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01.08.2006 | 十年前..

十年前高三理(一)班合照.. [揾唔揾到我??]

見小年係個 blog 度貼過兩張高中時期既相, 覺得好抵死啊.. 不過好彩佢始終冇將我以前副尊容公諸與世, 因為我記得曾幾何時警告過佢唔好搞埋D咁既野, 算你識做.. 睇返以前D相, 尤其呢一張就更加經典, 諗返起好多當年既事情.. 講真啦, 高三果一年其實係我過得最開心最難忘既一年黎架.. 如果你都係幅相度, 你又會諗起乜野咧??

小年, kamkui, 沛淫, mark, botak, chuan, pek, bobby, i'm a girl, i'm a woman, susu, 宏爺, 草上飛, 癡線, 阿山, 老爺忠, 豪哥, zebra, 犀牛, 阿lin, bolok, 枝枝, 阿良, 阿牛, 維偉, 曉君, 筱婷, 徐志豪, 睿建, 古子健, 傳權, 阿鳥, 范國良, 翁詩仁, 韋震雄, 子佳, 毅偉, 秋娣, 長夷, 冠延, 玉堂.. 仲有原本應該係入便既小君.. 我記得晒每個人既名啊, 算係唔話得呱??


  1. Oh man! Look at us, full of life and hope! :D

  2. ..and that was 10+ years ago!! have you ever imagined how you would look like 10 years later back then?? well, it's exactly what you are now..

  3. well.. actually that would be the 11th Anniversary by October.. but I thought we had a gathering in MV during CNY beginning of the year??

  4. Aiyo. Seem like I missed out alot. Who is 'I'm a woman' ? This is new to me.

  5. "I'm a woman" is a friend of "I'm a girl".. I think you will know by matching on all the girls' name.. hahaha!!!

  6. oh yes. now i know.
    so she become a victim for being fren with 'i'm a gal' or she did say that ?
    Is that ah liang ? - Last row, 3rd from the right.

  7. actually "i'm a woman" is sort of the "by-product" for "i'm a girl".. cos they only talk to each other in the class.. hahahaha!!

    yup, that's ah liang at the last row 3rd from the right.. did you manage to find me then??

  8. yes of course ! you are so outstanding !
    i can also see tandulan there in the pic ...
