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13.11.2009 | 健康午餐

繼早前不斷喪食麥當當之後, 上個星期嘅午餐我幾乎日日都係雜菜飯盒, 諗返起都覺得自己十分之「麻甩」.. 痛定思痛之後, 呢個星期決定要開始節食, 踏出(講咗N年要減肥嘅第N次)第一步, 谷糧飲品+芝士麵包+蘋果.. 雖然份量上尚係大堆頭, 不過慢慢嚟啦, 至少(我覺得咁樣)係健康啲嘛..

後記: 其實食咗呢四片麵包之後, 我個肚爆漲!! 太高估自己食量喇, 結果個蘋果原封不動擺返入雪櫃.. :D
after that crazy period of walloping McD meals like no business, i have been craving for chap-fan (rice with dishes) and having it for lunch everyday last week.. suddenly i feel myself being so sleazy with all those eating habbit.. after giving myself a good thought, i've decided to slowly go into lunch diet, finally having my (Nth) first step (after N years of talking about on diet) out this week, cereal drink + bread with cheese + apple for lunch.. ok ok, i know the portion could be still huge, but i'm doing it slowly, at least i think they are healthy to me..

post-note: after walloping that four slices of bread, my stomach got super duper bloated!! over-estimated the capacity of my stomach, i gave up the apple and bring it back to fridge at last.. :D


  1. hahahahahh on the apple....u really eat so little?? but i am admit very very healthy lunch and i am sure you will lose a lot of weight if u continue for several weeks...can tahan ar? hahahha

  2. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH yoo.....i am FINALLY the 1st to post in your blog...kakakaka...got prize ar?

  3. Taiko, should take out the bread. Just Cereal + apple then would be REALLY healthy!! Anyhow, I maybe can stand this diet for 1 week the most.

  4. 我也是on diet

    4片面包+麦皮 会搞到你很涨

    虽然我on diet

  5. nolah, this is not healthy diet, though it looks like as if it is :p
    the bread, cereal drink are full of carb :P, and it doesnt last long, u can feel hungry again faster :P
    but the apple yeah its ok.
    best way is cut down the carbohydrate intake, but the rest remain, thats why i love mixed rice so much, i just take 1/3-1/2 of the rice, but can have all the vege and meat :P

  6. SK, that's a good start but I'm with the happy go lucky one as reduction in carbo really makes a difference. I see the effect on colleagues who cut out rice totally esp during dinner.

    Whatever it is, if you put enough determination in it, you will succeed. Best wishes..

  7. Take small meals at shorter interval may be good, too.

  8. You must have over-indulged so now have to eat simple meals.

  9. wah... really healthy wor....
    if change to wheat bread, lagi healthy until 爆灯~
    hahaha.. but a few days like that, mouth will feel like tasteless one.. >.<

  10. haha... i like bread n cheese too~~

  11. 是不是吃太多麦当当,便大只了,后悔了咯,要减肥列。


  12. 4 is enough for u meh? i thought at least 40 :P

  13. Wah, you on detox plan ar? Hehhee...No need to keep le, fit enough :p

  14. 4 slices of bread!!!!! THAT IS ALOT and cereal drink some more! Waaaa~ I think if I had cereal drink or 2 slice of bread with cheese, I am full liao.

  15. And hey look! Your sesame street mug! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SESAME STREET!

  16. 我的早餐只要一杯麥片飲品就足夠了~哈哈:)加油加油 我也要開始那種燙青菜黨晚餐的日子了:p

  17. 4slices of bread wo, quite many, & u put cheese, calories not high meh?? haha...

  18. Still sleazy! :P lolz

  19. 4 slice is considered a lot mei?

    all the small eaters. -.-"

  20. manglish:
    actually that was quite a lot of things, i was so stuffed up that i cannot eat in that apple anymore.. well, i think i can tahan, but maybe to cut down the bread as they are all carbs, very fattening leh.. yeah!! no prize for 1st one who commented woh, i am not foongpc mah.. :p

    aiyah, as a start i must take it slowly mah.. have been having huge portions of lunch, cannot reduce so drastically first.. slowly i'll cut down the portion lor.. hmmm, i think i can still go for another week like this~~ :D

    對囉對囉, 我還一位四片麵包很少, 怎麼知道吃下去了, 還真的很脹囉, 結果整天就是很辛苦這樣.. 我會慢慢的減少份量, 如你說的, 罪惡感也減少嘛.. :p

  21. the happy go lucky one:
    well i think they are actually quite healthy woh, just that maybe too much of carbs, which i think i should also cut down on that, very fattening lor.. and you know what?? after that 4 pieces of bread and cereal drink, i got so bloated and it lasted almost whole day lor.. haha!! hmmm, i also love chap-fan but then cannot lah, more fattening lor..

    yeah i know.. reducing carbs works for me, i've been doing this few years back and i really see results!! i even say i don't want rice but just take vege when i go buy chap-fan, and people was like looking at me so curiously.. well, i think still need some carbs for energy, else i'll sure get drowsy at work!! hahaha :D

    yeah, i think maybe i can split that amount into two.. one for lunch and then another for tea time huh?? :)

  22. Mei Teng:
    you are absolutely right!! it's now hell after all the heavens.. hahaha :D

    i actually don't like wheat bread lor, i prefer those normal white bread.. but that morning there's no more white bread, only left the Gardenia Butterscotch Bread!! OMG, very delicious but then very fattening also lor!! errr, ok lah, actually i am ok to eat like this for some time de.. want to slim down, really have to be determined and disciplined lor..

    haha, yes yes!! actually bread and cheese makes a very perfect combination right?? :)

  23. Chin Weng 茶先生:
    對囉, 吃了太多的麥當當, 之後又突然間很癮雜飯喎.. 現在看到自己肥肥那樣, 很傷心囉.. 所以真的要下定決心, 開始就是先吃得少一點吧.. 我也知道麵包會發胖, 不過現在剛開始, 給我慢慢來囉.. hmmm, 搞不好, 不如學你去吃齋好了.. :p

    that bread is super duper heavy duty one.. gardenia butterscotch slices!! haha.. one piece is actually heavier than the ordinary one.. you can eat 40 pieces?? salute!!

    err, don't think this can detox right?? still got bread cheese and worse cereal drinks woh.. aiyoh, i not fit lah, i am FAT!!! fatter than your 肥肥, hahaha :(

  24. 海市蜃樓:
    得架, 都一個星期啦而家, 我覺得我仲可以繼續多一兩個星期嘅..

    yeah, initially i thot 4 slices is not much, but after i gone down with all 4 and that cereal drink, oh gosh, my stomach was just so bloated and i really feel so uncomfortable.. so i'll cut down to 2-3 slices next time.. yeah, happy birthday to sesame street!! i'll cheers with my mug :p

    早餐我也不是吃很多的, 只有一杯牛奶, 再加一杯的mueslie+yoghurt.. 呵呵, 沒有想到我早餐那麼健康吧?? 燙青菜當晚餐, 很淡囉, 不過如果下定決心, 真的可以做到的囉.. 加油!!

  25. chrisiew:
    yalor, i thot 4 slices is not much.. not until i finished all and feel stomach so bloated.. errr, put aside the calories first lah, i just started, so take it slowly first lor.. :(

    at least not oily!! hehehe :p

    eih, they are the premium gardenia butterscotch slices, not the ordinary ones.. so they weight heavier and more stuffy lor.. hmmm, how much you can wallop?? 10 slices in a go?? :p

  26. 最紧要健健康康,有时都要俾自己机会享受下美食架!千祈咪咁刻薄自己,一于奉行“食即使福”嘅乐趣吧!

  27. 好犀利!男仔我就好少见可以食呢D做午餐,SK你系头一个!不过咧,当做清下肠胃就好喇,日日系咁既话,我见到都心痛啊。。哎~上次我建议幼幼饮西芹汁,佢话佢有贫血,如果你无贫血既话就试下咯。。我今日试咗,+蜂蜜既,空肚饮,吃完个早餐,即刻去排毒,不过就见有点晕咯,唔知系米姨妈就来既关系。。

  28. 哈哈~

  29. 唔係你高估自己既食量,係你對蘋果冇興趣姐。。。

  30. It's true. I too feel empty if I don't have rice for a day. The trick probably is to have a smaller portion and more veg.

    Do you take Gardenia wholemeal bread? Funny thing is after I switched to this, white bread tastes so bland now.

  31. edward:
    呵呵, 雖然我係個想瘦嘅人, 但係我同事都係個識得享受嘅人喎.. 就咁, 平時返工我會control, 不過到週末就畀自己relax可以去食好嘢吖嘛.. 我覺得咁樣調劑都幾好架..

    你需要減肥咩?? 哈哈.. 那大家一齊加油囉~~ :)

    Rebecca Kheng:
    唔係冇男子好似我咁, 而係你少見多怪啫, 哈哈!! 我有個朋友, 一個幾月就見成績, 好羨慕啊!! 聽佢講係減少食量, 仲要係晚餐完全skip架, 你話喇, 呢一點我自問做唔到囉.. 嘩, 西芹汁?? 好似好難飲喎.. 不過我都唔得閑去日日榨汁飲囉.. 嘩, 你哋啊, 減是減, 唔好太播命啊, 顧著身子好喎, 失血事大吖嘛~~ :p

    謝謝, 謝謝, 承你貴言囉!! 哈哈~~ :p

    如果我對蘋果冇興趣, 我就唔會去買啦.. 真係食嗰四片麵包食到我胃脹, 真係啃唔落個蘋果架喇..

    haha, you are such a rice person?? well, to me, i can stay away from rice and have no problem at all.. just that the week before this i've been so addicted to the mixed rice, haha!! errmmm, sometimes i'd choose the wholemeal, but rarely, i still like the white bread.. have you tried the butterscotch?? it taste so nice, maybe the wholemeal will taste bland to you later.. haha :D

  33. 亲爱的叔叔,我在温习功课~~本来在潜水的,可是忍不住阿....

    表减肥啦,减肥了就不可爱了......我不叫喜欢这样可爱的叔叔哦.... XDDDD

  34. mayb u can try Quaker oat, its tasteless, healthy, juz alittle u wil feel full jor...
    & oso helps reduce colestrol tim :)
    i eat almost 3 mths when i was stil study, save money too..
    so many advantages ler~ hehehe...

  35. Dude, please don't faint in the gym while doing exercise. You must eat enuf energy for gym. It's dangerous to have low energy while you are doing gym.

  36. So it's payback time now after all those weeks of over indulging in trashy food like McD? Haha!

  37. Before you go on a diet, why don't go for some nice buffets first? Enjoy first lah, then only do the hard work. If not after slim already, no chance to go buffet already : )

  38. One way to lose weight easily is go on a vegetarian diet for a month. Must be the real vegetarian diet not the 'eat at vegetarian shops' diet. But not everyone can tahan this diet.

    Another effective way is eat some really dirty food, get a serious food poisoning and diarrhea and you will lose weight. Guaranteed : )

  39. But the best way is eat smaller meals more frequently, something like this....

    7am - a glass of water

    8am - an apple

    10am - a banana

    12am - a slice of papaya

    2am - a slice of honeydew

    4am - snack on a piece of carrot

    6pm - a pear

    8pm - have a feast at Pizza Hut and order as much as you want!

    Juz kidding, LOL!

  40. 那么少?!够吃吗?

  41. 四块面包??对我来说是很多啰 :P

  42. that's just right, good start! you need all the fiber and of course the carbs too. Don't forget protein, good that you have cheese.

  43. bluesky:
    哎唷, 可愛的藍天小妹妹, 以為你消失於部落世界了, 呵呵!! 我一定要減肥喇, 你忘記了我答應要給你獨享可愛咩?? 我很偉大的~~ :p

    actually every morning i'm eating muesli with yoghurt leh, hehehe!! hmmm, i think quaker is a good choice too, because the 3-in-1 cereal drink is too sweet already.. wow, you eat quaker for 3 months straight?? wow, no wonder you so slim lah~~ :p

    no lah, i won't faint in the gym, because i have too much of back-up fats to support myself, hahahaha!! and i also seldom go to gym now leh, busy working and only manage to go during weekends..

  44. foongpc:
    1) yalor, after all those barbaric eating of McD and chap-fan, i think i cannot carry on like that anymore.. so it's pay back that i have to cleanse myself with bread and cheese and fruits lor.. haha!!
    2) you don't think i've been eating too much already?? still going for buffets?? no lah, i can't even each much in buffet nowadays, so rather save the money for better a-la-carte.. actually i still allow myself to indulge on weekends lah, cannot everyday on diet, i will die!!
    3) hmmmm, i think i won't totally go vegetarian, meat is necessary i think for protein.. but one way is to stay away from junk food, which i've been stocking piles up in office?? hahahaha..
    4) wow, your dietary plan is a bit too "fruity" right?? i think there's just not enough of nutrients leh.. don't you have something more balanced in nutrients?? i believe i cannot stay with your plan lor.. too tough, but in a way tempting :p

  45. Sam Wong:
    看起來很少, 其實吃了下去是很多的, 我只吃了麵包和喝了那杯cereal, 就已經很飽, 肚子撐得脹脹的.. 不要小看, 麵包遇水則發嘛.. 呵呵!!

    呵呵, 我也是高估了我的食量, 其實兩三片就夠了, 我卻給了自己四片, 最後吃到我肚子脹到~~~ 對!! 以後我會先吃蘋果..

    oh, so you think this is a very well balanced meal?? fiber, carbs and protein, and of course the various vitamins and minerals.. think i will stick to this, but maybe to split the portion to more meals a day.. :)

  46. food for thought: less Carbs ( noodles, bread n rice ) more fruits n vege. 100% guaranteed to work! jus look at my 3month pregnant tummy n see the evidence :)

    once my tummy was in the second trimester hahahahhahah

  47. my fren said i like to torture myself,
    yes, when i felt guilty, i will...
    so eat Oat is the most torture way for me!!! coz i like to eat, & i usually eat alot~ haha

  48. 如果是我肯定瘦咯~

  49. i might just take a slice of bread n an apple..

  50. Gosh! Suddenly now you are so healthy huh. Yeah same here bro. I have been eating so many MacDonalds lately. Can't help it lar cos wanna get the contour glass mah. :p

  51. War..apple for lunch? I cannot eat that for lunch. I will die. :(

  52. i must eat little too..
    fat edy le.. =(


  53. Bengbeng:
    yeah, i would think so, to cut the carbs intake, i actually tried doing that before many years ago and it worked perfectly!! haha, you are 3 months "pregnant"?? not too bad, i think i'm 5 months, hahahahahahaha!!

    hahaha, torture yourself by eating oats?? something i have only heard for the first time, haha.. but the problem is, you won't get fat even if you eat a lot and i will get fat very easily lor.. so amount to me is a problem leh..

    Chris Chia:
    呵呵, 我也希望我會肯定瘦囉~~ :p

  54. wenn:
    haha, i think i will at least need two slices of bread, else i won't get enough and get hungry quickly..

    yalor, after so much of McD and chap-fan i think i really need to go healthier, at least not oily.. "spare tyre" getting thicker and thicker, must really do something already.. errr, of course not only apple lah, i'm having bread and cheese also mah~~ :p

    no lah, you are still young and still growing, so must eat more!! McAwesom burger is just the right one for you~~ :D

  55. it's ideal to have breakfast snack lunch snack dinner all in smaller portions if you plan to eat that way. having fruits in diet really help

  56. Ayie:
    yeah, i have heard about this approach is really useful.. but i must make sure i can adapt myself to smaller portion first!! hahaha.. :D
