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2014.02.25 | 有屁就放
[Volume 9 Issue 2, #1864] |
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我搭輕快鐵嘅時侯, 通常都唔會要坐, 除非車廂真係冇乜人, 因為...坐坐下突然要起身讓位俾更有需要人士, 個感覺唔係幾「盡興」, 如果你明我意思嘅話, 我寧願唔坐.. 所以車廂內有呢一處空間係我好喜歡攝入去嘅, 因為...呢個位夠晒獨立唔會俾人逼入車廂深處, 又有塊玻璃俾你靠唔駛企得咁攰, 而且就喺正車門隔離出入都不費功夫.. 當我話我喜歡呢個位時, 我亦要懺悔有時做咗啲壞事.. 你實八卦想知咩事啦.. 試下想像, 坐喺呢個位旁邊嘅乘客, 佢個鼻就啱啱同我個籮同一水平缐.. 有時咁啱我腸胃內的乳酸益菌太過勤奮, 製造大量氣體我都束手無策.. 見到位乘客第一時間用手蓋往個鼻, 一副委屈非常的樣子似係想揪出原兇但又苦無對證, 我都深感內疚㗎.. 呵呵, 真係好對唔住, 我只可裝作若無其事, 查實我暗笑之余, 都真係由衷感到慚愧㗎!! 不過放屁又的確係我控制不了, 係好自然一件事嘛~~ :D |
when i commute in LRT, i don't usually sit unless the train is really empty, because...it would be a bit "unshyiok" when I later got to offer my seat to people more in need, if you get what i mean, so i'd rather not take any seat at all.. so there is this spot i rather love to squeeze in because...it is rather a secluded place where you don't get to be forced in deep into the train if it's packed, you got something to lean on so you don't get tired, and it's just next to the door so exiting the train is effortless.. while i admit i love this spot, i must confess i sometimes committed sin too!! and you are trying to gossip what.. imagine the person sitting next to this spot, his or her nose is probably at the same level as my "hump".. and so there are times that the bifido-bacteria (i consumed in my daily yoghurt diet) in my stomach perspire too much and i couldn't help.. i really felt guilty when i see the poor passenger covers his or her nose immediately, the innocent face trying to find out the source of the stinky smell yet has no proof to do anything!! haha, sorry but i just have to pretend nothing happened, though i may want to laugh i still feel guilty for doing so!! but one cannot control farting, it's something very natural right?? :D |
2014.02.21 | 一日三餐
2014.02.19 | 連鎖電郵
2014.02.17 | 我博風格
2014.02.14 | 快樂叮噹
[Volume 9 Issue 2, #1860] | |
多啦A夢攻陷吉隆坡, 大家梗係覺得奇怪, 點解咁喜歡佢嘅我遲遲都未有行動?? 一大盛事, 我又豈能錯過?? 其實係等個好時機啫, 十二月學校假期就當然唔駛諗啦, 一月假期連連當然儘量迴避.. 直到年初七嗰日, 學生要返學, 好多人都已經開工, 繼續放假嘅我終於都同幾位朋友去一齊面聖喇, 呵呵!! 因為之前有過一次不甚愉快嘅經歷, 所以呢一次唔係有好高期望, 因為期望放低, 所以最後才能盡興而歸!! 本人覺得呢一次俾RM25係值得嘅, 唔似得上次咁, 又貴/又多人/又冇嘢睇/又限時間, 呢一次完全自由, 都好多嘢睇呀.. 所以我哋足足喺入面逗留四個小時, 合共影咗成千張相, 呵呵!! 唯一要怨嘅係, 商品不甚吸引, 而且超級貴!! 不過一心去探多啦A夢, 同佢影相, 我已是個很開心的小朋友喇(估下我今年貴庚?? 哈哈!!).. 希望以下啲傻瓜相片, 能夠令到大家都開心啦, 祝各位元宵節快樂, 情人節快樂, 週末愉快!! :) | |
doraemon is in town, and you may wonder why i, the fans, have not visited him yet?? it's one big and important event of Doraemon, how would i have missed it right?? i was actually waiting for the right timing, it was school holidays in december so didn't even think about it, there were lots of holidays in january so better avoid.. until the 7th day of CNY, students gone back to school and many has started working, while i was still on holiday i finally went there to "worship" the cat with a few friends, hehe!! because of that quite disappointing experience i had before, i didn't want to have too high an expectation this time, and maybe because of the lower expectation, it ended a very nice one!! i think the RM25 paid for was worth, unlike the last round which was more expensive/ more crowded/ less things to see/ time limited, this time we were free to roam within the venue, and there were more things to see.. hence we stayed in there for 4 hours, and collectively took almost 1000 photos, haha!! the only thing to complain was that the merchandise were not interesting enough yet very expensive!! anyway, i was there to pay Doraemon a visit, took photos with him and i was a happy kid (guess how old i am?? haha!!).. i hope the silly photos below will also make you feel happy, Merry Chap Goh Meh, Happy Valentines' Day and have a great weekend ahead!! :) | |
點擊圖片觀賞相片 | Click image to view photos ![]() 多啦A夢秘密道具展覽 @ KL 100 DORAEMON SECRET GADGETS EXPO @ KL |
2014.02.12 | 新鞋創傷
[Volume 9 Issue 2, #1859] |
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之前(因為農曆新年意思意思)買咗嘅嗰一對新鞋, 我都冇拎出嚟著, 反而係拎咗一對舊年喺東京買嘅「新」鞋嚟著.. 著慣咗一對鞋, 冇咩事我都唔會換對新鞋著, 因為每次著親新鞋, 就一定賴嘢!! 大家睇下, 我一著呢對新鞋, 行都冇幾步路, 兩隻腳就搞成咁喇!! 聽啲前輩講, 一對鞋如果擺喺檯上, 就一定會打腳, 不過去買鞋俾錢嘅時候, 一定係擺喺counter個檯啦, 避免不過喎.. 又聽人話, 新鞋未著之前, 咬一咬鞋頭, 再用拳頭揼一揼佢, 咁就唔會打腳.. 我都有照作, 不過完全冇效, 每次都係兩隻腳呢一個位磨到損晒, 仲會流血添!! 但係我知再著多幾日之後, 佢就會冇事, 所以忍住痛我都唔放棄, 唯有自己貼膠布繼續著住對鞋.. 嗯, 請問各位有咩好方法可以防止新鞋打腳呢?? 感激不盡呀~~ :) |
i bought a pair of new shoes earlier for CNY but didn't wear it at all, instead i took out the other pair of "new" shoes i bought from Tokyo last year to wear during CNY.. getting used to a pair of shoes, i rarely want to change to a new pair of shoes, because whenever i wear new shoes, my legs are surely going to get hurt!! look at the photo above, i was wearing this pair of shoes the other day, and just after a few steps of walking, my legs ended up like this!! i heard the elderly said, if shoes are placed on tables, they are going to hurt our legs, but when we pay for the shoes, they are surely to be placed on the counter table, it's unavoidable.. i also heard, before wearing your new shoes, bite them on the front and then punch them with your fist, then they will become "good" and not hurt you.. i always do that, but doesn't seem to work at all, instead every time my legs hurt at these spots, the friction cuts and sometimes makes the wound bleed.. but i know i have to keep on wearing for few more days and the shoes will become "good", hence i have to take up the pain, put on plasters and continue wearing them.. hmmm, anyone with good and clever ways to prevent new shoes from hurting our legs?? appreciate that~~ :) |
2014.02.10 | 豪開支票
2014.02.07 | 再度重遇
2014.02.05 | 一月金榜
[Volume 9 Issue 2, #1856] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
恭喜發財!!! 甲午年第一篇post, 新年期間第一篇post, 二月第一篇post, 為大家帶來今年第一個留言金榜!! 嘩, 好多個第一, 好似好重大意義噃, 其實咪又係大家見慣見熟嘅爛鬼金榜一樣??!! 哈哈.. 好喇, 廢話少說, 大家細細研究一月金榜, 呢個月有個來勢洶洶嘅全新冠軍人馬, 好犀利呀~~ 恭喜所有榜上題名嘅朋友, 多謝各位嘅鼎力支持, 你們都是最好的!! :) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GONG XI FA CAI!!! the first post of the new lunar year, the first post during the chinese new year, the first post of february, i am bringing you the first comment charts for the year!! wow, so many first's and it sounded like so prominent, but actually it's just nothing more than that crappy little chart you have always been seeing!! haha.. okay let talk no more nonsense but examine the comment chart for january, we have a very bionic brand new champion who rocketed right up to top the chart, awesome~~ congratulations to all who made it to the chart, thank you for the support from everyone, you are all the best!! :) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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