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05.09.2006 | 夜色無邊

如果話呢張相係由我間房度影出黎既, 你信唔信啊?? 哈哈.. 講下笑嗟, 邊有咁靚啊?? 張相係尖沙咀星光大道影既.. 不過話是話丫, 我間房的而且確係可以好清楚咁望到中銀大廈, IFC 同埋Central Plaza架.. 如果你唔知係邊幾棟, 張相由左至右至高尖果三棟..

hmmm, 眨眼間原來我係香港都兩個幾月喇.. 迎著了中銀競賽, 匯豐燈飾給你剪綵..


  1. Yeah... HK night is the most beautiful view in the world... though I have never been to HK, but I heard a lot of ppl telling me the same thing... :)

    I so envy you man :)

  2. well you know, photos always look nicer than it is supposed to be.. haha!! anyway it's really worth a visit for the magnificent night time view frankly, i supposed there's none of the european cities like this?? the harbour is almost lit-up by the neon lights..

  3. european city night?? well, my experience tells me BORING :D ha ha ha ha ha ha... and DEPRESSING. seriously, even the natives here tell me the same thing... there is NO life at night here...

  4. hmmm?? i thot amsterdam is getting livelier at night?? haha..

  5. Hey please try to take the Star Ferry from TST - Central as much as you can before the Central Harbour is moved (for me!). I will surely miss the Central Harbour 70s design now.
    It just happened that my last stay in HK (Marco Polo Gateway), the room faced Central Harbour, so I was in a way grateful.
    Memories memories now...

    Can get me some postcards of Star Ferry Central Harbour?

  6. i've taken the Central-TST ferry trip once.. but didn't know it's going to be moved.. what type of postcards you want, where and how to get it arrr??

  7. Hmmmm if you take the Star Ferry again from Central to TST, you will know where to get the postcards. Hint: Get the postcards while you are still on land.

    Thank you~~~

  8. hmmmm i'll keep an eye on it laaa.. will sure get you some nice nice ones lorr.. or else i take nice nice photos for you with me posing in them laa.. hahaha!!

  9. thank you ...
