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2014.11.10 | 企理規劃

[Volume 9 Issue 11, #1963]
A Perfectly Well Planned City Landscape
The City of Barcelona viewed from the air
唔係, 我最近都冇去旅行, 所以呢一篇唔係又再一篇旅遊貼文(松一口氣!!), 雖然我在2009年曾經到過巴塞隆納一遊.. 無意中見到呢一張相, 簡直就係驚為天人, 程度上更甚我當年身在該地嘅時候, 因為我真係唔知呢一個城市係規劃得如此完善的!! 大家睇下La Sagrada Familia(中間起咗好多座尖塔嘅教堂)四週呢個地區, 啲路係何等筆直, 建築整齊排列在路與路交替嘅「格子」之中, 每一座都呈八角形以提供每個街角更多光線與空間, 最後中間有一條大道(Avinguda Diagonal)對角切過整個城市.. 更加令人驚嘆嘅, 係因為我哋或者從未見過, 以及將來都唔會見到咁嘅情形出現在呢一片「能夠國土」上.. 唔會有先見嘅規劃, 有嘅只係拆舊建新, 九曲十三彎嘅道路只要銜接得到, 就可以天馬行空一條飛躍過一條, 同意嗎?? 呢一張相教識我一樣嘢, 我哋應該將首要事情先做得妥妥貼貼, 咁以後需要解決問題嘅機率就會大大降低啦..
nope, i have not been to any vacation lately, so this is not again a travelogue post (phew!!), though i have actually been to Barcelona in 2009.. i stumbled upon this photo and was totally awed, to a degree higher than when i was there because i didn't know this city was so well planned.. look at this area around La Sagrada Familia (the cathedral with lots of spires in the center), how straight the roads are, the buildings neatly arranged in "boxes" within intersecting roads, each block was built octagonal to allow more lights and space to the corners of roads, and in the center a straight road (the Avinguda Diagonal) cutting through the city diagonally.. awesome even more, since we probably have not seen and will not see this in our lovely Bolehland, no foresighted planning but instead always demolition of the old for the built of the new, and curvy roads built on top of one another anywhere they could find a way to connect, do you agree?? this photo inspires me that we should do the first thing right and chances we need to overcome problems in the future is greatly reduced..


  1. Barcelona, I want to go!!!

    The thing is usually people do things without planning, do first then only plan...

    1. Love this post, first is about Barcelona, second is about La Sagrada (reminds me of your awesome tribute post)

      The way they arranged this makes me think of the sim city, which I played long time ago, I stopped change laptop and because it needs the CD to run it all the time, then later on I also saw quite a few games about building city and stuffs one (but sad to say I just played for like a week then stopped, I hardly play a game for long) Why I brought up this is because when I was playing that game I also think like that, want everything arrange very well, housing area then housing area, everything same size, same colors, the buildings, buildings!!

    2. This also can say like when you go to this well arrange city, when you ask them about show the way to the destination you want to go, they'll answer you "few blocks down the road!" That time when me and my friends were so confuse "what few blocks down argh??" Hahaha!!

    3. yalor, I was jaw-dropped when I saw this photo.. didn't know the place that I have been looks like this from the top.. so neat and so well planned like SIM City, haha!! :)

    4. Now I thinking back, our boleh would never can have this kind of view even in the future, because even those under constructions are just locate here and there, not very equalized!! Yah, maybe it happens to landed house la, but that just only can happened to a very small area, won't be something like this!!

    5. yeah, actually there are a lot of factors involved in the planning also.. the geographical factor, the weather factor, the culture factor, the political factor etc etc.. and most prominently, because things has not been planned well from day one, so it's rather a challenge for subsequent development to go in plan, hahahaha!!

    6. Yah, they did wrong in the first day, but even so they don't know how rearrange back to the sequence just let it remain like messy building it...which is also why it can't become like this in our city!!

  2. Good morning bloggers..

    Eh, I thought I saw a (Dracula?) Minion post this morning, without any comments option.. So I just close it back and do my work.. Then I think think think, will SK still publish a post today even though he has published the Minion post leh? True enuff, I come back to check, and I see a new post liao..

    1. Yep, I saw your post on Saturday and I was like, “huh, SK won’t post on weekends one coz he mentioned before not “laku” and traffic is not much during weekends”.. I was guessing you accidentally hit the publish button, but then I was thinking, SK scheduled all his posts ger work, with auspicious timing and all, apasal can accidentally published pulak? I was prepared to comment on that Saturday morning, maybe lesser paragraphs coz it’s very hard to tuk-tuk in the phone, then mana tau, eh, no post.. So I know the post was accidentally published lor..

    2. Err, sorry, did I run too far again talking about the past post instead of today’s new post? Kekekekee..

      Ok, come, let’s start *scrolls up again and double read*

    3. Alamak, today’s post is about: Barcelona#travel#places#vacation#roads#buildings#landmarks kinda post ahh?

      Errr, scared bikin malu leh, coz I’ve never been to many places.. Come come go go just that few places nearby only..

    4. The photo (or the city or township?) looks so nice.. Like you said, well coordinated.. Very “neat and tidy” timm.. But that’s if you look from the above, in a plane or helicopter.. If you are in one of the towns in the picture, guess we won’t see that “pattern” or coordination so neatly “arranged” hor..

    5. I like your red phrase “do the first thing right”.. It happens everyday and to anyone I guess.. If we screw up the first thing and mess it up, then it’s very hard to right the wrong.. It’s not impossible, not saying it cannot be done, but that would take time and a lot of determination..

      I’m not talking about building the roads and streets and buildings or even a township.. You know la, I’m just a “siew lui yan”, I’m talking about day-to-day stuffs and little happenings like relationship with colleagues, work, things like that.. If we mess up the first thing, and when things start to get serious, then we will land ourselves in depression, while the other party is hee-hee-haa-haa enjoying himself.. Hmm, this reminds me of Fatal Attraction, a very old movie, dunno you seen it before mou..

    6. Oops, guess I run out of topic again.. You are talking about a so sophisticated nice township, and I talk about Fatal Attraction.. Hmmppphhh…

    7. yes, do the first thing right and I think with planning and a foresight of potential problems, the possibility that we will be challenged by issues in the future is minimum.. :)

    8. Yah, things can get very serious if we messed up at first, and it's hard to correct back, maybe some people can say if wrong at the first place then just let it be and let it kept on going it wrong and never thought of changing back, many excuses can be happened that too much obstacles to correct it back!! But the things is the before they start the first step they should start the plan, without the plan and simply launch the first step out then the rest of the steps came on next, they would hard to have any clues on how to continue it...

  3. Exactly! Exactly! Our town planning sucks. Forever korek-korek and our highway pun bengkang bengkok.

    1. i sokong with two hands up and feet too.

      the road tarak rosak go and korek korek till rosak then say wanna repair. Repair not the whole road. but rather patch here and there. When lorry pass by sure the road got hole again

    2. sometimes don't even need to korek, but suddenly the road will collapse and there the goes one "natural" lobang so save the work to korek for underground.. :D

  4. Our streets also not numbered systematically. To find a particular jalan, don't expect to use logic and sequence. Road number 3 can be very far off from road number 1 or 2. You sometimes have to pusing keliling a few times wasting time and petrol before you find your destination.

    1. that one not that bad....paling teruk is the road 1/XX 2/XXABC 3/XXCDF...okay la if see the 1, 2,3 ...can be different taman la....but sometimes the XX follow by a alphabet can also be at another taman. Really cantonose saying say "bring people go around the garden " lo

    2. exactly.. suddenly there jumps out a number from nowhere and you are stuck there wondering which direction you should proceed!! jalan still not too bad cos still within the area, but if taman or section, die lo~~

  5. Our townships and housing areas are built first without taking consideration accessibility, parking, etc. All that is important is making profits. Build first, all other matters belakang kira. That is why we have so much traffic congestion.

    1. there may be some kind of planning in new township I guess, but in already messy township, it's mess upon mess only.. :p

  6. Saw the link on Sat, was thinking, u got post on Sat meh, as usually on Weekend, no posting...

    1. You mentioned the same thing like mummy Ribbon did! Hmm I din't realize that, you guys were observant! May be SK was testing something on his blog?

    2. yeah that was just a filler post, so that it can cover the link of the accidentally published post on the blogroll.. I have taken that down so Hayley who's late will not see it :D

  7. Over here there is no such thing as do the first thing right. It is do first, see how and then take corrective action. Which explains why every now and then there is digging and road widening here, there and everywhere resulting in traffic jams and to go home or get anywhere you have to vomit a few pails of blood.

    1. maybe there was good planning but then later probably because of many levels of reviews and approvals by the different authorities, the "budget also changed" (you get what I mean here).. so in order to cope with the "changed budget and funding", something has to be done to "accommodate"..

  8. wow...it's really very well planned. It was such an old city, much older than our boleh's kay el , but it was designed in such an organised manner. The buildings are located in small squares all over with the famous cathedral in the background. Wonderful!!

    1. yes, indeed a very impressive township planning.. I was jaw-dropped when I stumbled upon this photo!! :)

  9. Mentioned Barcelona, football and Messi comes to my mind..haaha.. After all, it's a footballing city and one of the best in the world since day 1. Even Maradona played for them before.

    1. Same here, when I first heard about the name Barcelona many years ago, I think of the football team. Now still exist ar? Hehe sorry not a fan of football :p

    2. haha, after I have been to Barcelona.. the first thing that I can think of is my enjoyable time there back in 2009.. hehe!! it's really a very beautiful city.. :)

  10. I wonder who architect this planning since day 1? In Singapore, they do planned well but then that's due to land scarced. It's a blessing in disguise here.

    1. yyeah, I also wondered who architect all these.. it doesn't seem to be like just a recent planning.. that makes a higher degree of wow factor as it seems the planning was done hundreds of years ago..

  11. I hope I can fly there some time in my life and take some night scenes pixs of the city. It was awesome, amazing and beautiful!

    1. yes, it is indeed a very beautiful place.. I hope to go there again.. :)

  12. Of course in Bolehland, they build first, problems comes later. haha... Do you notice most of the tamans or cities are not well maintained? Old already , build another puteri-jaya.

    1. Haha, I like this sentence, build first, problems come later xD

    2. yes you are right.. in Bolehland, the philosophy is: do first, if problems come then worry later.. :D

  13. Good morning SAK and all..

    Sorry ah these few days neglected your blog. Cant say busy coz you die die busy u also got blog hope. Ahem....don;t marah ya....I maybe slow but I will come and comment when I can la.

    Vacation ah...hmm not a good time to think of vacation la SK. coz school holiday coming. Everywhere you go will be full of people leh...at least in Malaysia la..

    Then kena like your last japan trip...KLIA also full up LOL

    1. Same here, I also neglected my readers' blog lately, hur hur, not enough time leh! But finally today can steal some times out la, else I scare my readers will forget about me, LOL!

      Ya ho, school holiday coming, Mamarazzi got any plan? Sure crowded one, I can foresee Zoo Taiping sure many people, hehe! That's why I brought to Aden to museum yesterday, before school holiday, else sure crowded.

    2. who is SAK?? Semut Api Karemel?? muahahaha.. anyway, don't say that la, I don't force everyone to come to my blog and must read my posts and must leave comments lah.. there is no obligation here, so long as you are comfortable then do what you may.. we are all understanding people right?? hehe.. :p

  14. agree with you on our city not well plan la. Hujan sikit already banjir,

    My friend in the east coast lagi mati. Previous year during monsoon season will know agak agak which day and area will be flooded but latest two years they cannot estimate. All this is because they building a flyover near her place. All the longkang all sumbat. Last year flood her mom and her place kena teruk

    This year some more our dearest authority even come out with memo say no flood aid will be given.

    1. Hoho I agree, many places also same, always flood one, susah hati la!

    2. yalor, "Rome wasn't built in a day".. I use this not to describe the development but the problems that have accumulated over the time, hahaha!! sure got a lot of factors and things that have caused all the problems to happen, but the saddest fact is that, nothing is done and nothing is learnt!! haiz..

  15. The problem is, KL was not built right in the first place. If we want to fix this now, I think we will have to knock everything down and rebuild. Not sure if very many people would be willing to relocate for this to happen, not to mention the loss of the heritage side of KL.

    1. KL is not a planned city in the first place. It is just a mud estuary that grew organically into a city. Urban planning is a very interesting subject to study. :)

    2. yes very true, in the first place there is already no planning, and hence there is also challenges to future developments.. that was why many things need to be built on another thing, or old ones must give way to the new ones.. hope things get better in the future..

  16. That is indeed one awesome, jaw dropping nice city grid.

    1. yes, my jaw dropped onto the floor when I saw this :D

  17. You know where there is also a bit haphazard city layout?

    Japan. Muahaha

    1. errr, I would actually believe well planned is way more rare than haphazard :p

  18. Wahhh... very neat hor.. this Barcelona...ours is like a maze, right? Really an eye opener for me, if you didn't show this, I surely won't know...

    1. eih, actually planning a maze is more difficult than planning a grid like this huh?? haha.. :D

  19. 簡直驚為天人,睇到我O嘴!佩服

  20. wow, Barcelona is such a neat city to visit. Nice that you had visited it.

    1. yeah, it's a very beautiful place and I hope to go there again.. :)

  21. Hello Sk, I did not know that you are interested in urban planning - cities that are planned versus cities that grew organically.

    KL is a city that grew organically.

    For cities that are planned, many use the grid plan. Your photo shows Eixample with octagonal blocks. Thanks to you, I am curious and googled for more info and found this "Eixample Barcelona was designed by Progressive urban planner Ildefons Cerdà, in a grid pattern with long streets, wide avenues, and rounded street corners."

    Read more at http://all-that-is-interesting.com/post/11631868693/the-astounding-design-of-eixample-barcelona

    Future development on the fringe of KL could be designed like this but within inner KL, like RealGunner says, if really want to be redeveloped into this, everything must be destroyed and start again from scratch which is not very feasible.

    1. agree, we can't actually compare city development and planning as there are just too many factors that involve.. so in this post, I was very impressed by the photo of Barcelona in grids from the top, at the same time jokingly jibe about Bolehland, I always do this, muahahaha!! :D

  22. :O So awesome this place! So nicely planned, OCDs would approve!

    1. the OCD sexytary also approve means this is really something impressive!! :)

  23. Yea, I remember the tour guide mentioned about the structure and the landscape of the city when I was there in 2008. That La Sagrada Familia is so amazing right? It is like the must-go when we are at Barcelona. I am amazed at the architecture, really salute their creativity and hardworks, heard that it's still under constructions, they rely on entrance fees from tourists to continue to enhance the whole building.

    Bolehland sure cannot see this la, hehehe!

    'do the first thing right', hmm sounds like my ex boss, he always emphasize that, and will blame us if anything goes wrong.
    Yes everyone wish to do the right thing in the first place but sometimes some things are unforeseen/unexpected, else there'll be no accidents in this world lo right?
    We are only human beings, sometimes sure will 出错 one... :p

    1. I just walked and travel around Barcelona that time but really didn't know I was actually inside the grids like this, haha!! so I am really impressed by this photo.. I didn't go into La Sagrada Familia leh, just took some photos outside only.. if I have a chance to go Barcelona again, must pay to go in to see the stunning interior already..

      yeah if possible do the first thing right so that the chances we are challenged by problems are greatly reduced in the future.. :)

    2. Yes SK, if got chance must go inside! It's really stunning!

  24. fuiyoh, their town planner really well organized can plan out in such big scale! salute! Never scare of getting lost in that city coz it is so well-planned!

    1. yalor, so impressive!! I was there in 2009 for a 3 day trip but I didn't know I was actually in those "grids", haha!!

  25. 真的是很棒的城市规划!我们的就像是蚊和牛比,不然也不会每天都这里挖挖,那里挖挖 =.="

    1. 不過有時候連挖也不用挖., 馬路也會忽然凹陷一個大洞.. 省時省力, 不用挖就有一個天然的作地下鐵用哦!!! :D

  26. Wow! I was shocked and impressed to see how neat the streets of Barcelona!

    1. I only saw such neat rows of townships in similar manner was in America when the plane was landing at Chicago and Dallas. Anay's mouth dropped to the floor and realised we never could do this in our country. Why?? I guess our land contours of hills and ravines could not allow such neat town planning like Barcelona. I am sure some areas in Spain may not have so neat towns like this.

    2. Good point that Anay has shared here. There is a lot of limitation in our country, the limitation includes the landscape and also the attitude, the culture, the thinking and the behavior of us. Sigh!

    3. indeed I was jaw-dropped when u stumbled upon this photo!! I was three for 3 days in 2009 yet now only I know I was in one of those "grids" back then, haha!! but what was said is true, different places has got their own factors in the city planning, that involved geographical, climate, cultural, political etc etc.. all are nothing simple huh?? :)

  27. Amazaing, SK! I never know there is such beautiful landscape like in Barcelona. I was impressed to max now. Then, I have another country to add into my "wish to travel list".

    1. Some of the travel plans I can only materialize it when I am retired and no more commitment on children.

      Nice sharing SK, an eye opener for Yannie.

    2. yes indeed Barcelona is a very beautiful place to me, I would love to go there again.. so impressed by this amazing photo really.. hmm, don't have to wait till retirement la, very soon JAMY can go travel again.. :)

  28. Emm.... emmm..... I'm not good in architectural stuffs and so. Can't comment much on the photo above.

    I know what Ah Boy is saying here, before any development / construction / implementation, planning is one of the most important phase. Am I correct? Hehehe...

    1. yes, the point with this "do the first thing right" is all about planning ahead, as well as foresee risks and issues that may occur.. :)

  29. Bolehland and Bolehpeople are good in talking - NATO (no action talk only). I see that everyday in my office.

    I'm currently running out of time to complete the GST project for my company. I'm so dead now. The planning was so poorly conducted and by the time I got the project, I was given 1 month to finish it. ^%$##%^(*

    1. that is so true.. and even myself is NATOing here too!! muahahaha~~ :p

  30. Lovely, great town-planning. I think certain European cities have a certain height limit to buildings making it easier to design a look they want.

    1. ah yes, I think so they have such regulations put in force.. but I guess in the Bolehland, there isn't because things are always the higher the better, the bigger the better!! haha :p
