咪就係啲大陸人囉, 個個都幾乎同一個古仔, 咩同朋友失散咗, 冇電話聯絡, 冇錢返酒店, 手機冇晒電.. 又要借電話, 又唔爭在借埋錢咁樣.. 年中真係遇過唔少, 開始我都仲會聽下佢哋where爛塊面扮晒可憐(不過啲戲真係好屎), 再遇多幾個都係千篇一律, 你唔厭我都厭啦..
所以而家哩, 凡係見到呢啲人, 無啦啦笑口舐舐行埋你面前, 「先生, 你聽得懂中文嗎?」, gut起條尾我都知你想點啦, 真係費鬼事嘥我時間睬鬼佢!!喂點先, 真係當我李察啊?? 搵食行遠啲啦..
唔係我冇同情心冇人情味, 呢個係時勢造成, 我要保護自己..

thanks to those chinese mainlanders, i would say almost everyone of them are telling the same old story.. lost their friends, didn't have way to contact, handphone battery gone flat, wallet left with friends no money to go back to hotel.. so they'll try to borrow my phone to make a call, or even borrowing some money.. well, i've met this many times before, initially i would still spare some time to listen to them act pity (but frankly, they are really lousy actors), but after a couple more times, i really got sick of the same old tricks..
so i can tell you now, whenever i bump into this kind of people walking towards me, with a smile, for no reason at all, "excuse me sir, do you speak chinese??" i will not even want to waste my time to slow down my steps, i already know what you wanted okay?? i won't give you a damn and please go somewhere else..
it's not that i'm not sympathetic and cold-hearted, but i am doing this under such circumstances to protect my own interest..
I have the same experience before lo. But I told the guy that I don't know mandarin and just walked away lo.
ReplyDeletePerhaps they will come out with new trick next time.
those ppl r scary.
ReplyDeletei met some in miami, they even scolded me and my friends for ignoring them after listening to their story.
I won't even speak when they asked me whether I spoke mandarin. I juz gv them a cold stare and walk away. Compassion sldnt be blind and has its boundries ..... if these mainlanders have enough money to travel from afar, how could they not have better means to feed themselves.
是咯,很多時候,在街上或者巴士站,有人會向借錢,但是我就說,我自己都沒錢,你借我吧!IM JUZ A STUDENT,沒那么多錢啦。。。
ReplyDelete你係笨七樣?? 邊係呢?? 你成個蒲樣一睇就知啦.. 你話帶佢哋報警, 係唔係耍手擰頭話唔駛喇唔駛喇咁?? 下次我都玩下先, 哈哈..
hehe, best is to speak Malay with them for sure they will not understand, like chicken talking to duck, they will sure give up!! haha.. hmmm, maybe i should try and see if they have new tricks huh.. :p
hmmm, that is such a bastard, we don't have the obligation to help them right?? they just wanted to con us.. well, i have met a Filipino, he was real good in acting almost wanted to cry.. but luckily i didn't got cheated, cos i met him a week later he's playing the same trick to the same person.. f*ck him lah!!
ReplyDeleteyeah, but i have never thought that much for them, cos their acting are just so superficial that you already know they are trying to con you.. so i don't even want to stop by and listen to them, not even giving them any response..
是囉, 我每次都是在KLCC和Bukit Bintang一帶遇到他們的.. 不過你的case也真是很好笑囉, 那麼笨, 哪裡有個陌生人無端端借200萬給你?? 哎唷, 哈哈哈哈!! 不過下次我覺得會當面拆穿他們然後好好的辱罵他們一餐!! 想找吃, 你們balik kampong啦~~
Rebecca Kheng:
哈哈, 咁唔知阿Becca姐你係天生一副富貴相定係憨厚樣呢?? 咁多人向你埋手嘅?? 最近真係好多sell嘢架囉, 而且仲係hardsell到死纏爛打嗰挺喎.. 一係我遠遠見到有人中招就嗱嗱聲避開, 一係就疾步如飛唔畀佢哋有機會埋手!! 唉, 而家要安安樂樂行街都要擔驚受怕啊.. 咩世界??!!
ReplyDelete只是向你借錢?? 我記得以前做學生的時候, 還有那些白粉仔那著一把小刀威脅我們給錢他們咧, 我都有中招, 不過快快走去人多的地方, 幸好沒有事..
對啊, 就是因為太多的欺詐案子, 搞到我甚麼要錢的東西都不敢相信了, 寧可得罪人也不想自己受騙囉.. 要保護自己, 真的要鐵下心腸囉, 如果真的要做善事, 就自己親力親為去找門路吧, 這些向你招手的不可靠..
我明白, 真係為勢所逼囉.. 太多敲詐列子搞到咩人都唔相信喇, 最緊要係保護自己利益為大前提.. :)
i just walked pass them pretending they r non-existence :p
ReplyDeleteagree agree.. i met one chinese couple.. so polite and friendly when they ask money from me.. and when i say i dun have.. they'll just give me the best performance.. Szechuan FACE CHANGE 四川變臉.. scold me and walk away...;p
ReplyDeleteI just pick up my mobile phone and pretend to talk to Keen Yee while walking away. There will be no end of them. Some more those who seek donations for charity while having your coffee shop meals, I would say that I have donated lah. I heard that 10% goes to the charity organization and 90% is shared with uplines. How true is this? SK Thamby you sure have this Indian Taukeh warlord looks that attracts them.
ReplyDelete我公司楼下(time square天桥),很多刮刮乐。我每天都看到那些auntie和小弟小妹上当....唉~
the happy go lucky one:
ReplyDeletewell, sort of like that also, pretend i didn't hear them or don't understand them lor.. run before they waste your time.. :)
yeah, i heard them scolding me from the back as if i don't understand chinese (i just pretend i don't understand ok?).. so you didn't scold them in return?? that is so not you woh, i thot you will sure laser them back??
Twilight Zone:
hmmm, i will just ignore those who asked for donations in coffee shops while having my meals, with a smile or course.. i mean how true are they by just showing newpapers cuts in nice folders?? they don't have a permit to do so, and how would you know where your money would finally go to??
Tsubasa a.k.a 滑翔翼:
我是覺得他們來這裡是旅行, 不過是順便騙錢, 本性難移嘛, 應該不是特地買機票飛過來吧?? 那些刮刮樂?? 我又沒有遇過喎其實, 好像還有迷魂黨吧你那邊??
大佬,我也是一样惨,那些中国男人问我‘女人’的价钱!!他们是不是看我像鸡虫哩?(-_-) 很失败!!
有比较经典的,我在巴生某个地方等朋友,他们就来讲说找不到亲戚啦,电话现在又打不到啦,没有钱住酒店(吼!吼!吼!做么我会相信的啊??!)然后我给了他rm 30.
ReplyDeleteaiyah, i think that common...
ReplyDeletenow days, it hard to trust those ppl... not really sure that they are talking the fact or lie...
... 麻木了...
ps: 笨~ 是沒有樣子看的 :)
還有, 習慣就是我
Kai and Baobei:
ReplyDelete哦~~ 可能你的樣子像扯皮條的龜公?? 呵呵, 講笑喇, 可能他們難耐寂寞, 隨便找個男人就問吧?? :p
我真的無言以對了, 還要三四次那麼多?? 嗯, 這樣講吧, 可能是你天生澤心仁厚, 心腸好到隨時都樂意幫助別人吧?? 容貌和心底都那麼美麗的人, 現在真的很難找到了哦.. 呵呵!! :p 不過還是一句, 凡事都要以自己的安全小心.. :)
如 意 阁~ 美 食@ 保 健:
對, 我很讚同, 因為欺詐太多所以真的要學會保護自己!! 斗膽請問貴妹是何人, 那麼欣賞我的blog?? :)
ReplyDeleteyeah, reading the paper everyday you will sure see some news about people being con (i.e. the Michael Chong "Section").. so it's just for our own good sake to protect ourselves under such circumstance, be it that we seemed cold hearted.. :)
做學生的時候我也遇過幾次, 不過幸好每次都沒事, 那些叫做恐嚇要錢, 光天化日之下欺負弱小, 比起這些扮可憐騙錢的還要可惡!! 你那十幾塊錢算喇, 最重要人安全..
對囉, 真的到處都是, 好像馬來西亞是騙錢天堂, 難道他們覺得我們馬來西亞很好騙?? 我也是裝看不見聽不見喇, 費事.. :p
i'm too fabulous even for them to stop and try to con me! ;P
ReplyDeletebtw, dun feel sad abt it...life's a bitch! sometimes we need to be tough to survive~
Your reaction is 'empathy fatique'. Understandable. In fact, still quite civil. During a recent trip, i was walking along Changkat Bukit Bintang when approached by a mainland Chinese woman in her fifties. Started the same bullsh*t as you described. I paused briefly, kept quiet & continued walking. (Had encountered similar ruse in KLIA & Bangkok A/P before. Thus, aware it's a scam). Followed me around for at least a good 5 mins. Out of the evening crowd; a younger, better-looking cohort suddenly appeared in front of me! Decided to then open my mouth in Malay. That worked :). Overheard one of them saying as they were walking away, "哎呀。这年头阿,看来有些马来人跟华人都没啥区别阿"。No sin looking after one's own interest...
ReplyDeleteSK是天生一副有钱人像...woo~ RICHman~
This should be the best way to avoid being cheated.
ReplyDelete哈哈, 我一向來都是很好人的, 你現在才知道.. 既然你被那麼多朋友罵, 我就來點不同的吧.. 以後真的要學習冷一點, 這個年頭真的很多這種欺詐案子喔..
Queen B:
hahaha, maybe they thought you are same level with them - pretentious fabulous?? or perhaps even the same gang?? hahahaha!!! :D
yeah, that was a good one!! for sure they cannot understand Malay, or if you can speak Tamil even better!! hahaha.. well, i wonder are they still there to con people?? i have not met any for quite some time, if i am going to meet another one, i think i will play a trick back on him/her, should be fun to see how they can react to my anti-con~~ :p
ReplyDeletehmmmm, 那我請願他們覺得我是窮光蛋一個, 不要麻煩我囉.. 呵呵 :p
唔知哩?? 一係就見我成個憨厚老實樣, 一係就見我身光頸靚一副富貴相.. 哈哈!! 結果個衰人只係劫財唔劫色?? 唉, 該燴囉, 你返去反省一下囉!! 哈哈哈哈 :D
Chin Weng 茶先生:
yeah, to pretend ignorant is the best approach to handle such cases huh?? :)
ReplyDelete我在bukit bintang工作,也遇过几次呢!好气哦!!!我拒绝后,还听到迎面来的另两位问刚才问我的那位,“今天如何?好不好?” 因为那两位没看见他问我,有时想这些人该报警抓他们!还有更多分的是假扮和尚骗游客,真的羞辱佛教!悲哀!
ReplyDeleteoh? really? Malaysia has become like that, i mean Chinese from mainlands asking for money? Interesting. Are they illegal or on a proper visa? I am just surprised they are allowed to be in.
ReplyDelete蒲樣? 你話keenyee ar? ;>
ReplyDeletemy office at Plaza OSK and we have air china office, china southern airline and chinese immigression office but i am so lucky that those people from mainland china only asked me about the opening hours of the immigression office :D
ReplyDelete应该是有点像,哈!因为那时刚下班,穿着上班服装,但是手上拿着瓶啤酒,站在路边等朋友 ... 好像在招客 :P
ReplyDeleteEh..Granny Twilight, why me again?? Huh..10% goes to charity organization? I sometimes ade donate also ler.
ReplyDeletewah, this sparked so much response~! hahaha
ReplyDeletenaw, it's so usual~ even met some of them more than twice~ that's when i start to laser them!~ it was when i'm in KL lah~ not gonna happen here in this lil' town~
如 意 阁~ 美 食@ 保 健:
ReplyDelete哈哈, 其實我也沒有以為你妹妹是不平凡的人喇, 如果她也寫blog的話, 那我倒可以去那邊潛水啊.. :)
Chris Chia:
還好你沒有上當.. 他們假借佛教之名到處去騙錢, 那就讓佛祖來教訓他們吧!! 其實真正的佛教徒是不會去籌錢啊, 只是化緣求個溫飽, 對嗎?
雪芬 shirls:
no laa, they don't purposely come here to con us, most probably they have other business here but due to 本性難移, they just do some "part time" job lor, haha!! anyway, they gather around KLCC and Bukit Bintang area, go there if you want to meet up, but beware of the scam though..
唔係, 我話緊Chris.. 哈哈哈哈!!
Pooi Tyng:
ReplyDeletei think they hunt in KLCC and Bukit Bintang area.. your working place is all 自己人, so i don't think they will want to find a living there.. and most probably they think you are one of them too?? muaahahahaha :D
Kai and Baobei:
哈哈哈哈, 那你以後就不好這樣囉.. 還好是那些好色嫖客, 如果是警察就不好了囉!! 呵呵~~ :D
and we often hear some donation campaign saying they will donate all the money they've collected after deducting the cost - so how much is the cost?? it's 90% like Granny says~~
Fable Frog:
oooh, i've actually thought of lasering them too, and make them feel humiliated.. but i just didn't do that, whenever i met one of them, i don't even bother to entertain them..
ReplyDeleteKena a few times but is it really so teruk in KL? Hmmm must watch out whtn I go there...
ReplyDelete如 意 阁~ 美 食@ 保 健:
ReplyDelete哈哈, 好神秘的妹妹!! 你自己有寫blog, 為甚麼沒有慫恿妹妹也一起寫呢?? 呵呵~~
hmmm, i have no idea leh, cos have been a while i have not kena already, perhaps it's getting better since they know we all know their tricks?? :p
wow ! part time jobs ???!!!! they are crazy !!!
ReplyDeletei don't look like girl from mainland china leh!!!! i am more like a japanese - wink*
雪芬 shirls:
ReplyDeletethey are not crazy, just 本性難移 only.. hahaha!! next time you walk alone around Bukit Bintang area and see if somebody approaches you?? haha :D
Pooi Tyng:
hahaha, what you think might not be what they see in their eyes maa.. kekekeke >.<
OH, I've encountered many people like that...even over here.