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29.08.2011 | 年老書生

[#1239] 鐵證如山, 難道你仲唔相信我係(老)學生一個?? 我絕對冇喺相片動過手腳, 冇花冇假, 真係我啲學生證嚟架!! 哈哈..

原本都冇打算申請架, 自己都一把年紀啦, 拎出嚟咪盞嚇親人?? 哈哈.. 不過做學生好多優惠喎, 而我又咁「師奶仔」, 有著數有折頭唔通唔要咩?? 呢張月票RM100可以通行無阻任搭市內所有交通工具30日, 超抵啦!! 係噃, 唔包括火車噃.. 咪就係我哋交通設施嘅通病囉, 各系統各自為政你有你做, 幾時先可以大貫通呢吓??
[#1239] strong evidence and you are still not convinced i am now a (old) student?? i didn't fake the photo but those are really my student cards!! haha..

didn't intend to apply for those cards actually, as i'm not young, showing the student ID will sure get people a shock, haha!! but there are really lots of perks for students, for myself being such a thrifty "auntie", how could i missed all those discounts and benefits right?? and so i have this travel pass, unlimited travel with all transport for 30 days at just RM100, very worth right?? oh, but train is not included, and that exactly shows the weakness of our public transport system in which each mode is separately operated and not integrated.. i wonder when we can have 1-Transportation in this 1-Malaysia land??

26.08.2011 | 到此一遊

[#1238] 今日唔係要講咩遊記, 近兩年都甚少去玩, 有咩遊記可言吖?? 記得有一段時期, 每去一個地方都會買一張明信片, 跟住貼上當地郵票寄返俾自己, 當係紀念自己到此一遊嘅證據.. 好似好傻, 但係我就反而覺得別具意義喎..

不過發覺好多時候要搵到郵票去到郵筒, 的確有難度, 後來就冇咗呢個習慣.. 反而最近去旅行, 幾乎唔會買手信嘅自己, 都會巡邏細細件嘅紀念品.. 尤其係磁石, 睇下我哋屋企個雪櫃就知喇!! 所以各位朋友, 如果要送我手信, 鎖匙扣就免喇吓, 磁石就無任歡迎, 呵呵~~ :)
[#1238] it's not a travel post today, afterall i've not been travelling this couple of years, what could i post right?? i remember there was once that i'd get a postcard every place i go, affix local stamp and post it back to myself, to commemorate myself being there at that place.. looks silly yeah?? but i think that's kind of meaningful actually..

anyway, i realised most of the time it's not so convenient to get stamps and the postcards posted, so i slowly abandoned doing that.. instead when i go travel recently, the rarely-buy-souvenir me will look for some small size decoratives.. look at our fridge here and you know i'm talking about fridge magnets!! so, if anyone likes to get me any souvenir, please get me fridge magnets rather than key chains ok?? hehehe :)

24.08.2011 | 神乎其藝

[#1237] 我覺得自己記身邊啲人嘅生日嘅功力都實在係唔錯, 通常冇乜難度之下, 都可以噏得出阿邊個係幾時生日.. 不過依家人老咗記性差啲, 當日記唔記得又係另一回事, 哈哈!!

以前仲後生嘅時候, 真係從未失手過, 每逢有朋友仔生日, 我都會親手整張生日卡俾佢架.. 每個收到嘅, 都會炫耀一下, 而我見佢哋咁高興, 當然就更加開心啦.. 不過都係咸豐年前嘅事喇(依家金盆洗手喇), 家下莫講要親手做生日卡, 呢個面卜時代, 有人發短訊過你都好開心喇!! 哈哈~~ :D

■ ■ 後記: 睇返自己1998年啲作品, 自己都覺得神乎其藝!! 大家認為我啲手法係屬於乜派呢?? :D
[#1237] i find myself quite good in remembering birthdays of people around me, normally i will have no problem telling again who's birthday is on when.. but of course getting older and brain gets rusty now, whether i can remember on that day itself is another story, haha!!

when younger, i really have not missed out any birthday.. whenever there's one, i would always DIY a birthday card for the birthday star.. those who were lucky to get one from me would normally show off a bit, of course i was happier to see how they like the cards.. anyway, that's a story N years ago (i don't do that anymore), for now don't even mentioned about DIY cards even a card is rare.. maybe even an SMS is enough to make your day in this facebook era, haha!!

■ ■ P/S: looking back at my artwork did in 1998, i really can't believe i was that talented!! what style do you think i was?? :D

21.08.2011 | 眉精眼企

[#1236] 今朝去「家家富」買乳酪, 見到同一產品唔同味道竟然唔同價錢.. 我(咁精明消費)就梗係揀最平架啦, 不過硬係覺得事有蹺蹊, 所以再三查證barcode確保我冇攞錯先去俾錢.. 結果?? 由原先RM3.99變成RM4.39!!

我梗係覺得受騙啦, 所以即刻去客戶服務中心要求賠償.. 其實我喺呢間「家家富」都有過多次同樣經驗架喇, 都唔知有心定無意, 幸好食過夜粥嘅我剛才隨手影低個價錢牌.. 真憑實據鐵證如山, 冇得佢哋抵賴啦!! 雖然區區四毫子, 不過唔係錢嘅問題, 而係條氣唔順.. 之但係見佢哋即刻有所行動, 我其實覺得自己眉精眼企做咗件好事嘅~~ :p
[#1236] went to "Carfool" to get some yoghurt this morning, and i noticed the prices were different for different flavors albeit the same product.. of course your (smart and thrifty) friend has chosen the cheapest one, still felt a little weird, i double checked the barcode to make sure i've taken the right one.. in the end?? it went from RM3.99 to RM4.39!!

of course i felt cheated and straight away hopped over to the customer service counter to ask for refund of the difference.. actually i've encountered the same thing few times before with this outlet, was that purposely or unintentionally?? luckily the experienced me instinctively took a photo of the price tag.. with that solid and valid evidence, no way for them to argue!! though just only 40 sen, i thought it's not about money but about being cheated.. anyway i saw them taking action immediately, kind of proud of myself for having done something good for other customers actually~~ :p

18.08.2011 | 我最慳家

[#1235] 兩星期前我無意中發現將洗面霜物盡其用嘅好方法, 今日請寬恕我又再向大家展露我嘅慳家本色(掩嘴呵呵大笑!!)..

事緣於本人有對著咗超過五年嘅波鞋, 今日終於敵不過歲月摧殘, 鞋底有七成脫咗落嚟, 行起路(看似大X袋咁)十分不雅.. 情急之下搵到商場某鞋匠, 竟然獅子開大口索價十元, 仲哄我話要等一個鐘!! 當然唔制啦我, 於是咪去超市買咗支鞋膠(溫馨提示: 用萬能膠癡鞋係唔work架), 洗咗RM2.50, 自己郁手唔駛十分鐘, 鞋底就癡好啦, 咪當我傻架.. 我仲拎支鞋膠返屋企, 一次過將全部甩鞋底嘅鞋癡好晒添啦~~ 而支鞋膠我依家出街都會帶住, 以防不時之需嘛.. :p

■ ■ 後記: 講開又講, 支洗面霜第三度剪開, 仲用緊噃, 再多個星期都綽綽有餘!! 嘩~~ ^.^
[#1235] exactly two weeks ago i posted how i accidentally found a clever way to not waste my facial cleanser, today allow me to beg your pardon for me to "show off" my thriftiness here again (*grin*)..

it all began with my pair of sport shoes that i've been wearing for more than 5 years.. the sole finally cannot withstand the ravage of time and 70% of it has came off the shoe, it made me look so unrefined as i walked (as if i had swollen b*lls, to be a little gross it's DLP in hokkien, haha!!).. i urgently found a cobbler in the mall, but he asked for RM10 to get it fixed and threatened that i need to wait for an hour!! no way of course , i went down to the supermarket and got myself a tube of glue (reminder: must be for shoes, superglue will not work).. spent RM2.50 on that and in less than 10 minutes, i got my shoes back to condition all by myself, he thought i was a fool?? what's more, i brought the glue back, and mend all my other "hungrily open mouth" shoes as well~~ and i'm bringing that glue with me whenever i go out, just in case.. :D

■ ■ P/S: having mentioned the facial cleanser, i've cut the tube for the third time and still using it, definitely enough for another week!! wow~~ ^.^

15.08.2011 | 趨之若騖

[#1234] 我哋馬來西亞人, 搭巴士搭火車搭lift都唔鐘意排隊, 唯獨係買飲買食最守秩序.. 好多人見有個食肆稍為有長龍, 就會抱著人排我又排唔好執輸嘅態度奮不顧身排個隊湊下熱鬧.. 最近眼見商場內大受歡迎嘅「傾敘時間」同「雪花飄飄」, 唔好意思, 在下覺得充其量都係大家蜂擁而至嘅趨之若騖, 其實有甚特別??

大家嘗試諗返起當年同樣製造呢種「泡沫現象」嘅葡式蛋撻, 咖啡麵包同埋繽紛冬甩, 甚至係tiramisu同macaroons.. 曾幾何時都同樣轟動一時, 但係一年半載之後, 唔係又變成乏人問津, 就算擺你面前都未必想一嘗其味?? 我哋馬來西亞人, 其實貪新鮮之余, 都同樣地善忘嘅.. :p

■ ■ 後記: 講到冬甩, 在下覺得最好食嘅, 其實都係最普通最基本嘅sugar ring囉..
[#1234] we malaysians are still not practiced with queuing up when taking buses, trains or lifts.. but there is always one moment we all would be disciplined - buying food.. many when realized a queue in front of eateries, would think that's something not to be missed, since everyone is going for it, we shall not be left out, as such never mind at all to queue just to find out.. this is commonly seen with the recently popular "talk-time" and "ice-flake" outlets, but sorry i really don't find them any special, for what i could say most is that everyone is trying to tap on the bandwagon, that's it..

just remind yourself the following that have also created such "bubble phenomena" back in history: portugese egg tart, mexican bun and fancy donuts, even tiramisu and macaroons.. weren't they real hot and everyone was crazy for them?? but few months down the road, they just became something everyone was so bored with, even right in front of your eyes never able to entice a bite.. we malaysians like new creative ideas, but at the same time are very forgetful too.. :p

■ ■ P/S: mentioned donuts, i still think the classic sugar rings are the best..

11.08.2011 | 十處不同

[#1233] 今日本來冇頭緒要寫啲乜嘢, 頭先睇報紙時俾咗呢個靈感我.. 呢個blog偶然都會有啲游戲俾大家玩下嘅, 不過呢個搵兩張圖片不同之處就未試過, 所以今日就再用本人獨門javascripts同大家完下啦!! 以下兩張圖片, 請搵出10個不同之處(click任何一張圖片都可以)..

[#1233] i initially have no idea what to blog about today, but the paper i read just now gave me a brilliant idea.. sometimes i will have quizes in this blog, but there has never been any spot the difference game, hence i've decided to try using my very own javascripts to come out with this game today!! so folks, your task today is to spot 10 differences between the two photos below (click any one photo will do)..
[注意] 為咗增加好玩性, 你click中嘅地方將不會被顯示於相片中, 不過就會用圖片下嘅數字顯示進展.. 所以, 呢個睇落簡單嘅游戲, 考驗你眼力之外, 都考埋你嘅記性架, 哈哈!! have fun~~ :p

[note] to make things more fun, the correct spot you clicked will not be highlighted in the photo but rather in the number progress bar below the photo.. as such, this look-simple game trains your eyesight as well as your memory, haha!! have fun~~ :p

08.08.2011 | 綠色的事

[#1232] 今日同大家分享我一啲同綠色食物有關嘅飲食習慣, 以備有朝一日若然請我食飯嘅時候, 大家會有個心理準備啦, 哈哈~~
[#1232] sharing some eating habits that i have with greens in today's post, so that you can be well prepared if there's one day you are giving me a nice treat, haha~~
蔥花 ◆ 我哋平時啲嘢食, 好多時候咪會有啲蔥花撒咗喺上邊點綴下嘅?? 視覺上我係鐘意嘅, 不過味覺上我就唔鐘意囉.. 通常(達99.9%)我都會將啲蔥花一一夾起, 係好奄尖好耐心嗰一種, 確保完全走晒青我先會開動食嘢架.. 服我耐力未?? 哈哈~~ :p

spring onion ◆ many times you'll notice our food is garnished with some spring onions on top, right?? though i find that visually appealing, i will never want to taste any of those.. as such, most of the time (almost 99.9%) i will pick the spring onion trace by trace, very patiently and pickily, and will not start eating til my food is perfectly spring onion free.. salute my determination yeah?? haha~~ :p

青菜 ◆ 記得我以前係完全唔食青菜嘅, 每次食完嘢, 碗碟總係淨返一片完好嘅翠綠, 哈哈!! 一直到廿幾歲先嘗試食青菜, 開始接受, 但係就唔知係乜嘢導致呢個轉變.. 人哋話, 當你發覺自己開始食苦瓜嘅時候, 就係你成熟之時喇, 真有此事?? :D

green leaves ◆ i still remember i didn't eat green vegetables at all when i was younger, and everytime my dish would left with a nice bed of greens, haha!! i think i only tried to eat some vegetables after 20 plus, started to accept and like them, but never know what has really caused the change.. i heard people say, once you start to eat bitter gourd, that's when you start to become mature, is that true?? :D

綠茶 ◆ 我幾鐘意飲綠茶架, 但係就只限於凍或熱齋飲, 其他用綠茶整出嚟嘅食物, 我真係完全興致缺缺.. 唔知點解, 就係覺得其他綠茶食品個綠茶味道好唔自然, 所以大家趨之若霧地鐘意埋晒啲咩綠茶雪糕/蛋糕/沙冰之類, 抱歉, 我通通都不感興趣.. :)

green tea ◆ i quite fancy green tea, but really only limited to drinking the tea alone, hot or cold.. for all other food made of green tea, i really have no interest in them at all.. i have no idea why, but i just feel those food made of green tea just taste so not natural, that is why when everyone is blindly craving for green tea ice cream, green tea cake, green tea frappuccino etc, sorry but i really won't be moved.. :)

04.08.2011 | 創意無限

[#1231] 全新創意包裝洗面霜??!! 哈哈哈~~ :D

其實我呢支洗面霜基本上係用晒, 吃盡奶力唧到十隻手指紅晒, 都依然唧唔到半分出嚟.. 但係我深信裡面應該仲淨返好多, 就咁揼咗去好嘥囉, 所以我決定剪開一半, 方便用手指撩乾淨佢吖嘛.. 嘩!! 原來真係仲有好多架, 夠我用多半個月綽綽有餘!!

至於圖中手指指嘅係咩呢?? 剪開咗我怕會乾吖嘛, 所以靈機一觸咪用隻(見得下人嘅)夾仔夾住佢囉, 哈哈!! 不過我懶理你話我精明消費定孤寒成性啦, 我話用得唔好嘥至重要, 啱唔啱?? :p
[#1231] brand new innovative packaging for facial cleanser??!! hahahaha~~ :D

actually i've almost finished my facial cleanser, even though with all my effort till all fingers got redden, i still can't squeeze out a single mm out of the tube.. but i believe there's still a lot inside and hence i decided to cut it into halves so i can pick the cleanser using my fingers.. and wow!! there's really a lot left in it, more than enough for another two weeks use!!

you might also wonder what's that thing being pointed in the picture?? i'm afraid the cleanser will dry off being exposed, so *lightbulb* that (rather presentable) clip came into my mind and fits perfectly, hahaha!! well, i don't care whether you think i'm thrifty or stingy, what's more important to me is be practical and don't waste the cleanser, agree?? :p

01.08.2011 | 七月排行

[#1230] 自從上個月出其不意地宣佈咗2011第二季博客大賞兩位得獎者之後, 四方八面讀者們都紛紛踴躍留言, 七月留言數目比起六月激增36%!! 非常感激各位讀者嘅支持, 第三季博客大賞第一個月統計已經定稿, 排行榜變動不大, 第二個月呢一刻正式開跑, 希望大家再接再勵, 我其實好緊張想知道邊位會成為第三季博客大賞嘅得獎者囉!! :)

[#1230] since the shocking announcement of the winners for Blogger's Awards 2nd Quarter 2011, there has been a flux of comments from readers around, making the total comments for July a whooping 36% increase compared to June!! really grateful to all the support from everyone, the stats for first month of 3rd quarter is finalized below, no major change to both the charts, and the second month of 3rd quarter shall begin right now, hope everyone will keep up with the momentum and i can't wait to see who will be the winners for 3rd quarter!! :)
最多留言讀者五強 Top 5 Productive Commenters **
#.(#) 博客 Blogger留言 Count累積 Accm
1.(1)  Twilight Man @ Twilight Zone
★★ 連續兩個月雙榜冠軍!! Tops both charts for two consecutive months!!
2.(2)  foongpc @ My Very First Blog7777
3.(4)  lina @ Life In My Own Backyard5353
4.(3)  bluedreamer27 @ Top Five4040
5.(5)  Bananazஇ @ BananazஇPeople3232
最常留言讀者十強 Top 10 Frequent Commenters **
#.(#) 博客 Blogger頻率 Freq積分 Point
1.(1)Twilight Man @ Twilight Zone
★★ 連續兩個月雙榜冠軍!! Tops both charts for two consecutive months!!
2.(4)lina @ Life, In My Own Backyard10/109
3.(3)bluedreamer27 @ Top Five10/108
4.(-)Bananazஇ @ BananazஇPeople10/107
5.(5)suituapui @ Still Crazy After All These Years10/106
6.(9)yvonne @ From TAIPING with LOVE10/105
7.(7)Isaac Tan @ eXperiences10/104
8.(5)Alice Law @ My Little Sprouts10/103
9.(9)海市蜃樓 @ 海市蜃樓10/102
9.(9)Hayley @ .:: Hayley & Herself ::.10/102
9.(-)Pete @ Peteformation Foodie Adventure10/102
** 以上統計基於2011年七月份十篇貼, 七月卅一日晚上11:59截止
** statistics based on the 10 posts in July 2011 till 11:59pm 31st July