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2014.10.15 | 網瀏覽器

[Volume 9 Issue 10, #1954]
Which Browser Are You Using??
Web Browsers
係, 我知大家可能已被我突然嘅每日一貼所嚇親, 哈哈.. 不過全部都係好短嘅貼文嘛, 都唔到我寫一篇遊記或互動貼文嘅兩成時間, 所以我先可以咁多產啫, 呵呵!! 提到互動貼文, 其實我係用多咗時間喺顧及舊款瀏覽器嘅額外工夫上.. 所以今日我就想話收集各位讀者所用嘅瀏覽器及版本, 睇下大家是否用緊支援現成互動元素嘅新版瀏覽器, 咁我就可以唔駛做咁多工夫用咁多時間啦..

今日嘅貼文不設留言(大家可以休息下), 大家今日只需去到調查網頁, 不需回答任何問題, 只需㩒一個按鈕咁大把, 就係幫我一個大忙喇, 唔該晒!! :)
okay, I know you are too overwhelmed with my sudden daily posts, haha.. but since all are short posts, not even 20% of the time I spent on a travelogue or interactive post, that explains why I can be more productive, hehe!! talking about interactive posts, I actually spent more time in manual "scripteasing" for backward compatibility of older browsers.. hence, I would like to collect information on what type and version of browsers my readers are using, so that I could probably save time without manual work if most of you are using modern browsers that supports the built-in "scripteasing" features..

commenting is closed for this post (so everyone can take a break), all you need to do today is to go to the survey page, no need to answer any question but click on just one button and that would do me a great favor, thank you!! :)

1 comment:

  1. 今日嘅貼文不設留言(大家可以休息下), 大家今日只需去到調查網頁, 不需回答任何問題, 只需㩒一個按鈕咁大把, 就係幫我一個大忙喇, 唔該晒!! :)

    commenting is closed for this post (so everyone can take a break), all you need to do today is to go to the survey page, no need to answer any question but click on just one button and that would do me a great favor, thank you!! :)
