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15.08.2011 | 趨之若騖

[#1234] 我哋馬來西亞人, 搭巴士搭火車搭lift都唔鐘意排隊, 唯獨係買飲買食最守秩序.. 好多人見有個食肆稍為有長龍, 就會抱著人排我又排唔好執輸嘅態度奮不顧身排個隊湊下熱鬧.. 最近眼見商場內大受歡迎嘅「傾敘時間」同「雪花飄飄」, 唔好意思, 在下覺得充其量都係大家蜂擁而至嘅趨之若騖, 其實有甚特別??

大家嘗試諗返起當年同樣製造呢種「泡沫現象」嘅葡式蛋撻, 咖啡麵包同埋繽紛冬甩, 甚至係tiramisu同macaroons.. 曾幾何時都同樣轟動一時, 但係一年半載之後, 唔係又變成乏人問津, 就算擺你面前都未必想一嘗其味?? 我哋馬來西亞人, 其實貪新鮮之余, 都同樣地善忘嘅.. :p

■ ■ 後記: 講到冬甩, 在下覺得最好食嘅, 其實都係最普通最基本嘅sugar ring囉..
[#1234] we malaysians are still not practiced with queuing up when taking buses, trains or lifts.. but there is always one moment we all would be disciplined - buying food.. many when realized a queue in front of eateries, would think that's something not to be missed, since everyone is going for it, we shall not be left out, as such never mind at all to queue just to find out.. this is commonly seen with the recently popular "talk-time" and "ice-flake" outlets, but sorry i really don't find them any special, for what i could say most is that everyone is trying to tap on the bandwagon, that's it..

just remind yourself the following that have also created such "bubble phenomena" back in history: portugese egg tart, mexican bun and fancy donuts, even tiramisu and macaroons.. weren't they real hot and everyone was crazy for them?? but few months down the road, they just became something everyone was so bored with, even right in front of your eyes never able to entice a bite.. we malaysians like new creative ideas, but at the same time are very forgetful too.. :p

■ ■ P/S: mentioned donuts, i still think the classic sugar rings are the best..


  1. i think the classic donuts is nicer! Today's donuts are just filled with icing and more icing!

  2. well, this queue you caught at the right moment. most of the time, people will still cut queue!

  3. i have encounter before (in malaysia of course! but singapore also got lah!) this aunty cut right in front of the queue order the food and someone actually stopped her asking her politely to queue. Her response was "what queue?! I always come here also no need queue!" er... what? always cut queue it means? haha

  4. everyone likes new things. as long as it is new and like the "in" thing, they will be eager to be part of it too. Not just food, all things! All same! :p

  5. in singapore now the craze is like "koi" drink. just previously it was this "gong-cha" that now the outlets has no more queue in it... i think cause people have move to koi hahah!

  6. I'm not someone who has sensitive tastebuds. Anything nice and edible with no funny taste goes well with me. But my patient level isn't high, especially with kids around.

    So, I try to avoid queues.

  7. Plus, I hate waiting for food when I'm super hungry. I don't care how heavenly tasty the food is, but I'll be in a very bad mood if I have to wait, for like 30 mins.

  8. 乜你唔觉得人排你又排好有嘉年华气氛咩?呵呵呵~~~

  9. Mentioned donuts, I don't like donuts. Although I have sweet tooth, I still find fancy donuts a turn-off :p

  10. 看你部落格久后,一定能学会广东话!xD

  11. oh queuing issue again? hehe so these people are queuing for food right?

  12. wow those outlets are really in demand.. seeing a lot of people queuing for it... so what's so special with their products??

  13. I don't think i have enough patience to queue for such a long line like that LOL..I might lose my temper LOL haha

  14. Ice Flake is quite obvious but how about Talk Time.. what kind of product they are showcasing??

  15. goodmorning SK
    Btw can i ask for your comment here
    thanks a lot ^_^

  16. gosh .. i think i dun hv the malaysian spirit.. cos i never 'join' the queue when i see one...lol ;p

  17. I am a queue kind of person, I think it is humanly courteous to do that, however i won't like to queue for foods if it is too long, cos i rather go else where i makan

  18. 现在最多人排隊的是超人气产品~"茶"

  19. Q-ing for donuts? wow.. i think i wont ... the other day in Malacca I saw people queuing up for chicken rice balls.. gosh, i wouldnt do that too.. me very impatient when it comes to queuing up for food..

  20. People got queue nicely when buy 4D, have you noticed that? They may double park and cause jam, but the punters will queue up!

  21. Don't really understand the bubble tea craze.

  22. Last time got such long queues at all these new donuts outlets, no such long queues seen now.

  23. If the food is really my favourite, then I don't mind queuing. I also only love traditional donuts.

  24. It depends actualy..not everyone is queueing up when buying food..haha

  25. I know right! Why we are so patient when it comes to queuing for food, beats me. But I have to say I'm guilty as charged :P Don't you have a favourite food yourself that you won't mind queuing up for? :P

  26. Queuing up for food? Nahhh, unless it's like live or die situation. I'd only stand in line in no-choice situations for instance in govt depts - NRD, Immigration and the like.

    I still prefer the old-fashioned sweet potato sugar-coated donuts...Yum!

  27. I don't mind queuing for good food, but hubby don't have the patience to do it. hehe.... But it will be really satisfying when we got to taste the good food.

  28. i dont really like queueing for food. Coz by the time its my turn. i would feel pressurize to eat fast fast and cabut. Cant taste the food at all :(

  29. i seldom que at the snowflake, usually ppl que for me :P

  30. Can't understand why people do this. Any place where I have to queue...forget it! Nothing is THAT good as to make me stand there and wait. So many other nice things to choose from. Tsk! Tsk!

  31. Usually when I see a long que I will go eat something else. There is only one food I que for, one particular indian rojak store because my Quay Lo loves it. If someone cut que, I will be the first one to tell them to wait for their turn. I just can't keep my mouth shut when I see that.

  32. 哈哈~~我怕人多的。。。除非是一边聊天一边等

  33. true, its a phase. When an eatery is new, everyone rushes there. few months down the road, if there's no new gimmick, or the food is not exceptional, nobody goes back to that eatery

  34. only happen in big town. not in my town. hahah

  35. i dislike long queue.

  36. ohemgee! its the chicken rice ball shop! hahahahha we were there ler last weekend. i mean the town. and we just forgo the shop because the queue was too long. 2 minutes standing under the sun and then I "can we leave?" LOL!

  37. 是啊,马来西亚人的排队文化真的很差,插队也会插的理所当然的....

  38. 比起大陆人,还好啦,起码还会排队买食物!

  39. 很想学你写广东字,可惜不会!

  40. 我就比较没耐心去等,真的佩服他们的耐心。

  41. Juan Juan like sugar ring too!^^

    I'm guilty too, I always pick the crowded shop thn those without customers one, while my hb prefer less ppl since he didn't hv the patience to wait(especially with 2 rascals), kiahahaha!

  42. woo.... if i saw this situation, i will make a U turn, and find other restaurant for sure...

  43. Roti boy oh gosh! I remembered craving for it badly.. but these days, the slightest aroma of it turn me off!!

  44. I love the original classic donuts toO! Yummeh!

  45. 我都是在他们还没红之前就试了,红了以后就尽量不买(怕排队 >.<)

  46. I never join the long Q but I'll only buy/try the food after it becomes less popular/demand, hehehe :-)

  47. I very good boy 1, wait bus or LRT also will queue in line hehe

    And It is true that your statement above got people queue for those food . . .

    And queue for Ai Pad 3 or Ai Phone 9.

    And sometimes got offer about first 10 person get the phone will worth only RM 9 from Cell-Kom . . .

  48. i find nothing special with talk-time and ice-flake.. but i still love roti boy :)

  49. A hungry man is an angry man do not have that much patient to wait in Q for food when hungry.

  50. Think we Msian are not properly trained to line up well while commuting. Lots of kiasu around haha.

  51. Donuts? Sorry no likey bro, the sugar on the surface is not attractive hahaha.

  52. donuts, i like the Malay stall ones, small made from sweet potato...coated with icing sugar...nice!

  53. Queues? Don't get me started on this topic cos I hate queues!!!

  54. I almost never queue up for food. Never, no matter how nice the food is! Rather don't eat than queue for it!

  55. LOL at talk-time and ice-flake!! No need to hide hide lah, you are talking about chatime and snowflake right? Haha!!

  56. But I like Snowflake! Dunno why I just love it! But my dad hates it so I came to this conclusion that those who dislike Snowflake are older people. Haha!

  57. But you won't find me queuing up for Snowflake! Nope, I only go there during non peak hours. If I really crave for it, I'll pay someone to go buy for me LOL!

  58. As for Chatime I really don't find it any special so beats me why people like it so much haha!

  59. Same with Sushi Zanmai - why are there always queues at this restaurant? Really lousy food yet people still queue for it! So lucky this restaurant!

  60. Pasta Zanmai is so much better yet you don't see people queuing up like at Sushi Zanmai. Why? Why? Why? But just as well, cos I prefer Pasta Zanmai - the less people the better for me haha!!

  61. It's not that we Malaysians are forgetful it's that after so many years, there's a whole new generation of young adults that are being conned haha!

  62. You see mostly young teenagers and young adults who are queuing up at Chatime and Snowflake right? : )

  63. I dislike all those donuts by Krispy Kreme and J Co. Too sweet and fettening! Really unhealthy!

  64. Yes I agree with you - the classic sugar ring donuts are still the best! : )

  65. malaysians mostly kiasu kiasi all dun wanna Q up. :p

    i find most donuts at j.co and etc very very sweet. too sweet to my liking. but i can tolerate the chocolate toppings one though. :)

  66. boo! still queueing bro? :) Have a nice Wednesday man!

  67. 最記得系馬六甲,啲人太陽下排隊為咗食雞飯...

  68. foong,
    I totally agree with you about Sushi Zanmai. Pasta Zanmai way better. But better no long queue there otherwise I'd probably stop going there! o.O

  69. I was think about Bridesmaids is ghost movie la LOL :D

  70. and of course I will queue up and buy tix for some movie too

    example Harry Potter and Toys Story and More la :D

  71. @ ladyviral:
    oh yeah, come to think about it, the classic sugar ring is still the best right?? those fancy donuts are nice to see, nice to eat a little but cannot be much and often lah, too sweet already.. wow, that aunty really very rude, who does she think she is?? the queen?? even the queen will also need to queue!! should have give pressure to the boss lah, just cannot let people cut queue right?? or else it's just too unfair to other customers!! yeah, i think it's always the case with new products, slowly gain awareness and then popularity, and then slowly decline and dead!! haha.. oh, what is that koi drinks?? with koi fish in it?? gosh~~ oh, we have gong cha here in the gardens, but i never see long queue, or maybe the "phenomena" was already over~~ :D

    @ yvonne:
    i will never want to queue for too long.. if i see long queue, then i will definitely not join; if i've been queuing for too long though the line is short, i'll choose to leave and go elsewhere.. i'm not really fussy about food when it's just a meal to fill my stomach, so any food that's edible and acceptably decent will just be the thing i'm going for.. haha!! sweet tooth that doesn't like donuts?? maybe over your sweetness limit already?? haha..

  72. @ edward:
    完全唔覺得囉!! 人排佢又排嗰啲人我只會鄙視, 哈哈!! oopss, 唔好意思, 有冇犯到你?? 哈哈~~ :D

    @ AliVe:
    呵呵, 你這句話一語雙關, 到底是褒還是貶呢??

  73. @ bluedreamer27:
    yeah, i can really see long queues in some eateries, but i really wonder why as i don't find the things any special at all.. me as well, i never will consider a place that's crowded and with long queues, i rather go elsewhere that i don't have to wait long.. life is just too precious to waste time on waiting right?? oh, you have not heard about "talk-time", sorry but this is not the real name (you know the reason behind), they sell taiwanese bubble tea, while "ice flake" sells taiwanese desserts.. oh, now only i realise all are from taiwan~~ :D

    @ Danny:
    haha, i also do not have that spirit too, are we just aliens?? when i see long queues, i'll just walk away~~

  74. @ eugene:
    i don't mind queuing also, but sometimes when other people are not queuing, i really have no choice but to "compete" with them.. as for long queues at eateries, sorry but i would say i will most probably walk away and find other alternatives..

    @ Shell (貝殼):
    對囉, 其實我也很不明白有什麼特別喇.. 貪新鮮吧?? 看來幾個月之後應該會是門可羅雀吧?? :D

  75. @ reanaclaire:
    oh yes, don't be surprise when J-Co just came in, people are queuing for the donuts!! but i guess few months later, there are no more long queues already, even now many people just bypass without taking a peep, hahaha!! oh, the malacca chicken rice balls!! frankly, i still prefer the normal ones, the rice balls are too wet for me..

    @ lina:
    hahaha, i don't buy lottery one lah, so i never notice how those punters will double park their car, and run into the shop to queue for the lottery, haha!! but that's good right, at least they take the initiative to queue.. oh yeah, i also don't understand that bubble tea and shave ice craze, why huh?? i guess few more months down the road, they will become the same like the donuts lah.. this is for sure, no more queues seen..

  76. @ Sheoh Yan:
    really depends also lah, but normally when i see long queue i will just walk away.. hehe, yeah, the traditional sugar ring is still the best right??

    @ Hayley:
    haha, but i always queue, even if i'm buying from the hawkers.. this is a good habit that everybody should practice lah..

  77. @ iamthewitch:
    hahaha, so you are someone who will die for your favourite food and don't mind waiting for hours under the hot sun?? hmmm, that's really a passionate gastronome, haha!! i do have my favourite, but then when i see long queue, i'll just walk away and find alternatives.. :)

    @ HappySurfer:
    oh yeah, of course if there's no choice we will need to wait "patiently" in the queue.. else when i see long queues, i will surely walk away and look for other alternatives.. oh, i love that also, what do you call that, it's always available from the malay stalls selling kuih muih..

  78. @ mNhL:
    hahaha, so i can see that you are one of them!! will do whatever to try something that you heard about being nice.. but not for me lah, i'd rather be late to try than to wait in the line, haha~~

    @ Small Kucing:
    yeah, i will normally walk away and look for other alternatives if i see long queue.. i am an impatient person, so i do not like to wait too long, wait too long even nice food also won't taste good already..

  79. @ L²:
    haha, then good lah, you go so many "soldiers for the god of mercy"~~ :D

    @ suituapui:
    yeah, same here, i will never want to wait too long.. long queue definitely won't consider, waited for too long, i'll even give up and go elsewhere.. i just don't like wasting time waiting for nothing..

  80. @ Quay Po Cooks:
    yeah same here too.. i will just walk away and look for something else if i see long queues, no way for me to join them, thanks!! wow, that rojak must be very nice as you don't mind queuing for that and scolding those who cut queues, hehe!! i like people who would complain about others cutting queues~~ :)

    @ 小雪:
    我每次看到長龍都不會想要去排一份, 都是會去找其他地方喇.. 不過如果真的要等, 就最好有人陪囉.. 哈哈, 所以很多新奇的東西我也還沒有試過的囉, 很落後~~ :p

  81. @ Isaac Tan:
    yeah and i think this is a very common scene lah, because everybody just want to try new things.. and when there's some other new things coming, they'll switch over.. that's why, new gimmicks are always very important to attract customers and retain them~~ :p

    @ Naomi:
    errr, really?? maybe one day those outlets go over to your town, the same thing will happen too~~

  82. @ wenn:
    haha, i guess there's not a single one who would love long queue~~ :p

    @ Medie007:
    hahaha, yeah that's exactly the chicken rice ball shop, i just grab this from the web.. haha, actually i don't find the chicken rice ball any special, infact the rice balls are too damp for my liking, i still prefer the conventional ones.. afterall, you still crush the balls to eat right, then it's nothing special anymore..

  83. @ bluecloud:
    最討厭那些插隊的人, 很沒有禮貌, 一點文化也沒有!! 忍不住我是會開口的哦, 或者是用自己肥大的身體阻擋他們, 哈哈!! 看到大排長龍買食物, 我肯定不會去湊熱鬧的~~

    @ 山城大熊:
    哈哈, 他們的字典里沒有排隊, 只會爭先恐後吧??

  84. @ 单身汉:
    呵呵, 可以慢慢學習嘛, 加油!! :)

    @ Chris Chia:
    我也是沒有耐性等的人, 看到長龍, 我肯定會走開到其他地方去了..

  85. @ Alice Law:
    haha, i think most of the kids also like donuts lah, regardless of what type, haha.. hmmm, i am totally opposite, when i see long queue, i will sure walk away and looks for other alternatives, just don't have the patience to wait.. so you like crowd but your hubby doesn't, how do you settle?? :D

    @ CH Voon:
    yeah, if i see long queues, sorry but i am not interested to wait at all.. i will go elsewhere to find alternatives..

  86. @ Merryn:
    haha, there's only once when i queue for roti boy lah, when i wasn't that popular yet.. i remember i ate one, and my colleague at 3 in a row, haha, terrible!! but now, even i go to roti boy, i just buy normal bread but never ask for any roti boy..

    @ choi yen:
    哈哈, 可以這麼說啦, 在他們還沒紅之前就搶先一步.. 到後面看見其他人爭先恐後去試, 就覺得他們很好笑.. :p

  87. @ Dora:
    yes yes yes, same here.. i only would buy if there's not much of people.. that's why normally i'm being the outdated one to try those new things, haha..

    @ Kian Fai:
    hey, not only you ok, i am also queuing everywhere one, haha!! but then for food, sure i won't like to queue lah, because i just don't like to wait, so i'll just walk away and look for other alternatives lor.. hahaha, AiPad3 and AiPad9?? did you join the queue?? hehehehe.. oh, first 10 person gets iPhone for RM9?? that i don't mind camping overnight int he queue, haha~~ :D

  88. @ ken:
    oh yeah, i've tried ice-flake once and that's it, nothing special.. as for talk-time, hmmm, no urge to try that at all, for it's just tea right??

    @ Bananazஇ:
    errr, even when i'm not hungry i will not have that patience to wait in the queue at all.. i just find that wasting time, maybe when it's your turn, nice food also can get less delicious already, haha!! yeah, hate those who cut queues when boarding the trains, i will surely use my fat body to block them.. err, maybe you want to try those sugar-free donuts?? should be nice, haha..

  89. @ Pete:
    oh yeah, i like those too, have you any idea what they are called?? and i also like those from the indian stalls, savory ones, nice too~~

    @ foongpc:
    yes!! i am definitely not queuing up for all those lah.. oh, you're so obvious, don't scared they come after you to sue you for defamation?? well, i never say i dislike them, just that i won't crave for them only lah, if somebody is willing to queue up and buy me drinks or dessert from them, i will be more than happy to consume.. but if you want me to queue up and get if for myself or other people, sorry, i don't think i will do that.. even when i see long queues, i will definitely walk away and look for other alternatives.. so maybe one day when there is no more crowd, i may want to go and try them, see what's so special about them.. oh yeah, i agree with you.. i always think Pasta Zanmai is better, way much better than Sushi Zanmai, yet the crowd is queuing for the less good!! i really wonder why, but at least this is good for me, cos i won't be afraid that there's long queue in front of Pasta Zanmai, so i can go there anytime i like.. well, young teenagers and young adults, haha, meaning you admit you are old as you can't see why they love all these new products so much, hehehe!! you still love the sugar ring don't you??i also find KK and JC too sweet, i prefer BA donuts actually, not too sweet..

  90. @ kyh:
    depends on situation lah.. some situations kiasu kiasi don't want to queue.. some situations will do anything to queue, albeit having to stand under the hot sun for one hour.. oh, the sweetest donuts will be from KK, one bite and i cannot continue eating anymore.. but i think BA is quite good, not really too sweet and i can wallop two at one time.. :D

    @ Isaac Tan:
    haha, yeah, still queuing lah, you coming back to queue?? hehe, but the queue will disappear tomorrow morning for something else~~ :p

  91. @ khengsiong:
    其實有咩咁好食?? 特別係OK特別, 不過啲波波飯最終咪又係要整散嚟食?? 多此一舉~~

    @ 海市蜃樓:
    我都係囉, 見到長龍就掉頭走啦, 仲要等運到咩?? :D

  92. @ lina:
    oh yeah, i think we three are fans of Pasta Zanmai huh?? haha.. i really don't understand why people queue for the not so nice Sushi Zanmai.. but good thing also lah, at least we have less "competitors", hahaha!! :D

    @ Kian Fai:
    haha, maybe it's the 7th month in the lunar calendar so you kept thinking about ghost?? haha.. but glad it's a funny movie and you sure have a relax evening watching that.. haha, maybe those are hot blockbusters, so they won't give free tickets, because they know you sure will go buy the tickets no matter how~~ hehe!! :D

  93. I don't particulary like crowd, but phychologically my mind tells me, "Many ppl, sure laku one!"

    Settle kar?! "Ladies 1st" lar, even if I let him make the choice he will eventually give in to mine also. With me, he has to learn to be more patient.:p

  94. SK Thambee dei... the world has changed so much. People are queuing up for anything nowadays!

  95. You should ask where is the worst queue anyone has experienced!

  96. I think the WORST queue I have experienced is always at the Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport esp when you arrive on Saturdays! OMG! You can finish playing 50 rounds of Angry Birds and not yet reach your turn.

  97. The immigration officers are so polite and so slow! Adooiii!...

  98. I always have patience to queue up for food and 4D numbers!! Heh heh heh!

  99. Somehow I never queued up for Donuts! I only queue up for Papa Beard's cream puffs!

    Yay! I reached 100th comments!

  100. I also queue up often at Snow Flakes which often line the humans up till the glass door! What to do? Yummy food!

  101. I think these popular outlets should follow Snow Flakes to give out the 'Beeper' to alert when food is ready. But they still have to queue up just to give orders!

  102. Those who don't have 'beepers' should give out numbers like the banks do. This will prevent the tension amongst the customers.

  103. Where got people queue up in our village dei? They come with their cows and goats to buy anything!

  104. Our Chennai relatives just bulldozed and pushed their way in to but tosai or cow's milk. You also same la dei!

  105. I think I only saw the polite culture in the West esp in USA where they are so patient to queue up for buses, food, elevators and ATM machines. OMG! They are like robots!

  106. @ Alice Law:
    haha, so many people of course laku lah, but may not necessarily be very special or very nice woh.. most probably because those people just want to try out, haha!! hehe, so you are the boss in the family and everyone needs to listen to you?? hahaha..

    @ Twilight Man:
    errr not really everything people will queue up, at least some still do not queue up for lifts and public transport.. oh, Arumugam you having bad experience with BKK immigration?? hmmm, none that Thambee can remember any bad experience with them at all.. or maybe just that Arumugam has been there many many times but Thambee only twice.. maybe Arumugam shall avoid going there on Saturdays, because Arumugam should be queuing up for 4D at Toto, Magnum and Da Ma Cai on Saturdays right?? haha!!

    @ Twilight Man:
    oh, Arumugam doesn't like donuts at all?? hmmm, Thambee quite ok with donuts, sometimes will just crave for it, but then Thambee always like the sugar ring.. and of course those homemade savory donuts back in our motherland!! Kamala is so good in making those, Thambee likes them a lot!! haiyoh, so meaning Arumugam is also one of them!! you queue for Snowflakes!! Thambee really wonders why its so popular, maybe people just like the concept of the beeper?? hey, maybe one day Thambee will open another Iceflake restaurant, instead of Beeper, Thambee will use iPad already.. customers don't need to even queue, but straight away order from the menu in the iPad.. and when things are ready, notification alarm will be sent to the iPad on the table, and customers will go and collect there food!! wow, so this will be a no-queue concept for Thambee's business.. doable?? then later Arumugam and Thambee can use the same concept for Arumugam, Thambee & Sons Pte Ltd back in motherland, will sure be a hit in the slum!! :D

  107. Most of the time my kids are the boss leh, my husband jst trying to be more gentleman ler...;p

  108. hmmm, i hate people who don't queue!! but that does not mean i like to queue also, haha!! i will avoid long queues, really have no patience to trap myself in there for nothing..

  109. haha, you are right!! those "bubble phenomena" just disappeared so quickly.. i still remember the heat of the examples you gave, now i don't even see people queuing for donuts anymore.. yeah, true, sugar right is the best!! :)

  110. @ Alice Law:
    hahaha, so your hubby is the one who will only follow but then also the one who will always pay for the bill!! poor thing~~ :p

    @ victor:
    me too!! i will never join a long queue, i'll just walk away and look for other alternatives.. only when the queue is short, then i will go and try.. haha, very true, i really don't see any queue in front of those donuts shops already, and maybe few months down the road, the same thing will happen to ice-flake and chat-time.. oopss, not to curse but i guess this is the norm :D
