[Volume 9 Issue 2, #1859] |
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之前(因為農曆新年意思意思)買咗嘅嗰一對新鞋, 我都冇拎出嚟著, 反而係拎咗一對舊年喺東京買嘅「新」鞋嚟著.. 著慣咗一對鞋, 冇咩事我都唔會換對新鞋著, 因為每次著親新鞋, 就一定賴嘢!! 大家睇下, 我一著呢對新鞋, 行都冇幾步路, 兩隻腳就搞成咁喇!! 聽啲前輩講, 一對鞋如果擺喺檯上, 就一定會打腳, 不過去買鞋俾錢嘅時候, 一定係擺喺counter個檯啦, 避免不過喎.. 又聽人話, 新鞋未著之前, 咬一咬鞋頭, 再用拳頭揼一揼佢, 咁就唔會打腳.. 我都有照作, 不過完全冇效, 每次都係兩隻腳呢一個位磨到損晒, 仲會流血添!! 但係我知再著多幾日之後, 佢就會冇事, 所以忍住痛我都唔放棄, 唯有自己貼膠布繼續著住對鞋.. 嗯, 請問各位有咩好方法可以防止新鞋打腳呢?? 感激不盡呀~~ :) |
i bought a pair of new shoes earlier for CNY but didn't wear it at all, instead i took out the other pair of "new" shoes i bought from Tokyo last year to wear during CNY.. getting used to a pair of shoes, i rarely want to change to a new pair of shoes, because whenever i wear new shoes, my legs are surely going to get hurt!! look at the photo above, i was wearing this pair of shoes the other day, and just after a few steps of walking, my legs ended up like this!! i heard the elderly said, if shoes are placed on tables, they are going to hurt our legs, but when we pay for the shoes, they are surely to be placed on the counter table, it's unavoidable.. i also heard, before wearing your new shoes, bite them on the front and then punch them with your fist, then they will become "good" and not hurt you.. i always do that, but doesn't seem to work at all, instead every time my legs hurt at these spots, the friction cuts and sometimes makes the wound bleed.. but i know i have to keep on wearing for few more days and the shoes will become "good", hence i have to take up the pain, put on plasters and continue wearing them.. hmmm, anyone with good and clever ways to prevent new shoes from hurting our legs?? appreciate that~~ :) |
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2014.02.12 | 新鞋創傷
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Good morning bloggers!
ReplyDeleteAiyoooo your new shoes have grandma superstition stories! I never heard of them before. Now look at your no-beautiful legs!
Yep, granny stories or granny myths, but people still follow until today, heh. I bet if you ask 10 people, more than half of them will tell you they follow la. Even if they say they no follow, I bet they (secretly) do it, you wont know also, heh.. Coz I was one of them..
DeleteYou see, I refused to belif the myth and I felt it’s very unhygienic to do so (bite the back of the shoes before you wear them). But everytime when I buy new shoes and wear it for the 1st time, the “ta keok” thingy happens. Until one fine day, I got sick of it, and I tried the granny myth. I bit it before I wore it (you must bite before you wear it, if you decide to bite after you wear it, then “the spell” it wont work liao)..
Oh dear, why am I using the word “spell”? And you know wat? My feet no “ta keok” that day!
Reality or fantasy? You think.
Good morning TM, you're early today... hehe...
DeleteGood morning Louiz...
DeleteElo, good morning, I know SK always publish his post around this time, so I always try to comment before I start doing my work, tee hee.
Deleteyalah, some grandma stories though sound superstitious but they works without scientific explanation.. so next time i should bit the front as well as the back of the shoes huh?? cos the front didn't hurt as i've bitten it.. okay, next time, i bite all over the shoes!! hahaha..
Deleteyalah.. there are only a few timing that i publish my (scheduled) post.. those auspicious time like 8:08, 8:18, 8:28, 8:38, 8:48, 8:58 and i think the probability of 8:38 is the highest~~ :D
Good morning. Been there done that.
Deletewei bite the shoes not so hygiene la.
Another way is to put lilin. Rub the candle at the back of the shoes there. I think maybe so that when you walk the shooes will licin kot? wont rub against your heels so bad. I have tried that. it works like half hours then start hurting lor.
I think the best solution is when wear new shoes, pandai pandai first and piak a plaster on your heels
Maybe rub the candle may help too. I did that before but not totally helpful. It can still bite. I believe soft comfortable shoes usually won't bite.
Deletehaha, biting the new shoes is a tradition taught lah, already rooted in my mind.. hmmm, rub with candle but cannot last?? maybe gotta bring it along, and rub the shoes with candle every half an hour??
Deleteyalah, i think plaster still the best prevention huh, directly got a protection shield on your legs..
I thought you schedule your post, don't you??
Deleteyeah, i always write my post beforehand and get them scheduled to publish on those "auspicious" timing, haha~~
DeleteYah...it always have to end with 8....hehe!!! Right?
Deletehaha, not only ends with 8 but also starts with 8 leh~~
DeleteI never encountered those blisters at the back heels or front toes like you and others. I only have problems to buy those narrow shoes with pointed fronts as my feet are broad and oddly thick. I think no 2 humans have same feet like thumb prints. Thambee why don't you post the photos of your 2 feet in your blog for us to study? We might think they are duck feet! Wakakakaka
ReplyDeletewah, so good lah you never encountered this problem before, and at all?? hey, you must give us tips how you can do that Anay!! errr, posting the photos of my 2 feet ah?? aiyah, don't want lah, i can guarantee everyone to lose their appetite for the whole day dei~~ :D
DeleteYou are darn lucky la Anay for never encounter the blister. Aiyo. I kena many times leh. Really scared wearing high heels . Last time my ofc very strict. Shoes must cover all. Cannot like nowadays wear those high heels sandals. Silap haribulan will kena shoot warning letter.
DeleteMeow, nie yang aku nak tanya nie.. You worked in bank previously? Need to wear so formal ka? But then, I was in this bank last month, and this lenglui was wearing 3-quarter pants, sleeveless top and high heels (witout covering toes) wor.. Wah, if wear shoes without covering the toes kena warning letter ahh? Eh, hou sanfu jugak hor, coz your feet cannot breathe whole day..
DeleteSo did you put a slipper or some kind of comfy shoes underneath your work station and change into your comfy shoes when you are working? If not ahh, the feet hou sanfu, cannot breathe, and maybe will be busuk also la, coz “ngap ji ngap ji” the whole day, keke..
It all depends on the type of shoes materials too. Those hard ones will normally bite.
Deleteyalah, maybe Twilight Man never bought cheapo shoes, all his shoes are expensive and good quality ones so they don't bite him.. but i very suay luck, even wearing new flippers may also hurt me!! argh, my past life must be destroying lots of shoes, this life they come and hurt me~~ :D
Deleteaiyoh, Small Kucing's ex company so strict one ah?? must wear wrapped shoes else kena warning letter?? either the boss or the HR Manager was and still is a spinster, hahaha!!
Yah, agree with Wenn, so before buying new shoe next time must try to walk walk a bit to test it!!!
Deletei always put on both shoes and walk a bit, but then the problem is always happening after bought the shoes home and wearing them out for the first few times.. guess the shoes are more "obedient" in shopping malls because they want you to buy them?? :D
DeleteThat one was in the old days la. Now seems apa pun hentam boleh pakai la.
DeleteLOL....must be "enemy" to the shoes la. Slipper also kena "bite".
Hmm..but betul leh....J also kena "bite" by slipper. You kno la those pasar malam "buaya" slipper. Bought a pair for him before mah.
Very soft and can run very fast leh. Mana tau arrive home at the side of the feet hot two big blisters. It's from the "button" of the buaya strap. It geser against the feet. Now I dont buy that buaya slipper for him jor. I buy pun because the front is wide and can protect toes mah,
Now I buy Axel brand sandal for him. Can protect toes and tahan longer. RM49.90. expensive but then again can tahan longer leh. The buaya one from pasar malam rm10. nearly every month also have to change coz the tapak become licin or the strap putus.
I agree with SK. Sure will test the shoes before buy but still the testing time only a few minutes mah while we wear it when we go out is for a few hurs. We wont feel the "bite" when we test for the few minutes.
Deletewah those buaya sandals lagi worse, cos got so many holes that means more edges to cut leh.. J didn't complain meh?? like that blisters everywhere sure not comfortable if not pain.. yalah, if keep changing the cheap shoes, might as well spend more to buy slightly expensive but better shoes right??
Deleteoh Small Kucing, spot on!! that's what i mean lah.. while buying we just got that few minutes to test, but the problem always only happens when we bought home and wear it for the first few times..
I can only advise you to wear think low ankle socks to protect your feet. Better still, use foot sprays to prevent bad odor and apply creams on your heels. I bet you are already doing that la. We know this handsome SK is always grooming from head to toe!
ReplyDeleteerrr, i always wear ankle socks but then this type of shoes cannot wear socks lah, else look weird.. i am trying to find those kind of socks that only cover the toes and a little bit of heels to go with this shoes.. errr, no lah, i don't use foot cream, hahaha, i only use hand cream sometimes.. :D
DeleteYou can ask around in shoe shops, normally they've some socks like those you wanted!!!
Deleteyeah, i really want to buy special socks for this pair of shoes, so that when i am actually wearing the socks, it doesn't look like i am wearing.. more comfortable and more hygienic if wear socks mah..
DeleteSome guys also walk and golek like Donald Ducks with legs kang-kang apart like Tua L@#¥% .... I think they need to sign up with Amber Chia for proper cat walking la. That might help good postures and prevent foot injuries.
ReplyDeletehow to change la . Been walking like that since small. very difficult to change as it has become a habit jor
Deletemuahahahaha!! you joker!! yalah, those Tua L@∩þ4 really quite impossible to change lah, it's a born-with habit already.. no need to sign-up for Amber Chia lah, so over-rated and over-priced, just use a string to tie both feet together will do lah~~
DeleteI know this may sound funny, but I don’t bite them in front. I bite them behind. Yes, behind, coz it’s always that part which makes your feet “ta keok”, kan? You bite the behind, then you put plaster whether or not you feel you need to or not. Then you feet will be alrite. And always buy bigger size shoe lor, don’t buy ngam-ngam size lor..
ReplyDeleteI just started wearing one pair of new shoes to work about 2 days ago. Straight out from the box. So in the morning, I bit the behind part, stick a plaster behind, and went to work. Nothing happened to me, oops, I mean to my feet. And today, the shoes feel great, no “ta keok” or anything.
Guys senang la, can just wear socks like TM said.. But girls how to wear socks? High heels with socks meh? Hahahaha..
At one time, very “hing” guys wearing bermudas with shoes without socks.. Guess you are one of them coz I see you don’t wear socks with your shoes.. I don’t know how to explain, there’s this “half size” or “mini size” socks where you can still wear it and it still looks like you are not wearing socks when you are wearing your shoes.. What do you call those socks? You may consider them.. It still sort of protects your feet without getting blisters and at the same time, you will still look like you are not wearing any socks, if that’s what you want..
Aiyoooo...I saw many ladies in China wear socks with court shoes and even rode bicycles to work. They saw nothing wrong la. Try it.
DeleteErrr, I cannot imagine wearing a dress, kitten heels and then a socks. Puh-leese.. I think if I wear like that to work that day, I will just stay in my workstation and refuse to get up from my seat the whole day. Haha, no offense ok, just my humble opinion jek.
DeleteBut then, thinking twice, I actually agree wearing socks just to make my feet comfortable la.. Or if I know I am gonna sit my workstation for a very long time..Getting up for a few secomds to run to the photocopy or fax machine is ok kua.. But if I need to go out, say, for appointment or lunch, then I take off my socks lor, and put on a plaster.. Hmm, can also hor like that..
Hmm, may I also propose to put a pair of comfortable slippers at the workstation. You can change into the slipper when you are working at your desk. I have seen some colleagues with over 10 pairs of shoes at their workstation!
Hey, what do you think your workstation is? Your house? Get a room! Oops, I mean, get a rack! (shoe rack).
And this 10 pairs of shoes is EXCLUDING those in their cars.. Cars ada lagi a few pairs!
aiyoh, this Princess Ribbon so not fashion sensitive one?? there was once it was such a fashion trend to wear socks with heels leh.. all the celebrities were doing that.. colorful socks, some also with laces ankle height to go with your heels.. but i think some ladies also wearing socks when they wear the wedges type lah, i want to get those type of socks leh, so that i can wear with this shoes.. you know lah, this kind of shoes if wear socks will look very weird and beng lah..
Deleteaiyoh, your colleague terror lah, put 10 shoes in office and another 10 in the car?? i think she doesn't have many at home, cos everywhere she goes, it's either her car or office only lor.. haha!!
I tarak bite la. coz geli when imagine in the shop other people might have tried on the shoes before leh. Means tasting other people feet leh.
DeleteI dont think buy bigger size works la coz after sometimes the shoe will "grow" bigger. then the shoes will be loose when we walk. very mah farn la if like that
Girls can wear sock also la. Those cantonese say Si Mutt. Pantyhose? or have those skin colored sock at the ankle type leh. when wear those with high heels wont see punya
Wait wait.. Ok, after seeing Meow’s comment, it rings a bell.. You guys talking about “see mutt” izzit? Neh, the pantyhose thingy.. If like that, ok la.. Neh, that time got one time very “hing” among girls, yes, I wore that before too at one too.. Black “see mutt” cover until the toes one.. Then wear with red heels, fuyoh, sexy dou… If Meow wears that, I think I will drool looking at her sexi-ness, really !! Not transparent black ahh, I am talking about the PURE BLACK type..
DeleteIf this is what you guys are talking about (including TM earlier), then yes, fully agreed.. Those “see mutt” was the In-thing at one time you know? It goes pretty well with kitten heels, flats and heels, especially closed-toes heels.. I still have a lot of those black “see mutt” which covers til the toes type, I “mm she tak” throw away even though I never wear those liao..
SK, I am associating Meow’s “see mutt” with what you just said.. You said you were trying to find it as well.. I can’t help by keep laughing now.. Although I know that was not what you meant la..
Eh, I see wrongly or not, at one time you were trying to find lacy socks or those ladies socks? Don’t make me laugh die and choke on my asam sweet.. I am chewing on one now..
Yes si mutt. woi....terbakar aku pulak ni... Old days in office have to wear that sock mah. Else air-conditioning very cold leh. Some more me very lazy to shave the bulu kai leh. Wear that sock so cannot see la LOL
DeleteGot also la for guys punya but it's thicker and when wear it will not show outside the shoes. So okay la
Another way to prevent the bites is to wear the sockings.
DeleteWear stockings doesn't work for SK.
DeleteSocks better.
But wear socks is not trendy, right SK? hehehe
haha, i never go and think about other people's feet lah, when i bite i just thought of kasi hantam sama itu kasut so that it won't bite me only..
Deletewah, i don't know what pantyhose what stocking what socks lah, they are all the same to me, hahaha!! errr, Princess Ribbon, all socks also cover the toes one mah, not meh?? or you mean that black sii mutt are those leggings?? neh, you wear that like socks but then can be tights those type?? not transparent lah but truly all black like pants.. yeah, i think couple of years back very hing this leggings woh..
errr, i always wear socks one lah.. for comfort and also for hygiene mah.. but then my socks all short short hidden below the shoes lah.. wear long long one looks like Ah Beng only, haha!! :D
Some socks can go with heels one lo, I've seen before, but you got to be have very good fashion sense la, if not it gonna looks like "a ma" look already....but once you match it in a very good fashion sense, you gonna look like a modal duh!!!
DeleteIt depends how ones dress lo. socks can be wore with this type of shoes tastefully also leh. Just make it plain sock la. Dont lah like those ah pek wear rainbow color sock LOL
Deleteyes, so true lah!! it's just a very fine line in between, either you look very fashionable or you look like just one Ah Pek or Ah Ma!! hahaha.. so know yourself better before you try something new, hehe~~
DeleteI've stopped wearing shoes. Hurts so much, I would not be able to walk. Have not been wearing shoes since I retired...so not used to it anymore. :(
ReplyDeleteWhen I was working and still wearing shoes, I would buy BATA - PVC rubber...made to look like leather. Not very lasting...but cheap and not painful to use. If cushioned on the inside, even better!
Deletehuh?? you have stopped wearing shoes?? then you always go barefooted?? eih, BATA no good lah, though cheap but then cannot always buy and throw because of them being cheap, like that keep throwing away, also quite a big expenditure lah.. anyway, i always buy additional shoe pads for all my shoes, more comfortable..
DeleteBuy And Throw Away....the nickname is . I used to weare that shoes in school days . very fast rosak. When working used to buy that but toes kena pinched and heel blistered.
Deletethen one of my colleagues invited a shoe makes to our office. We had our shoes custom made. Nice and comfy. Not expensive also. about RM30 only.
Oohh, I didn’t know the nick name for BATA is Buy And Throw Away..
DeleteI remembered when I was still schooling, I bought all my shoes from BATA.. They sell school shoes there too, and my mum would buy shoes for me from there..
And that time, I think they sold Marie Claire shoes too.. At one time, very “hing” Mary Jane shoes.. Sweet close-toe shoes with a very sweet ribbony strap over the shoes, that time they call it Mary Jane la..
And maybe I was jakun, my understanding was only Bata – Marie Claire sell it.. So I remembered that time, my mum bought her Mary Janes shoes from BATA..
At that time (about 20 years ago), where got fancy no-brand shoe shops like you can find in shopping malls now? Lastime shoe shops very limited leh, I think lastime only have like V-Kii located in Sg. Wang only (lastime where got MidValley, Sunway, etc)..
Muahahahaha... I wanna die laughing and rolling on the floor! This Wealthy Sibu Mayor stopped wearing shoes!!!!! What a joke!
DeleteAiyo! Need to exercise and slim the elephant legs la! Very soon need to walk the aisle and give away the bride but pakai slippers meh?? So salah.. Wakakakaka
Not wear shoes but if wear selipar also, some selipar can cost way more than a pair of court shoes. Bwahaha
Deleteyalor, he bought too many BATA, buy already throw away until he has no more shoes to wear, muahahaha!! so now he walks barefooted lah.. or he actually mean he wears sandals and slippers now?? yalah, like that more comfortable to hang around Sibu mah, looks more local kan?? i think even if his sandals are not expensive, but because he bought from BATA, the chances are he throw away more often and ended up spending more than a pair of good shoes.. :D
Deletewah, what Marie Claire shoes?? last time i only buy Pallas and Power shoes for school lah, where got so nice name one??
SK, I wana gag myself with my hair ribbons and go hit my head on the wall..
DeleteMy mum bought Marie Claire shoes la.. The design of the shoes is called mary janes.. Me leh, like you lor, school shoes Pallas only..
Eh wait, you wore Pallas for your school shoes? Wah, you so lucky ahh? I wear Bata brand only la.. Most school shoes brand are Bata brand, no meh? Dunno lah, during my time we only buy from Bata.. Of course there were some wearing North Star and Converse brand lor.. But of course I didn’t get to wear it lor..
Talking about school shoes, let’s talk about school bags pulak.. Lastime our school bag “hing” Pacific Ocean leh.. or Bodypac.. Hahahaha.. But hor, I didn’t get to take those branded school bags lor.. I remembered I bought my school bag from Petaling Street.. That time, fuyoh, very “hing” one brand called “NEVE”.. Hahaha.. So my school bag was NEVE.. No Pacific Ocean, no Bodypac, no Nike, no Converse bag…
last time just go to the small shop outside of our house to buy shoes lah, limited choices only.. if go to shopping mall then maybe will go to Bata to buy lah.. wah, North Star and Converse?? my time only the rich student wear these lor, and my secondary school very strict one lah, the shoes got a bit of color or brand also cannot one.. but i think i was wearing Pallas lah, better than some schoolmates, they wear Foong Keong only, hahaha!! you never heard of that leh?? :D
Deleteaiyoh, bag ah?? i also forgotten what i used already.. ah Bodypac maybe, i think i got one.. and also what Hitop also lah.. NEVE ah?? i think remember that, mostly girls use that brand de.. BTW, i never use those cartoon cartoon bag before one okay, not even during primary school.. hahaha!! :D
My school's shoes last time was BATA, which I got to change new shoes every year, hahaha!!!
DeleteSchool bag??? Forgot my school bag la, just remember I can use for very long time, but when I was secondary school I started to curi my sister's bag to use coz those she had were very good looking one, hahaha...
i also have one pair of shoes at a time when i was schooling, only when rosak already then can go buy a new pair.. usually like 6 months only have to change to new pair lah, those shoes really didn't last long.. school bag ah?? actually cannot really remember lah, i have changed many school bags before, maybe the last one was Bodypac, dark blue color one, i can still remember, but now dunno go where already~~
Deletemaybe orang kaya dont wear BATA la. Wear Crocs slippers... That one can cost hundred a pair leh...even in warehouse sale
DeleteLAst time my school also very strict leh. Even those bata, pallas power bla bla bla...they school ask to cut out. cannot have any brand name there. At first when small i dont understand la. the pallas and bata word also in white mah..so wont be notice one ma . why need to cut off?
But now when i think of if...maybe they dont want poor student to feel bad and prevent rich students from showing off. Mine is sekolah kebangsaan . Maybe they trying to make everyone feel comfortable la
I also cannot remember my school bag...only remember tadika my bag was like those old day luggage bag . keras one segi empat. Color was black and red.
After that dun remember liao. Only secondary school was bag in jeans type of material. But being vain, i decorated my bag with load of keychains and button bags. Also badges from others school and societies. . Last time i collect that. When we went visit other schools, I try get their badge.
yalah, i think the school doesn't want any one to show off and then have that attitude of spending a lot lah.. not really care about who's rich and poor lah i think.. that's why last time only buy baliar shoes from Pallas lah, that one design is minimum mah.. if the brand white color we are allowed woh, just not other colors lah..
Deletemuahahaha.. i am wondering what kind of luggage school bag Small Kucing used before?? but now i think the kids are really dragging their hand-carry luggage to school lor, they have got so many to bring to school nowadays..
but i remember when i was in high school, very hing using book band.. got bag but don't want to put the books inside, instead want to tie them using the book band and purposely carry with hands.. haha!!
Morning!!! Morning!!! Aiyo, early in the morning looks so pain...normally for those shoes that hurts my feet, I would never wear it again, as lazy person like me I always heard they said in order to avoid this, you have to put a plaster on first before you wear it, since I was too lazy, so normally I'll just leave it aside or give it to my sis!!!
ReplyDeleteWah, then your sis “chap dou” wor, always get new shoes from you. I also wana be your sis, can ahh? Haha, then I will have always have new shoes from you. I don’t mind if you have worn it once (or twice), I will still be more than happy to receive the shoes from you, kaka..
DeleteActually I used to be like you too. Thinking to put plaster also no mood already. But when I look at the new shoes, and I think of the “ta keok” and blisters, hmm, then I kuai-kuai put plaster lor.. At least protect my feet first before kena “bitten” by the shoe..
Actually I don’t like to put plasters also, coz it makes my feet look ugly.. The plaster is brown in colour right, I always hated that colour, haha.. But now, plasters come in different size, colours and shapes.. Hello Kitty, Doraemon, they even have plain white ones. And now, they have transparents ones.. So I guess I am more willing to put on plasters now..
haha, then cham lor, all shoes if 打腳 you also don't want to wear anymore but to kuasa to your sister, what are you going to wear?? hahaha.. sometimes really have to 忍 for a few days until the shoes become "good" lah..
Deleteerr, what to do?? i think putting plasters is the best lah, protects that spot of your leg from being hurt again.. errr, no lah, where got use those type of brown plasters?? so ugly, you see, i also purposely bought those transparent ones, ugly also don't go too ugly mah, right?? :D
Sayang wor if buy already and just leave it like that. Lucky your sis can wear your shoes else will be wasted
DeleteNot so ugly la if put plaster. Just skin tone type also can mah. Wont notice much la . People usually look at you in front punya. Not many will scrutinised from back leh...ahem ahem...give me the creeps if someone scrutinise like that LOL
I like hello kitty plaster, keke..
DeleteI know a colleague who scrutinize people wearing shoes you know.. She is a female by the way.. According to her, you know what turns her off? One day she was sitting at this coffeehouse having a kopi and reading a paper, and observing people walking around her la.. Then there was this sexy tall girl next table, wearing a killer sexy 5-inch heels, fuyoh, like model, cantik.. Then mana tau…………..*BAM* Marks from 100 become 10 liao.. I quickly asked her what’s the issue.. She said this so-called model did not peel off the price sticker underneath her heels wor!
This is a turn-off for most people wor she said..
I don’t believe so I came back and ask some guy colleagues.. Surprisingly, they said the same thing wor.. They said if they see a lenglui with high heels, and then when she sits down and cross her legs, and then her shoes still got that price label, then they terus potong markah wor..
Disclaimer: The story above is just for sharing only. It may only apply to this female and (a few more male) colleagues in my office only.
Well, for me no hal la..With price sticker or not, I don’t have a problem with that.. Kam ngam I memang will peel off the sticker after I buy my shoes, coz I buy ciplak shoes only, so I paiseh if people see the price label la, keke..
yes, SK, the transparent ones are better and not too expensive too.
Deleteyalor, if like the shoes only buy mah, just wear one time and kuasa to other people like very wasted hor?? we are not celebrity, no need to have that "one pair of shoes only wear one time" policy mah..
Deleteoh, i totally agree with that lah.. no matter how sexy and beautiful you look, but if that price tag was still not removed from your pair of shoes, then that is really a turn off already.. just imagine.. if you put a drop of clean water into a glass of dirty water, it's still dirty.. but if you put a drop of dirty water into a glass of clean water, it will quickly become dirty~~
Wah, for the VERY first time, SK agrees with Ribbon Polka and agrees that ladies should peel off the price label underneath their shoes/heels before wearing it..
DeleteYou see, you dress up so nicely, with long permed hair, cute manja baby face, wear cute beach dress, and wear cute kitten heels.. Then you walk around the mall, all the handsome hunks (including SK) looking at you, then you sit down at a coffeehouse, you then raise and cross your legs, and then these hunks (including SK) see your heels still got price label wor !!! The label black black and “chan chan” somemore, like harm choy, wah... Gawd, markah from 100 become 10 already.. Maybe 10 also don’t have, terus jadi 1.5 !!
So now, we know 1 more thing about SK liao.. Please make sure you peel off your price label underneath your shoes/heels, ok?
But then, thinking twice, SK mentioned b4 not all guys like manja-face girls.. If you make manja-face at him, he might give you 1 tight slap until your cute hair clips also fly 250m away from you..
So if your heels still got price label, and you make manja-face at SK, your marks will still become 1.5, so no hope liao.. sorry..
Eh, by the way, you talk about shoes price label also you can associate with drops of dirty water ahh?
DeleteYou so intellectual la, I scared I cannot "catch up" with you la, what dirty drop of water and clean drop of water wor?
eih, no need to wait till the lady sit down and cross her leg lah.. even when she walks that time, already can see the price tag under the shoes lah.. very obvious one, the sole mostly black or dark color, and the price tag always white color one mah.. when they walk, they lift their feet, sure can see even from far one.. like that really turn off lah, no matter how sexy and pretty the lady is lor.. :D
Deleteerrr, you read again my clean and dirty water theory again lah, and think deeper.. then you will understand what i am saying lah~~
The good thing is for those shoes that hurts me wouldn't hurt my sisters!!! Since I given mine to them....then I got another excuse to buy another new one lo, hahaha~~~~
DeleteMe and sisters always share shoes, share bags, and share clothes one....so it would become wasted.......
We have to protect our feet, let brings up my favorite quote that I learn it from dramas "everyone should have a good pair of shoes, because this shoes will bring you to anywhere you want to go" (每个人都应该有一双好鞋,因为这双好鞋会带你到你要去的地方) as it's in mandarin, scared that I translate wrong so must add-on the chinese version as well!!!
Pengsan..hello kitten plaster of course people will look at your leh la. adui...i better not go your office there. You colleugues sound like very terror type leh.
Deletehaha, so good lah you can share everything with your sister.. but she untung a lot lah, all your 打腳 shoes kuasa to her, then she doesn't need to buy any lor.. or maybe it's better for her to go buy together with you, because eventually those shoes would be hers!! haha..
Deleteah, yes, i think a pair of good shoes is important because you go everywhere with it and it should make you feel comfortable and not tired.. and also no need to put on Hello Kitty plasters lah, hahaha!! :)
Good morning SK and everyone...
ReplyDeleteI bought a pair of shoe, wear durinig CNY last year and wore only once last year on the first day of CNY, after that i didn't wear, this year on the first day of CNY, i wore back that pair of shoe, and also kena like what you had...
DeleteI know I sound funny, but I don’t buy new shoes during CNY.. I mean, I don’t wear new shoes when I go bai-lin during CNY..I did it a few times, then I gave up and vowed I would not wear new shoes during bai-lin anymore..
DeleteI was wearing this new, striking, red high heels one fine CNY (I forgot when), and went to this house full of visitors. I carefully and tidily put my heels at one corner, then walked barefoot for like a few steps into the house. By that time, my feet already got many habuk coz I was stepping on the floor bare-footed to walk into the house (coz I wana protect my new heels and I put it quite faraway from the big stash of visitor’s shoes).
Ok, done bai-lin, and I came out to wear back my heels. Oh dear, I found my heels scattered among the stash of shoes, and I had to spend like 10 seconds looking for them. I found side, and the other side of the heels was sandwiched between 2 visitor’s shoes.. Sigh.
aiyoh, wear only once and then wear it again the next year.. sure kena one.. i think new shoes can only be "good" after you wear it for a few times..
Deletehahahaha!! so your sexy new striking red high heels ended up messing around with other ugly shoes!! so pathetic lah, you might as well wear them all the time lah.. somemore you feet were so dirty with dust after barefooted, really "joe taat" your new heels lor..
LOL...I thought u meant pantang buy shoes during CNY .
DeleteYes...like SK said ..have to wear a few times then baru the shoes will guai guai punya. Else if you wanna be faster then use hammer and softly hammer at the part that pinch your heels la.
One more trick if the from of the high heels pinch your toes, you can go to the clobber and ask him to insert the tool like fake feet punya. It will help to widen the front of the shoes. Then it wont be so bad.,
Lastime leh, very “hing” strappy heels one ma.. So you know la, we have to sit down and adjust the strap accordingly. Hou mafan jugak.. So after I found the other side of my heels, nevermind, I gotta carry it in my hands and find a (quiet) corner, bend down (ok, don’t think dirty) and adjust my straps.. Eh, hou mafan..
DeleteSo leh, for CNY now, actually not only for CNY, when I go to visit other people’s house, I don’t wear hard-to-wear shoes la.. Susah la, mau keluarkan, then walk bare-footed then the whole feet covered by dust and become black colour, then after visiting, have to wear back the shoes properly.. So, I think sandals or (cute) slippers work just fine for ladies.. Just slip in and go, senang kan?
yes... i think it was called Gladiators heels? I dont like coz some of the strap will pinch my toes.
DeleteJust wear norma sandals will do la. Easy peasy.
Gip me 5!
DeleteWait, gladiator heels? Apa name nie? Nama pun sudah mau kill orang dah..
DeleteSorry for my broken England, my England not good, but what is gladiator heels? Wait, I go Wikipedia now.. You wait me, hah..
Ok, done. I just Wikipedia-ed gladiator shoes..
DeleteNow I know liao.. You know, now still very “hing” gladiator heels.. I imagine how are you going to go to bai-lin with these killer shoes.. Nama pun sudah mau kill you without mercy.. Some gladiator shoes until your knee there ahh, how are you gonna adjust those straps until your knee, oh gawd, just kill me..
If go shopping or any places without having to take off your shoes, then ok la, I don’t mind this gladiator shoes la.. Hmm, looking at it twice, it’s quite fashionable geh.. I don’t mind owning a piece of this.. But definitely I won’t be wearing it if I want to go visiting lor.. Have to put in, take out, put in, take out.. Sien lor..
Agreed with Small Kucing, sandal is the best!
Deletewah, what gladiator shoes?? i also must go and google.. oh, i see, haha!! those type very leceh to take off and put on woh, probably you need to spend 10 minutes doing so.. :D
DeleteSK, gip me 5, I also cepat cepat googled gladiator shoes after Meow mentions it..
DeleteEh the gladiator shoes canggih oohh.. Up til the knee leh, did you see it? Strappy from the toes up to the knee.. Eh, maybe most ladies bloggers here wearing gladiator shoes leh.. Only me dunno what is gladiator shoes jek.. I wonder how to slip on the shoes coz it goes up til the knees…
By the way, who on earth invented this name ahh? Gladiator shoes wor.. Hear the name already scary leh.. Imagine a cute lenglui wearing gladiator shoes, macam tak match kan? What do you think of gladioator shoes? Do you like girls wearing gladoator shoes?
I wonder how come they didnt come up with names like Hamsap shoes, Murderer shoes, Cutie-pie shoes, Vainpot shoes, etc.. Of all the names, Gladiator shoes wor !!
I only have boots, heel and normal sport shoes...don't have so many different types one la....I've a very weird habit, I don't like to show my toes, so I always wear shoes...no sandal or slipper...
DeleteSome wanna fashionable mah. LOL...all sorts also wear la.
Deleteyou tarak see Anay post on climbing mountain leh. Wear high heels to climb snowy mountain also have leh. nuts or not?
aiyoh, ladies so many pattern i really have no idea lor.. i only know they are shoes, or maybe i know heels ah, boots ah.. like that only lor.. what wedge, gladiator, cutie-pie, vainpot.. cheh!! how do i know woh?? in my world, my shoes are only leather shoes (for work) or sports shoes (for leisure) and maybe sandals only~~ no need to know so many terms dei.. :D
Deletebut whatever shoes they are, i think must be appropriate to the activities or place you go lah.. how to climb mountains with heels?? and don't wear slippers to formal events also lah..
The best tip is to prevent it. Put the plaster and wear it for a number of days. When your new shoes got used to the wearing, you won't get the bite at all!
ReplyDeletesometimes I myself forgot and I got the bite from the shoes first. :)
Deleteyeah, we don't always expect that the shoes will bite, so when we realize that, it's always too late that our legs were badly hurt..
DeleteBuy really, really, really expensive shoes. LOL
ReplyDeleteerrr, who can guarantee that really, really, really expensive shoes won't bite?? sekali bought already still bite, then memang celaka lah, hahaha!! :D
DeleteSK have bad karma with shoes LOL
Deleteyalor, i think so.. maybe my past life is someone who bought a lot of shoes but never wear them.. so this life they bully me~~ :D
ReplyDelete真的要用口来咬啊??? 好像很奇怪勒。。。
Delete其實我每次都會咬的, 就不要想衛生不衛生喇, 腦裡想的就是要鞋子服服貼貼嘛, 呵呵!! :D
DeleteWhen i buy those covered shoes, i make sure behind the shoes are nit hard.. So far, there are two soft pairs that dint bite me... Very painful if keep walking with raw skin behind our legs...
ReplyDeleteoh, really need to examine the shoes carefully hor?? but then every time try the shoes also no problem, the problem only happens after we bought and when we are wearing them for the first few times..
ReplyDelete鬼知真係會打腳咩?? 通常都係腳痛先知道對鞋打腳, 不過為時已晚啦~~ 哈哈!!
DeleteHaha ....it just don't fit you la ...until you expand it after wearing a few days.
ReplyDeleteerrr, of course it fits me well before i decided to buy it home right?? yeah, i think have to tame them by wearing a few more times.. :D
DeleteOMG ! That really hurts ! I hate to wear new shoes too......because most of them 'bite' !
ReplyDeleteHahaha.....i never imagined u will go and punch the new shoes before wearing !
DeleteWhy don't you put on a pair of socks ? Will that be better ? At least socks can protect your legs from being hurt. Those blisters really hurt especially bathing time.
Deletehaha, yeah, i was taught to bite and punch the shoes before wearing them, haha!! and i usually wear socks but then that shoes doesn't look good if i wear socks, i wanted to go buy those socks that will not be seen when i wear it with this shoes already.. but i don't know whether they have for guys?? haha~~
DeleteHehe, I heard the punch the shoes trick before.. Feel so funny la, who is the one who think of this? I mean logically thinking, punching a shoes before wearing sure will not make it more 'friendly' to us right? Shoes is a dead thing ma! Hehe...
DeleteBut that's human being la, when we heard of a method, we will somehow give it a try, though it might sound ridiculous.........
actually i googled online also, the punch thing or hammering trick right, is meant to soften the shoes especially the leather type, so that when it is not so stiff then it will hurt less lor.. and i supposed the biting also same theory lah, haha!!
DeleteOh, poor thing! You know for a while I thought you were showing off your belly button and the shoe part was your pants. Oops! haha..
ReplyDeleteYou know, come to think of it, I don't remember having such a shoe problem I think mainly because I'm rather careful or maybe fussy when choosing shoes. I'd normally wear them firstly to see whether they look nice on my feet, then for fit, then for comfort to see that there is no pricking anywhere or any part (the stitching or joints) that is irritating to the touch, that sort of thing, so I minimise or perhaps eliminate any discomfort of cut from wearing new shoes. And you're right, the plaster is a friend.
Psst.. I do give the shoes a few small bites before I wear them though. :O
Tip: Never, ever buy shoes that are too small. Your feet will never shrink to fit the shoes.
hahaha, you are so imaginative Happy!! i really can't see that's my belly button, from any angle at all, hahaha!! you really cracked me up..
Deletehmmm, good that you don't have such a problem with your shoes, you are lucky!! and perhaps that was because you bite them every time before wearing?? haha.. hmmm, seems like this rather not scientific method works well for you.. haha!! yeah, i always buy shoes that are slightly bigger, will never buy one that is smaller or fits just right..
Good afternoon SK and everyone! My laptop survived miraculously! Haha xD May be you are right la SK, there're still water inside the laptop when I tried to on it so that's why it has no response.
ReplyDeleteBut I immediately flip the laptop over when I saw that pile of water!
Anyway, whatever it is, guess my laptop also 不舍得 me, so he decided to come back to accompany me, hehehe ;)
But it was really a lucky case! Also, I don't store my data and photos in the laptop, otherwise, sure cry die me!
Hey, this issue also happens to me, I mean the shoes cut thing... I don't have problems with heels but with those flat ballerina pumps really will cut my leg!
DeleteThe 'tales' you mentioned, I've heard all of them, but seriously they are just not working right?? Hmm, I also wonder who has a real effective way to get rid of this kinda problem!
But speaking bout that, I once read an article, can use don't know white wine to rub the shoes edge and it won't hurt already, but then again, I cannot tell if it's working or not..... Haven't try before...
The easiest way is to put a plaster like what you did la, though it might be a little not good looking, and also need to change the plaster...... ;P
But if the plaster can solve the problem temporarily, then no harm trying la right? 最多 go to buy the cute cute plasters lo, then not so ugly already, hehehe :p
DeleteI guess wearing new shoes like this sure will happen la! That's why sometimes I feel so excited and yet a bit worried at the same time when I buy a new pair of shoes..... Excited cause cannot wait to try it on! Worried because it might hurt the leg =_=
Anyway, it's quite hard to find a really comfortable pair of shoes, which is comfy at every corner. Sometimes, the shoes fit nicely at the toes part, but not the back, and vice versa.
DeleteAnd even if it's branded, also cannot guarantee its comfy-ness, cause all of us have different feet size and shape, agree?
yalah, once kena water better don't switch it off immediately because that might burn the electronic circuit inside.. wait for one day later and allow the water to go baru open lah.. especially to those handphones that drop into toilet, haha!!
Deletei dunno lah, recently like EVERY single pair of shoes also kena one, so i very scared lor.. i really go and bite and punch them, hoping that they don't bite me, but then still not working lah.. oh, white wine ah?? you mean those gwai low white wine, or the chinese rice wine?? i think they soften the shoes a bit so they won't bite?? aiyah, really 1001 ways to prevent that hor?? but i think plaster still the best lah, because it directly build up a protective layer on your leg mah.. and no way for me to put on cute cute plaster lah, 大男人用卡通膠布咩??!! hahahaha, see i just bought the transparent one..
yalor, nowadays shoes already very expensive, if want nice and really comfortable ones that won't bite you, i think can cost us a bomb lah.. like that i 不捨得 lor, rather buy more plasters to stick, haha!!
Good to have you back Hayley!!! Next time must do double backup...like my school project last time I must have at lears 3-5 backup....very scared mah, hehe!!!
Deleteyeah, it's good to backup your important files into somewhere lah.. like i did a small program to backup my selected files into my thumb drive, just need to double click anytime i like and the files are backed-up, and occasionally i also backup to Google drive lah.. BTW, i also export my blog and backup lor, you know lah, blogged for so many years, spent so much time and effort woh.. :p
DeleteBought a new shoe for my daughter just before CNY and it "bite" her feet too :(
ReplyDeleteIf this is to happen to my girl, I will either let her wear socks or throw that pair of shoes away.
DeleteOne word - Ouch!!!
ReplyDeleteShoes that cause your foot to be hurt and paint is not a pair of good shoes la! I buy shoes, I buy those comfortable one only, such as Scholl or Hush Puppies. I am very scared to cause pain on my feet. If my feet are painful, I can't do any running anymore.