2. This can be scary .... and is a lose-lose situation for all , except for the leader.

  14. As mentioned in my previous comment, if the lousy manager keep going on and on and blame everything except himself/herself and self-denial in order to cling on to the job, sooner or later, the fans will retract their support (and some will go to the extremes by renting an expensive small plane with a banner to call the manager to quit like in EPL or riots like the previous MY v Saudi match). They will stop buying the merchandises, the club stocks will fall and eventually it's no longer a strong club.

    1. yes, and this is probably what we are seeing now huh?? but very geram lah, because the lousy manager still clings on to his self-denial state, so thick-face!! even with curses from everywhere, still he continues doing what he used to do and make the football team into deep shit.. haiz!!!

    2. I was laughing when I saw the team being whacked. As a football fan, I knew this would come seeing the developments of the sport. The top brass have to be replaced ...from top to bottom.

  15. A leader should be brave and face whatever challenges that comes in the way, even if it's against all odds. I remember how a recent young MP elected in Singapore with a strong mandate. 5 years ago, she was flamed and there's even a petition to remove her in FB but she strive on and work hard for the community and in the end, she make a name for herself.
    A leader shouldn't run away from the facts and if its due the 'expiry' date, he/she has to go for the benefits of the cause.

    1. Not easy being a leader. Lots of burden to bear and good relationship with the people to be maintained.

    2. wenn - yes, and that's why he/she is a leader, not anyhow chose. And, rewards and recognition will follow for a good leader.

  16. Well, every leader , be in any organisations, always have followers. No matter how good or bad the leader was, the followers will follow suit, though there are some good ones too. But whatever is it, the followers usually listen to the boss and act on the instructions.
    When another leader took over, the followers will change to suit the leaders' need....

    1. and that is why, these followers that you mention can forever only be a follower.. but of course, every leader needs followers.. but every follower wants a good leader!!

    2. Sometimes I can be apprehension when there's a change of leadership in the companies I am working in throughout my career. It can make or break you. The leader has a new ambition and if it doesn't suits you, it's time for you to update your resume. Of course, I also want a good boss which supports your work.

      Same as a football manager, when a new manager comes on board, there are players who will leave the squad.

  17. It's not easy being a leader. He/She has to be a true and yet responsible one. If a leader is not being respected, I guess he/she needs to be brave and resign straight away.

    1. yes very true and agree with what you said.. but there are just some leaders who thought it is so easy because of his family's political background..

  18. You left out: #5 A responsible leader would stay and coordinate efforts to lighten the burden his people due to environmental catastrophes and/or potential racial clashes. But a leader with an iron wife would choose to go on a vacation in Europe instead to avoid the hazards. But before that he would replace another ASS-LICKING bugger as his deputy to run the ship, otherwise he might be refused entry upon his return, like the case of the ex-Sawadeekup leader.

    1. 2.6-billion likes for this, hahaha.. i guess there are more than #5, probably it will need to have a part 2 for this.. :D

  19. All your #1 to #4 are correct, but there must #5 and more quotes of the day.
    If you listen to old horse, you can get more quotes of the day for our brother chicken and mama hippo.
    Old horse has so many things to reveal, but we still can’t get rid of brother chicken and mama hippo.
    Tomorrow is Malaysia day, we ain’t happy at all. I pray for peace, care and love in the nation.

    The longer the chicken sits in his coop, the longer he and his supporters will get cursed day and night.

    1. I believe if a leader is not popular anymore, he/she should just resign. Just let other potential one to take over.

    2. yeah.. that's the problem with the self-denial thick-face leader.. though everyone is cursing and getting more and more unpopular, he still clings on like a chicken whose balls were swallowed by a hippo!!! we shall see how the old horse slowly grills the chicken..

  20. bangsat and seekor are not nice words to use. My discipline teacher liked to use the word, bangsat to the students. Recently I heard someone used the word, seekor to describe the Bersih people. So sarcastic and I disliked this leader straight away. I used to respect this leader.

    1. yes, even the grassroots know how ugly those words are, yet the leader never talks like a leader but a low class gangsters with all these insulting words filling up his air.. this is so disrespectful..

  21. 無論點都好,一個咁嘅領導人背後肯定有一位“完美嘅女人”默默支持住。

  22. I think I will have the same set of quotes for my country especially now that the Presidential election is nearly approaching...

  23. I guess, what we need is to become a responsible voter... I'm not sure what kind of politics you got in Malaysia.. but ours is really not in good shape... well, i think we have selected a good president since he is not corrupt compare to previous leaders but the progress isn't really fast either... so I think we have to think wisely before selected a new leader... hopefully much better

  24. Hahaha, this definitely reminds me your states in FB, I was about the share it lo, but intentionally I share privately to my friend la, as the one you said is 文艺的来又不失文化, 简直对你钦佩不已。

  25. Hmm, today no topic to blog so sharing these quotes with us ya? Hehe. At first I thought these quotes are from you but after read all until the bottom, only realize they are from the internet.

    The first one is true, I guess people who works sure can feel this.

    Second one, seekor leader, haha, indicating someone?

    Actually nobody is perfect la, even a leader. But at least learn and show some leadership, adapt some good and responsible attitudes la right?
    Anyway, me not really into politics, so this post, I also cannot comment much liao :p
