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04.08.2011 | 創意無限

[#1231] 全新創意包裝洗面霜??!! 哈哈哈~~ :D

其實我呢支洗面霜基本上係用晒, 吃盡奶力唧到十隻手指紅晒, 都依然唧唔到半分出嚟.. 但係我深信裡面應該仲淨返好多, 就咁揼咗去好嘥囉, 所以我決定剪開一半, 方便用手指撩乾淨佢吖嘛.. 嘩!! 原來真係仲有好多架, 夠我用多半個月綽綽有餘!!

至於圖中手指指嘅係咩呢?? 剪開咗我怕會乾吖嘛, 所以靈機一觸咪用隻(見得下人嘅)夾仔夾住佢囉, 哈哈!! 不過我懶理你話我精明消費定孤寒成性啦, 我話用得唔好嘥至重要, 啱唔啱?? :p
[#1231] brand new innovative packaging for facial cleanser??!! hahahaha~~ :D

actually i've almost finished my facial cleanser, even though with all my effort till all fingers got redden, i still can't squeeze out a single mm out of the tube.. but i believe there's still a lot inside and hence i decided to cut it into halves so i can pick the cleanser using my fingers.. and wow!! there's really a lot left in it, more than enough for another two weeks use!!

you might also wonder what's that thing being pointed in the picture?? i'm afraid the cleanser will dry off being exposed, so *lightbulb* that (rather presentable) clip came into my mind and fits perfectly, hahaha!! well, i don't care whether you think i'm thrifty or stingy, what's more important to me is be practical and don't waste the cleanser, agree?? :p


  1. I usually put it upside down and the cream will gradually flow down.

  2. Bananaz would do the same for tooth paste, facial cream, moisturiser etc whatever that I can cut. Agree there are lot more inside the corner and can at least last few weeks.

  3. Hahaha... really it's a good idea, SK! Plus, can reduce wastage.

  4. I would apply this method too, using the clipper for my facial cleanser, scrubs, or whatever in tube,

  5. Great idea using the clip. What I did was when the tube was cut into two would 'shorten' the tube by sliding the top half into the bottom half.

  6. Not stingy la, just being realistic... lol!

  7. Wah! Use facial cleanser kah? No wonder face skin so smooth... LOL!!!

  8. 我也是這樣的,用到擠不出來的時候就剪開一半,里面真的還有很多,若不是這樣做丟掉會很可惜。

  9. Hmm, this is not uncommon. I used to do that with my facial cleanser or other skin care products too, just cut the tube into two and tada, can use fingers to korek the cream already :P

  10. hahahaha i used to do the same thing... also with my toothpaste haha if nothing's coming out after how much i squeezed it... i will end up cutting them in half LOL

  11. yes, that's being practical and that's something we should be proud of right! woohoo

  12. oh by the way, i seldom use facial cleanser hehe.. I don't like the minty feeling every time i apply it on my face hehe... soap is good enough for me

  13. You're just being smart and not wasteful, SK. I think there is a kind of clip that allows for this kind of job but more practical for toothpaste as it's tube material is more pliable. Going green is everyone's responsibility in a way, don't you think? It helps the planet, and the pocket too. Have a nice day!

  14. but i use the soap with moisturizer to avoid getting super dry skin... i had a dry skin before... as in i can whenever i scratch my skin, i can see some white linings on it... oh i don't apply lotion either hahaha... i just hate the greasy and sticky feeling LOL... silly me hahaha

  15. oh is that a sign of poor hygiene??? gosh should change my habit now..

  16. happy blogging SK and good morning

  17. whoa!! u squeezed it till like dat?! @.@

  18. haha actually true oso la there's stil lots inside thr. :/ just dat we cant squeeze it out due to the air pressure inside it n the size of the tube. lol!!

  19. but eh till enuff fr another two weeks?! got or not?! hahaha!

  20. lightbulb?! u're making me speechless u noe!! hahaha!! :D

  21. my dad always did that to the toothpaste! dnt allow us to take new toothpaste till it really finish. zzzz

  22. so frugally clever. ;p

  23. I only squeeze, squeeze my toothpaste. Not other things.

    Owh, after this have to follow SK style and cut open. Get more for use. ;)

  24. SK takes good care of skin ah? ^^

  25. 唔出奇啊,我都會咁做。

  26. HAHAH!That is one good idea!

  27. I use the squeeze it item thingy... to make sure to squeeze it all out. Then after that... roll it up and try to squeeze more again.

  28. all else, cut and scrapped it off the walls of the tube. works the same for cleanser and toothpaste.

  29. but i have since stop using tube cleanser. my cleasner are all in bottles now.. pump. so since it is pump, i will add water inside :P. then no need to wet face, since cleanser already got water hahaha!

  30. SK,
    You should invent a clip for all these tube and patent it. Mana tau, can get kaya! xD

  31. That is genius!!!! Last time i oso like to cut it but when it is exposed like dat, i'll end up throwing them away..

  32. 很多人都回减一半,不必浪费是好事。

  33. cool! Jimat cermat is a good attidude.

    When you get the New product from?

  34. 可以叫你 生活智慧王 吗? (环保有创意!)

  35. So,you use Biotherm ka ? I like it but kind of expensive though,,

  36. Oohh nice idea! But usually my cleanser is in a bottle, so I just open it up and put in water to make sure I use up everything :P Hehe

  37. Oh Mai Oh Mai Oh Mai Thambeee! You are soooo clever!

  38. How could you think of this brilliant idea which is so simple? I could not even think of that!

  39. You know what? I always poured water inside and goncang like milk shake!!! Then pour out slowly for next few days to wash my face! Ha ha ha! So milky like semen water!!! LOL

  40. I prefer your method and snip them off so that I can finger the tube! Muahahaha!

  41. Waaah! You so boros and rich to use Biotherm! Kamala will scream when she sees it. She only uses lime and Ganges river water to wash her face! Look, she is sooo pretty!

  42. I believe all your bottles at home ate turned upside down and all tubes snipped off when habis, kan? Pandai lah SK Thambee! Muacks!

  43. What is your next INNOVATIVE idea to share-share??

  44. Dei, Thambee! You so clever to create a book behind the tube with your blog!!!! HTTP://SK0617.BLOGSPOT.COM


  45. Are you telling me that book is on SALE at all MPH outlets and Kinokuniya???

  46. Looking at the bright and innovative brains you have, I am pretty sure you will graduate with flying curries and colours for your MBA!!!!! Kekekeke!

  47. 哈哈哈。。。 我也是这样叻!不过没有用夹子,我把它们再合起来(就是。。。再塞在一起,因为懒惰找夹子。。。哈哈哈。。。)

  48. Wah...BIOTHERM!!
    Good idea actually. Coz I would cut it off also but it dried out very fast...

  49. good method XD normally i try squeezing till the last drop

  50. I think I done what u did before, just not to squeeze every last of them inside the bottle.

    If the cream still inside and cannot squeeze it, maybe I will try to use water and put inside and wash my face with it LOL!

  51. not to say stingy la, things now a days all raise, sianz la to see the product from watson and guardian . . .

    summore so costy hahaha

  52. Squeeze face toner is ok. If squeeze hair gel I beh tahan, I wont use those hair gel because too oily . . . hate to use it . . . me natural looks like Chow Yun Fatt already, no need hair gel. Now Face problem only . . . sorry ter-express my feelings about Hair Gel, suppose to be face toner!

  53. actually la, you know any brand can make lower the heat from the face? got such thing ar? unless use ais? hahaha

  54. not like some body shampoo macam dettol blue color punya, can have some cold effect on the body after washing it. Face tarak kan? . . . Coz I have face problem with heat issue . . . everyday confirm got 1 pimple come out . . . last weekend got a twin pimple summore, blast non stop for like a hour? My head is like kena accident and my mum cant recognize me and say WTF! Terngam that days is first day of 7th Month in cina calendar! suay!

  55. wah... hate to say it but.. thrifty lor u...

    which is good!

  56. Wah, you brain storm pretty fast! That's a cracking great idea!

  57. great idea! not stingy at all! why should we waste when there's still some left? ;)

  58. Good to safe...., next time SK sure become Kaya lorr....

  59. I used to cut off my facial mask tube too. Then, i use a air tight tubberware to store it in the fridge. Your tips is good too.

  60. hey SK!! that is just a very brilliant idea!! haha, thanks for sharing the tips, i like that!!

  61. i never have thought of this, will just gave up if i can't do anything else to squeeze the contents out of the tube..

  62. come to think about it, well, perhaps i have been throwing away lots of my $$$ for being wasteful.. hmmm..

  63. ok, from today onwards, i am going to be as thrifty as SK!! hahaha!! LOL

  64. @ wenn:
    errr, this is paste type of cleanser so it won't flow at all even if put upside down.. so just have to cut open the tube..

    @ 孤傲的王子:
    呵呵, 物盡其用是一種美德哦.. :)

  65. @ Bananazஇ:
    haha, actually this is my very first time to cut open the tube, because my mind just tell me that there's still a lot left inside.. throwing it away is just too wasteful.. oh, clever you for cutting the tube that way, so you can tuck the longer part into the opening just like an envelope!! smart eh~~

    @ yvonne:
    yeah, let's be practical and not waste whatever still usable right?? i think i will be doing this for all other things if possible.. this is my first time to cut open the facial cleanser actually, now i know how to save money already, haha!! yeah~~

  66. @ suituapui:
    err, how do you know i have smooth skin?? haha.. and it's not uncommon to use facial cleanser also mah, it's always a necessity for me all the while.. :)

    @ mNhL:
    oh yeah, now i know how to save some money already, haha!! :D

  67. @ dodotrain:
    其實這還是我第一次這樣做喇, 以前擠到不能再擠就會丟掉了, 不過現在才知道原來裡面真的還有很多!! 剪開後一個星期有多, 還在用呢!!

    @ Hayley:
    actually this is my first time doing this, and i regret that i did not do this earlier.. there is really a lot left inside the tube, wow, it's more than a week since i cut the tube, and i'm still using it!! unbelievable..

  68. @ bluedreamer27:
    haha, yeah, now i know a lot of us are actually doing this at home.. at least for the toothpaste, hahahaha!! actually this is my first time to be frank, and i hate myself for not doing this earlier.. i cut that tube more than a week ago, and i am still using the cleanser now and there's still quite some of it left in the tube!! really unbelievable.. oh well, i guess you really have to take care of your skin, maybe you're still young now but i think you should start to take care of it so that you won't regret when you gets older, haha!! soap are really not for the face, no matter how moisturising they are, soap are for the body!! haha, unless you are using soap kind of facial cleanser.. if you feel the mintiness, well, then maybe that cleanser is not suitable for you.. it needs a lot of trial and error before you can find the one best suits you.. :)

    @ HappySurfer:
    errr, i've seen something you mentioned before but i can't remember where i can get them.. anyway i think those are more suitable for toothpaste kind of softer tubes right?? the facial cleanser i am using has a very hard and thick tube, haha, that's why i think it's more useful to just cut it into halves!! errr, still not consider this as going green, because i'll still dispose off the tube after i've finished using every single drop of the cleanser, haha!!

  69. @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    of course lah, i just squeezed till i cannot squeeze anything out.. and just before i am about to throw it away, my intuition suddenly told me that there might just be a lot left inside the tube, do really *lightbulb* i decided to explore, afterall i'm planning to throw it away right.. so just cut it, and to my surprise, still a lot of cleanser inside the tube!! am using it for more than a week now since i cut it, and so unbelievably, i can still see a lot left, probably enough for another two weeks.. :D

    @ lina:
    hahaha, so you only squeeze your toothpaste, and have you ever cute the tube and use your toothbrush to dip in for the remains?? haha.. eih, now that i suddenly realised this trick, saving me some money, as it's already more than a week since i cut the tube, and i am still using the cleanser!! wow~~ :p

  70. @ 海市蜃樓:
    其實我都係第一次, 反正打算要丟, 就姑且一試囉, 點不知真係仲有咁多淨!! 好有滿足感~~

    @ ladyviral:
    oh you have that thing to help you squeeze things out of the tube?? where did you get it, is it useful?? but still i guess to cut it open and korek with fingers is still the more efficient way, haha!! using bottles i think it's easier, you just need to put it upside down or just shake it, and the contents will just come out easily..

  71. @ lina:
    haiyah, i think this is not very innovative already lah.. sure got other people have better tools for doing this.. let me go and check out from youtube first later~~ :p

    @ Merryn:
    aiyoh, like that might as well no need to cut, haha!! so now, remember to seal the openings with clips so that they don't expose and dry up.. :)

  72. @ 单身汉:
    呵呵, 其實我還是第一次這樣做啦, 原來很多人都已經經驗豐富了, 哈哈!! :D

    @ Small Kucing:
    oh yeah, it definitely is saving me some money here.. :)

  73. @ reanaclaire:
    of course, to be frugal is something good right?? haha..

    @ 小雪:
    節儉當然是好事囉, 至少我知道這樣可以幫忙省錢.. :)

  74. @ CH Voon:
    haha, of course lah, now everything also Barang Naik, really have to be spending more frugally lah.. haha!! you want this new product?? :p

    @ imyuyu:
    呵呵, 其實很多人都已經這樣做過了, 生活智慧王我不敢當喇~~ :p

  75. @ eugene:
    hehe, how do you know that is Biotherm?? errr, i usually ask my friend to get them from HK, they are a lot cheaper over there..

    @ iamthewitch:
    hahaha, those in bottle of course no problem lah, can always leave it upside down and let the contents flow to the opening.. but i don't like adding water lah, after adding maybe not so effective already.. :p

  76. @ Twilight Man:
    haha, Arumugam you also very frugal, Thambee would have thought Arumugam will just throw the thing away if cannot squeeze anything out already.. errr, add in water?? that could work but then not Thambee's preference.. maybe adding in water will make the thing not so effective.. furthermore, the water tends to come out more rapidly and indirectly wasting the cleanser also.. so, Arumugam you must use Thambee's method, cut the tube and then clip the opening so that the cleanser is not exposed and won't dry up.. like that sure Letchumi will admire Arumugam more!! and Arumugam is allowed to tell Letchumi that Arumugam came out with this authentic idea, Thambee will not sue Arumugam for copyright!! haha.. actually, this is the very first time Thambee ever cut open the tube, and Thambee regret for not doing this earlier, or else Thambee could have save more money to bring Kamala for a holiday in Varanasi!!

    @ Twilight Man:
    innovative idea?? hmmm, cannot anticipate but Thambee thinks all innovative ideas just came in a sudden like a lightbulb.. if Thambee has anything innovative and can save cost, sure Thambee will inform Arumugam immediately for the first hand information!! oh, that book titled HTTP://SK0617.BLOGSPOT.COM you mean?? that is a book Thambee currently working on, Thambee will be publishing a book on all Thambee's posts all the years so far!! that will be an interesting book, Arumugam you must buy that and Thambee will give you the very first autograph on it!! oh, talking about the MBA, Thambee is so stress now lah~~

  77. @ Casendra:
    再塞在一起?? 到底是怎樣做?? 想象不到呢!! 你是說剪開來, 一長一短, 把長的那段塞進洞口, 好像信封那樣??

    @ KY:
    hey, you never inform me of all those biotherm warehouse sales leh, i miss all of them.. next time please message me leh!! wah, exposed to air sure dry out very fast lah, that's why i use the clip to seal it back..

  78. @ Isaac Tan:
    haha, if you just squeeze, i think won't be the "last drop" because i believe there is still a lot inside the tube lor..

    @ Kian Fai:
    you are very true, now everything seems to increase price and become less affordable already, really better to save as much as we can.. haha, you add water?? hmmmm, actually i don't like that at all, later the cleanser become not good if you mix it with water and store inside the tube.. oh, lower the heat from your face?? i think you are looking for something with cooling effect?? oh, i guess there are quite a few brands that has the cooling effect cleanser, don't know what type of brands you normally use woh.. go and shop shop a bit lah, maybe best thing is to ask the sales girl lor, sure they can help you.. if you ask me those on shelf ones, i think nivea, loreal, neutrogen (Lam Fung that one, can't remember the exact name) also have the cleanser with cooling effect.. but then maybe you want to consult some people, maybe it's not heat but it's allergy?? :)

  79. @ Medie007:
    hahahaha, now that i regret why i have not done this earlier, else i could be richer by now, haha!!

    @ Alice Law:
    hahaha, i just want to cut open and see how much still left.. and to my surprise still a lot, that's why i use the clip to prevent the contents from exposing, because i still want to use them..

  80. @ kyh:
    haha, not stingy so i am very frugal lor.. you are right, why have to waste something that can be used right?? :)

    @ Pete:
    hahaha, actually this is my first time doing such things.. regret for not doing this earlier, likewise you say, i could be richer already~~ :D

  81. @ Sheoh Yan:
    hmmm, store in tupperware seems a bit not so convenient right?? haha, i think it's still a better idea to use the clip.. actually those clips are meant for sealing the potato chips packets one, hahaha~~ :D

    @ victor:
    hahaha, just sharing a little thoughts that flashed across my mind, and i actually feel proud for being so smart too, hahahahaha!! actually it's my first time doing this too, i really regret for not doing this earlier.. like you, i think i've also thrown away lots of $$$ previously.. so now it's time to chase back, hahaha!! let's work hard together to be frugal consumers~~ :p

  82. Holy Cow! You really publishing a book like Dr Mahathir kah? Wakakakaka! Kamala died laughing when I told her. What Varanasi? Kamala wanna go Venice la! She wanna sit the sampan and Thambee kayuh her across the canal.

  83. So many bloggers were amazed by Thambee's cut & save method! I must ask the University Of New Delhi to give you a doctorate for this brilliant idea! Ha ha ha!

  84. Thambee saves the environment too with this Cut & Save Tube! I nominate Thambee for the Nobel Peace prize too!!! Kekekekeke!

  85. Thambee's method of Cut & Save Tube will benefit the worldwide population. Billions of tubes saved. I will nominate SK Thambee for the Ramon Magsasay Award too! LMAO!

  86. I went to Mid Valley and saw SK-II counter! I wanna laugh so hard thinking of Thambee's name SK. So you are SK-I or SK-III? Your SK Tube must be the series called "Innovative Facial Cleanser".... right?

  87. Again, on serious note, your post made me review my daily life. I think I wasted many things ~ Food, money, clothes and time!!! Goodness me!

  88. Time and Tide Waits For No Man... so the proverb says!
    I must be thrifty like Thambee and waste not! It is sinful to waste if we cannot save.

  89. Getting the degree in MBA is all about the brains and innovative thinking! SK Thambee has the natural gift and talent to think so smartly! Surely can graduate with flying curries and colours! Worry not Thambee!!

  90. I don't even have MBA and never dream of having it cos I am so freaking lazy to study! I nearly flopped in my exams always! Wait till I could think of the Cut & Save Tube before I sit for MBA...

  91. SK Thambee's head has a natural Philips light bulb! So got innovative ideas will spark at the touch of the button!

  92. I went to Viva Home yesterday and thought of this post of yours. I saw so much furnitures and lifestyle stuffs on sale. So much inventions are rolled out each day from factories. If there are no takers, what will happen??? Our world's garbage sites are getting bigger with no end in sight. They make landfills of garbage! SK Thambee should teach humans to Cut & Save Tubes plus recycling and inventing environmental friendly goods... Go Thambee Go!

  93. Happy 100th Comment SK-Thambee. !!! Keep blogging till Eternity!...

  94. You are both thrifty and stingy! haha!!

  95. I also do that actually ....I mean squeezing to the last drop! But I don't cut the tube up, just too lazy! The new tube beckons! LOL!!

  96. Haha! Very innovative of you to use that! Good idea! For me, I won't even bother! LOL!!

  97. Totally agree with u :)

  98. it can be purchase from DIY shops.
    Bottles with pumps cannot turn upside down... harder. because turn upside down end up all the things on the cover of the pump instead of at the tube area haha!

  99. 呢个未尝係个好办法,係啊用得唔好嘥啊,呢啲唔算孤寒,係咁dump咗就好嘥囉!我赞成你咁做!呵呵呵~~~

  100. @ Twilight Man:
    haha, Thambee just kidding lah Arumugam, Thambee still not qualified yet to publish a book.. what is Thambee?? just sesame compare to Dr Mahathir, who will be interested with Thambee's book right?? haiyoh, Varanasi also have sampan and river, infact Kamala would even like to bathe in the holy river.. so when is Arumugam bringing Letchumi together for honeymoon and at the same time cherish the dating times back in motherland??

    @ Twilight Man:
    haha, no lah, Thambee is not as good as Arumugam thought lah.. Thambee is just peanut only, that is just a little trick that flashed across Thambee's mind, nothing so great.. but if Arumugam wants to nominate Thambee for the Novel Innovative Prize, of course Arumugam is very much welcome, just that Thambee hopes the authority will not humiliate Arumugam's nomination lor, hahahaha!! hey, Thambee is no SK-I nor SK-II nor SK-III, Thambee is SK-VI-I-VII wokay?? actually come to think of it, maybe those facial cleanser can improve their packaging with resealable tube, so that when we can squeeze no more, we can open up the tube, korek with fingers and then seal the tube back right?? hmmm, now this is call innovative!! maybe Thambee shall patent this idea first and then sell it to the manufacturer!! successful innovation always come from day-to-day chores.. oh, Arumugam no need to be as thrifty as Thambee lah, Arumugam got lots of money, wearing Ferragamo on muddy place also no problem mah~~ :D

  101. @ foongpc:
    haha, whatever you want to describe me lah, but i think just not good to waste whatever that can still be used mah.. you are rich man, of course you don't bother to do all these chores right?? hehehe~~ :p

    @ Horsoon:
    yeah, give me five!! :)

  102. @ ladyviral:
    oh, i must go and check that out in DIY shop one day.. haha, i still turn those pump bottles upside down, because the fluid can flow to the cover, and then i can just open the cover and pour them out easily.. or else maybe just add some water for easier pumping.. :p

    @ edward:
    係呀, 我發覺真係有好多淨!! 距離開剪嗰一日, 今日已經成兩個星期喇, 都仲用緊而且有好多淨, 用多兩個星期都唔出奇..

  103. haha, just make sure,

    1. it's not pass the expiry dates (since it's folded and u cant see)

    2. that the quality of the product is good to the last drop, since some products used half way and turn bad, like separated or mouldy.. haha

  104. @ Robin:
    hahahaha, thanks for the reminder!! i've finally finished using till the last drop after 3 weeks i cut that open, and everything went good still usable and not expired at all.. :D
