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2014.06.25 | 海莉自己
[Volume 9 Issue 6, #1911] 向博客致敬系列(11) ■ Tribute to Bloggers Series (11) |
Fing-Fing Boy: 54 Months Old Fing-Fing will turn 5 in half a year, how time flies!! I really miss the newborn him *emo mode on* Anyway, I shall do a quick update on his progress before he turns 5! 1. He always likes to kacau me in front of the laptop. Sometimes when I am blogging using my laptop, he will sneak in and appear right in front of me blocking the screen (making that 'i-want-you-to-kiss-me' look)! 转眼间Fing-Fing就快要五岁咯!虽然很开心看着他一天比一天大,不过心里却很希望他永远是新生儿,乖乖的,呵呵~(当爸爸就是那么矛盾吼?) 他时常喜欢来捣蛋,每次我在电脑前上网,他会偷偷出现在我面前挡着萤幕(摆出一幅要人亲亲他的样子)。 虽然他有时喜欢捣蛋,不过有时又可以自己一个人不用人家管。 好像当他 这小瓜有时真的蛮会收买人心的。 虽然他不会和别人分享他的Ribena,不过他会跑去拿两束花来送给我(尤其当我告诉他我生气的时候)。 真的是生气不下他了啦! xD 还是那么喜欢和我玩捉迷藏。 以前每次都躲在衣橱后面,而我就每次都不用找就能够找得到他。 现在呢,竟然转移阵地,喜欢躲在这个小叮当扇子后面,还以为我是真的看不见他 =_=' 自从买了这只Julius给他之后呵, 他每次都会把他抱着睡觉的。 我们去年去日本的时候,他甚至坚持要把Juliu也带去,每晚都要抱着他。 其实我觉得Julius也蛮丑的喇,算了吧,反正他自己喜欢就好了啦 =_=' Fing-Fing 最近爱上了在沙发上面玩,而且还是要把自己倒挂着呢! 可能是和爸爸一齐看瑜伽节目多了,所以也忙着学人做这些动作。 爸爸看了是很担心啦,如果弄上自己就大件事嘛。 现在我跟他说好好,不可一这样玩的,要不然那天就没有他最爱的Ribena喝咯! 有时骗到他,有时却不能~ 真的很想念他还是婴孩的时候﹐我会用一条白色的毛巾把他包得紧紧的(担心他着凉),这就是他那可爱的模样 :) 不过当然看着他一天一天地长大 |
this post is a tribute dedicated to Hayley @ .::Hayley and Herself::. (the post title 海莉自己 is Hayley Herself translated into Chinese).. so no need more introduction to this Blogging Queen from Taiping, with a super adorable Aden boy and who writes about parenting, beauty products, fashion and baking?? have not met her in person (but got many goodies she sent to me), she sure is a very nice person from what we can read from her posts and comments huh?? dear Hayley, thank you for your support and crazy comment spams, and how do you like this (not so cute monkey version) mimic of parenting post using your style?? hehehe.. :p 這一篇博文係特別獻給Hayley @ .::Hayley and Herself::.以示致敬的.. 對於呢一位來自太平, 有個非常可愛嘅仔, 多數寫關於親子, 美容產品, 服裝, 同埋烘培嘅博客女皇, 應該不必多作介紹啩?? 未同佢本尊見過面(雖然已經收過好多佢寄俾我嘅嘢), 不過由佢啲博文以及留言, 應該知道佢係個大好人啦!! 致Hayley, 多謝你一路來的支持同埋疯狂留言, 你喜歡呢篇模仿你風格, 但又冇咁可愛的馬騮版本嘅親子博文嘛?? 哈哈.. :p |
2014.06.24 | 煩憂生活
[Volume 9 Issue 6, #1910] 向博客致敬系列(10) ■ Tribute to Bloggers Series (10) |
UNESCO World Heritage Site: Casa Batlló @ Barcelona, Spain | 聯合國教科文組織世界遺產﹕西班牙巴塞隆納的巴特洛公寓 April 13, 2009, Monday ******************************************************* 回想多年前的欧洲之旅,其实并没有好好地为每一个去过的地方写一片比较完整(或者应该说详细)的博文,刚看回当时旅行的照片, 所以决定为这一个在巴塞隆纳的地方写一片详细的游记!!!******************************************************* 我很想到西班牙建筑大师安东尼.高迪(Antoni Gaudí)这一座联合国世界遗迹的杰作「巴特洛公寓」里面看看,可惜同行的朋友却不感兴趣!!!于是在巴塞隆纳的最后一天,我们决定分开逛,依自己喜好和时间到自己想要去的地方!!!其实巴塞隆纳这地方实在有太多东西可以看,因为时间不足所以才有这个打算,也好吧,各取所需嘛!!!我们最后才汇合一齐吃晚饭!!!********************************************************* 入场费是蛮贵的21欧元,不过还是看见很多人前往参观!!!不过幸好一早就去到,所以也不用排很长的队就可以进去了,一进到里面就看到这些彩色玻璃窗和独特的弧形建筑设计,觉得非常漂亮,所以在门口就已经开始不停的谋杀相机记忆卡!!!******************************************************* 门口过后就是直接上去二楼了,可以选择走楼梯或者乘搭那一部古董升降机,不过当时很多人都等着乘搭升降机,所以我选择走楼梯为佳!!!一路走上去,可以清楚看到墙壁上的瓷砖保存得很完好,而且都是蓝色调的,和建筑外貌的土灰色呈现一个很强烈的对比!!!********************************************************* 二楼有很多类似拱门的设计,地上是有小花图案的瓷砖,正个设计以白色为主,加上灯光,确实是映照出一种难以形容的特别感觉!!!据说高迪大师的设计里都不会用上直线,由这个地方的设计看来,此番说话确实可见一斑!!!******************************************************* 一楼通去屋顶的旋螺式楼梯,個人非常喜歡這一個角度!!!不過因為要等到所有人上去了之後﹐等了很久才拍到者兩張完全沒有人在背景的照片﹗﹗﹗******************************************************* 巴特洛公寓屋顶上的龙背设计,是整座建筑最为人津津乐道的,而屋顶上所见的四个烟囱则是为了防止火患而建。。。高迪以不同颜色的细小砖块堆砌成龙背上的鳞片,右边用的是绿色,中间用的是蓝紫色,而左边用的是粉红和艳红色。。。Can see Barcelona view from the roof top!!! ******************************************************* 屋顶可以愿望巴塞隆纳市区景色!!!******************************************************* 由屋顶下来回去二楼是另外一个区域,这区域名为「火的空间」(The Fire Space),是由当代建筑师英葛·摩利尔(Ingo Maurer)设计的,是一个灯光与视觉的奇幻空间。。。以幻灯呈现当时屋里的人的日常生活,譬如晾衣服,当然也简单而郑重地把高迪的肖像包括在内!!!Still no chance to try the antique elevator when I have to went down and leave!!! But can take photo from another angle of the stair case and decorations on the wall is also not bad!!! ******************************************************* 下楼离开前,还是没有集会乘搭那部古董升降机!!!不过也可以安慰自己,可以用不同的角度再次拍摄楼梯口和蓝色瓷砖墙壁,也算是挺好的!!!Address: Passeig de Gràcia, 43, 08007 Barcelona, Spain |
this post is a tribute dedicated to 小影 @ As An Unrest Life (the post title 煩憂生活 is Unrest Life translated into Chinese).. just my personal opinion that this young lady blogger actually started a little down and emo, but i think she actually turned to be more happy and confident later, after mingling with some of the crazy bloggers here, haha!! but i am sure no matter what, she's a very nice young lady, just look how much heart she has put in to share and to give.. dear Sheta, thank you for your support and comments, and what do you think of this mimic of your style?? hehehe.. :p 這一篇博文係特別獻給小影 @ As An Unrest Life以示致敬的.. 就以我個人的印象嚟講, 呢個年輕女博客, 開頭時總係有點負面及憂鬱嘅, 不過可能同呢度不同嘅喪博客混熟咗, 個人都變得更加開朗同自信.. 不過無論佢係點, 始終都係一個友善的人, 大家見佢點樣落足心機分享或送嘢俾人就知啦.. 致小影, 多謝你一路來的支持同埋留言, 你喜歡呢篇模仿你風格嘅遊記嘛?? 哈哈.. :p |
2014.06.23 | 安琪故事
[Volume 9 Issue 6, #1909] 向博客致敬系列(9) ■ Tribute to Bloggers Series (9) [註] 向博客致敬系列因依據不同博客寫作風格, 故只有該博客慣用語言, 敬請中文讀者見諒.. |
Simple Fried Rice Yesterday I've prepared a simple lunch for Fing-Fing. Yeah, it is the thing I rarely do - sweating in the kitchen! It was not in purpose, but Fing-Fing said he wanted to eat fried rice. So I just cooked for him since it is not something tough. Other ingredients: Green peas, sweet corn, cooked rice and eggs. To taste: Salt, pepper, and a little bit of soy sauce for colour (can add more for better taste and colour). |
this post is a tribute dedicated to Angeline BK @ Angeline's Side の Story (the post title 安琪故事 is Angie's Story translated into Chinese).. so this Taiping Baking Queen needs no more introduction right?? she often never fail to show us awesomely delicious cakes she baked and food she cooked, and she can also do very nice artwork.. have not met her in person, but from her posts we all know she is one kind and friendly person.. dear Anzerin, thank you for your long-term support and comments, hope you like this (not so successful) mimic of your style though it's actually a challenge for me since you blog mostly about baking and cooking (which are my weakest points), hehehe.. :p |
2014.06.20 | 呼吸放緩
[Volume 9 Issue 6, #1908] 向博客致敬系列(8) ■ Tribute to Bloggers Series (8) [註] 向博客致敬系列因依據不同博客寫作風格, 故只有該博客慣用語言, 敬請中文讀者見諒.. |
My Version of Spaghetti Carbonara Don't expect anything like restaurant's Spaghetti Carbonara. And don't compare either. It's my style of simple and quick soup-concentrate Carborana ready in 10 minutes! My way, my like, my sukak! It was Sunday. The time was 9pm. FF was jumping up & down and up & down on the sofa. Suddenly he said he was hungry and wanted Spaghetti Carbonara. What? Carbonara? This hour? And what have I got in the fridge? Nothing. I don't have cream. Call me jakun, I don't even use cream in my usual cookings. Starch-up some milk? Not good. How about Spaghetti Bolognese? Nope, too late to thaw minced meat, too lazy to chop garlic and onions and what-nots (and puh-leese, this was just for FF alone, you want me to do all that?). Looked around and I found a can of Campbell's concentrated mushrooms soup. That should work the trick well and I took the simplest way out. I boiled some spaghetti and once soft, I drained the water, added two spoonfuls of the soup concentrate, a bit of milk and mixed well. And to fake it more like Carbonara, I added another slice of cheese (pasta can't go wrong with cheese). I was praying that FF would just shut up and eat up. Surprisingly, he did both and gave thumbs up too! He said "Hmmm, nice!". Was it nice? You bet. Not self praising, but if this brat says nice, means that something is nice. |
this post is a tribute dedicated to Princess Ribbon @ Breathe a little...Slow down... (the post title 呼吸放緩 is Breathe and Slow Down translated into Chinese).. so what do we associate this blogger with?? polka dots, ribbons, one pot cooks all and also poo pee fart?? muahaha!! she is surely a crazy blogger, but many may not know her since she has just opened her blog to the public and joined in commenting lately.. dear Louiz, thank you for your support and crazy spams, hope you like this mimic of your style though it's rather tough for me as everything you blog is parenting and cooking (which are my weakest points), so i just "referred to" this post, hehehe.. :p |
2014.06.19 | 星洲某處
[Volume 9 Issue 6, #1907] 向博客致敬系列(7) ■ Tribute to Bloggers Series (7) [註] 向博客致敬系列因依據不同博客寫作風格, 故只有該博客慣用語言, 敬請中文讀者見諒.. |
Heritage Lane @ Empire Damansara Saw people blogged about this Heritage Lane @ Empire Damansara. So was there last weekend with friends to look see look see. Umbrella decoration Inside Heritage Lane 2-piece chicken combo meal (RM11.20) |
this post is a tribute dedicated to Somewhere in Singapore @ Somewhere in Singapore Blog (the post title 星洲某處 is Somewhere in Singapore translated into Chinese).. probably a low-profile blogger who found my blog last year but since then she has never missed commenting in all my posts.. have not met her in person, but from her getai photos and meet up with other bloggers, we can feel she must be a nice and friendly person.. dear Sharon, thank you so much for your support and do you like with this mimic of your blogging style?? hehehe.. :p |
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