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2015.02.24 | 短訊禮節

[Volume 10 Issue 2, #1996]
The Etiquettes of Social Messaging
The Etiquettes of Social Messaging/Chats
大家嘅新年假期過得開心嗎?? 梗係大事歡慶, 大事吃喝(加埋大事賭博), 同埋收到好多嘅祝賀短訊定喇.. 當然, 貫徹我一向(不太主流)嘅博客作風, 我唔會寫我新年點過囉.. 大家都係做同食埋咁上下嘅嘢, 你想知就去睇其他人嘅blog啦, 哈哈!! 今日我就想寫下關於我哋手機內, social chat apps所收到嘅短訊 - 發送短訊的禮節..

好簡單嘅一條問題: 你最唔鍾意邊啲發訊息嘅人??
鍾意將一條訊息分幾個嚟發嘅人, 更不能不提一連串惱人嘅鈴聲.. 舉個例: 「嗨!!」 > 「你好呀」 > 「好耐唔見」 > 「LOL」 > 「有冇約人?」 > 「出嚟見個面吖」 > 「飲杯嘢啦不如?」 > 「請回覆」.. 大可以short and sweet用一個短訊搞掂啦, 譬如話喂, 「出嚟飲杯嘢啦」.. 我想話呢, 除咗個send button之外, 其實係有個 return/enter key㗎囉~~
鍾意成日check住晒對方有冇睇短訊, 又expect對方要即刻回覆嘅人.. 其他人就或者可以, 不過我就唔係一日睇手機86400次嘅人(註:1日=86400秒), 更何況我係因為個案(A)而mute晒啲apps嘅.. 所以話, 如果你唔可以做到自己嘅要求, 就唔好要求別人可以做得到囉..
鍾意失驚無神發個「嗨!!」俾人之後又靜晒落嚟.. 係諗住我「嗨!!」返你咁簡單定諗住我會問你有咩事呀?? 如果有嘢就麻煩請講唔駛等人回應, 唔駛搞到個對話神神秘秘咁嘅.. 如果我心情靚, 問下有咩事, 唔該唔好就咁消失, 搞到個對話半天吊..
鍾意用全大楷字母打短訊嘅人, 仲要用一連串嘅感嘆號.. 或者你自己察覺唔到, 但係對方睇到你如比此一則短訊之後, 係會覺得你喺度鬧緊佢, 仲有你用咗幾個感嘆號就代表你有幾憤怒.. 唔該注意大楷字母有必要先用, 而另一方面, 其實用句號同逗號會比只係用感嘆號更能添加好感哦.. 下下要感嘆, 查實都好攰下化?? HAHAHAHA!!!
how was everyone's CNY holidays?? i bet you had lots of celebrations and feasting (and gambling), as well as receiving tons of messages on your phone huh?? of course with my (rather unorthodox) blogging style, i'm not going to write about how i spent my CNY.. everyone did and ate almost the same thing, if you want to know then please go read other blogs, haha!! today's post is rather inspired by the messages we received through chat apps - the etiquettes of social messaging..

simple question: what do you dislike most about people sending messages??
one who breaks a message into multiple short ones (not to mention the irritating series of notifications).. eg: Hi > How are you? > Long time no see > LOL > Going anywhere? > Wanna meet up later?? > Just for a drink > Please reply which can just be sent in a short and sweet message like "Hi there, wanna meet up for a drink?".. i just want to say, there is always an enter/return key instead of just the send button you can use..
one who keeps on checking if messages were read and expecting the other party to reply instantly.. okay, you may count on others, bt i don't look at my phone 86400 times a day (note: 1 day = 86400 seconds) and i mute my chat apps because of Case (A) above.. so, please, don't lay you expectations on others if you are not expecting yourself to do so either..
one who starts a conversation with a "Hi" and then gone silent.. are you expecting just a "Hi" back from me, or are you expecting me to ask if you have something to say?? if you have something to say, then please initiate that right away, there is no need to wait for a handshake, don't keep the conversation a mystery.. and if i give you a d*mn by asking what's up, then don't go missing and keep the conversation hanging..
one who uses all capital letters to type a message and what's more, with lots of exclamation marks.. you may not sense this, but this actually makes the recipients think you are scolding and the series of repeating exclamation marks links to the degree of anger in you.. learn to use uppercase sparingly unless you want to highlight something, and learn to appreciate the beauty of period or comma instead of only exclamation mark.. having to exclaim all the time, is, rather, quite exhausting huh?? HAHAHAHA!!!


  1. For the Type A, this one take so long to get into the topic, is more to like want to sell things to your, then ask you out for lunch or something then promote something, hahaha!!

    Type B only happens to me when I really want the answer/reply, if not usually I send already then I'll forgot same as I always read already then thinking of reply later, then in the end I'll totally forgot about it!! >.<

    I can be like the C type sometimes, but actually I'm waiting for the "Hi" back then only can continue mah!! If no hi back, I'll assume this person don't want talk to me, then the end of the story!

    I won't use all cap la! Only use that when I'm very mad of something, because I know even for myself that's very hard to read, sometimes when my friend she forgot to put it back to small cap, I also will request her to set it back to small cap!! A lot of exclamation marks ya?? As in like specify how many ya?? I love to use exclamation mark wor, but only a few, like 3 to 4 only...won't more that, if more than that, that is some sort of clarify something already!!

    1. no lah, some people just like to type a few words or one sentence (long or short) and then tap the send button lor.. they don't know there's enter key.. and i try to reply as soon as i read lah, if later sure will forget to reply and then people will find me very rude lor..

      errrr, i think it's okay to just ask "Hi, free to chat?".. reading three more words will use probably the same amount of time lah.. because you Hi like that, then i have to reply you what's up.. and then only you ask whether i am free to chat.. then it actually falls back to Type A lor, right or not??

      hahaha, we all know you like to use exclamation mark, because you NEVER use full stop.. and 3 to 4 is a few ONLY?? hahaha.. you want to get opinions from your readers?? hehehehe :p

    2. Hahahaha!!! Yah lo!! I wondering since since when I just stop to use full stop ha? Must practice it back to write back the proper sentence. Hahahaha....

    3. hahaha, actually since i started following your blog, i already noticed that woh.. i thought, why this girl only use exclamation marks geh?? hahaha~~

  2. Hello Good Morning Goat Bloggers! I am early today.
    Thambee you sure have strange friends from Chennai dei. They probably dunno how to type Enggerish fast! Just kidding dei.
    Honestly, I don't have exact similar message senders like you mentioned. They sounded like kids to me. I get most irritation from the Watsap Group chats from ex-school mates who created few different groups to talk hamsap & retarded topics, football bettings, school charity project and blah blah. They bore me to death until I deleted all but one.

    1. well, usually if one chat group has been "dormant" for quite some time, i will actually quit and delete that chatroom.. i don't like to keep too many inactive chats in my apps lah.. my phone not much storage space dei, all used to store pictures and games :D

    2. I am back now to give my comments after getting some messages from a corporate lady in the FB chat. Suddenly her style reminded me of your CASE A!!!!

      I felt that when someone like her is testing waters or getting emotional would text messages like the CASE A. At the bottom line, I got fake CNY greetings from her as she wanted to make use of me later!! Adoi...

    3. I think I behaved like CASE B sometimes and that made me paranoid. I must discard this unhealthy practice as if the end of the world is looming! Nah, those who feel inferior or kiasu, might behave like CASE B. I felt that I am embroiled in this advertising world of fast paced urchins who always want quick replies and answers! Many clients use watsap to text me, so it developed the similar habits in the long run!!

      Discard! Discard! Sever! Cut away all my bad habits for 2015!

    4. CASE C!!!! The devil of this caliber is none other than Desmond who sat next to you! Muahahahaha

      He always kena kanasai from me for texting me in this manner and then hibernate for many hours! Damn horrible fella! He would return and give me excuses that he was in a seminar or shopping or driving! Adoi...why texted me in the first place? This fella is cool like snails and couldn't care less~!!!

  3. Good morning and gong xi fa cai to everyone.. Yep, same here, won’t blog about how I spent my CNY kua, coz nothing special actually, visiting and eating only, and getting fat, haha..

    Let me recall, chor1 stayed in mil’s house, whole day vegetarian, eat from morning til evening.. Bit of gambling.. Chor2, went to my mum’s house for lunch, then back to my house for the kids to nap, then to my mil’s place for dinner, then went out to shop in hypermarket, just for the aircond, haha.. Chor3, in laws all come to my house and since I was the host, I cooked for everyone.. I made roast chicken, potato and egg and bacon salad, cream sauce bacon and ham spaghetti and simple fried sausages for the kids.. And they gambled whole day til evening.. After they left, I vacuumed and mopped the house and washed toilets.. Chor4, went to hubby’s boss house, then stayed home.. Yesterday? Took one day’s leave to go shopping with hubby, sent the kids to the nursery, then we can go paktor ma..

    That’s all.. Today hoi kong liao, at work now..

    1. Ok, enough introduction about myself.. Now, let’s talk about your post.. I read all your cases, the one that pissed me off is Case D, using capital letters to type.. Sorry, not being offensive, but I really dislike people typing in capital letters wor, sounds and look so rude, and I feel like I’m stupid when I’m reading it.. Like the other party scared you dunno how to read English like that, need to write in capital letter to make you see like that, eeewwww…

    2. Case C leh, errrm, I do that sometimes, but I do that to “test water” and see if the other party replies.. Once he replies, I will continue the conversation geh.. Of course I won’t keep quiet after that lor.. But I have some friends doing that to me, saying Hi, and then MIA.. This one, I paling don’t like.. So I usually ignore the conversation after I reply, and no more reply from him..

    3. Case B is interesting coz I do that too.. I will check my whatsapp to see if the tick has turned blue, so that I know he has read the message kua.. Two grey ticks, ok, he has received, but if no blue ones, I’ll feel like not secured, or I’m not important, since he’s not reading my message wor..

    4. Case A, yay! Same here, I prefer sending a long message la, coz I like reading long messages too, but I have to say most people break the message into many lines la.. Coz easier for them to type kua.. Like type and send, type and send, no need to type type type and then send? Haha..

    5. errr, i think it's very fine to just type "Hi, free to chat", just tell the intention lah.. if you Hi then expect people to reply, and then only you ask whether free, then it actually falls back to Case A lor.. agree??

      errr, i actually don't care if someone reads and not reply lah, unless it's something that i need an answer, but usually people will answer me lah.. haha, because i seldom say nonsense lah, if nonsense then i cannot expect people to give response right?? :D

      and all caps, aiyoh, yes that actually sounds like you are raising your voice shouting.. unless you are saying things like THANK YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY etc, that's more like you are happy.. but if you say BRING YOUR BOOK TO ME!!! (with additional exclamation marks) that actually sounds like ordering lor..

  4. 早安!好久沒有過來留言了。
    畢竟大家都有共識 留言是有空的時候看的
    另外我比較怕那些short form 縮寫

    1. 對呀, 如果真的是urgent的話, 就打個電話三口六面講凊楚嘛.. message不是每個人都立即看立即回的嘛..

      全cap的應該不是眼裡難讀, 而是心𥚃難讀吧?? :p

  5. I think Case (A) tends to happen to Whatsapp. Got wifi, free messaging ma, and Whatsapp is like a chat app, when you chat you make short statements. If people do that via SMS, then I will scold back: "Chi jor sin ah? Too much credit on your phone to waste??"

    If I get messages like in Case (C), a "Hi", I would reply with: "Yes? What's up?".. No need to initiate anything, just respond in a way that makes him cut to the chase fast..

    1. yeah, you got that point, i actually wanted to say that but then don't want to make the post that long lah.. anyway, nowadays many packages come with free SMS already also, and fret not they will not do that.. it will soon become SSMS (super short messaging service) already~~

      yeah, of course when someone Hi me, i will ask what's up.. got fart then fart lah, hahaha!!!

  6. Usually i don't use all capital letter... Usually depends, if it so happen i was on my hp, i will reply the msg fast, if busy, won't be so fast, and i not 24 hours on the phone...

    1. yeah, unless i am saying things like THANK YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY etc then only i'd use all caps.. and i don't look at my phone often, so it may usually take me some time to reply to messages

  7. i seldom use capital letter, that's very rude...



    2. yeah, as opposed to what Twilight Man types above, how do you find this which he often says??



    3. Aiyo! How can you Thambee label me as a vulgar bradder of yours! I thought you were the one who taught me the word KNNCCB!!! No? Now I say KNNCCB to you!


      Dei, enough of vulgarism for this is CNY season. Nanti all the luck kena evaporated pula.

  8. Happy Chinese New Year SK!

    1. Hope you had a great time during the long festive weekend.

    2. Got a lot of angpow?

    3. If comment like this, how? Annoying tak? * evil chuckle*

    4. yes, very irritating.. but luckily you put them all under the same comment threat, so this is fine for me.. hahahaha!!!! if you have break one comment into a few, and all are new threads, i really hate that :D

  9. Case A - I have not experienced anyone doing that to me. Not yet anyway. I have to agree with you that it is annoying. Sayng the whole thing in one message makes more sense to me that breaking it up into many messages. If you started to respond to the "How are you" and then suddenly so many other messages comes through from that same person after you sent your reply, alamak, very irritating lah. And yah, the phone beeping every few seconds is very distracting! Best to mute the chat apps like you did and then check for messages later.

    1. yeah.. you got that point too.. sometimes i just have to ask if they have finished sending all the messages.. and sometimes in order to avoid all those beeping, i totally mute the phone and i only go and see the messages one shot after 5 minutes.. and most probably it just take a sentence to answer all~~ :D

  10. Case B - You won't know if the other person keeps on checking if their message was read and expect immediate response unless if they hassle you, right? Some will send a message and then phone shortly if you didn't reply. So impatient. I mean, if it is something very urgent, it is best to call me rather than send a message. I could be in the toilet or the kitchen and may not realize that your message came through.

    But I admit that sometimes I do keep checking if my message was read. For instance if I message my partner to tell him that dinner will be ready soon hah..hah...

    1. oh, i hate those!!! if you can call then just call and ignore the message lah, if that is so urgent (to you).. i mean sending message is not like chatting with a real person, you are actually talking to a phone to be exact, so don't actually expect for a very humanly immediate response lah..

    2. Very well said here, SK

    3. i also heard this comment from a DJ over radio :)

  11. Case C - I have also not experienced this as yet. Come to think of it, maybe this person who sends a "Hi" is just checking if you are available. If you responded, then that means you are around/free and then he or she will be more comfortable to send you the intended message. But of course, like you said, if you responded and then there is silence - then I really do not know what this person is up to. It is so pointless, right?

    1. errr, would it be better to just say something like "Hi, free to chat" if you really care?? i mean you are actually typing message, it's equivalent to sending email or leaving a message to an answering machine, when the other party picks up the message, meaning they are reading and it won't make a difference to see "hi" and "hi, free to chat".. and expecting the other party to reply "hi" and then "what's up" actually falls back to Case A right??

  12. Case D - Hmmm...this person is probably highly excited all the time hah..hah... talking loudly and excitedly as expressed by the capital letters and repeated exclamation marks.I am aware that capital letter signify anger and the degree of anger is denoted by the number of exclamation marks. But that would depend on what was said in the message. But I guess generally speaking, it is best to avoid capital letters.

    An innocent message like "Dinner will be ready soon" and "DINNER WILL BE READY SOON!!" does sound different doesn't it? The first one, I am simply telling him that dinner will be ready soon and hopefully he comes home on time. But the second one sounds more like me yelling and telling him to haul his ass back home immediately because dinner will be ready soon hah..hah...

    1. hahahaha, but i do come across some who actually use all caps but totally understandable.. especially last time we chat over MSN etc, some people are using some very old text-based system that need them to type in commands in all caps.. and they are so used to that, having their capslock always on, they use to chat in all caps.. but that's not really their intention to raise their voice lah.. haha!!

  13. Another problem that I have, which may not happen to you, is receiving a message or greeting from someone who is not in my phone contact. The person probably thinks that I know who he/she is and does not leave his/her name at the end of the message. I feel it is best to put your name if this is the first time you are messaging someone. It is awkward to have to text back "Happy New Year to you too and by the way, who are you?".

    1. oh yeah.. it's not irritating to me but that would rather confuse me instead.. shall i actually go and ask "who you are" and sound very rude, or i'll just have to pretend i actually know him/her, chat on and slowly find out who the person is from the conversation?? hahaha.. anyway, i think now Whatsapp actually puts the name of the person somewhere at the top corner of the chat balloon if the number is not in your phone list - but you pray they are using their real names :D

  14. I am looking at the four situations again. In Case A - some people treat messaging on the phone like a chatroom. I remember the first time I went into a chatroom, the conversations were so fast. Sentence after sentence just comes out way too fast for me to respond. But that is a conversation, you can just talk and your sentences just comes flying out whereas phone messaging is different and should not be treated like a chat. Unless if both parties willingly engaged in a chat then it is fine.

    1. i do actually think messaging is like a chatroom especially now that you can create a group and everyone can go in to read and type messages.. that would be most irritating if everyone is like Case A, that is why, group chat is always muted in my phone.. i'd rather go check for new messages manually, haha

  15. In Case B - if it is something important or super urgent (in which case, better to pick up the phone and call) can't really blame the person for being so anxious to receive a fast response. Usually if I am in the office, I will respond quite promptly to messages. If I went out of my room, I will be sure to check my phone when I come back in just in case messages cam through when I was out. But there are times when I do miss messages but will respond as soon as I see them.

    But though I am prompt, I do not expect others to be like me. I mean, they could be busy and have tons of things to do or simply did not switch on their phone/out of wifi zone/in a meeting etc. If it is something reasonably important, then I will check back with them the next day because they may have forgotten.

    1. oh yeah, it would be more efficient to make a call if things are urgent and need absolute confirmation.. because sending messages to and fro takes time and sometimes you may misunderstand each other.. unless one is not convenient, or it's a friend in another country.. but hey, nowadays we already have free calls on those chat apps right??

  16. Honestly, unless if the know that person well, in Case C I will not bother to reply. I know that is rude but just a "Hi" leaves me feeling empty like "huh???". If you are simply checking if that person is available, be more forthcoming and make your intentions known. Like "Hi. Are you busy? Can I message you now?". Then I am more likely to reply because I know what you want. Or if you simply miss me hah..hah.. and just want to say hi you could put it this way "Hi! Just thinking of you". Wah, I am suddenly so perasan :D hee..hee...

    1. well.. if i need to "Hi" someone, i will never just stop at the "Hi" but i will right away followed a message on my intention.. this is not to make a mystery out of the conversation.. though it's messages but still i guess it would be good to go straight to the point, let the other party be prepared for what you are going to chat about - be it a real serious topic, or just some jokes or nonsense :p

  17. I actually like your advise of learning how to appreciate the beauty of period and comma because some people simply do not know how to use them! I have received messages that go on and on and on with no comma or full stop just like a train moving down the track at full speed. I have to read a few times to understand what this person is saying. Alamak, headache!

    1. hahaha.. that is why we have punctuations in this world!! it really helps us to read and comprehend the sentence, and more importantly to avoid misunderstanding.. :)

    2. I am guilty of this, of not using punctuation marks in my message, hee hee, cos lazy to type the punctuation mark lah, but I will make sure my message make sense

    3. but in certain case, the punctuation is not needed and by common sense we can understand the message.. but in some cases, the punctuation is a must, else there will be misunderstanding..

  18. Speaking of capital letters, I think it is acceptable in certain situations. Maybe among friends and close family members and even then it depends on what you are saying. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! MAY ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE! doesn't sound too bad or I WOULD BE SO HAPPY IF YOU COULD COME TO MY HOUSE FOR A SIMPLE DINNER. I MADE CHEESECAKE AND CHOCOLATE CAKE! I LOOK FORWARDS TO SEEING YOU!!



    2. HAH!!! HAH!!! HAH!!!




      Our comments don't sound rude at all as we are so polite but outsiders might think I am a retarded blogger!

  19. I think with the advent of instant messaging, WhatsApp and whatnot messaging applications, there is a tendency for people to also expect instant replies. This is the expectation gap that has been created and I am not surprised as I know of lots of people who are never far from their phones. Even when walking, eating, shopping, driving, (and who knows even in the toilet) their eyes are constantly glued to their phones. It annoys me much when I am walking and people walk so slow or bump into me because their head is always looking downwards into their phones. So with that sort of habit, surely they would receive messages instantly and therefore be expected to reply instantly.

    1. hmmm, i actually don't expect instant reply.. because i understand that not all my friends look at their phones all the time.. or at least i am one, so if my friend are not expecting my instant replies, so they will not expect me to expect their instant replies too.. hehehehe!! afterall, if i need something urgently, i'll just make a call.. it's always fine for me to be turned down if the other party is not free or available for a chat..

    2. I guess if it's urgent,stop messaging. Just call else don't expect a prompt reply.

    3. yeah.. if urgent please call.. if need confirmation and discussion, please call.. it would be a bit tiring to keep on typing and cannot get a conclusion or consensus huh??

  20. Another thing that I dislike is messages that are vague. I don't know what exactly this person is trying to tell me and the message looks like it has been hurriedly put together without much thought. It's like this person expects me to read her mind. I have to message back to ask for clarifications and it is very time consuming. Nowadays when that happens, I just message back "Please be more specific.Thanks". That saves me a lot of time and prevents my blood pressure from rising.

    1. oh yeah.. vague messages and sometimes confusing messages too!! well, i will always try to understand what the other party is trying to say, and then ask a question to confirm if that was what he/she meant.. unless that is someone really close to me, i'd just reply with ???? and they would know that they need to rephrase to seek comprehension from me, hahahaha!!!

  21. Case C and case D are more like sending instantmessages in office. I do receive a hi from a collesgue then diam diam. Probably, I think shes trying to be courteous and check if I am available.

    1. errr, that's exactly what makes things hanging and mysterious.. "probably, i think" you mentioned huh?? that's no wrong to just type "Hi, I need your help" to get the other party to be more prepared with it..

  22. For case D, I guess that seldom happens now unless the sender is not IT literated or dunno how to use a phone. Anyway , I complaint about one such colleague before in my first job as I really cannot take it though I knew thats his habit.

    1. now using phone i think this has become rare.. last time remember the MSN or Skype days, some people are using all caps because due to their work, they need to type all caps command into their text-based system and their capslock is forever on?? haha..

  23. Hi SK, sorry rather late but better late than never. GONG XI FA CAI to you and family!! :)

    1. wow, so please give me 4 numbers!!! :D

  24. Also very sorry did not blog hop these few weeks. Too busy doing stuffs and preparation for CNY.

    1. even if it's not CNY you also don't blog hop right?? hahaha :D

  25. I don't think I am in the Case A, B, C or D category haha!! Yeah can be a bit irritating for Case A. I have friends who are like that. But most irritating is Case D - thankfully not many people are like that! :)

    1. glad that you are neither A, B, C or D!! but wait, looks like you are A from the three comments seen here, muahahaha :D

  26. I don't like to send series of short sentences. So definitely I dislike people to do that to me unless we are chatting away. And I don't always look at my phone too unless it's important. I usually message someone if I really need to but it's totally different if it's a chat group when we can message anytime. I also try to avoid using all upper case unless necessary.

    1. yeah, you have got a very good etiquette in social messaging!! thumbs up Wenn~~ :)

    2. Best is don't message, just call and get your messages across.

    3. But there's certain people they can be very calculation, they pay the phone bill, as in just the data, and it costs while you make a call, so this also explain why got retain among of person just want to message but not call. >.<

    4. errr, now can actually use those chat apps to make free calls already lah.. i think the trend now is VoIP (voice over IP) already.. packages all comes in buying data plan and then free talk time and SMS..

    5. If I have the time, I still prefer to call especially to those whom I haven't seen for a long time. It's true that messaging now is cheaper than calling.

    6. yes, very true.. a call feels a lot warmer and "human" than just a message :)

  27. The one that irks me most is Case D. When I get a message on Whatapps with Caps, I will straight away tell the sender, please, no need to shout and the sender will most likely reply, no, I am not shouting. Then I will inform them that caps mean shouting in messaging but they will say, no lah, just use caps cos cannot see, not shouting but then some will not use caps after that but some will still use capital letters because they say they can see capital letters better.

    If I am chatting with someone on Whatapps I will send short sentences like Case A because I find if I type more than 2 sentences, in many instances, the person will only read 2 sentences at most and miss my other sentences so I keep them short to make sure the other person reads all my sentences and reply them.

    For Case B, if I am in the middle of something I will not look at my messages so will not reply immediately. Usually if I want someone to reply my messages urgently, I will miss call them or call them straight away instead of waiting for them to reply me.

    I do like Case C too sometimes if I am unsure whether the person is online at the moment or not or whether the person is in the mood to chat or not so I will just leave a Hi to test water and see what they reply with. If they reply me with long sentences, it means they are in the mood for a chat and I will chat with them. Usually I leave a Hi when I just want to have a leisure chat to catch up and while away the time, nothing urgent. So which Case irks you most?

    1. I hate A.. and I wonder why need to "testwater" with that Hi?? can't just say something like Hi, free to chat?? or Hi, I need your help etc?? if waiting for the other party to Hi back and you only state your intention after he/she asked, it falls back to Case A right?? afterall you still need to wait for the response after the message, wouldn't it be better if you state your intention right away and get the other party to be prepared rather than keeping it a mystery - he/she might think you need urgent help and would interrupt what he/she is doing right now to chat with you whereas if you stated some intention you can wait, then he/she may just continue with his/her work.. just my opinion..

      wah!!! must reply to every short sentence message you sent one ah?? hahahaha.. like that you gimme one long comment and I considered replied already?? hehehe~~ :D

    2. I agreed with SK. Just said what you want to say la including buying me a drink. hahaha...

    3. yalor.. it's leaving a message like you are speaking to an answering machine.. just tell your intention and the other party will sure be more happy to reply accordingly, instead of having to guess what's the matter..

  28. Case A always happens especially to folks I didn't met for very long. Haha ..it can be irritating for folks I don't feel like meeting. For close friends , ok la

    1. it will be irritating no matter how close the person is with me, haha!! if course if not close I won't say anything, if close one sure kena hentam by me by retaliating by sending one word to him/her at a time xD

    2. You are very naughty SK haha :P

    3. when you are totally irritated and gets agitated, you may also want to do so :D

  29. Errr..... so far case b didn't happened to me except dating times especially during arguments and quarrels....... lol

    1. hehehe.. so you hi your then-gf and now-wife to see if she is still angry with you?? xD

  30. Oh my goodness. I read Case A and already I am hiding my face. Then I read Case B and I was like 'damn, SK is talking about me'. And then Case C came and I was too shy to continue to Case D but curiousity made me click it also and then BAM! Confirm SK talking about ME!!!!

    1. wah!!! sure or not?? all four also kena??!! hahaha.. then if you wanna WhatsApp me then you better USE SEND SPARINGLY, HIDE YOUR EXCLAMATION MARK AND TURN OFF YOUR CAPSLOCK!!!!!!


  31. Terus DELETE whatsapp, wechat, FB and everything!!!!!!!

    Too shy to update anything dy... :'(

    1. aiyoh why DELETE?? you can't just be a cave woman but all these apps to keep you going with time.. :p

    2. Merryn can't live without social networks...lol

    3. of course lah.. if she is gone, then all those advertisers dunno go where to find people already~~ :p

  32. I am like case A and I always kena scolded by my sis, she says can't you type all the words in one message but break them into multiple messages :P

    1. actually while I mention this thing in messaging, it also applies to commenting here la, please take note, hehehe!! :p

    2. yeah, I also felt like your sis, it can very irritating. I do have comments like this and most of the time, I waited for that fella to finish typing else I just ignore. In work, cannot ignored la but it also depends on who message me.

    3. yeah.. for those who likes to break messages and send multiple ones.. i will wait for them to finish before replying lor.. it will be weird to reply, and then right away there comes another message which is of a totally different intention.. that's very embarrassing also..

  33. This is a fun post, with all the funny comments, especially the CAPS comments, make me laugh

    1. Caps letters always sounds rude!



  34. I guess with the advent of smart phones, people tend to rely on messaging and if one didn't reply, they thought you are rude or can't be bother with them. Years ago, I got a friend who was angry with me for not replying his instant messages where I was busy in work and he ended all connections with me. He even scolded me for not replying him. Alamak... you think people so free entertaining all your chats ? if you have urgent things, just call!

    1. I guess now is even worst, as they've the blue take for what's app and "read" for LINE, so the person on the other will be keep on thinking why this person "read" already but never reply my message. >.<!!

    2. yeah, i think some people are just very unreasonable.. they always put others into their own shoes, haiyoh, come on lah..

  35. Case A, yes, why sending so many short messages, where by can send one single message with multiple lines? This fella must be trying to test the water to see whether there is any response.

    1. Case B, me too, I may not response to WHATAPPS immediately one, because my phone has no data plan. I will reply when I have WIFI. So, i prefer people to call me or SMS me, if need immediate response.

    2. "Just to say hi" sounds better than typing "Hi" only. I encountered this type of people too. I think this people trying to check whether there is any response from the recipient. About the same as the Case A.


      This type of people is too lazy to toggle between the keypad to change from Upper case to Lower Case and vice verse. This type of people is too lazy to use comma, full stop, question mark, and all as well. Don't you think so. Heheheh!

    4. yeah.. i actually hate that especially the non-stop notifications and beeping on the phone.. and hahaha, i am one who definitely take longer to reply my message, because i mute Whatsapp and i don't see my phone all the time..

      errr, type Hi and briefly Hi, may I xxxx?? actually make no difference in the effort spent, but then it will mean a lot to the other party.. just prep them for that you are trying to say, wouldn't it be better?? and hahahaha, you are right, this happens last time.. you know those people when MSN, Skype but their work requires them to keep the capslock on as they have to use all caps command for their text-based system?? they are so used to all caps and actually feel nothing.. :D

    5. Silly me do not know how to mute the notification alert in WHATAPPS. After you mentioned here, I quickly did so just now. I mute all the chat notification in Whatapps, WeChat and Line. Hehehe! Now I feel so quiet.

    6. hahaha, now Yannie knows about the beauty of the mute feature in Whatsapp?? of course i only mute the chat groups, i did not mute the individual chats..

    7. Aiyo! I thought this Yannie is IT expert in office but didn't know how to mute the phone. Muahahahaha
      I muted all the nuisance chat groups of naughty boys and left only from my wife to be activated otherwise I would miss important matters.
      Most of the phones in my office are Samsung brands and many do not mute their phones. Whole day you can hear all the noisy beeps and musics! Kaneeneh!

    8. But ho, the Whatsapp notification is quite useful also one, at least we know someone send us messages and can read it immediately ma. Last time I off the notification so I always don't know if someone send me messages until I check my phone, sometimes kena 'asked' by my friends 'why so late baru reply one??', hehe!
      After that I decided to turn in on la, especially after I started my online business, cause sometimes customer asking questions on products and wanna buy products so it's best if I can provide instant reply, every messages could be a business for me ma! xD

  36. I can't live without my handphone so I am always checking my messages and I usually reply messages almost instantly unless I choose to ignore the person

    1. For case C, sometimes I think they are just trying to be friendly by saying hi first

    2. it depends.. when i am using my phone then i will reply instantly, else i always put my phone aside and only check for new messages when i remember :D

    3. Wah! Libby is so efficient to reply messages instantly but why no reply in blog comments one? I always try hard to reply all the blog comments but when too many, I sweat pula.

    4. I think I can't live without my phone too, especially those social messaging apps! Haha!
      As for SMS-es, I seldom get SMS-es from friends, cause we usually use apps like Whatsapp etc, but I do get a lot of SMS-es from banks/don't-know-what-companies like everyday, seriously very irritating lo! Some pula very smart, if you want them to stop sending you SMS-es you have to type reply and kena charge one wo! Ish ish!

  37. This is an interesting post and I like the way SK break down into the four different cases

    1. hehe, i always do this kind of break-down style, you notice??

  38. Case A, sometimes I do that, but not in SMS la cause every SMS-es also kena charges ma, who so kaya break the SMS-es into a few wo right? And if breaks the SMS-es into a few one, very hard for me to reply cause while I am typing another SMS come, or may be I already hit send then only he sends another SMS asking another question so that means I have to send another SMS also, waste money la!
    But instead I do that in Whatsapp/WeChat (since no charges also), sometimes just 习惯 already la, the 'send' button is so 顺手, so whenever I type one line I will click send then type another line, hehehe..
    Of course sometimes depends la, if the sentences are all relevant one of course I will use the comma and the return key to make them into one paragraph then only send lo.

    1. Case B, erm I will check if the message is delivered/read if the question I asked in urgent, and I super love the function of 'last seen at...' by Whatsapp. Not that we are checking on someone but at least we know when was the last time that person is available... Sometimes certain thing we need immediate reply ma!

      Case C, quite true, if you wanna initate a conversation just go ahead but not with just Hi! I mean after typing Hi you can continue on with what you wanna write... I also hate it when after I reply Hi, that person gone silent... What's the point? Main main ka? But if I am in good mood I will reply back 'whats' up?/anything?', if that person still no reply then I will just ignore it like forever, LOL!

      Case D, I seldom have this kinda friends wo, I mean those who use capital letters or exclamation marks a lot. To me if the person uses all capital letters/ exclamation marks he must be doing it on purpose. And exclamation marks means something very serious already la! Like a warning or something, so like you said, must use it sparingly.

  39. Alo alo sk. Hmmm...cannot see the cases using hand phone. Nothing appear.

    Cny me no gamble la. Not encourage gambling also As have witness the destruction it wreck though its just for fun


    OPPSSS !!! Am guilty of case A coz biasa srnd like that for whatapps :p.

    Case B C D not guilty....I dont always check is the msg read or not. BBut I do type short sentences n sent coz phone too much junk. Always hang if I type long .hhabis my cakar kucing.

  41. 個案A同B正正就喺我心聲,所以將通知關閉,落得清閑。
